Burning Up: Firefighter Contemporary Romance Series Box Set

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Burning Up: Firefighter Contemporary Romance Series Box Set Page 4

by K. C. Crowne

  Growing up the way I had, it never really hit me that even a small studio in Manhattan was out of the price range for many folks. The way Jax admired the place, I felt bad that some of New York's bravest guys who put their lives on the line every single day weren't living as well as my best friend, the model. It made me sad. It also made me think. When I took over my father’s company, maybe I could develop buildings that catered to the working men and women in the area. I could give them an affordable living space in the city, so they didn’t spend half of their days commuting to and from work. Wow, I was really horrible at this hookup stuff. Here I was, standing in a chic apartment alone with one of the sexiest men I’d ever laid eyes on not six feet from me and all I could think about were income disparities and business. I really, really needed to get out more.

  “I see,” I said softly.

  I walked over to the built-in mini bar in the kitchen and began pouring myself a drink. Allison had good taste in liquor. What she stocked at home was much better quality than the crap at the bar. I poured myself a glass of red wine.

  “Would you like something to drink?” I asked.

  Jax turned to me, an enigmatic expression on his face. Perhaps he too was pondering the mysteries of the economic disparity in the world. Maybe not. He was hard to read.

  “I'm guessing you don't have any beer, do you?” he asked.

  “Sorry, I'm all out,” I said. “But there's wine.”

  “No thanks. Never been much of a wine drinker,” he said. “I guess my tastes are a little simpler.”

  I cringed but did my best to hide my face. He seemed uncomfortable enough as it was, and I didn't want him to think I was judging him based on what he preferred to drink. It was clear that he knew our worlds would not collide on a regular basis. He grinned at me, running a hand through his hair. His locks were a dark, golden blonde, almost brown. It wasn't exactly long, maybe just a week or two overdue for a trim. It was long enough for him to run his hands through though. I watched that movement closely, wondering what his hair might feel like beneath my own fingertips. Derek had always kept his hair cut short, close to his head. It was nice and clean looking – professional. But now, watching Jax, I wondered what it might be like to have my hands tangled in his hair as our lips were pressed together.

  He looked away from me, his smile falling. The darkness had returned to his eyes, and there was something else there. A stiffness in his posture. For some reason, he wasn't comfortable there. Another stray thought rattled through my mind that I didn't particularly like – maybe it wasn't the studio. Maybe, he wasn't comfortable around me.

  “Sit down,” I said with a laugh that sounded a little too forced to my ears. “Relax.”

  He eyed the Italian leather sofa earnestly, almost like he was afraid to sit on it. I sat down on it and patted the spot next to me, encouraging him to have a seat. He sat, but kept his hands folded in his lap, his posture still rigid and guarded.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  I watched him as I sipped my wine, savoring the rich flavor as it hit my tongue. It was a bottle I'd bought for Allison as a surprise gift or something a while back now – I couldn't remember for what exactly. It was a good vintage and had an amazing flavor. “I'm just trying to figure you out, that's all,” Jax said.

  “What's there to figure out?” I asked.

  “Well, to be fair, you seemed a bit desperate at the bar earlier. That was kind of surprising since you're definitely not the type of girl who needs to be desperate – for anything. Obviously,” he said. “Which made me wonder what you wanted with me. I mean, I bet there's a line of guys more your type somewhere in the city.”

  I put my glass down on the coffee table and cleared my throat. Normally, being told I was desperate would have stung and I would have lashed out automatically. He was right though. I was a bit desperate and I guess it came off that way despite my best efforts to rein it in. The entire situation reeked of desperation. I knew it and I could either be honest with him or deny it and lash out.

  I chose honesty.

  “I've only been with one man my entire life, Jax,” I said, my voice soft. “And today, I broke up with him after dealing with his cheating for far too long. I did everything in my power to make him happy. I tried to be the perfect woman for him, but he was too busy sleeping around to notice and didn't care enough to even bother to make sure my needs were met.”

  Jax's eyes softened and his mouth fell open in surprise. “You mean, he was off having affairs while you were –”

  “Home alone and not getting laid?” I finished for him with a laugh. “Yes. Exactly. And tonight, I wanted to do something about that.”

  “Excuse my bluntness and language, but he's a fucking idiot,” Jax said. “You are absolutely gorgeous. I can't fathom him not wanting to touch you every chance he got.”

  My cheeks flushed with heat and color as he spoke. Even with the temporary dye and the cheap clothes I’d had Julia pick up for me, Jax still found me beautiful. After months of being denied by the one man who was supposed to want me above anyone else, my self-esteem had taken a big hit and it was sometimes hard for me to see myself as an attractive and desirable woman anymore. Until that moment though, I hadn't realized how much of a hit my self-esteem taken. Seeing the way Jax looked at me though, was slowly pulling me out of my shell. Maybe he didn't realize it, but his words and more importantly, the way he looked at me, was building me back up.

  “Yeah, well, he's no longer my fucking idiot. He's somebody else's problem now. Thankfully,” I sighed. “And now, I'm just eager to get out there. I'm looking forward to experiencing everything I've been missing. Do you know what I mean?”

  “Yes, I think so,” he said.

  Jax's body seemed to relax a bit as he sat back and sunk into the sofa. He turned his body toward me and rested his head on the back of the couch, his eyes fixed on mine.

  “I haven't dated in years. I figured no one wants to deal with a moody, emotionally bottled up man who works too damn much,” he admitted.

  “But don't you need to release some stress now and then?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “I suppose so.”

  “You've been denying yourself for too long, Jax,” I said.

  “The same could be said about you, Maddy,” he said.

  “Well then,” I said, leaning closer to him and placing my hand on his leg, “What are we going to do to change that?”

  “Maybe let off some steam together?” he said.

  The words were barely out of his mouth before he closed the distance between us, bringing his lips close enough to mine that I felt his breath warm against my face. As I breathed him in and reveled in the sensation of having him so close, I felt a warmth spreading throughout my belly. God, he smelled so good too. Musky and clean – no expensive cologne, just the natural scent of a man. It was turning my insides to mush and making me weak.

  Before I could make a move, Jax beat me to it. Taking my face in his hands, he pressed his lips to mine. I opened my mouth to him, inviting him in. Our tongues mingled together as his hands moved down to my shoulders, then toward the front of my body until he was cupping my breasts. He kneaded and caressed them, drawing a soft moan from me.

  His fingers grazed my erect and sensitive nipples, causing me to whimper against his mouth. It had been so long since I'd felt desired that I was overwhelmed by an avalanche of sensation mixed with emotion. Jax made it known how much he desired me though, not wasting any time at all. He clearly wanted me and what was happening between us every bit as much as I did. As our kiss deepened and my body surged with fire, I was more than willing to let him uncap his emotions inside me.

  Jax's hands moved lower and he grabbed my hips. He was strong, and easily lifted me from my place on the couch and set me on his lap. I felt him as I straddled his lap and got a clearer picture of what was waiting for me in his jeans – and I liked what I felt. Hard and firm against me, only our clothing keeping us apart. I could tell he was w
ell-endowed underneath his jeans and couldn't wait to feel his rigid stalk inside of me.

  My dress slipped effortlessly over my head, Jax's rough hands contrasting with the silkiness of the material. He tossed it to the floor and let his eyes roam my body, drinking me in from head to toe.

  I'd prepared for this earlier, when I was hoping to meet someone at the bars I went to. While my dress was something cheap and plain that Julia had picked up at the mall for me, what laid underneath it wasn't cheap at all. In anticipation of finding somebody I clicked with, I'd worn some of my finest lingerie. Not that most men knew the difference between designer lingerie and something picked up at Victoria's Secret – all they tended to care about was the sexiness of it. That and of course, getting it off as quickly as possible to get to the main act.

  Not Jax though. He surprised me by taking the time to stop and savor it. He let his fingers trail over the smooth, silky fabric and seemed to appreciate the way the black lace contrasted with my pale skin. The teddy hugged my body, sheer almost everywhere, except for the places that mattered most. The piece was a little game of peek-a-boo to tease and delight – and judging by the look of sheer ecstasy on his face, Jax was definitely delighted.

  My breasts were small and perky, which meant I could get away without a bra, and the teddy gave just the right amount of support that made me look a little fuller than I actually was. It was made for me, almost literally. It was made to fit me and to best show off my assets. As Jax's gaze traveled my body and I felt him growing even harder beneath me, it felt like for the first time in my life, I was with someone who appreciated me.

  “Damn,” he muttered. “I almost don't want to take it off you. Almost.”

  He winked at me before cupping my breasts in his hands again as he lowered his mouth to my cleavage. He squeezed my nipples, that hard pinch pulling a gasp from my throat. I ground myself against him, suddenly wanting to get this sexy piece of clothing off and get down to business. I'd never been one to rush things, but it had been so long I almost couldn't bear the thought of waiting any longer. It had been too long since I'd been touched, and my body ached with a need. As a feeling like fire spread through my veins, I yearned to be filled.

  To be fucked.

  Jax lifted me up, taking me into his arms like I weighed nothing at all. It was incredibly sexy and comforting all at once. The raw power that came off of him was intoxicating and I wanted more of it. The feel of his hands on my skin, of his arms around me was nothing short of magical. He carried me over to the bed and laid me down gently, never taking his eyes off of me. He remained standing, and in turn, I took him in, letting my eyes wander as I imagined what he would look like with his clothes ripped off. Yearning to see him without a stitch on him.

  I didn't have to wonder for long.

  Jax lifted his shirt up over his head, showing off abs that looked carved out of granite. Superman had nothing on him. I propped myself up on my elbows, desire and longing flooding my body as I watched him, positioning myself to get a better view of the strip show in front of me. His chest was tight and firm, his shoulders broad and strong. A simple black tattoo over his heart caught my eye, but I couldn't make it out fully. I didn't spend too long trying to decipher it though – my focus had shifted to other parts of his body and I felt a fluttering in my belly as I watched him. I was like a kid in a candy store, unable to make up my mind about what to sample first. I wanted a taste of everything.

  His gaze, however, never left mine. His eyes were locked on me intently as he removed his pants and somehow, that intense eye contact made things even hotter. It infused the air between us with an electricity and sense of anticipation that charged me inside and out. He kicked off his shoes, and slid his pants down, leaving just his navy-blue boxer shorts. Peeking out of them was the head of his cock. It hit me, in that moment, what exactly was about to happen. I almost groaned out loud with need.

  With my heart racing, and the moment feeling entirely surreal, I sat up and reached for him. I needed to touch him, and I swear I almost came the moment I did. I raked my nails down his six pack, moving quickly toward the prize – the treasure I felt like I'd been wanting for so long. Slipping my hands under the band of his boxers, I pulled them down fast and hard, eager to get to it. My face was almost perfectly level with his cock as it sprung free from the confines of his underwear, bouncing up and down a bit.

  My eyes grew wide as I stared at his manhood. His body was complete and utter perfection – and his cock was no different in that regard. Thick and meaty, hard and ready for me. Precum seeped from the tip, and I leaned closer, lapping it away with my tongue as I stared up at the sexy beast before me.

  Jax reached down, tangling his fingers in my hair as the soft head of his prick filled my mouth. He didn't grab the back of my head and push me down on him like some men might. No, he probably knew he was a bit too much for me, but damn, I wanted him. Every part of my body cried out for him. Every single inch.

  And Jax clearly wanted me too.

  He nudged me backward on the bed, his rigid stalk falling from my lips. It was clear, we had no time – or need – for a lot of foreplay. We both wanted it. We both needed the release, and we needed it right that second.

  Jax hurriedly tried to peel the teddy off of my body, his hands brushing against my skin as he fumbled with it. Finally, he got it off of me and once we were free from the constraints of our clothing, he fell on top of me. Jax held himself up, propping his body up on his strong forearms so he was hovering just above me, our faces just inches apart. Our mouths found each other, and he kissed me harder than before, his tongue probing my mouth as I wrapped my legs around his waist.

  Our bodies came together, and his cock slipped between my wet, swollen lips. I was so thoroughly soaked, he slid in with ease. As his stiff rod drove its way home, our bodies knew what to do without us even trying.

  Jax thrust into me, sending lightning bolts surging through me and I cried out in pleasure. I raked my nails down his back, digging into his flesh and he drew in a sharp breath. His thickness stretched me open, and he filled me up all at once. Once our bodies had been united and our most intimate parts joined together, he didn't stop there. Jax moved above me, thrusting into me hard and fast. His intensity was overwhelming and very nearly took my breath away. He obviously needed it as much as I did, his frantic movements proving that.

  Jax wasted no time, splitting me open with his cock and pounding into me hard enough, I thought I might break. But I didn't want it to stop. Oh God no. I was begging him, screaming for him, to go harder, faster. I cried out for him to fuck me.

  As if my body was acting on raw, primal instinct and an overpowering desire, words flew out of my mouth that I'd never uttered during sex before. Suddenly, with Jax pounding himself so hard inside of me, I felt like a whole new woman. In that moment, I was transformed. I was no longer an uptight socialite, but a woman who could admit that she needed to be fucked. It was empowering.

  In that moment, I was a woman who cried out, “Yes, fuck me harder, Jax.” without a second thought. Despite having never used language like that during sex before in my life, it felt natural. I was so caught up in the moment, falling so deep into the abyss of pleasure that the world around us fell away. I drifted through a place where only Jax and I existed. He moved his chest upward, grabbing hold of one of my legs and lifting it up to give himself a better angle. His other hand reached for the black metal headboard. He held me and the headboard firmly, giving himself leverage, as the bed creaked and groaned beneath our weight and the frenzied motion of our movements.

  The headboard was banging hard against the back wall and I had a brief concern that we might break something before the worries blinked out like they'd never existed to begin with and I fell back into the abyss with Jax.

  Wave after wave of bliss washed over me and the intensity of my orgasm hit me hard. Writhing underneath Jax, I cried out as I drug my nails into the flesh of his back. He hissed when I dug my heels int
o his ass, lifting myself up to pull him into me even deeper. The contractions of my pussy were strong, and from the look on Jax's face, he felt every single one of them. With a deep, animalistic growl, he buried himself inside of me one last time. His body shuddered and he groaned as we came together just as the bed beneath us cracked.

  Our whole world literally shook around us as the bed frame gave out and spilled everything to the floor.

  But it didn't matter. It didn't even phase us. If it hadn't been for the noise, we may not have even noticed. We were so swept up in the post-orgasmic euphoria that nothing else mattered. Jax collapsed beside me on the bed and neither one of us said a word for a long time. I was too busy coming back to reality and catching my breath to even realize we were on the floor.

  It wasn't until Jax rolled over, propping himself up on his forearm and looked at me with an expression of despair on his face that I came back to myself. My pulse raced as I feared the worst – that he regretted what we'd just done. I hoped that wasn't the case because I most certainly didn't.

  “I'm sorry about the bed,” he said. “I can pay for the damage.”

  My fears eased, I burst out laughing, which seemed to take him by surprise. He stared at me, dumbfounded, as if not knowing whether to smile and laugh along with me or not, until finally, I managed to speak.

  “Don't worry about it,” I said. “Believe me, it's a small price to pay.”

  “But –”

  I pressed my fingertips to his soft, sweet lips, silencing him. He looked like he wanted to continue to argue the point, so I shook my head and gave him a wide smile.

  “Trust me,” I purred. “It's no big deal.”

  Allison had needed a new bed frame for a while anyway. Hers was old and obviously, a little decrepit since it couldn't stand up to a little vigorous action. Getting her a new bedframe was the least I could do, and I'd consider it my thank you gift for letting me stay at her place while she was gone. I could pick up something nice for her – and tell her I was disappointed in her for not finding someone who could break it with her sooner. Hell, I didn't know anything about him. He could be married with a family for all I knew. As the thought passed through my mind, I looked down at his ring finger. No ring. Thank God. Sure, he could have taken it off and pretended to be single for a night, but I trusted my instincts. Jax didn't seem desperate like his friend had. Nor did he strike me as the kind of creep who'd pull that kind of a stunt.


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