A Billion Broken Pieces (Incongruity Series Book 2)

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A Billion Broken Pieces (Incongruity Series Book 2) Page 17

by Thandiwe Mpofu

  A knock comes through from my door, I don’t look up.

  “Whatever it is, it will have to wait until I come back in two hours.” I state.

  “Sir, I don’t think we even have two hours.”

  I look up to see the solemn look on Tom’s face as he stands there with Peter by his side. They both look tense and I know, Peter always looks like he is constipated but right now, it’s not good.

  “Why don’t we have two hours?” I demand.

  “Sir, you’ll have to come and see this for yourself.” Peter speaks up after he looks at Tom.

  “Can it wait? I need to get to Chloe.” I inform, already moving.

  Each second that I’m not with her, I feel my blood pumping over time, sensing the doom in the air that has been present since we woke up.

  “I’m afraid this can’t wait. It also has everything to do with Miss. Smith.”

  Chapter 25


  I’M UNAWARE OF THE fact that we are in the middle of a busy street, during lunch hour no less. The busiest time in New York City might I add, but I have no recollection of that.

  I’m unaware of the stank eyes people are sending our way or the way several people have to walk around us just to pass by.

  All I’m aware of, conscious of, is the pounding of my heart and the buzzing in my ears. I knew this day was going to be shitty. And it’s not just about the gala.

  “Answer me Chloe.” Sam demands, but this time quietly, yet her voice carries over the excessive pounding of the organ inside my rib cage.

  “I . . .” I start but quickly snap my mouth shut.

  I mean, how do you respond when the truth of your lies comes knocking on your door demanding that you take full responsibility of your actions. That you account for each of them and own up to them.

  “Oh my God.” Sam gasps. “You really are after that sick asshole.” She states, seeing the truth in my eyes.

  But what can I say? I sure as hell will not disagree with her assessment. I am desperately after the person who murdered my parents, and I really don’t care who exactly it is, so long as I bring them to face the sound of their music.

  “You don’t understand, Sam. This is much bigger than me. This is something I have to do.” I start to explain.

  “Something you have to do? Chloe, are you not aware of the dangers surrounding you?” Sam questions, her voice filled with horror, her beautiful face tightened with confusion.

  I think that image of her is now firmly etched behind my eyelids.

  “Excuse me, ladies.”

  I look to my left and there stands Max. His full military background in full effect. He looks intimidating and scary, his eyes hidden by his aviators.

  “Ladies, I’m going to need you to come with me. It’s not safe to be on the open street like this.” Max informs, his voice deep, stern but his stance is alert, as if he senses some kind of danger that I can’t identify.

  “Excuse me but who are you? We don’t need your assistance!” Sam huffs, turning her whole petite body to look at him, no doubt searing him with her heated gaze.

  “Ma’am, please. I’m here to help.” Max explains.

  “We don’t need your help!” Feisty Sam says but I catch her checking Max out from the corner of her eye. Typical Sam.

  “Miss. Smith, I mean Chloe, you are too exposed here. And you wouldn’t want to be late for tonight, now would you.” He says quietly looking in my direction.

  Tonight. The damn gala and all the stuff I have to do. How could I not want to be late?

  “Of course not.” I concede, half heartedly.

  “Wait a minute, you know this guy?” Sam demands.

  Just another kind of lie that I kept from her, but now it’s simpler, there is no need to lie about that anymore.

  “Yes, this is Max. Gideon’s friend.” I introduce. “Max, this is my best friend, if she will still have me, Sam.” But I know damn well that Max knows every single detail about my friend. She just doesn’t know it.

  “A friend huh. So, the devil of Business has his friends acting like security? What an entitled ass!” She declares with disgust. I guess I knew she wasn’t going to be fond of Gideon.

  “And you, we have to talk about that Gideon guy anyway.” She demands, making me look at her.

  “Let’s go then, we don’t have much time.” I say to her, grabbing her arm and walking ahead of the rigid Max, towards the waiting car.

  “I didn’t say yes.” She complains, half heartedly.

  “Listen Sam.” I stop so I can look at her, “I want to explain everything. From beginning to this very moment. And I’m so, so very sorry for lying to you and withholding important parts of myself from you. But tonight.” I take a deep sigh, “tonight I need you.” I confess, my words coming out in a broken whisper.

  We stare at each other, and this time, I don’t do anything to wipe the tears I feel falling on my cheeks.

  I’m messed up. I’m a mess inside and out but I don’t care because I want my best friend to see.

  Only one other person has seen me and knows the depths of me intimately, but he sees me.

  Now, I just want my friend, my sister to see. To see and know.

  “Okay.” She admits, finally.

  “Well, that answer only took a few light years.” I sigh, smiling despite myself.

  “Not so fast, sis. Only on one condition.” She states seriously, making me pause.

  “Depends on what it is though?” I say, wincing. I know as part of personal experience that Sam’s conditions are not what one would aspire to.

  “Oh, don’t look so affronted. The condition is, we go shopping for dresses like right now, and while we do so, you tell me everything about that hunk of a man over there.” She whispers, loudly.

  I have no doubt that Max heard each word she said. Lord, I missed my friend.

  “Is he single?”

  And I know this is going to be hella interesting as we get into the car, off to shopping for whatever fashionista Sam deems worthy.

  “WELL DAMN.” SAM WHISTLES after I explain everything that has happened since the day my parents were murdered. I try to keep it clean, not drawing any sympathy from her. I don’t want it.

  “Yeah, now you know.” I say quietly, looking at her through the mirror as she pins up my hair in her desired style that she says, make me look like a goddess.

  “But, how could your parents be murdered out of nowhere? Were they working for Demetri in one capacity or the other?” She questions.

  “No. Not as far as I searched and believe me, that was the first thing I did when I started working for that asshole. I looked at every log of employees that he has. And believe me, it’s extensive.” I explain.

  “Okay, so maybe they were at the wrong place at the wrong time?” She wonders out loud. Honestly, I have thought about that fact as well but, quickly dismissed it.

  “I distinctly remember the men mentioning both my parents names. Demetri knew them one way or the other.” I inform, my mind lapsing back to that time, to that night were my life was snatched from it’s cradle.

  “Damn. And what about your Grandfather?”

  “That man is not my Grandfather!” I rush out, defensively.

  No way is that old drunk the father of my sweet mother. And I won’t ever forget the way he spoke about my father as if describing a pest.

  “Whoa, whoa. It’s okay. You don’t have to claim him.” She rushes out, finishing with my hair.

  “I’m sorry, it’s just that, I’m still confused and lost about all of this, and now I have to do this damn thing.” I explain with no short of annoyance.

  I would rather be in Pjs than be in a fancy dress, going to an event that I have no business going to but I have no choice in the matter. I need all of this over with now.

  “You know, Charles is friends with old Alexander. I remember there were rumors about him way before I was born. Something about trouble within his family. Around the time his wife passed
on.” Sam explains, her gaze seeming far away.

  “What?” I gasp out. “His wife passed on?” I question her.

  “Yes, it was sad. I’m not so sure what happened but Alexander Hamilton was very depressed for a long time, the media talked about it a ton.” She informs.

  I didn’t know all this. I mean, I wanted to do more research but there has been a lot on my plate that I haven’t grasped everything fully.

  “I wasn’t aware of this.” I tell her quietly.

  “How could you know? This is too much of a cluster fuck as it is.” She nods sympathetically.

  “Well, whatever, enough of that. It’s time for the dress to rock that billionaire’s socks off.” She gleefully announces.

  I can’t help but blush at the mention of Gideon in anyway that he is mentioned. We spent over two hours or more just talking about Gideon and how he is. Sam was busy trying to analyze every single detail about the poor man.

  I wouldn’t be surprised if in her head she is seeing forever between Gideon and I. As for me? I don’t want to look past this moment.

  One step at a time. That’s what we promised each other the night my life changed. Changed to shit.

  “Oh, my word. You are so in love with this guy.” She declares, looking at me with scrutiny.

  I feel my heart beat slow down. I can’t be in love with Gideon. Simply because a man like that will just break your heart. In every way possible.

  No way.

  “I’m not in love with him, Sam. Don’t be ridiculous.” I say, dismissing the subject.

  “Yeah, yeah, he is just helping you take down Demetri because he also has his own axe to grind with that bastard.” She says skeptically.

  “Sam, drop it please.” I say as I feel the vibration of an unfamiliar, yet familiar phone.

  Shit. Is it who I think it is?

  “Hey, don’t just stand there! Get the dress, we have to go.” I say as I stand up, shooing her out of her own room.

  We are at Sam’s place, getting ready for the gala. I texted Gideon where we are but he never replied. I want to call him, to tell him all about the man that came to my office the other day. The man that has been blackmailing me, dangling my parent’s death in my face.

  I rush toward my purse and snatch the phone. I’m going to tell him off and as soon as I’m done, I’m going to call Gideon. He’ll know what to do.

  “I don’t want anything to do with you anymore. I’m not going to be your puppet anymore!” I firmly state as soon as I answer the phone.

  “Oh, my dear, that’s no way to speak to the man who holds your life and the lives of your dear friends in his hands.” Comes an ominous voice, making the hairs at the back of my neck stand up on end.

  “Listen here, I don’t know what game you are playing here but I’m done with you.” I say as I search my purse for my phone so I can try calling Gideon again.

  “You know, I knew this would happen. I knew you would try and get out of our delicate contract. So, I took matters into my own hands.” I tense,

  “Are you listening Miss, Smith?” He questions, his voice dripping with sinister intent. “Your friend has a pretty nice duplex you know. It would be a shame to smear it with guts and blood. Too bad your security won’t be able to save both of you.”

  Oh my God. He is here.

  I literally stop breathing. Sam . . .

  “Yes, well, not me though. But I have two, highly paid and highly trained sharp shooters to take you and the good doctor out if you refuse to do exactly as I say.”

  Chapter 26


  It’s showtime.

  Chapter 27



  There is no other way to describe how I feel at the moment, I can’t change it, I can’t manipulate it and honestly, it’s best that I stay in this frame of mind before I do irreparable damage that will condemn me to hell.

  “You had this man right in your grasp and you let him slip? You let him get to her?” I seethe. My voice is low, every single one of my men in the room knows that I can do anything in this moment.

  Max knows this, and I see Tom looking around the warehouse, hoping that Max can just step in at any moment. Most likely to cool me off. But not today, not with this information.

  Fuck no.

  “We didn’t know sir. And Chloe. . . I mean Miss. Smith told us that she was going to inform you directly.” Fred explains, correcting himself when he addresses Chloe by her first name, as if they are on familiar basis.

  I won’t tolerate it. I know rationally, they are always with her so they talk to her, but I don’t want to hear that.

  “Listen here asshole.” I demand, as I walk closer to the idiot that we captured a few days ago, waiting for Chloe at her apartment. Lying in wait to grab her and do God knows what to her.

  “I don’t have time for your shit today. Look at this damn picture and tell me who exactly that is.” I grit out. There is too much violence churning around in me and I know, it takes something really small to set me off.

  Right now, I’m trying to keep it together because I have to go to the stupid gala. And I need to be with Chloe right now, maybe she can quieten the violence within me, but I’ll be damned, I’m also angry, beyond livid at her.

  “Look at it!” I gesture to the printed surveillance picture taken from the Demetri security hub from just a few days ago.

  “That’s not the man you should be focusing on.” He groggily says, intoxicated by the pain that Peter has no doubt been inflicting on him for the past few days.

  “That’s not my question.” I say and drop the damn picture, walking over to the table in the corner. I pick up my object of choice, going for the chainsaw.

  I turn it over and get the motor going.

  I watch as my men tense up but they don’t make a sound, nor do they move. It’s been a long, long time since I did this, since I used the chain saw, but today, I don’t have any mercy within me.

  “Let me help you understand the question.” I inform him as I walk closer to where he is strung up by his arms, dangling from the ceiling like a sack of potatoes.

  “It’s Caleb Lorenzo!” He blurts out as soon as he notices the chain saw, and registers that the machine will cut him up into millions of unrecognizable flesh chunks.

  “It’s Caleb Lorenzo, the son of the MIAMI syndicate crime Lord, Giovanni Lorenzo!”

  I pause, looking at him wondering if he is lying, but I see no lies in his eyes. I only detect fear. Fear of death.

  “And what does this Caleb want?” I demand.

  “Please, you have to promise to let me go if I tell you this. I beg you, I have five children to feed back in Columbia and I came to America to . . .”

  “Just answer my question and stop wasting my time!” I say quietly, impatiently.

  “He came here to try and take down Demetri. Well, that’s what he told his father but his father didn’t believe him you see. Because you know, Senior Lorenzo doesn’t trust that boy, says his head is full of air, so he sent us with him to act as helpers but we were really spying on him for his father.” He rushes to explain and I bring the chainsaw to life again.

  “Okay, okay. Rumor has it that he knows something that can take down his father. And wanted the girl’s help in doing it so that’s why he sent us to get her.” He explains in one breath, eyeing the menacing machine, churning with violence.

  “And. . .?” I prompt him to finish, that can’t be all of it.

  “What the stupid boy doesn’t know is, his father already knows his plans by now. I wouldn’t be surprised if Senior Lorenzo is already here in New York. At this gala, I presume.”

  Shit. All of this is a huge problem, a problem that I was too occupied to notice. I’ve been too focused on Chloe to not see the lies that were in her eyes. Or the danger she is in.

  “Sir, Max wants to talk to you. He says it’s urgent.” Tom’s voice comes from my left, jarring me out of my thoughts.

switch off the chain saw, looks like someone is safe, for now. I hand over the machine to Peter and take the phone and press it to my ear.

  “Not now, Max. I don’t have time for any of this shit. Caleb Lorenzo is in town and has been blackmailing Chloe!” I inform him tersely.

  “Yeah well that explains it then.” He says, his voice raising a round of alarms in my head.

  “Where is she?” I demand quickly

  “Gone, Gideon. She is gone.”

  “WHERE DID SHE GO?” I demand as soon as I see Max.

  “Dude, calm down. I have her friend in the car and she doesn’t look worried. She said that Chloe left because she had some last minute trimmings that needed to be fixed for the gala.” Max explains as I try and fail to knot the stupid bow tie.

  “That doesn’t make any sense.” I think out loud.

  “Yes, which is why I called you. If she needed to take care of something, she would have asked to be driven there. And why sneak off from the back?” He questions, pacing the length of the large walk in closet.

  “Unless she is being blackmailed.” I inform him with a heavy, frustrated sigh.

  “Well, now we know that. But what can that douchebag have over Chloe? I refuse to believe that Chloe can be blackmailed by anyone, even you.”

  I don’t believe that notion either. Unless the person that is trying to use her has something that she deems as valuable. But what can be so valuable to Chloe that she will side with the devil, A devil she doesn’t know.

  “It gets worse. His daddy is believed to be in town as well.” I inform him.

  “Dude no way!” Max complains. “We have them boys from the Bureau on our ass. We got shady as hell Demetri to look out for, God knows what he’s planning over there. And now the damn syndicate? I need a long vacation man.” He says as he runs a frustrated hand over his face.


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