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by Quinn, Ella

  Yet, he couldn’t help but wonder how soft the rest of Anna would be. How silky her skin and hair. How would her lips and mouth taste when they kissed. His member hardened, and he ruthlessly shoved down his desire to satisfy his curiosity. That was all it was. A man’s desire for a woman. He had never had a regular mistress and did not think it right to have relations with any of the women in his parish, nor would he go to a brothel. His desire was nothing more than not having lain with a woman for a while.

  “Quartus, is something wrong? You look as if you are in pain? Do your boots pinch?”

  Caught. At least she had thought of his boots and not other body parts. Although, no well-bred lady would have mentioned those, even if she had thought about them. “Not at all and boots from Hoby had best not pinch. Not for the price he charges.”

  They were visiting the cells of the many prisoners kept in the Tower. “Look at this writing. That is Latin, is it not? Can you read it?”

  “Of course,” Quartus said before reading it out loud.

  “The more affliction we endure for Christ in this world, the more glory we shall get with Christ in the world to come.”

  “It was done by Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel in 1587. I wonder how far back they go?”

  She turned to a page in her guidebook, and her brow puckered with annoyance. “It does not say.”

  His stomach made itself known. It must be close to luncheon. “I should probably take you home.”

  “Yes.” Anna made a noise that sounded like a sigh. “I suppose it is time. It is my ‘at home’ day.”

  He remembered his sister-in-law’s ‘at home.’ There had been a constant stream of ladies and some gentlemen all afternoon. “I do not envy you that. Even my brother heads for his club when Meg has her ‘at homes.’”

  “There are times when I wish I could escape as well. At least there were. After having met Meg and Hawksworth’s friends, I no longer dread them quite as much.”

  Anna still clung to his arm as they made their way out of the gate and to the pavement beyond. Once more, his body began to express a less than innocent interest in her. She could not possibly know what she was doing to him. He had to get her home and fast. The other option was to find a secluded place in the Park where he could kiss her if nothing more.

  Quartus called to the boy holding the horses. He arrived at Anna’s house faster than he ever had before. It hadn’t helped that her leg kept touching his thigh all the way to Grosvenor Square. He helped her down and walked her to the door. “Thank you for an excellent excursion.”

  “Thank you as well. Do you have any ideas about what you would like to do tomorrow? Richmond perhaps?”

  Richmond was out of the question. She would never come back untouched. “Unfortunately, I am still helping the other person which will not give us time to travel to Richmond and return before your afternoon visits.”

  “In that case, I shall ask my guest this afternoon where they would suggest and let you know in the morning.”

  He kissed the gloved hand she held out to him. His lips seemed to burn through the kid leather. If only he could touch her bare skin to bare skin. “Until tomorrow.”

  Quartus drove off, doing his best not to look back at Anna. If only she was not a duchess. If only he was a peer or heir to one, or if one of his mother’s elderly relatives had made him their heir. But none of that had happened. And the fact remained that she needed a man who could offer her more.

  When he reached his brother’s house, he was directed to the breakfast room where his brother, Meg, her grandmother, the duchess, and Lady Sarah were partaking of luncheon. Quartus took the empty chair next to Meg. “How is it going?”

  “Very well. We have decided to have a weeklong house party.”

  He had been reaching for a platter of ham that was positioned within arm’s reach when a footman beat him too it and held the plate for him to make his selection. “But you said your estate was not ready yet.”

  “It is not. It is also too far from Town. Caro Huntley has offered to host the party. The Huntley’s estate is too far for a day trip, but not so far that it makes it difficult during the Season.”

  “I think it is a brilliant idea.” Sarah smiled broadly. “I have already written to Jeremy. He will be able to obtain our special license on his way from Plymouth to Suffolk.”

  He cut into the ham. “When do we leave?”

  “In a week,” Sarah answered. “I cannot wait.”

  Chapter 7

  Anna had fumed quietly to herself as she’d watched Quartus drive off. Was the man made of stone? Any other gentleman would be trying to find a place to kiss her if not more. Markville, she was sure, would actively attempt to compromise her. Perhaps Quartus was not as interested in her as she was in him. Yet—yet his eyes softened when he gazed down at her. He laughed at her jokes, and his already hard body tightened when she’d purposefully brushed against him. Pantaloons did not hide much at all.

  If she did anything more, he’d think she was a fallen woman. And in a way she was. Neither she nor the man she had been betrothed to thought he would die two days before the wedding. She would have to confess her lack of maidenhead to whomever she married, and she would much prefer to make that confession to Quartus than to someone like Lord Markville.

  Surely there was a way she could find out how he felt about her, short of asking, naturally. Hmm, this might take a bit of thought.

  Later that afternoon, the butler announced Caro Huntley, one of the friends she had met through Meg. Anna took in who was in the drawing room and found, for a change, there were only those considered friends. “Caro, thank you for coming.”

  Anna motioned for the newcomer to sit next to her as she poured tea.

  “How could I not.” Caro sank gracefully onto the sofa. “I know what it is like to have to sit here for hours. Aside from that”—she lowered her voice so that only Anna could here—“I wish to invite you to a small house party I am having in about a week.”

  Anna glanced at her aunt. “In the middle of the Season?”

  “I know it is not the usual thing to do.” Caro grinned ruefully. “But Huntley must attend to some business at our estate, and I do not wish for him to go alone. So, I decided to have a party. It will only last a week, then we’ll all be back in Town.”

  Aunt Tatiana would not approve, but it might do Anna good to have a break from the Season. There was only one problem. “I would hate to leave my father alone with only my aunt for company. Although they do try to get along, they are like chalk and cheese.”

  “Bring him. With parliament in session, I have a feeling we will have more ladies than gentlemen. He can help make up the numbers.”

  That was perfect. Anna was certain her father would enjoy the house party as well. “Thank you. I would love to attend.”

  “Is there anyone else you would like to have invited?”

  Anna thought about Quartus, but decided to leave the possibility of his attendance up to chance. “No one. I shall look forward to a holiday from the Season.”

  “Wonderful.” Caro smiled brightly. “I’ll send round an invitation with the directions. I know I call it a rambling old pile, but it does have its charm, and the countryside is beautiful.”

  “If there is any fishing to be had, my father will be a happy man. He has told us story after story of fishing from a lake or stream.”

  “I am glad we will be able to accommodate him. Huntley says the fishing is excellent. I can attest to the quality and quantity that is brought to the cook.”

  Anna was happily contemplating the party, and the conversation turned to fashions and the speed with which the Royal dukes were attempting to fill the void left by Princess Charlotte’s death last year.

  “The difficulty they appear to have is siring legitimate children,” Lady Fotherby said. “Although, I would not normally mention that to an unmarried lady, you are a duchess.”

  It was just as well she was privy to this sort of talk. Marri
ed or not, in her position she would need to know what was going on.

  Mrs. Darling, the daughter of an earl who was married to a member of the parliament, set down her cup. “My husband asked me the other day if you had chosen a successor for one of your members of parliament who has taken a royal sinecure.”

  “I have heard nothing about it.” Anna glanced at Lady Tatiana. “Aunt?”

  “The by-election will not take place until June. There is plenty of time to discuss it.”

  “Naturally,” Mrs. Darling said. “If you marry soon, your husband will make the selection.”

  The devil he would. Anna fought to keep a pleasant mien. That was the precise reason Anna was resolved not to marry a peer or any man who tried to take control of her duties. She was the duchess, and she would run her duchy. Taking a sip of her now tepid tea, she hid her frown. It might be time to take a more direct approach with Lord Quartus.

  That evening when her party entered Lady Merton’s ballroom, Anna had still not told her aunt about the house party. The only reason she could think of as to why she had not was that she didn’t wish to listen to the older woman natter incessantly about the propriety of Anna attending a house party without a companion other than her father. Yet, she had been assured by Caro that only people Anna had already met would attend. Which meant there were sufficient matrons to watch over her. As if she needed watching over at Caro’s house.

  A few minutes later, the evening took a decided turn for the worse.

  “Your Grace.” Lord Markville bowed. “I trust I am not too late to claim a dance. Preferably a waltz.”

  What was the man doing here this early? He always arrived late, much later than she or her friends did. Aunt was adamant that Anna be on time. The exception was at her first ball when she was meant to make an entrance. And, now that she thought about it, Quartus had not requested the first waltz and the supper dance as he normally did.

  Still, she’d been caught, and there was only one answer. She affixed a polite smile on her face. “Of course, my lord.”

  By the time Quartus arrived, she only had one dance left. A country dance. He claimed it, but it appeared he did so reluctantly. What was the matter with the man? Neither gentleman was doing what she wanted them to do. Markville had too many dances and Quartus not enough. Maybe she should plead a headache and leave early. First she would find out what was the matter with Quartus.

  She made her way over to Meg. If anyone would know what was going on with him, it would be her. Anna greeted Hawksworth before pulling Meg aside. “Is Quartus feeling quite the thing?”

  “There is something wrong.” Meg made a face, scrunching up her nose. “Unfortunately, I have no idea what it is. He was so late getting ready that we almost left him at home.”

  That was odd. “He is normally so prompt.”

  “It may just be that the Season is taking its toll. He’s not used to so much gadding about.”

  Anna wondered if he had been invited to the house party. Yet, she could not ask Meg in the event that she had not been invited.

  An hour later, after almost fighting to keep a proper distance between herself and Lord Markville during the waltz, she skirted the ballroom, making her way back to her aunt and father. If she was careful not to be seen coming from the direction of the retiring room, there would be no lecture of going off on her own.

  Just as she stepped behind a large potted palm, two gentlemen stopped in front of it.

  “I see that you still have requested a set with the duchess,” Markville commented in an angry tone. “I told you to stay away from her.”

  “You will have to take that up with my sister-in-law. I, for one, would rather upset you than her.”

  “Speaking of sisters, when you wed mine, you shall leave Town immediately.”

  “That will not be a problem.”

  Wed Markville’s sister? Anna fought the tears pricking her eyes. All this time, she thought Quartus was coming to care about her, and he was betrothed to another woman. It was not that he only had short bits of time to spend with her, he needed to dance attendance on another lady as well.

  A sick feeling lodged in her stomach. What a fool she’d been, practically throwing herself at Quartus. She straightened her shoulders. Well, she would be one no longer.

  As for Markville, he could go jump in the Thames and drown. She would not stand up with him again.

  Once the men had gone their separate ways, Anna found a footman and ordered her carriage. She could send it back for her father and aunt. Right now, she just needed to be alone.

  “What have you heard?” Somerset asked his secretary.

  “Nothing as yet, Your Grace. However, Mrs. Grayson sent a note saying she had decided the rumor would be better spread by servants instead of her. When she saw Lord Quartus and the Duchess of Wharton at the museum earlier, she thought he might have remembered her name.”

  “The damned fool. What possessed the stupid slut to use her own name?”

  “Her idea about using the servants might work,” Belling said. “It is well known that most of the ton’s secrets are spread below stairs. A maid is much more likely to spread an unfounded rumor than a lady.”

  “That’s all.” Somerset turned back to his correspondence.

  Belling cleared his throat. “There is one other matter.”

  “Go on.”

  “Lord Markville wishes to set the date of the wedding for two weeks hence. He also wishes to be assured that the property Lady Sarah brings to the marriage will be used by her and Lord Quartus as their home.”

  “Tell him it will be as he wishes.”

  “Have you decided to have someone else take over Lord Francis’s duties.”

  “I have not. What Markville wants does not concern me. Once Quartus is married, his lordship shall have no say in the matter.”

  “As you say, Your Grace. I shall draft a letter immediately.”

  * * *

  Three days after the disastrous and last ball Anna attended, Annot, the maid who had been hired for Anna when she had arrived in England, entered her study.

  “Your Grace, I need to tell you something, and you’re not going to like it.”

  That wasn’t surprising. She hadn’t liked most of what she had heard this week. “What is it?” The maid wrung her hands together for so long, she finally said, “Just tell me. If it is that important, it’s better that I know.”

  “It is about Lord Quartus, Your Grace.”

  Anna tried to keep the look off her countenance that scared even her brothers. “Go on.”

  “There is talk going around that he is a womanizer. A man who likes innocent ladies, ruins them, and leaves them.”

  Could that be the reason he had not been interested in her? She wasn’t young enough for him? And what of the young lady he was to wed. Markville’s sister would be devastated. Clutching for the chair behind her, she sat down hard. “What proof do you have? Is there the name of a young lady he harmed?”

  “No, Your Grace. No lady has been mentioned. It’s said he does it up in his home county.”

  That did not make any sense. He was a rector at home. Surely he would have been called to account. Unless no one believed the young women because he was the rector. Or, perhaps, they were afraid of the duke. She hoped no one would be so afraid of her that they would fail to tell of such a crime.

  Did Meg and Hawksworth know about Quartus’s reputation? No, they could not have. Meg said that her husband had not been home in years, and she had never been there.

  But Quartus of all people. He was so kind and easy to talk to. She firmed her lips. Yet that was exactly the kind of person who could take advantage of a young lady. And her maid had said ‘lady.’ Servants did not use that term indiscriminately. A lady was a woman of Quality. If this rumor was true, some father would have demanded that Quartus marry his daughter.

  Anna stood and began to pace. If the allegations were correct, Quartus should be punished in some way. But what if the
rumors were false. Who would benefit from spreading such an unspeakable lie about a clergyman?

  Well, someone had to ferret out the truth, and she had just been handed the duty. “I want to know everything. From whom did you hear the rumor?”

  The woman sniffed. “As you know, Your Grace, I would not stoop to gossip with the lower servants. Mr. Puller told it to me in confidence. I believe he had it from the under-butler, who had it from Cook, who heard it from one of the maids, who was told by someone she met at the market.”

  That the butler had carried the story to Anna’s maid was significant. Tortola might be small, but she was well aware how a story could change with many tellings. “I wish to speak with the maid who originally heard the talk.”

  Annot’s eyes flew open. “Your Grace, you’d scare the poor girl to death. It might be better for Cook or Mrs. Flowers to speak with her.”

  Well, drat. Annot was right. Anna was still not used to how her rise in status affected others. “Does she work in the kitchen or in the household?” And to whom the maid answered to, Cook or her housekeeper, Mrs. Flowers, was important in the hierarchy of the household.

  “I believe Mrs. Flowers sent her to Cook after one of the kitchen maids was unable to work this morning.” Annot added helpfully.

  “I shall leave it to you.” Anna rubbed her forehead attempting to relieve the aching that had begun. “I wish to know all I can discover about the teller of this tale.”

  “I’ll see it done, Your Grace.” Annot left the room, and Anna sank onto a sofa.

  When she’d discovered all she could, she would send a message to Meg. Her friend needed to know whether she harbored a criminal or an innocent man someone was attempting to discredit. Although, who would spread such detrimental gossip was beyond Anna’s comprehension.

  Sometime later, Annot handed Anna a note written in her housekeeper’s neat hand giving her the direction of the servant who had related the tale to her maid.


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