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Flawless Page 11

by Hawkins, JD

  “I want to, but…” I hesitate. “I don’t know if I can.”

  “It can’t hurt to try. There’s nothing I would find sexier,” he growls, pulling me to my feet and then positioning himself so he’s lying down. I lower myself back down so that I’m sitting on top of him, my pussy spread before his mouth, my hands braced on the bench beneath us. I can feel myself quivering with excitement. I’ve never done this before.

  And I’ve never been more turned on.

  His tongue plunges back inside me, then laps at my clit, the roughness of his soft stubble a huge turn-on as his gray eyes gaze up at me. I grind against him. I can feel him touching himself, stroking vigorously, as I rock back and forth against his mouth and use my fingers to twist at my nipples.

  “Fuck! Fuck!” I moan. I feel myself falling over the edge, losing control. As I climax he basks in the wetness of my pussy, grinning up at me.

  “You’re beautiful when you come,” he says.

  I get up, realizing my knees have gone weak. “We’re not finished yet. I want you to come inside me, Mr. Bartock.”

  He wraps me in a towel and leads me back into the bedroom, pulling me down onto the bed and turning me over so that I’m on all fours. I spread my knees apart, exposing myself fully to him, and let out a moan as he thrusts his cock into me from behind, filling me up.

  “God, you’re tight,” Liam groans as he thrusts into me, his hands gripping my hips tight.

  “Harder,” I demand. “Harder! Don’t stop.”

  Liam fucks me with everything he has, a ferocious animal breaking out, wrapping a hand around my hair and pulling my head as he jackhammers into me so deep all I can do is wail.

  “Fuck, Zoe,” Liam grinds out as he comes explosively. At the same time I come again, the waves radiating from my center deeper and slower than before, in making me feel like I’m about to break into a million little euphoric pieces. Liam gives a few final, gentle thrusts before he pulls out. We fall back onto the sheets, and he holds out his hand, taking my fingers and kissing them.

  “That was…amazing,” he pants, still catching his breath.

  “I think we’re good at this,” I smile. I’ve never had better sex in my life.

  “You know, I’m good at other things too,” Liam says, a cute grin on his face. “Should I make us some breakfast?”

  “That would be wonderful.”

  He pauses. “Did you actually want to talk logistics for the New York trip, or can we hold off until Monday for that?”

  I can’t imagine talking about business right now. “I’m in no rush,” I reply.

  “If you want to use the shower, there are sweats and spare t-shirts in the bottom drawer. They’ll be a little big, but help yourself.”

  “Will do. Thanks.”

  “See you in a few,” he says, and he pulls on a pair of jeans and plants a kiss on my cheek on his way out the door.

  I intend to be quick, but once I turn on the water and let myself relax, I appreciate the wonders of being able to adjust the temperature and pressure so that the water is exactly perfect. I wonder what it would be like to live in a house like this, surrounded by luxury.

  Finishing my shower, I slip into a pair of grey sweatpants with a drawstring I can tighten and a v-neck shirt with a neckline that hits way too low, though I’m sure Liam will appreciate it. Since I don’t know when I’ll be getting home, I also text Savannah to see if she can swing by and check on Garfield, make sure he has food and water in his bowls. She only lives a few blocks away and loves my big orange fluff-ball almost as much as I do.

  Savannah: sure i can check on him—in about an hour? whatcha up to?

  Me: Perfect! I have to put in some extra hours for work. NYC trip coming up soon, so I gotta prep.

  It’s not exactly a lie, but I still feel guilty for not being totally honest with my BFF. Still, this thing with Liam is so new that I’m not ready to tell the world yet—especially since part of me still wonders if this is really a good idea after all, if I might turn out to be just another fling.

  Savannah: your boss is making you work on a saturday?? total dick move let me know when you’re out of the woods and we’ll do a girls night!

  Me: I’d love that. Thanks for taking care of Garfield xoxo

  “Breakfast is ready!” Liam calls out.

  I feel guilty for throwing Liam under the bus like that, but maybe having a girls’ night out is the perfect way to get my friends up to speed about what’s been going on with my love life. After everything I’ve said about him already, I know they’ll be overprotective, but hopefully by the time we all get together I’ll have plenty of stories about his redeeming qualities…starting with his skills in the bedroom. And this breakfast.

  The buttery aroma of the kitchen immediately brings back memories of childhood, of Sunday family brunches stacked high with pancakes, sausage, and fresh peaches that my grandma brought from her tree when they were in season. Jonathan was never big on breakfast and my cooking skills didn’t extend much beyond eggs and toast, so the spread Liam has prepared is a real treat. There are Belgian waffles with blueberry compote, whipped cream, poached eggs, and maple-glazed bacon on the side. Two mugs of steaming coffee rest beside our plates along with a fancy glass bottle of organic Vermont maple syrup, and the pulpy orange juice in the glass jug between us looks fresh squeezed.

  “Wow,” I say, sitting down. “This is incredible…I feel like I’m on vacation.”

  “Glad it meets your approval.”

  Liam sits down across from me. His chest is bare, his hair slicked back and damp from the shower. Even with this dreamy breakfast in front of me, he looks good enough to eat. “I love to cook. I spent a lot of time helping out my mom in the kitchen growing up, so a lot of it is just second nature by now. It’s meditative in a way.”

  “Not for me, but I will gladly help you consume the fruits of your labor.”

  He grins. I begin cutting my waffle, then stop when I realize Liam is watching me. “Do we say grace or something?”

  He laughs. “No, sorry, please go ahead. You just look so excited. It’s adorable.”

  “Glad you think so,” I say, taking a bite. “Mmm.”

  We dig in, and after a few minutes Liam sets down his coffee and says, “Tell me something about yourself, Zoe. Something I don’t know.”

  “I don’t know. I guess I never thought I’d end up back in Austin, even though I grew up here. When I moved to Boston for college, I was convinced I was meant to be a New England sophisticate. I know Austin’s the liberal bubble of Texas, but it’s still Texas, and I wanted to be taken seriously. I thought I needed to live in Boston or New York for that, you know? Places that are considered hubs of art and culture and academia.”

  “So what happened? Did the cold get to you?”

  “No. In fact, I actually miss the seasons. There’s absolutely nothing like the way the leaves change colors throughout New England during autumn.”

  “Then why didn’t you stay?” Liam asks.

  I sigh, swirling the milk and sugar in my coffee. “I don’t talk about this with people very often, but I found out my mom had cancer, just a week after I graduated from college. She’d been going to chemo that whole semester and I never even realized—I knew she sounded tired, and that she seemed to have a lot of appointments lately, but she kept it from me so I wouldn’t worry and I just—” My voice cracks, and Liam reaches for my hand.

  “I’m sorry, Zoe. That must have been so hard.”

  I shake my head and smile. “She went through treatment like a champ, and she’s been in remission ever since, so it’s a happy ending. But I realized that for all the East Coast had to offer, I didn’t want to be so far away from home. The irony, of course, is that none of my family actually lives in Austin anymore. My parents retired to New Mexico recently and bought the horse ranch of their dreams, but it’s still close enough to visit often. My friends here are like family, though. I don’t know what I would do without Savannah and
Kiley and Veronica.”

  Liam refills my coffee. “I’m glad this is where you landed.”

  “Me too. My relationship with Austin has definitely had its ups and downs, but my younger self was far too pretentious and idealistic for my own good. I think I would’ve gotten eaten alive if I’d moved to New York.”

  Liam crunches on a piece of bacon. I take another waffle, dousing this one in syrup. “What about you? What’s something I don’t know? I feel like there’s a lot.”

  He considers for a moment. “So you know my friend Darren, the one you met at Lake Travis? The two of us grew up together in LA, and when we were at college together, we played in a sort of punk rock/grunge band. At first it was just the two of us, but then we placed an ad and found a singer, and we called ourselves Trigger Happy.

  “Darren was on drums and I was on guitar and this girl Isabel did vocals, and we were horrible. Just…ear-bleedingly awful. We wore all black with these ripped up jeans and grimy hair and we’d play shows at these shitty dives where you could pay to get a spot in the lineup on some nights. Our music was all power chords, and the songs all sounded exactly the same. One night I even played an entire show before I realized my guitar was out of tune.”

  I giggle despite myself. “That is pretty bad.”

  “Yeah, not my proudest moment. Thing was, Isabel had an incredible voice. After she realized how bad we were, and that we weren’t getting better, she quit and started her own band. They signed a record deal a few years ago, hit all the charts, and haven’t stopped touring since.”

  “Maybe you helped her realize her dreams,” I suggest with a smile. “So was that the end of Trigger Happy?”

  “No. I was too stubborn to admit failure. I thought the small following we had was because of the songs, and that I could take over the singing myself. Boy, was I wrong. That was when we started getting booed off the stages. Finally Darren convinced me that enough was enough and we officially broke up the band for good. That’s the sign of a true friend.”

  I laugh. “That’s a great story.”

  He grins. “Glad you got a kick out of it.”

  He pours us both more coffee and I scoot my chair closer to his, resting my head on his shoulder and wondering what the next few weeks will bring.



  For the time being, Liam and I agree to keep our romance a secret at work. We both know what it would look like, how it would come across, the boss swooping up one of his new female employees, rumors about favors and improprieties and absolutely nothing that would be beneficial to either of our careers. So in the office, there will be only professional interactions, handshakes and polite nods. Nobody should suspect a thing.

  Still, it feels odd walking into LoveLife on Monday morning, waving at coworkers whose names I absolutely do not remember, sampling the new turmeric-based anti-inflammatory nutritional bars in the kitchen and planning out the marketing presentation for the Wall Street folks in a few days.

  When Liam mentioned a trip to New York, I had assumed we had more time. But I have an idea, and I know we can get it done if everyone on the marketing team is fully on board and on my side. There are some ethical concerns about what I proposed to the team, a few people who feel uncertain about the premise of the presentation, and TJ ended up asking for a reassignment. In response, I’ve simply reiterated our message—our goal is to to create a successful makeup and skincare app that aims to get people feeling more comfortable in their own skin, with speed and ease and a little help from our new products.

  I might have to stretch a few things for my presentation, but my gut tells me it’ll all shake out in the end. We’re being bold. We have a vision. We’re taking risks. And frankly, we are preparing to woo a group of Wall Street investors who have more than enough money than they know what to do with.

  The office is quiet Monday afternoon, as most of my team has been sent out into Austin with a small camera crew that Veronica put together to film the raw footage that will then be very quickly edited for use in the presentation. But the phone calls have been made. The storyboard has been set. Onward and upward.

  Thus far, my landline has remained quiet, and there’s an anxiety to the waiting, knowing that there’s nothing more I can do until my team returns in a few hours. Liam is stuck in meetings all day, which helps to avoid the temptation of seeking him out and doing something less than discreet. But we pass each other a few times in the hallway, in the breakroom, and he’s been quick to flash me a wink or a smile before anybody can take notice.

  As long as I’m twiddling my thumbs, I realize that I should probably start making arrangements in my personal life for the New York trip. I pull out my cell and send a group text.

  Me: Hi lovelies, sorry I’ve been AWOL—work has been insane! I promise to make it up to you next week. I’m thinking girls’ night at the new Italian place, dinner and drinks on me?

  Kiley: So down.

  Veronica: LOVE IT. But no way are you paying, that place is $$$$$.

  Me: Then we’ll have to duke it out when the check arrives ;)

  Veronica: You got it. But I’ve been practicing my kickboxing, so consider yourself forewarned.

  Kiley: LOL—would love to see y’all’s epic throwdown in the middle of this fancy-ass dining room

  Savannah: what’s this about a throwdown? i miss five texts and you’re getting ready to brawl?! this is what happens when i’m not around to keep the peace.

  Me: One more thing! I’m gonna be in NYC for work Weds-Sun for an investor meeting and I’m hoping someone can cats sit? And/or stop by and water my plants?

  Kiley: I can do it—I pass your place on my way to the gallery, so I can swing by in the morning and then after work. No prob.

  Veronica: And if you’re working late, I can fill in!

  Me: Thanks, guys.

  Savannah: hold up, are we talking about the italian place that only hires super hot waiters who are actually all from northern italy? bc DAMN.

  Me: That’s the one ;)

  Kiley: How’d you get roped into flying to NY for an investor meeting? You’re in marketing…

  Me: It’s actually a great opportunity—and an all-expenses paid mini-vacay! Win-win.

  Veronica: IDK, Zoe. It sounds like kind of a big deal—super stressful. If Liam’s being too demanding, it’s okay to tell him no. There’s more to life than trying to keep your jerky boss happy. <3

  Me: I’ll be fine. I’m actually looking forward to it.

  Savannah: so who all’s going? your whole department, or…? will you have moral support?

  I take a deep breath, knowing this could quickly go south.

  Me: Okay, I know how this sounds, but the budget really only allows for two of us to go, so…right now it’s just me and the CEO.

  I wait for their responses, biting my lip as I anxiously watch the animated ellipses of their texts-in-progress on the screen.

  Kiley: AKA, you and LIAM the JERK?!

  Me: It’ll be fine—we have the one meeting, and the rest of the weekend I’ll be free to explore the city on my own.

  Another half-truth, but I still feel like spilling my guts about Liam is best left for when we’re all together in person.

  Savannah: ohhhh no—i know exactly what you’ll be exploring ;) that man is FINE.

  Kiley: GIRL. GET IT.

  Me: Guys, it’s not like that. It’s a BUSINESS trip. Haven’t any of you ever taken a business trip before?

  Savannah: mm hmm.

  Savannah: “business.”

  Savannah: you’re gonna be all up in his business, that’s for sure. is that where you were all weekend? i could tell by that litter box you hadn’t been home the night before, because you always clean it out before bed…little sleepover with the big boss, eh?

  Veronica: OMG is this true?

  My stomach drops.

  Me: Savannah!

  Kiley: Oooh, I love it when Savannah goes all Nancy Drew! Zoe’s got a boy-friend!

  Me: He’s not my boyfriend! Not exactly.

  Veronica: You sure you’re okay with all of this, Zoe? It’s not too late to back out if you’re having second thoughts. And that goes for the whole trip, even after you’re already there.

  Me: I can handle this trip—and Liam. Don’t worry.

  Savannah: do you. and call us if you need anything. emergency plane ticket home, a shoulder to cry on, a guy to break his legs. we got you.

  Me: Fine. Savannah’s right about the sleepover. And while this IS an official business trip, and I DO have an investor meeting to kick ass at, Liam and I will be sharing a single hotel room and I’m guessing we won’t be asking for separate beds.

  Kiley: Details. NOW. Cough ‘em up.

  Veronica: Are you happy, Zoe? That’s what matters. Is he treating you well?

  I think back to the breakfast, the bonding we did over coffee, the incredible sex.

  Me: Like a princess.

  Me: No, like an equal.

  Kiley: swoon.

  Me: And yes, details are all yours, but not til next week, okay? I’m not even sure what this is, it just happened.

  Kiley: We love you. Garfield’s in good hands. See you soon.


  Savannah: Go get ‘em, tiger.

  Me: Love you all.

  Me: OH and Kiley, I may have found you a few days of really well paid work here. Techy software type stuff involving photo editing.

  Kiley: Cool…does that mean Liam would be my boss too? Any way to put a threesome in the contract? I heard from a friend that he’s sexy as hell.

  Savannah: ZING!

  Me: Riiight. Officially going back to work now and setting my phone on silent in my purse.

  Me: Thank you times a million, for everything, So grateful to have you guys on my team. Zoe out.

  * * *

  I feel so much better after coming clean with my friends that the rest of the day seems to fly by. Then I get a call from one of the crew members, who tells me the street campaign is going exactly according to plan, and I relax a few more notches.


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