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Blur Page 7

by Orlando A. Sanchez

  “What the hell was that?” asked john.

  “That was a sanitizer. The Shadow Blades use it to remove any trace of their presence.” said Masami. “What of her associate?”

  “Dead.” said John.

  “If he wasn’t, he is now. The sanitizer is basically several large acid bombs that disintegrate everything in their blast radius, especially flesh.” said Masami.

  “Nasty.” said John.

  “Yes it is and very efficient. No bodies to move or take care of and afterwards they send a cleaning crew to make sure there are no traces left.” said Masami.

  “And this is why no one believes Shadow Blades exist?” said John.

  “That and they leave no witnesses, ever.”

  “What are we going to do with her?” asked John.

  “I cannot help her much now. My body – I need some rest.” said Masami.

  “Hospital?” said John.

  Masami shook her head slowly.

  “She would be dead by morning.” said Masami.

  “Let me see if I can get us some help.” said John.

  John pulled out his cell and pressed the only number it was programmed to call.

  “John! Thank God. I thought you were dead, old man.” said Mole.

  “Not for lack of trying. Mole we need some help.”

  “We? Who is we John?” said Mole.

  “Three of us right now. We need to access a place off the grid and under the radar.” said John.

  “Anyone I know?” said Mole.

  “Remember the picture I sent you, Mikaela Petrovich?”

  There was pause and John thought he had lost the call.

  “Mole?” said John.

  “John, shit. Tell me you’re kidding. Tell me you are not running around with the ice queen.” said Mole.

  “The what?” said John.

  “The. Ice. Queen. Yes with capitals. She’s bad mojo, John, very bad mojo. As in run the other way bad.” said Mole.

  “I was in the process of that when the grenades – never mind Mole. Look, she’s hurt and we need a place to crash.”

  “Take her to a hospital John. Trust me; you want space between you and her, lots and lots of it. Preferably a continent if you can arrange it. Remember you asked me to get information on her? I still haven’t found anything on her John. I haven’t found anything, John. Not one thing on her. This is me we’re talking about.” said Mole.

  John understood what the Mole was trying to say but he had no choice.

  “Can’t, some very nasty bad men want her dead.” said John.

  “Ok, your funeral, who is the other person?” said Mole.

  “Trust me when I tell you that even you wouldn’t know her.” said John.

  “John, you’re my hero. I leave you alone for a few hours and you manage to find time to snag the ice queen and some mystery woman? You are the man.” said Mole.

  “Mole, the address please.” said John.

  “OK, got it. I’ll text it to you, encrypted. Use our cipher.”

  “I need a car as well.” said John.

  “Where is the drop off?”

  John told him the location.

  “There is too much activity over there with some explosion and then some firebombing of a property not too far away. Wait, was that you?” asked Mole.

  “No Mole,” John lied knowing that the truth would set Mole on some other tangent.

  “Good, because whoever is responsible has gotten mucho attention and I know you don’t like attention. Ok, can you make it to a gas station on Northern Blvd and 36th Street, that’s about four blocks from where you are.”

  John looked at Masami, who nodded.

  “Yes, we can. What’s our window?”

  “Ten minutes.” said Mole.

  “Mole –” John was not pleased. Ten minutes would be cutting it close.

  “Hey this is beyond short notice. I don’t even want to think about what I will have to do just to get you these ten minutes.”

  “Fine, we’ll make it.” said John.

  “Good, I’ll make sure it’s a Phaeton. I know you prefer them.”

  “Thanks Mole.”

  “Thank me from the car. Your ten minutes starts now.”

  “We have to move, fast,” said John.

  “So I heard.” said Masami, who was running for the stairs. John picked up Mikaela, headed up after Masami, conscious of each passing second.

  They made it in eight minutes thanks to Masami who knew the area well. John approached the Phaeton from the driver’s side. As vehicles went, it was one of John’s favorites. They were large with plenty of trunk space. There was much to be said for German engineering. As John approached, the door opened and a slim blonde woman stepped out, and opened the rear door for him.

  “Hello Iris,” said John. The woman gave him a curt nod and handed him a set of keys.

  “Mr. Kane.” said Iris.

  “Standard protocol?” said John.

  “Correct. Bullet proof lexan, armor plating, nitrous oxide and finger print recognition on keys and interior.”

  “Disposal?” said John.

  “The usual, leave it parked and press the alarm button, either inside the car or on the key, and we will retrieve and sanitize.”

  “Thank you Iris.”

  She nodded again and walked to the other side of the gas station, a black Suburban pulled up and she stepped inside, the darkened glass obscured her and the driver from view as they pulled away.

  John entered the vehicle. Masami was seated in the rear with Mikaela trying to comfort her and checking for any serious injury. John placed his thumb on a special panel in the dash, after three seconds a computerized voice notified him that his print was recognized and the car started. John pulled out his phone and checked his texts. The address was located somewhere in downtown Manhattan. He called Mole.

  “Did you make it?” asked Mole.

  “I did.”

  “Who did they send?”

  “Iris this time.” said John.

  Mole whistled. “They must really respect you to send out Iris; hardly anyone gets to see her, John.”

  “I feel privileged.”

  “You should, she’s leet.” said Mole.

  “She’s what?”

  “Leet, means elite, she’s one of the best.”

  “Thank you for the English lesson. This address, are you certain?”

  “The best I could do on short notice. You will be good there max one week, then I suggest relocating.” said Mole.

  “That’s plenty of time.”

  “I figured. Usual SOP, don’t attract attention. Don’t go outside, you know the drill. Make sure your guests do too. Talk to you later.” said Mole.

  Mole hung up. He was never for long conversations, no matter how secure the line was.

  John pulled out and headed west on Northern Blvd.

  “Where are we going?” asked Masami.

  “I’d rather not say.” John could hear Mikaela stirring. “Some place safe.”

  “I don’t think such a place exists Kane-san.” said Masami.

  John didn’t answer, but deep down he agreed.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Kei had never trained so hard in her life. Grueling did not begin to describe it. The fight with the senior felt like ages ago. She couldn’t believe it was only earlier in the day.

  “You lack focus, your ability is still-” he paused, searching for the right word.

  “Untapped?” she volunteered. He looked at her in a way that would have withered other students.

  “I was going to say rudimentary, basic,” said Himara.

  That stung her. Red faced she bit her tongue and stifled her response. The door to the dojo opened and Himara Sensei paused.

  “Ah, good finally, now you begin to work.” said Himara.

  Kei couldn’t believe her ears. She had just been training for four hours and now she would begin? A thin woman stepped into the dojo. Her grey eyes took in the
scene. She bowed to Himara Sensei. He returned the bow. It was the woman who watched her fight and managed to follow her every move.

  “Please get dressed, so you can assist Kei with her training,” said Himara.

  She bowed in response and went off to change.

  “Who is that, she looks familiar.” said Kei.

  “That is your training partner. She will help polish your skills. Steel against steel, sharpens.” said Himara.

  With that Himara Sensei left Kei on the dojo floor alone. The woman returned a few minutes later, dressed simply in a plain white uniform. A black belt devoid of markings or rank was tied around her waist.

  “My name is Lea. It is my honor to train with you today.” She bowed.

  “I’m Kei, thank you for training with me. I guessed I pissed off the Sensei. He doesn’t even want to train me.”

  Lea smiled and shook her head, letting Kei know she was wrong.

  “If he did not want you trained, I would not be here. Now I know you’re warmed up. Are you ready?”

  Kei took a breath, got into a fighting stance and faced Lea.

  “As ready as I –” Kei never finished the sentence as the air was forced out of her lungs. Lea had slammed a palm strike into Kei’s chest, sending her sliding across the dojo floor.

  “I’m going to guess that you were not ready,” said Lea.

  Kei lifted her sore body from the hardwood floor. As she stood, she smiled at Lea.

  “Are you ready now?” said Lea.

  The question is, are you? thought Kei, as she blurred towards her.

  Chapter Twenty

  John pulled into the garage across from the Essex restaurant. He double checked the address before getting out of the car. The address was the building across from the Essex. Once an industrial area, the lofts had been converted into huge apartments. It was one of these lofts that would be their base of operations for the next week. John opened the door while Masami assisted Mikaela who had regained consciousness and was walking, somewhat unsteadily.

  “How long can we stay here?” said Masami as she helped Mikaela towards the door.

  “A week at most, with no outside contact.” said John.

  Mikaela, fully conscious now turned to John.

  “I-I can’t stay here. Not for a week without anyone knowing where I am. I need to make some calls.”

  Mikaela was getting agitated.

  “No calls,” said John.

  “What do you mean, no calls?” she said, her voice rising.

  “Exactly what you heard, no calls, no going outside. No contact outside of me and Masami. The alternative is you get found and most likely erased.” said John.

  John was losing his patience and took a deep breath as he turned to inspect the space.

  “Masami, why don’t you explain it to her while I get us situated.” said John.

  He stepped further into the loft space as Masami turned to speak to an upset Mikaela. He could hear their voices behind him as he walked over to the kitchen area where a laptop was resting on a counter. The loft was divided into a kitchen area, common area and two bedrooms just off the common area.

  Sitting on a stool by the kitchen counter, he powered up the laptop and tried to assess the events of the last few hours. Someone was killing assets. Fujita Sensei was killed by his own clan. Mikaela, who was a liability he needed to get rid of, worked for some unknown group and thought he killed Fujita. Masami, another liability as far as he was concerned was determined to “assist” him in anything he attempted to do.

  It was a mess. Somehow he needed to straighten this out before he was implicated further and killed. Oh and he still had Trevor to consider, the clock was ticking.

  He could hear them speaking. Mikaela’s short clipped words sounding like rapid gunfire countered by Masami’s easy cadence. He hoped Mikaela would understand, but he knew the type. She was going to be a problem. After checking the space, he came back to the common area.

  Mikaela looked straight at him.

  “Let me send one email. I can encrypt it. They won’t know its point of origin. You don’t realize what will be set in motion if my people think I’m dead.” said Mikaela.

  John thought it over while Masami went to the kitchen to prepare some tea.

  “Can you guarantee it won’t be traced back here?”

  John didn’t like it, but if it meant she would cooperate then it was worth it.

  “Absolutely, my skills may be a bit rusty but I was one of the best.”

  “Masami, your thoughts?” said John.

  Masami turned to face John.

  “She will attempt it regardless.” Masami said, as she looked at Mikaela. “Better we know and let her do it now than have to tie her up for a week.” said Masami.

  John turned to face Mikaela.

  “Fine, send your email. Understand that if it’s not encrypted at the highest level, we will have visitors, and they won’t be your people.” said John. “Masami, make sure she is as good as she says.”

  Mikaela sat at the counter in front of the laptop. Her fingers flew over the keys. After a few minutes, she stood up, apparently finished.

  “Thank you.” said Mikaela as she sat in the common area, still feeling her injuries.

  “You’re welcome but just in case.” John picked up his phone and dialed.

  “Did you get it?” John asked Mole.

  “Got it,” he said as he chewed.

  “Two messages, one straight email and one short burst transmission. She is very good though. I almost didn’t see it.” said Mole.

  John turned to look at Mikaela. She looked at him, defiance in her eyes.

  “Who is that?’ said Mikaela

  “Sanitize the email and send it without the burst transmission.” said John.

  He looked at Mikaela. She looked away.

  “You think this is some game?” asked John.

  Mikaela turned to face John; there was no fear in her eyes.

  “Look, all I know is you two are responsible or at least involved in the death of one of our assets. For all I know, you killed him.” said Mikaela pointing at John.

  “Sure that’s why I dragged you out of a burning building, because my remorse at killing Fujita Sensei was so great that it drove me to save you.” said John.

  Mikaela turned to face him, ice in her voice.

  “I don’t know why you dragged me out of there. I will tell you what I do know. You were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Gustav is more than likely dead and you are holding me here against my will.”

  Chapter Twenty One

  Kei sped across the dojo floor, not using all of her ability, but moving faster than any untrained human could. Lea stood there waiting. This was going to be too easy, thought Kei. She bore down on Lea and unleashed a devastating punch at her midsection.

  Kei pulled it a bit, after all she didn’t want to send her to the hospital, just return the favor and send Lea flying, doubled over in pain would be the bonus. As she completed her technique, the air around Lea shimmered and Kei connected, with nothing.

  As Kei turned, Lea slammed a low kick into Kei’s left thigh. It was faster than she could register. The muscle spasmed, but she stayed upright. Lea had shifted two feet to her right, causing Kei to miss and overextend herself. The low kick was considered an equalizing technique. It usually stopped an opponent cold.

  Kei tested the leg and stepped back a bit. It hurt, but pain was just another sensation like cold or heat. She was aware of the leg but it wasn’t going to slow her down.

  “You’re strong,” said Lea.

  “You have no idea,” Kei answered.

  “Let’s find out,” said Lea as she turned to face Kei.

  Chapter Twenty- Two

  “Gustav is dead.” said John.

  Mikaela lowered her head. “He was a good partner, one of the best.”

  John decided not to tell her that he died protecting her from the blast.

  “My absence won’t go
unnoticed. You probably have a team looking for you right outside this place, wherever we are.” Mikaela said as she glanced around at the windows. They were all covered with a frosted film, allowing in light but obscuring detail.

  “Your people are the least of my worries.” said John.

  “Really, my people are pretty good.” said Mikaela

  “We’re jamming any tracking signal you may be transmitting, including your subdermals.” said Masami.

  Shit, thought Mikaela. Who were these people?

  “Anyway that’s not the issue right now.” said John.

  “My kidnapping is not an issue, really?” said Mikaela.

  “It boggles the mind how you don’t see the bigger picture here.” said John.

  “Enlighten me. Why not start with who you work for. You have company written all over you.” said Mikaela.

  “I don’t work for anyone in alphabet city.” said John.

  “Convince me.”

  “I’m guessing this tough as nails act must really scare the people you work with or those who work for you. Around here it’s meaningless.” said John.

  “It’s not an act. It is going to be my life’s mission to stop you. That, you can believe.” said Mikaela as she pointed a finger at John.

  John smiled. He was actually starting to like her.

  “I do, it’s your dance, and you do it any way you feel like. Like I was saying, CATT isn’t the main issue here. Someone is killing assets –” started John.

  “Yes, you,” Mikaela interrupted.

  “No, not me.” said John. “It’s someone with a special skill.”

  “What kind of skill?” asked Mikaela.

  “I don’t think sharing that information would be prudent right now.” said John.

  “You want to say classified, don’t you?”

  “Let’s just say it’s not a good idea to share that right now.”

  “OK, let’s pretend it’s not you. Where did this mystery person acquire this skill?” said Mikaela.

  “I don’t know, but that would be the right question to ask.”


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