Burning Up: Firefighter Contemporary Romance Series Box Set

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Burning Up: Firefighter Contemporary Romance Series Box Set Page 46

by K. C. Crowne

  I cried out, but Justin silenced me with a kiss. With the sound of the shower, Abby likely wouldn’t hear us, but better safe than sorry. I tried my best to be quiet as he fucked me, holding me up against the wall with his strong arms.

  My nails dug into his flesh as he pumped his cock in and out of me. The pleasure was simply too much. I felt my orgasm looming, knew I was close. I wasn’t sure I could stop the screaming, but I had to try.

  As my pussy spasmed around his cock and my body writhed against the shower wall, I buried my face into Justin’s neck to drown out the sounds coming from my mouth. I didn’t mean to, but I bit down on his shoulder, the pleasure just too much for me. I lost control of my body for a few seconds, only Justin’s grip on my ass holding me in place. I went limp against him as my climax came to an end, but we weren’t done yet.

  He put me down on my feet, then washed me as I had him moments before. His hands worked over my breasts, then down my stomach. Gently, he rubbed and washed my pussy, his fingers exploring my depths as he stared deep into my eyes.

  “Turn around,” he growled.

  I did as I was told, and he washed my back and down to my ass. His hands kneaded into my flesh, relaxing me more than the warm water alone could have. I leaned forward, holding myself up against the wall with my butt out, pushing it toward him. I shot him a flirty look over my shoulder, wiggling my ass playfully.

  Justin smirked, then grabbed my ass, pounding himself into me. It took me by surprise, and I cried out.

  He held onto my hips as he pumped into me from behind. Each thrust was more desperate than the last, and I wanted nothing more than to make him cum. The thought of him cumming inside me brought me to the edge again.

  “Yes, yes,” I whimpered as his fingers dug into the flesh of my hips. “Cum for me, Justin. Cum inside me, please.”

  With one more deep thrust, Justin exploded inside me. I came with him, my legs shaking and almost giving out on me as pleasure rushed through my body. I covered my mouth with my own wrist, biting down instead of screaming out loud.

  Justin slipped his deflated cock out of me a few moments later and helped me stand. Once I was standing, he pulled me into his arms and held me tightly. He turned me around so I was facing him and we kissed under the rush of the running water.

  “I love you,” he whispered softly against my lips.

  “I love you too, Justin.”


  “I’m going to run that stupid diamond gun over to Elizabeth for you,” Justin said, poking his head into the bedroom door as I was getting dressed the next morning. “That way you don’t have to face her. I’ll explain everything, if I have to, just to keep you out of trouble.”

  “Thank you, but you don’t have to.”

  “Nah, let me do it,” he said, coming into the room and wrapping his arms around me. “I owe you big time for everything you’ve done.”

  “Oh hush. You saved my ass countless times before. I’d say we’re even.”

  “I don’t know, Hannah. What you did was above and beyond,” he said, kissing the tip of my nose. “Let me do this for you. It’ll be less stressful that way.”

  “Okay,” I sighed. “If you insist.”

  “I do,” he said. “Just tell me where it’s at and I’ll run it over while Abby is still sleeping.”

  “It’s in my purse,” I said, motioning to it on the end table.

  Justin walked over to the table and started digging around in my bag. I turned back to the mirror, brushing out my hair. Going to bed with it wet meant that it was wild the next morning, and I was trying to get it to behave.

  “Hannah?” Justin asked, his voice sounding weird. “What’s this? You’re not pregnant, are you?”

  My stomach tightened into knots when I heard his question. I knew what he’d found before I even turned around. I hadn’t had a chance to get the packaging and remaining pregnancy test out of m my purse since we’d gotten home.

  “No, Justin,” I said. I hurried over to him, wanting him to see the look in my eyes as I told him the truth. I wanted him to believe me. “I took a test because my period was late, but it was negative, and my period eventually came. So I’m not pregnant.”

  My heart hurt, even though I knew it was the right thing. I might have wished to become pregnant earlier with him, but settling in with Abby, I knew he wasn’t ready. He might not be for some time.

  Justin put the package down and took me in his arms. Even though I tried to stop them, the tears started to fall anyway.

  “Hey, it’s okay, Hannah. I believe you,” he comforted.

  “It’s not that,” I sobbed, wiping my eyes.

  “Then what is it?”

  I wasn’t sure how to tell him the truth - that I wanted to have his baby one day. Being a stepmother to Abby was one thing; it made me very happy to have her in my life, but I also wanted the experience of having a baby myself. With him.

  I didn’t need to answer; Justin read my mind.

  “Hannah, honey,” he said, sitting us both down on the bed. He stroked my face, wiping the tears away. “I know you want to have kids one day, and I promise you, we will.”

  “We will?” I asked, shocked at how easily he said that. “You want kids one day? More than just Abby?”

  “Of course,” he said. “Seeing you with Abby made me realize what a great family we’ll have one day. As soon as she gets settled in, we can talk about giving her a brother or sister.”

  Now the tears fell even harder, but not from sadness. I’d never felt so happy in my entire life. He was talking about us building a life together, everything I’d always wanted, in addition to being a teacher.

  “Oh Justin,” I said softly. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too, Hannah.”

  We both heard the tiny footsteps outside the bedroom door. Abby poked her head in and stared at us with wide eyes. When she saw me crying, clearly it worried her.

  “Come here,” Justin said, motioning for her to come to us.

  Abby hurried across the room and climbed into Justin’s lap without hesitation. She watched me closely before asking, “Why are you crying, Hannah?”

  “Oh, these aren’t sad tears, sweetie,” I said, wiping the tears away. “I’m just so happy we can be a family. Aren’t you?”

  She nodded her head, her brown hair falling into her eyes - eyes that were exactly like Justin’s. I pushed a strand of hair from her face and kissed the top of her head.

  She might not be my birth daughter, but I loved her as my own. I wanted her to know that every single day. It was going to be a tough road ahead of us, especially for her. She’d need therapy. No child should have to witness the things she had.

  But as the two of us held her close, I knew in my heart that we’d be okay.

  Abby had us, and we both loved her to the moon and back. She had two parents who would go to the ends of the Earth - or to some shady neighborhood in Atlanta - to protect her.

  We’d keep her safe. Because we were a family, and that’s what families did for one another.


  Hannah - Four Years Later

  “This is a big year for you, Hannah.” Melody smiled at me as she helped me into my wedding dress.

  “It has,” I said, marveling at the way the white silk flowed down the length of my body. “It’s been one celebration after the next.”

  First, I’d graduated from college with my bachelor’s degree. After a semester of student teaching, it was clear I’d made the right choice. I still had to take the professional exams to earn my certification, but very soon, I’d be working as a teacher. It was hard to believe my life had changed so much, that I was no longer dreading waking up every single day.

  That wasn’t the only change that had taken place in my life either.

  “When are you going to tell Abby the big news?” Melody asked, grinning from ear-to-ear.

  “Soon, now that we’re past the three-month mark. I feel better about telling peop
le now. I didn’t want to get her hopes up before.”

  “Of course,” Melody said, tightening the corset top in the back.

  Unlike my best friend when she got married, I wasn’t showing too much yet. My dress had to be altered a bit to accommodate my growing belly. It was getting harder and harder to hide the good news. I put a hand on my belly and smiled, feeling the happiness flutter inside me.

  I was going to be a mother again. Yes, again, because I already considered myself Abby’s mother, I loved her as I would my own. But the thought of carrying my love’s child was special too. Something I’d always wanted to experience.

  There was a knock at the door, and Abby’s voice said, “It’s me.”

  “Come in,” I called.

  Abby had grown so much over the last four years. She was getting taller by the day and looking more and more grown up. She’d be ten on her next birthday, and not long after that, a teenager. Her long, brown hair was piled high on her head in a bun with a delicate white floral crown. Her light pink dress fluttered around her, making her look like a princess.

  Her eyes widened when she saw me in my gown. “Wow, you look gorgeous,” she squealed.

  “I was thinking the same about you,” I giggled, motioning for her to come to me. When she got close, I hugged her tightly. It was hard to believe this was the five-year-old we’d met years before, the one who had refused to even talk to us. She’d been in therapy and still saw her therapist regularly. Nobody would guess that she’d had a rough start to her life. She was getting good grades in school and had dreams of becoming a veterinarian.

  She even called me mom, though she never forgot the woman who’d given birth to her. I didn’t want her to forget about Dee, no matter what had happened in the past. She was also her mom, the one in Heaven.

  “Are you almost ready?” Abby asked me, her hazel eyes sparkling.

  “Almost,” I said. “I just need some help with the veil. Would you like to help me with that?”

  “Sure!” she exclaimed excitedly.

  Melody helped Abby get the veil straightened as I lowered myself onto a chair. Abby was just barely tall enough to get the veil on my head, and Melody helped secure it with clips. I watched them both in the mirror, feeling like I might explode with happiness.

  This was it, the big day. The day I’d always dreamt of.

  Justin and I had wanted to get married sooner, but we decided not to rush. There was no need to. We understood we had the rest of our lives together, so we took the time to work with Abby and plan the perfect day.

  We’d also decided to start trying for a baby, even though we might have a situation like Melody and Logan. We were okay with it. After finishing my bachelor’s, it was the perfect time to start a family. We still weren’t sure if we’d stop at two kids or aim for three, but we had time.

  We had all the time in the world.

  Abby fluffed the veil around my face, amazed by it.

  There was another knock at the door, and this time, it was Izzy. She was dressed in her bridesmaid gown and looked as beautiful as ever. When she saw me, there were tears in her eyes. Behind her was her fiance, Tucker. The two of them were completely adorable together, and I couldn’t be happier for my sister. They were living together, both of them had professional careers, and she was going to be alright. I’d done my job and raised her well, and she was a grown woman now. Sometimes it was still hard to believe, though.

  Izzy gasped, holding her hand to her mouth. “I can’t believe you’re getting married,” she exclaimed. “You deserve so much happiness, Hannah.”

  “Thank you,” I murmured, standing and wrapping my arms around her shoulders.

  “No, thank you,” she said. “For everything.”

  We weren’t having a large wedding party - just Melody, Izzy, and Abby for my side. Two bridesmaids and a junior bridesmaid.

  Izzy kissed Tucker and sent him on his way. It was about time to line up. We exited the room and walked down the long hallway toward the chapel. My heart was pounding.

  This was it.

  Logan met me and gave me a hug, his two children at his side. Lily was the oldest; she was almost five and made a beautiful flower girl in her white dress with pink and purple details. Connor was only three but looked handsome as hell in his tiny little tux.

  I scooped my nephew into my arms and hugged him tightly.

  Mason was standing in line already, looking as dapper as ever. He was also seeing someone, and his girlfriend, Allison, was in attendance. He’d started working at the fire station with Logan and was doing well for himself. Just like his big brother.

  Seeing my family gathered around filled me with such joy. And our family would grow by one in just a few months. Tears of happiness filled my eyes as the music in the chapel began.

  “Go get ‘em,” I said, high-fiving little Connor as I put him back down on the ground.

  Lily took his hand and led him to where they were supposed to go. She was already just like me, a little control freak at five years old. It made me wonder what my son or daughter would be like.

  Logan took my arm, as he was the one walking me down the aisle. Without any parents to give me away, he was the closest thing. And since he helped raise my siblings, it seemed fitting for him to have that honor.

  “I knew you two would end up here one day,” he whispered as we waited for our turn to walk down the aisle. “Ever since you were teens.”

  “Come on, you’re full of crap,” I said, punching him playfully on the arm.

  “No, I mean it,” he said, facing me. He had a serious, happy expression on his face. He wasn’t lying to me about this. “I knew Justin picked on you because he liked you, and I saw the way you looked at him. I even knew four years ago something was up, I just wish you’d have told me.”

  “We told you as soon as we realized it was serious,” I said, squeezing his arm. “You were the first person to know once we stopped being silly and admitted we loved each other.”

  Logan nodded. “Good,” he said. “Because no matter what, you’re still my sister and I love you.”

  “I love you too, big brother,” I whispered, my throat clogged with unshed tears.

  Melody had started her walk down the aisle, and it was our turn. Logan looked over at me as the music changed to the wedding march.

  “You ready for this?”

  “Of course,” I said with complete confidence. “I’ve been ready for this moment for the last four years.”

  “I thought so,” he said with a grin as two attendants pulled the doors opened.

  We stepped into the chapel, all eyes on us. My eyes focused on the front, however. Justin stood at the altar, tall and proud in his black tuxedo. He looked hot as hell dressed in a tailored suit.

  I tried to smile for everyone in attendance at the wedding, but it was hard not to focus just on my husband-to-be. He had tears in his eyes, and the look of awe on his face was one I’d remember for the rest of my life.

  Justin mouthed the words, “I love you” as I walked toward him. I did the same, feeling the wet tears running down my cheeks. Thank God for waterproof mascara.

  My friends and family surrounded us, all of them smiling happily.

  This was it. This was the beginning of the rest of my life.

  And I couldn’t have been happier.

  I was marrying my partner-in-crime, and I knew no matter what trouble came our way, the two of us could handle it together.

  Did you enjoy Big Bad Fire Daddy! Great news! Jax’s story from this series is just 99 cents and FREE on Kindle Unlimited.

  But first please leave your honest review on Big Bad Fire Daddy HERE. It helps me a great deal to have your reviews!

  Check out Jax’s story, Big Bad Fireman’s Baby HERE.

  I’ve also included a sneak peek of my Mountain Men of Liberty Series, which is a long best selling mountain man book series you can dive into now! Check it out in the next section!

  As a family.

Christmas with four Firemen


  Move aside people. The big dogs are here.

  Stepping out of the truck, we were met with booming gusts of hot wind, smoke, and ash hitting us in the face.

  The warehouse had been abandoned, thankfully, so there wouldn't be anybody who needed to be rescued or a family who would be put out right before Christmas.

  It seemed like a pretty straight forward call. All we had to do was put the damn thing out and get back to the station.

  Except, I knew from all my years working with fires, nothing was ever that easy.

  It was a small structure fire, and no other buildings were being threatened. By the looks of the rundown old warehouse, I assumed it was probably already slated for demolition.

  The response to the blaze wasn't tremendous, as it was just our small crew. Though, I knew damn well we would be more than enough.

  A crowd of people swarmed around the building, fascinated by watching this derelict old building burn. I never understood the interest, but there were at least two dozen of them crowding around. There were also several reporters with entire film crews. The bystanders were using their phones to tape the destruction.

  Making things even more hectic, was the fact that a nearby school had just let out for the day, and children were walking home – a throng of them stopping to stare at the scene with wide, scared eyes. It was like a car crash, they were frightened, but not scared enough to look away.

  A little boy who couldn't have been more than twelve shouted, “Cool!” as he rushed toward the fire truck.

  Austin grabbed him by the arm and knelt down. I couldn't make out what he was saying, but it ended with a pat on the head and the boy walking back to the sidewalk looking thoroughly abashed.

  A few police cruisers rolled in, and quickly started to string up tape to keep the crowds back – much to their disappointment. Despite the police presence, a few of them still tried to sneak in under the tape to get closer to the action.


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