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Blur Page 3

by Orlando A. Sanchez

  “Well, color me embarrassed, it looks like someone is expecting you John.” said Mole.

  “Looks that way.” said John. How did they get his handprint?

  “I don’t like it John, but I know that’s not going to prevent you from going into the bat cave, is it?”

  “Too many questions now Mole, questions that need answers. See if you can find out who runs Double Helix or who owns this property.” said John.

  “Fine, you see the glass on the fascia? It has an electro static charge, no cell phones, bugs tracers or any electronic devices that aren’t keyed to the building.” Mole sounded impressed.

  “Sounds like you’re a fan.” said John.

  “Shit John, I can appreciate beauty man, and that, is beautiful. It also means once you go in I can’t reach you. ” said Mole.

  “I’m going in blind.”

  “Exactly, so maybe you want some back up? I can get one of the guys over there in twenty.”

  “No, if it’s nothing, then it’s a wasted trip, and if it’s dangerous, they become a liability. If I’m not out in an hour, set the backup plan in motion.” said John.

  “You sure?” said Mole.

  “One hour Mole, from now.” said John.

  Mole heard the edge in John’s voice and knew better than to argue. John stepped inside, the door closed silently behind him; the locking mechanism slid into place, trapping him inside.

  The hallway was cool and dim. A few feet on his right was the opening to a large living room. John stood still to let his eyes adjust to the lower light level. The floors were hardwood. John could see that much. There were prints or photos of some sort lining the hallway but he couldn’t make them out. Most of the furniture was low in a traditional Japanese style. Something about the place made him feel comfortable and welcome. John sensed the presence before he saw him.

  “Good evening Kane-san,” he pronounced John’s name with two syllables Kah-neh. John turned slowly not because he was afraid, but rather the sheer physical presence the man was radiating was intimidating. He had not felt that kind of physical energy since his Sensei.

  John turned to face an old man advanced in years.

  “Ninety five, next week.” the old man said reading the question on John’s face.

  “Do I know you?” said John.

  The old man moved gracefully, despite his age and settled on one of the cushions beside the table.

  “Please sit. To answer your question, no, you do not know me, but I have been waiting for you. You may know of me or rather of my exploits.” said the old man.

  John scrutinized the old man sitting before him so serenely.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know you.” said John after a few moments.

  “It’s quite all right; it has been a long time. When I was young I had many names. My family name is Fujita. My given name was, or rather is, although very few alive remember it, Takashi.”

  Realization dawned on John’s face.

  “When I was young and full of energy, I went by a different name.” said the old man.

  “The Katana.” whispered John.

  The old man bowed his head slightly.

  “Would you like some tea? We have much to discuss.” said Fujita.

  John sat down in a state of semi-shock. The man before him was a living piece of history. John thought back to the stories of the Fujita clan Nakamura Sensei shared with him. The Fujita clan was one of the driving forces throughout the history of Japan dating as far back as the early 1300s. The clan preferred to blend in and remain behind the scenes, careful to remain hidden and undiscovered. The few exceptions to this were the near mystical swordsmen the Fujita clan had produced. Above them all stood Takashi Fujita. Known as the Katana, it was said he could strike down an opponent between blinks. That he had trained his body to such a degree that he was impervious to sword cuts, even bullets.

  John sat and stared. Fujita’s body was gnarled by years of training. He realized he was being rude and quickly lowered his eyes. He was so transfixed by the old man that he didn’t notice the woman approaching beside him.

  John was at a loss, the fact that he was meeting a revered budoka, and that it was his own handprint that opened the lock to this home conspired to unsettle him, he lashed out in reflex at the woman that had silently sidled up to him unseen until that moment.

  The woman carried a tray with fine china on it; she deftly ducked out of the way of his strike and continued her motions placing the tray on the table. She bowed and poured tea for the two men. Her face, serene as she poured the tea gave John the impression she thought upon other matters. When she finished, she bowed and stepped behind Fujita, sitting gracefully behind him and slightly to his right in a kneeling position called seiza. Her eyes appeared to be closed, but John couldn’t be sure. He couldn’t guess her age; she had a timeless quality about her. She wore a simple black kimono, her hair, which was loose, hung straight framing her face.

  “This is Masami,” Fujita gestured to the woman. “I rescued her when she was a young girl and about to lose her life. She has since pledged her life to me, and to my clan.”

  John looked at Masami, who despite the scrutiny remained motionless.

  “She is here to take care of me in my final days which draw close. I am sure you have several questions. I will try to answer them all to the best of my ability.” said Fujita.

  John felt like he had stepped into some strange world, there was no way he could be having a Q&A with one of Japan’s living legends. Yet here he was, and there he was as real as the air he breathed.

  John took a deep breath and gathered his wits.

  “This is going to take more than an hour, I need to make a call, is that possible?” asked John.

  Masami stood in response to the almost imperceptible nod from Fujita. She left the room and returned to the room minutes later. As she sat, Fujita gestured to John. “Your phone should be operational now.”

  John removed his phone from his pocket and sure enough he had a signal. Before he dialed, he bowed to Fujita.

  “If I may?” said John.

  Fujita returned to bow, “Please attend to your matter.”

  John called Mole.

  “John! Is that you?” said Mole.

  Mole was nervous or he never would have asked.

  “Mole forget the backup plan, I’m calling you from the inside.”

  “No way, your signal shows you clear across town, are you sure you’re inside?” said Mole incredulous.

  “Yes Mole, I’m pretty certain I’m inside sitting down at a table across from one of the last people I ever expected to see.”

  “Who?” asked Mole.

  John inclined his head, asking Fujita if he could share this information. Fujita nodded.

  “I’m sitting across from Fujita Sensei, Takashi Fujita.”

  After the clacking of some keys, John heard Mole whistle low and long.

  “John.” said Mole. “Are you sure you’re cool man?”

  “I’m fine Mole, a bit shocked but good.” said John.

  “If that’s the Fujita Sensei, dude, he was awesome! Also says here he’s dead. Dead ten years in fact. Either you’re right or you’re sitting with a ghost. One other thing, whatever is scrambling your signal is off the charts, better than anything I could do, watch your back.” said Mole.

  “Will do, thanks Mole.” said John.

  “Oh! One more thing.” said Mole.

  “What, Mole?”

  “Get me an autograph, or maybe a sword he used? Maybe an old sweat rag Maybe a-“

  “Goodbye Mole.” said John.

  He cut off Mole mid-sentence and put the phone away. The call averted the sanitizing of his home and Mole erasing all pertinent data on him. It was an extreme course of action, but one set in place from years of experience.

  “My apologies, Fujita Sensei.” said John.

  “None required. Let us go to the drawing room where we can converse and discuss your visit here and w
hat it means to those who seek you harm.” said Fujita.

  Chapter Seven

  Fujita Sensei stood with a grace that belied his years. Masami stood silently after him. Fujita Sensei led the way to a room of a more intimate nature. This was a room that said close friends and family. The furniture was solid and dark wood, but the arrangement was inviting, informal and open. More cushions were spread around the floor. The room was spacious with one wall being shoji screens. The screens were partially open and John could see what looked like a Zen garden beyond the screen doors. Fujita Sensei sat on one of the cushions. Masami left the room after bowing to the older man. John sat on one of the cushions opposite Fujita; memories of his training flooded him. After a moment John spoke.

  “I guess the most obvious question is, why am I here and how did I open that door?” said John.

  “That is two questions. These questions will inevitably lead to more questions, but it’s a start.” said Fujita.

  “Let’s start there.” said John

  Fujita Sensei took a sip from his tea, as if to gather his thoughts. The smell of honey and mint filled the air.

  “Very well, you are here because your associate Peter Cheung discovered an encryption on a disc that was given to you by your former colleagues. These same colleagues wish you to ascertain the identity of an unknown individual who possesses a specific ability; it is the same ability that you possess. You are also here because despite the evidence on that disc, you are the last legitimate student of Nakamura Sensei, and as such the inheritor of his estate. You were able to open the door because your print is one of a handful allowed onto this property, property that belongs to your late sensei.” said Fujita in a calm voice.

  John remained silent, but didn’t let the shock of the revelation register on his face.

  “That- that was pretty accurate.” said John.

  “As you may know, my family has been in the shadows for centuries, shaping entire governments. Tracking one man, even one as formidable as you, was not a difficult task. You will find that the Double Helix Corp. is a subsidiary of Fujita International. The Fujita conglomerate of companies is a legitimate body of organizations. Only those of the bloodline are allowed to become aware of the hidden nature of the parent company.”

  “How many of the Fujita clan still live?” said John.

  Fujita Sensei smiled, “Fortunately many of my brethren believed in expanding the family tree. We are very numerous, even though many have taken on other names to better blend in with their environment.”

  “How did you do that with the disc?” said John.

  “It wasn’t on the disc. We placed the encryption on the terminal when you were sending information to your computer friend. That action triggered the visit by government computer police, not that they will find anything on the machine.” said Fujita.

  “But how did you know which terminal I was using?”

  “That part was simple; we simply had a person watching from a vantage point with an unobstructed view of the establishment.”

  “What if I had gone to another Fedex?” asked John.

  “Why would you? This was the one you went to regularly, and we are creatures of habit, as you know.” said Fujita.

  John hated that he was right, and that he had been so easy to track. He was getting soft and slow, he could afford neither.

  “The information Mo- Peter discovered led me here. I’m guessing that was the purpose?”

  “Correct, Kane-san. I am an old man. Very soon I will be gone. Before I go, I must attend to several matters. You are chief among them.”

  “Why me?” said John.

  Fujita Sensei paused to sip some more tea.

  “Your Sensei was one of my best students. We did not always agree, but there was always respect and ‘on’-obligation. I disagreed strongly with his choice to work for an organization other than my family. I disagreed but understood that it was his path. This property and all its contents now belong to you. They are a result of his being an operative. He left it to you as his last request.”

  “He never told me.” said John.

  “Perhaps he had closed that chapter of his life. Or knowing the path that lay before you, he chose to prepare you as best he could.” said Fujita.

  “I don’t understand. How is this supposed to help me with what’s on that disc?” said John.

  The old man held up one hand, using a napkin as he coughed for close to twenty seconds. When he removed the napkin from his mouth, John saw traces of blood.

  “Time, it is the one enemy that can never be defeated. As you can see, mine is limited. Please allow me to finish.”

  “My apologies Sensei please continue.”

  “The ability you possess, the ability taught to your Sensei by my family is only one of five.”

  “Five?” said John.

  It never occurred to him that there were other abilities in existence. It was something his sensei never discussed. He suspected others but could never confirm their existence.

  “The five heads of my family each developed ability. How it was done has been lost to time. There was one law in my family; no one other than the leaders of the families could have more than one skill. I’m sure you could understand the reasoning behind this.” said Fujita.

  John could see the reason clearly. If one person possessed even two abilities, similar to his, that person could be, would be unstoppable.

  “What are these abilities?” asked John.

  “What I am sharing with you now, is not known to anyone else besides the most eldest of the clan and those of the bloodline. Even then, that information will be incomplete and erroneous to deter those who would pursue power and dominion. Masami will be able to educate you further in time. I will leave you in her care.” said Fujita.

  “You will what?” John thought he misheard. The old man smiled at John’s reaction.

  “Do not be alarmed. I have asked her and she has agreed to look after you.” said Fujita.

  John didn’t know how he felt about a baby sitter. He shelved the thought for now.

  “Never mind that now.” Fujita Sensei said with a wave of his hand as if waving the topic away.

  “Let’s discuss the abilities of the Five.”

  “The abilities may seem distinct and unrelated on the surface, but they are deeply connected. The relation of each is a form without a form.” said Fujita.

  “Excuse me Sensei, that last part about form. I’ve heard it several times before from Nakamura Sensei. I just couldn’t understand what he meant by it.”

  “I cannot explain it to you Kane-san, it is an answer you must arrive at, I can only point you in the direction.”

  “With the abilities.” said John.

  “Precisely, let’s start with your ability for example. As I understand it, you and your colleagues called it blurring. Correct?”

  “Yes, the ability to move beyond the perception of an opponent.” said John.

  Fujita Sensei nodded his head and drank some more tea.

  “Are you really moving faster? What is your perception of the ability?”

  “I don’t really feel like I’m moving any faster.” said John.

  “What would happen if instead of your moving faster, what was really happening was that everyone around you moved slower?” said Fujita.

  John thought about that a moment.

  “But that would mean –” realization dawned on John’s face.

  “I can see you are starting to see. Let’s get back to that and Kaneko, the founder of your ability, later. The next ability is transforming your skin into a stone-like substance, resistant to all types of damage.”

  “I could see how that would come in handy.” said John.

  “Mura who discovered this ability was said to be able to deflect knives and spears with his body, when he executed his ability. However it was very taxing on his system.”

  “How so?” said John.

  “He could only maintain the state for sho
rt periods of time, during which he was quite difficult to injure.” said Fujita.

  “He needed downtime, rest afterwards though?” said John.

  “Yes, as you may have surmised, every one of the abilities requires a period of rest equivalent to the duration of time spent using the ability.”

  “Or else the body shuts down like it or not.” said John

  Fujita Sensei nodded.

  “The body and more importantly, the mind will protect itself, if you don’t rest, it will force it upon you. That is one of the fail safes of the abilities, it seems.” said Fujita.

  John understood the implication.

  “If you could use your ability without ever needing to rest, you would be undefeatable.” said John.

  “True, at least until your early death,” said Fujita Sensei.

  “That is quite the downside.” said John.

  Fujita Sensei sipped more tea. His movements were fluid and graceful. John would have liked to see him when he was a young man full of energy.

  “I was foolish and full of ego when I was younger.” Fujita Sensei said as if reading his mind. “This is why I never respected the next ability, until it saved my life.”

  “When was this?” John asked clearly intrigued who or what could have endangered the life of this great swordsman.

  Waving his hand again Fujita dismissed the question.

  “That is a story for another time. The ability that saved me was discovered by Mariko, and I do believe it was Mariko herself who placed hands on me. The practitioners of her ability can heal or accelerate healing or death with a touch-direct or indirect.” said Fujita.

  “How severe a wound?” said John.

  “I saw many brought back from the brink of death. There was even rumored a technique called a life exchange, though I never witnessed it. A person could be brought back from a recent death, provided the practitioner gives up their life.” said Fujita.

  “That sounds like the Death Hand just the opposite.” said John.

  “It flows from the same place, giving life and taking it are two sides of the same coin.” said Fujita.

  “How could it have been Mariko who placed her hands on you?” said John.

  “Consider that out of all the abilities, that one could extend life the longest, healing cells on a continual basis, not actively, but almost as a byproduct of use.” said Fujita.


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