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Fumbled Page 10

by Harry Brady

  Graham took this all in and replied, “O.K. I get the message. Here is what I can share with you. After you were here today, our bureau chief ordered me to assemble our elite Hostage Rescue Team. As we speak, they are packing up and should be in Pittsburgh by seven o`clock tomorrow morning. Can you make an early meeting? The Federal SWAT guys will want to talk with you.”

  “What time?”

  “I’ve got your cell. Can you make it on half an hour’s notice?”


  Walking back into the living room Cash walked over to Henry and Laura, who were reciting the Hail Mary and announced, ”Keep the prayers going, we may be working on another miracle.”



  December 14, 2018, 6:45 A.M.

  Phil Cash had just poured a cup of coffee and was sitting down at the kitchen table with Laura when his cell phone rang. It was Agent Donald Graham.

  “The Hostage Rescue Team has arrived early and they want to get a briefing started as soon as possible. How quickly can you get here? Since narcotics smuggling is also involved, Bureau Chief Alberts thought your narcotic detective might add to the meeting.”

  “I`ll be there as soon as I can. Traffic shouldn`t be that bad this early in the morning. Probably twenty minutes or so. I`ll call Detective Johnson and have her meet us at the bureau building.”

  Laura was well aware of the routine and had started some scrambled eggs and bacon. Cash went upstairs and looked in on the children, who were still sleeping. He went into the master bedroom and put on a white dress shirt and blue slacks. Picked out a conservative tie and opened the lock box holding his Glock revolver. He slid on his shoulder holster and put on a gray sport jacket and went down stairs. Before entering the kitchen, he put LaKeisha`s number on speed dial. A sleepy Detective Johnson answered on the fourth ring and recognizing the number said, “What`s the play?” Cash explained about the arrival of the Hostage Rescue Team and the request by Bobby Alberts that she attend the meeting. LaKeisha responded in the positive and added that her son has recently started walking to school, since there was a young lady in his class that he was smitten with and she lived on the way. She said she would wake him up and be on her way.

  Cash then entered the kitchen and breakfast was on the table. Laura said that he had better eat before it got cold. He devoured the meal in record time. He got up took the dishes to the sink where Laura was standing and said, “Sweetie, you are the absolute best! I don`t know how I could get along without you.” As she hugged him she whispered into his ear, “You are the best also. I don`t know how I could get along without you. I know how dangerous today could be. Please come back to me and the children tonight.”

  After a long lingering kiss, he turned and went out the door to the garage. She didn`t realize that she still had a dish towel in her hand, so she laid it on the counter and started upstairs to get the children ready for school.

  Cash arrived at the East Carson Federal Bureau of Investigation at almost twenty minutes to the second. He jogged from the parking lot up the steps into the lobby. At security, he checked his gun and was directed to a second floor auditorium. Entering the auditorium, he looked around for Detective Johnson but apparently she had not arrived yet. Standing in front of the stage was Agent Donald Graham talking animatedly to two men, and he recognized Agent Karen Lipke off to the side.

  The door behind Cash opened and Bobby Alberts the station chief entered. Extending his hand he said, ‘‘Thanks for coming. How about the narcotics lady?”

  “She should be along shortly. She`s a single mom and had a teenager to roust out of bed.”

  “Come on up front and meet some of the cavalry,” Alberts said as he began to walk down the aisle to the front row.

  Agent Graham stepped back as Alberts approached him and the two men Graham had been talking to. Alberts shook their hands, said a pleasantry or two, and then introduced the detective. Both men wore dark blue workmen type pants and short sleeve shirts. Cash shook hands with both men and noticed the biceps on them that would make Charles Atlas look like the weakling.

  Agent Graham scrambled up on the stage and asked everyone to be seated so he could start the briefing. He electronically lowered a screen and projected the Federal Bureau of Investigation logo. Underneath the logo were the words Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity.

  Just as he was about to project the next slide, Detective LaKeisha Johnson entered the back of the auditorium. Graham hesitated and said, “The detective from narcotics is here,” and motioned for her to take a seat.

  Of course, everyone turned to see who it was, as LaKeisha walked toward the front of the auditorium. She had on black slacks and a white turtleneck sweater both of which flattered her figure. Cash was seated in the second row on the end and moved over so she could sit next to him.

  Agent Graham regained everyone`s attention, and he proceeded to the next slide. What followed was the bureau`s surveillance of the building. Heat sensors had shown three people on the first floor and two people on the second floor yesterday. This morning however it indicated a third person on the second floor.

  Then Graham showed video of the traffic flow in the neighborhood. Cash sunk down in his seat a little when he saw his own car and the magnified image of his license plate. After this sequence one of the Hostage Rescue Team asked who was in that car. Graham informed the group that it was the hostage that had escaped, the husband of the latest hostage, and Detective Cash. For a few more excruciating moments, Agent Graham outlined that the detective driving the car was out of his jurisdiction and how he managed to have the illegal alien who had escaped in his car.

  To Cash`s great relief, Graham told of how Cash had come directly to the Bureau to share this information. At this point he discontinued the surveillance video, telling the group that it just showed them following the black Cadillac Escalade as the Korean criminals delivered the illicit drugs to the local dealers.

  Then he got into illegal narcotics and emphasized how ubiquitous the drug use was in this area, and for emphasis he mentioned that it was so bad that they observed a drug drop to a dealer at a nursing home on the Northside of Pittsburgh. LaKeisha almost jumped out of her seat at this point and Cash raised his hand to get Graham`s attention. Graham acknowledged him and Cash asked for him to run the video of the tail they had done on the Cadillac and to fast forward it to the nursing home. When the video got to that segment, Cash whispered to LaKeisha, “Holy shit, It`s Holy Angels!” Cash said to stop the video at this point, and Graham asked what was on the video that was so important. “This is the nursing home where Detective Johnson and myself are investigating the sudden deaths of several residents from fentanyl overdosing as potential homicides.” This got the attention of everyone in the auditorium. Cash and LaKeisha then answered a deluge of questions. When Graham decided to move on, he discussed smuggling drugs through the southwestern border, and the turf war for drug dealing in Pittsburgh and the rest of the Rust Belt. At this point, Cash and LaKeisha gave a summary of their ongoing investigation at Holy Angels and answered all the additional questions the federal agents asked.

  As the briefing progressed, Cash volunteered that the Immigration Customs and Enforcement Agency had been notified and had placed a hold on the third hostage and that she was in protective custody. At this point, Bureau Chief Bobby Alberts got up in the front row and came over to where Cash and LaKeisha were seated and dismissed them from the rest of the meeting. He acknowledged that she was a very busy lady and thanked her for attending the meeting. As Cash was exiting the aisle, the bureau chief quietly told him that the meeting was strictly confidential and that the bureau had no intentions of sharing the surveillance video with local authorities.



  December 14, 2018, 2:48 P.M.

  For the first time ever, Raymond punched in early on the time clock in the basement of Holy Angels. Changing i
nto his blue scrubs, he rapidly made his way to the third floor and went directly to room 365. Opening the door he looked in. It was empty and appeared ready for a new patient. He stepped in and looked around the floor. It was gone! He smiled to himself. The old broad had croaked and the football player will be toast, because his wallet was found on the floor. That guy is so dumb he never locks his door!

  Going down the hall to the nursing station, he reported in for work. At his meal, time he celebrated by going to Arby`s for a roast beef sandwich with extra meat rather than Taco Bell. Sitting at a table by himself, he planned his departure from Pittsburgh to places south. Someone had at one time told him that Jackson, Mississippi was a nice place.

  He had already picked up his paycheck and cashed it. There was also a Christmas bonus so he could get some extra drugs from Tom this evening. His duffel bag was packed and he had skipped out of his apartment without paying this week`s rent. As soon as he got the drugs, it was off to the bus station and a Greyhound to warmer places.

  December 14, 2018, 3:30 P.M.

  LaKeisha looked up from her paperwork as Cash walked into the Zone One squad room. ”You`re late from lunch, Kemosabe. What`s up?”

  “Had to talk to Brian`s teacher again. He just isn`t with the program yet.”

  LaKeisha continued, ”Cash, it`s genetic. Have you gotten with the mayor’s program yet?”

  “Of course, I have. I`m hosting a fund raiser in her honor. A thousand dollars a plate and you will be the guest speaker.”

  Before LaKeisha could stop laughing, Cash`s phone rang and he picked up the call.

  ”Holy shit, are you kidding me? Who is this guy? Fax me all the info and the mug shot.”

  “What was that all about?” LaKeisha asked.

  “I ran the prints on that Raymond Benson guy at Holy Angels. He isn`t really Raymond Benson. He is one Raymond Boudreau and he is wanted for a double homicide in Louisiana.” Getting up he grabbed his coat and said, “I`m on my way to Lockhart Street right now.”

  Grabbing her purse and coat LaKeisha said, “If what you say is right, this guy may be dangerous. I`m your backup, Kemosabe.” After a few minutes in an unmarked car, they pulled up at five-eighteen Lockhart Street. Going in the unlocked front door, they went up the steps to the second floor and knocked on Raymond Boudreau`s door. Getting no response, Cash knocked louder. Still no response. He tried the knob and the door was unlocked. Opening the door they carefully entered. All signs of human habitation were gone and the only things present were the roaches and the empty Taco Bell bags.

  “Looks like your guy rabitted on us,” LaKeisha said.

  Bounding down the steps he called the Holy Angels Retirement Community. When the Executive Director, Marilyn Cassidy, picked up he identified himself and asked if Raymond Benson was at work. She answered that he wasn`t due until the three to eleven shift came on. She volunteered that she knew he had come in early to pick up his paycheck, but then left the building.” Cash asked her to call him immediately when Raymond Benson showed up for work. He disconnected and said to LaKeisha, “We`re heading to Taco Bell.” Not finding him there they returned to the station house.

  Picking up the fax and the mug shot he showed the picture to LaKeisha. She responded, ”That`s our guy all right, now all we have to do is find him.”

  Sitting down at his desk, Cash called the sheriff`s office in New Iberia. After a ten minute talk, he hung up. Turning to LaKeisha`s desk he said, ”I talked to a Deputy Sheriff , Carrie Landry. This guy has a long rap sheet for minor drug dealing and petty theft. She also thinks he vandalized her house the day before he vanished. He apparently blew away his grandmother and her live-in boyfriend with a shotgun back in August and headed north. He was last seen in Little Rock. I`ll put out a Bolo on him, but let`s hope he shows up for work.”

  About 4:35 P.M., Cash got a call from the Executive Director at Holy Angele that Raymond had shown up for work. LaKeisha was downstairs in the record room, so he called her on her cell. “My man just showed for work at Holy Angels. What`s the status on your drug bust with the feds tonight?”

  “The Hostage Rescue Team is planning to hit the hostage house tonight. They also want to get them on a narcotics charge, so they are planning to do a double takedown at Holy Angels with our local narcotics unit and that includes me. The feds will lead the charge, but our SWAT guys will be back up. The feds will co-ordinate the timing so both raids occur simultaneously.”

  Cash asked “What is their time line?”

  ”At Holy Angels, in the parking lot at nine o`clock this evening”

  “Now that we have a positive I.D. on the fentanyl killer and we know where he is, homicide needs to be in on this. Maybe we can make it a triple takedown.”

  LaKeisha said, “Bobby Alberts gave me his personal cell number. I`ll get in touch and see if he is willing to deal you in.”

  “You`re on! When do you meet with our SWAT team ?”

  “In the ready room at six-thirty.”

  Bobby Alberts was in the gym at the East Carson Street Federal Building when he took LaKeisha`s call. He was in gym shorts and a white tee shirt, which read Doctors Without Borders, and he had just completed his daily one hundred sit ups. Wiping the perspiration from his face he answered “Yes, Detective Johnson, what can I do for you?” LaKeisha brought him up to date on the fentanyl murders and Cash`s desire to be in on the raids.

  Alberts mulled this over and agreed that Cash could be present as an observer, but the federal agents would arrest the murder suspect and then turn him over to the local authorities.



  Hostage House – December 14, 2018 morning of raid

  In the red brick house high on the hill overlooking the abandoned steel mill, Pak Tan Hee was conducting a strategy meeting with his Kkangpae associates. Pak nervously looked out the window at two barges loaded with coal being pushed along the Monongahela River towards the junction with the Ohio River. Standing next to him was his sponsor Lee Heon Tae. He turned slowly towards the two thugs sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast. “We cannot fail in this mission. My mentor, Lee Heon Tae, has personally come from Queens and placed his trust in our hands. We must honor him.”

  Turning to Lee he bowed and asked him for any additional advice. Lee answered “It is absolutely necessary that our organization expands westward for the very survival of Kkangpae in America,” Lee said to them. “My little brother, Pak Tan Hee, has outlined a plan that will insure our success and prosperity”.

  One of the thugs put down his fork and after wiping his mouth with a napkin said, “We are honored by your visit and understand our mission, Lee Heon Tae. We too want to bring honor and success to our organization. What is the plan?”

  Pak then explained he called Mr. Kim early that morning and he was told that the girl was being hidden in a convent somewhere in West Virginia. Mr. Kim also told Pak that the girl would be returned to Pittsburgh on the premise arrangements could be made for her to return to South Korea. The girl would be in the Garden of the Morning Calm Restaurant that evening by nine o’clock. Pak continued, ”I warned him not to go to the police, and if the girl was at the restaurant his wife would be returned unharmed.”

  “What if she isn’t there?” asked one the men at the table.

  “We kill both of the Kims. That will send a message to the Korean community that whoever is hiding her has to give the girl up.”

  “What if she is there?”

  “Then we kill all three of them.”

  “When to we make our move?”

  “You and I will leave here about seven o‘clock, as usual, and make our narcotic rounds. Lee Heon Tae will accompany us. Our last stop is on the Northside with that dumb ass at the retirement home about nine o`clock. Then we turn back into downtown and finish our business at the restaurant.” Pointing to the other man at the table he said, “You stay
here and guard the other two girls and the old lady. We will deal with her later and remember no rough stuff with the girls. They need to look good when we start to market them in the city.”

  Pak seemed to relax a little now that everything seemed to be falling in place. He went over to the table and pulled out a chair and sat down, ”How about one of you fixing breakfast for me and our honored guest.”

  Upstairs in a bedroom Mrs. Kim sat on the side of a bed and faced the two young Korean girls, who sat in separate chairs positioned on each side of a dresser. They had been up most of the night praying the rosary and other prayers, some of which were directed to Saint Jude, the patron saint of lost causes.

  When she had arrived at the house, Mrs. Kim realized that the girls had no idea that they were in Pennsylvania. They had obviously been traumatized by their captors and were emotionally devastated. Despite her own plight, Mrs. Kim knew that she had to be strong for these girls and had told them that the police knew where they were being held hostage and miracles still happened. She eased herself off the side of the bed and walked to the window that was bracketed by the scalloped blue curtains. Peering out, she saw the large abandoned buildings by the river and the huge rusted Bessemer converter. She remembered a television show about the strength of the steel industry in this area during World War II and that the funny looking giant beer barrel was somehow important for making steel. Turning back toward the bed she returned to the reality at hand and said, “Korean women are strong women. We have survived the Japanese Army forcing us into sex slavery during WW II. We suffered the horrors of our country being overrun by the North Koreans and the Chinese Communist army. What we had left was a devastated third world country, but we survived and prospered. We never gave up.” Taking the two girls by the hand she led them to the window and said, “God is on our side. We will survive and we will be free.”


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