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HIS: Luca: The Sabatini Family

Page 24

by Fiona Murphy

  “Okay, ready for the sex?” the woman asks.

  We both nod.

  “And we have two baby boys. Congratulations. Everything looks good, spine nicely formed for both, strong hearts, all as it should be.”

  I chance a look at Luca. He’s staring intently at the screen, awe and joy clear on his beautiful face. A fingertip traces one of the babies. I squeeze his hand. He leans down to kiss my cheek. “Thank you. Next time I’ll get my girls.”

  “Next time,” I promise.

  Ten Years Later

  The sound of skin meeting skin is followed by a wail. I rush into the living room to find Carina holding her hand crying. Sergio is glaring defiantly up at Luca who managed to make it into the room before me. Alex, Sergio’s twin and the quieter of the two scoops Carina up into his arms to soothe her.

  “What happened?” Luca is cool, his voice low. Which means he’s trying to control his temper. Sergio recognizes it and flinches. Neither one of us believed in corporal punishment but that didn’t mean any of our children were without fear when it came to Luca. His sheer size alone along was intimidating.

  “She broke my headphones! She knows better. I took them away from her a dozen times already today.”

  An eyebrow goes up. “Your two-year-old sister knew better? Not, it was your own fault for leaving them where she could reach them considering you’ve been taking them from her all day? Not, you didn’t let your mother or me know and allow us to deal with her. You believe it is fine to hit your sister for her misdeed? Even though neither your mother and I have ever hit any of you?”

  Sergio shakes his head, blinking back tears. “I—just...she’s always there and I don’t want to hurt her feelings. But sometimes I need...” He begins crying. “I’m sorry, Papa. I’m sorry, Carina.”

  He moves toward Carina but she’s reaching for me. I take her from Alex with a look to Luca I leave him to handle our son.

  I settle Carina down for the nap she was supposed to be having. This time she goes right to sleep with a whimper and snuffle into her blanket. Very quietly I check on Gianni, Aurora, and Natasha and find them all still asleep. It’s only Luca’s determined, strong will that has our children down on a schedule everyone in our family envies us for.

  Now that they are napping before our family dinner tonight I think it’s a good idea if I try to get a few minutes in myself.

  I’m barely settled into bed before Luca comes in. An eyebrow comes up? “Feeling okay?”

  I nod and open my arms to him. He’s across the room in a flash. I’m in his arms with a happy sigh from the both of us. Our son kicks in response from the fizzy bubbles his father is able to set off in me even ten years later. Luca sees it and his big hand covers my stomach.

  “Hm, I think you’re right.” I sigh.

  “About what?” He isn’t surprised. Arrogant, beautiful man that he is he knows he’s always right.

  “I think this one will be our last. You have your three girls as you demanded. And this time around I’m so very tired all the time. I never thought I’d be so grateful for a nanny and a housekeeper. Especially with you and mom here.”

  Pressing a kiss to my temple. “Whatever you want, mi amore. I am more than content with our small army of children.”

  “And this time, I mean it. He will be named for his father. You cannot deny me this.” I pout. I’m not sure why he hadn’t wanted to before but I’m not going to give in this time.

  A small sigh. “No, I will not deny you this time. Anything you want, just like I promised.”

  “If it’s anything I want then...” I move his hand lower.

  “Such a naughty greedy girl you are. This morning twice and now again?” Luca licks my neck then sucks just the way he knows I love.

  “I’m always greedy for you. I love you, Luca Sabatini.”

  “I love you, Bella Sabatini.”

  “Then show me.”

  Eleven Years later

  The alert goes off yanking me out of the pleasure of my still shuddering wife’s beautiful body. I grab my phone. It’s not our camera, well it is but it’s going off because of what’s happening across the street. I roll out of bed and look out the window. What in the fuck?

  “Luca, what’s happening?” Bella asks sleepily.

  “Something is going on over at Pop’s.” My phone goes off with another alert. “It’s from Elisabetta, she’s asking for help. Apparently, Eva went and got herself married. Dominic is out for blood. She’s worried Pop is agreeing with Dominic too much.”

  I go into our closet and begin getting dressed.

  “I knew it. Eva is always into something. Regina let her get away with far too much as the baby.” Bella mutters as she begins getting dressed too. “Don’t give me that look. Luca might be a little spoiled but he’s a good boy. He would never—”

  Shaking my head, I laugh. “Oh yeah, he would. He would in a heartbeat if there was a girl out there stupid enough to take him on.”

  “No, not that, grab a bullet proof shirt. I am. I can only imagine how pissed Dominic is. If there isn’t blood shed tonight it will be a miracle.”

  If you enjoyed this please, please leave a review.

  Check here for updates and links once they are live on future Sabatini Family books (Yes, there will be a next generation): on my website

  If this is your first read of the Sabatini Family their books are:


  HIS: Dominic

  HIS: Tony

  The Dirty Billionaires Series

  His Dirty Demands features Cesare and Alicia

  His Dirty Promises features Dante and Bethany

  His Dirty Bargain features Enzo and Chloe

  They are wide and available and you can find them on my website




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