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Tempted Page 3

by Maya Banks

  “Want to sleep here, too,” she mumbled.

  His fingers stilled in her hair and then his hands wandered down her body, bold and possessive. “That’s good, Ash, because from now on, you’ll sleep every night in my bed.”


  Devon woke to the odd sensation of a female body wrapped around him. Not just wrapped but completely and utterly surrounding him.

  Ashley was draped across him, her legs tangled with his, her breasts flattened against his chest, her arm thrown across his body and her face burrowed into his neck.

  He…liked it.

  He lay there a long while watching the soft rise and fall of her body as she slept soundly across him. She was really quite beautiful in an unsophisticated, effervescent way. She lit up a room when she walked in. You could always pick her out of a crowd. She was extremely…natural. Perhaps a bit too exuberant and unrestrained but in time with the proper guidance, she’d be an excellent wife and mother.

  He ran the tips of his finger lightly up her arm. She was pale. Not so pale she looked unhealthy, but it was obvious she wasn’t a sun bunny, nor did she indulge in salon tanning. Perhaps what he liked most about her was that she looked the same no matter when he saw her. Though she wore makeup, she didn’t wear so much that she was transformed into someone completely different when they went out.

  Glossy lips and a touch of coal to already long, lush lashes seemed to be all she did, but then he was hardly an expert on women’s gunk.

  But she didn’t seem fake. At least not that he could tell. Yet. Who knew what the future would bring. He liked to think she wasn’t an accomplice in this ridiculous plan of her father’s even when he knew it was best for all parties involved to know the entire story from the start.

  The selfish bastard in him liked the idea that she felt affection for him, free of machinations. If her words from the night before weren’t merely a result of being overwhelmed in the moment, affection was perhaps the wrong term. She’d said she loved him.

  It both complicated the matter and gave him a certain amount of satisfaction.

  While he may approach the marriage as a matter of necessity, convenience and a chance at a successful business venture, the idea that she would be coming into the marriage for the same reasons bothered him immensely.

  It made him a flaming hypocrite but he was happy for her to want him because she desired him and yes, even loved him.

  First, however, he had to get the preliminaries out of the way. One of which was making their upcoming nuptials official. She didn’t know it yet, but she would become Mrs. Devon Carter.

  He carefully extricated himself from the tangle of arms and legs, but he needn’t have worried because she slept soundly, only wrinkling her nose and mumbling something in her sleep when he slipped away completely.

  He pulled on his robe and glanced back at the bed. For a moment he was transfixed by the image she presented. The sun streamed through the window across the room and bathed her in its warm glow.

  Her blond hair was tousled and spread out over his pillow. One arm shielded most of her breasts from view, but there, just below her elbow, one nipple peeked out. The sheet slid to just over her buttocks but bared the dimple just below the small of her back.

  She was indeed beautiful. And now she was his.

  He dug into the pocket of the jacket he’d discarded the night before to retrieve the box with the ring in it and then quietly left the room. When she awoke, he’d put into place the next part of his carefully orchestrated plan.

  Ashley stirred and stretched lazily, blinking when the sun momentarily blinded her. She kept her eyes shut for a moment, simply enjoying the warmth and comfort of the sumptuous bed. Devon’s bed.

  She sighed in contentment. As virginal deflowering went, that had to top the list of all-time most awesome. How could it possibly have been any better? A wonderful night. Romantic dinner for two. Devon staring at her with those gorgeous eyes and murmuring that she would now be his. Oh, yeah, perfect.

  Then she realized that he was no longer in bed with her and she opened her eyes with a frown. Only to see him standing just across the room. Staring at her.

  He was clad in a robe, though it dangled loosely, open just enough that she could see his bare chest. He was leaning against the doorway to the bathroom and he was simply watching her. For some reason that sent a giddy thrill up her spine.

  Then a flash of color caught her eye and she glanced downward to see a lush red rose lying on the sheet next to her. But it was the tiny card propped next to a dazzling, truly spectacular diamond ring that took her breath away.

  Blood rushed to her head and she stared openmouthed at the items before her. She pushed to her elbow and reached for the ring, hands shaking so badly that she was clumsy, nearly dropping the small velvet box where the ring rested.

  Then she glanced at the note again, sure she’d misunderstood. But no, there it was. In his neat, distinctive scrawl.

  Will you marry me?

  “Oh, God,” she croaked out.

  She looked at the ring, looked at the note and then back up to him, almost afraid that he’d be gone and that she’d imagined this whole thing.

  But he was still there, an indulgent smile carving those handsome features.

  “Really?” she whispered.

  He nodded and smiled more broadly. “Really.”

  She dropped the rose, the ring, the note—everything—and flew out of bed, across the room, and launched herself into his arms.

  He stepped back and laughed as she kissed his face, his brow, his cheek and then his lips. “Yes, oh, yes! Oh, my God, Devon, yes!”

  He made a grab for her behind before she could slide down him and land on the floor. Then he hoisted her up so they were eye level. “You know it’s customary to actually put the ring on.”

  She glanced down at her hand and then over her shoulder to the bed. “Oh, my God! Where is it?”

  Shaking his head, he carried her over to the bed then set her on the edge while he reached behind her.

  A moment later, he took her hand and slid the diamond onto her ring finger. She sucked in her breath as the sun caught the stone and it sparkled brilliantly in the light.

  “Oh, Dev, it’s beautiful,” she breathed.

  She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. “I love you so much. I can’t believe you planned all this.”

  He gently pulled her arms down and then collected her hands in her lap as he stared into her eyes. “I don’t want a long engagement.”

  Was this supposed to worry her? She beamed back at him. “Neither do I.”

  “In fact, I’d prefer to get married right away,” he added, watching her all the while.

  She frowned and chewed at her bottom lip. “I wouldn’t mind. I mean if it was just me, but I don’t know how my family would take that. Mama will want to plan a big wedding. I’m her only daughter. It’s not that I care about a big fuss—I don’t. But it would hurt her if she wasn’t able to give us a big wedding.”

  He touched her cheek. “Leave your family to me. I assure you, they’ll be on board with my plans. You and I will have the best wedding—one that your mother will be more than satisfied with. I think you’ll find they won’t object to our plans at all.”

  Excitement hurtled through her veins until it was nearly impossible to sit still. “I can’t wait to tell everyone! Won’t this just be amazing? Everyone will be so thrilled for me. I know Daddy despaired of me ever finding a suitable man and settling down. He always says I’m too unsettled, but really, I’m still young.”

  He gave her an amused smile. “Are you saying you don’t want to get married?”

  She stared at him in shock. “No! That’s not at all what I was saying. I was merely going to say that I was waiting for the right man. In this case, you.”

  “That’s what I like to hear,” he murmured.

  He leaned forward to kiss her brow. “How abou
t you take a long bubble bath to recover from last night’s activities and then we’ll have breakfast together.”

  She flushed red. She had to be flaming. But she nodded, eager to discuss their future.

  Mrs. Devon Carter. It had such a nice ring to it. And speaking of rings… She glanced down, transfixed by the radiance of the diamond that adorned her finger.

  “Like it?” he asked in a teasing voice.

  She looked back up at him, suddenly serious. “I love it, Dev. It’s absolutely gorgeous. But you didn’t need to get me something so expensive. I would have loved anything you gave me.”

  He smiled. “I know you would. But I wanted something special.”

  Her heart did a little dance in her chest. “Thank you. It’s just perfect. Everything is perfect.”

  He kissed her again, long and leisurely. When he pulled away, his eyes were half-lidded and they were glowing with desire.

  “Go draw your bath before I forget all about breakfast and make love to you again.”

  “Breakfast?” she whispered. “Were we planning to eat?”

  He made a sound in his throat that was part growl, part resignation.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, Ash. As much as you tempt me, I’d rather wait until you’re fully healed from last night.”

  She pushed out her bottom lip.

  “As adorable as you are when you pout, it won’t move me this time. Now get your pretty behind out of bed and hit the bathroom. Breakfast will be served in forty-five minutes. Plenty of time for you to soak.”

  She sighed. “Okay, okay. I’m going.”

  She got up and walked toward the bathroom but just as she got to the doorway, something he’d said the night before came back to her. She paused and turned around, her head cocked to the side.

  “Dev, what did you mean last night when you said I’d be sleeping here with you every night from now on?”

  He rose and pulled his robe tighter around his waist. He stared back at her, his gaze intense and serious.

  “Exactly what I said. I’ll want you to move in as soon as possible. I’ll arrange to have what you need transferred from your apartment. You’re mine, Ash. From now on, you’ll spend every night in my bed.”


  “Well, you finally took the leap,” Cameron Hollingsworth said as he stared across the room to where Ashley stood with a group of women.

  Devon took a sip of the wine, though the taste went unappreciated. He was too distracted. Still, he forced some of it down, hoping it would at least take the edge off.

  The official announcement would be made in a few moments. By Devon himself. Ashley’s father had wanted to do the honors, but Devon had preferred to do it himself. William Copeland had already orchestrated entirely too much of Devon’s relationship with Ashley. From now on, things would be done his way.

  Though everyone in attendance was well aware it was an engagement party they had been invited to, Ashley had insisted on waiting until all the guests had arrived before their engagement was announced.

  “Cold feet already?” Cam asked dryly. “You haven’t said two words since I got here.”

  Devon grimaced. “No. It’s done. No backing out now. Copeland has all but signed off on the deal. After the ceremony he’ll fax the final documents and we’ll move forward with the merger. I’ll want to meet with you, Ryan and Rafe as soon as I return from the honeymoon.”

  Cam arched an eyebrow. “Honeymoon? You’re actually going on one?”

  “Just because this marriage is part and parcel of a business deal doesn’t mean Ashley has to have any less of a marriage or honeymoon,” Devon murmured.

  Cam shrugged. “Good idea. Keep her happy. If she’s happy, Daddy’s happy. You know what they say about Daddy’s girls.”

  Devon frowned. “Don’t be an ass. She’s…”

  “She’s what?” Cam prompted.

  “Look, she has no idea what her father’s done. She thinks this is a wildly romantic courtship that culminated in an equally romantic marriage proposal. If I don’t take her on a honeymoon, it’s going to look strange.”

  Cam groaned. “This can’t end well. Mark my words. You’re screwed, my friend.”

  “Anyone ever tell you what a ball of joy you are?”

  Cam held his hands up in surrender. “Look, I’m just trying to warn you here. You should tell her the truth. No woman likes being made a fool of.”

  “And have her tell me to go to hell and take my proposal with me?” Devon demanded.

  He sighed and shook his head. Yeah, he knew Cam had been through the wringer in the past. He couldn’t blame his friend for his cynicism. But he wasn’t in the mood to hear it right now.

  “This deal is important to all of us. Not just me,” he continued when Cam remained silent. “Marriage isn’t my first choice, but Ash is a sweet girl. She’ll make a good wife and a good mother. Everyone gets what they want. You, me, Ryan and Rafe. Ashley, her father. Everyone’s happy.”

  “Whatever floats your boat, man. You know I’m behind you all the way. But remember this. You don’t have to marry her to make this work. We’ll find another company. We’ve suffered setbacks before. Not one of us expects you to martyr yourself for the cause. Rafe and Ryan are deliriously happy. There’s no reason you shouldn’t hold out for the same.”

  Devon snorted. “Turning into quite the rah-rah man. I’m fine, Cam. There is no love of my life. No other woman in the picture. No one I’d rather marry. I’ll be content with Ashley. Stop worrying.”

  Cam checked his watch. “Your intended bride is looking this way. I think you’re on.”

  Devon glanced over to where Ashley stood surrounded by friends and relatives. He could never sort out who was who because there were so many. She smiled and waved and then motioned him over.

  He handed Cam his wineglass and made his way through the throng of people until he reached Ashley.

  She sparkled tonight. She wore a radiant smile that seemed to captivate the room. But then she always drew people. She’d talk to anyone at all about anything at all.

  As soon as he approached, she all but pounced on him, took his hand and dragged him into her circle. He smiled at each of the women in turn, but their names and faces kind of blended. After a moment he bent to murmur in Ashley’s ear. “It’s time, don’t you think?”

  She all but quivered in excitement. Her eyes lit up and she smiled as she squeezed his hand.

  “Excuse us, ladies,” he said smoothly as he drew Ashley away and back in Cam’s direction. There wasn’t anyone standing around Cam. Cam had that effect on people. It was the perfect place to call for attention and announce their engagement.

  “Hi, Cam,” Ashley sang out as they walked up to his friend.

  She let go of Devon’s hand and threw her arms around Cam’s neck. Cam grinned and shook his head as he attempted to extricate himself from her embrace.

  “Hello, Ash,” he said before dropping an affectionate kiss on her cheek. “Come stand by me while Devon makes a fool of himself.”

  Devon sent a glare Cam’s way before taking Ashley’s hand and pulling her to his side. Laughing, Cam handed him a fresh wineglass and a spoon.

  “What, are you kidding me?” Devon asked. “You want me to bang on a wineglass to get attention?”

  Cam shrugged then tossed the spoon aside. Then he put his fingers to his lips and emitted a shrill whistle. “Everyone, I’d like your attention please. Devon here has an announcement for us.”

  “Thanks, Cam,” Devon said dryly. Then he turned to face the room filled with Ashley’s friends and relatives. And they were all staring at him expectantly. All wanting him to make this moment perfect for Ashley. Hell. No pressure or anything.

  He cleared his throat and hoped like hell that he’d manage to get through it without sticking his foot in his mouth.

  “Ashley and I invited you all here tonight to join us in celebrating a very special occasion.” He g
lanced fondly down at Ashley and squeezed her hand. “Ashley has made me the happiest of men by consenting to marry me.”

  The room erupted in cheers and applause. To the right, Ashley’s mom and dad stood beaming at their youngest child. William nodded approvingly at Devon while Ashley’s mother wiped at her eyes as she smiled at her daughter.

  “It’s our wish that you’ll all attend our wedding to take place four weeks from today and help us celebrate as we embark on our journey together as man and wife.”

  He held up his wineglass and turned again to Ashley whose entire face was lit up with a breathtaking smile. “To Ashley, who’s made me the luckiest man alive.”

  Everyone raised their glasses and noisy cheers rang out again as everyone toasted Devon and Ashley.

  “Quite an eloquent speech there,” Cam murmured in Devon’s ear. “One would almost think you meant every word.”

  Devon ignored Cam and slid an arm around Ashley as they braced for the onslaught of well-wishers pushing forward.

  His head was spinning as he processed face after face. Bright smiles. Slaps on the back. Admonishments to take care of “their girl” as everyone in the family seemed to have a claim on Ashley.

  She was everyone’s younger sister, daughter, best friend or person in need of protection. It bewildered him and annoyed him in equal parts that everyone in Ashley’s family seemed to think she was incapable of taking care of herself. Nothing in his relationship with Ashley had led him to believe this was an accurate assessment.

  Yes, she was flighty. She was too trusting, definitely. She was a bit naive. He grimaced. He supposed he could understand that in a family of business sharks she was an anomaly, and perhaps they were right to worry that she’d be swallowed up.

  But it didn’t mean she was totally incapable of taking care of herself. It just meant she needed someone who’d look out for her best interests and occasionally protect her from herself. Someone like him.

  Her hand feathered over his arm and she leaned up on tiptoe. He immediately lowered his head, realizing she wanted to tell him something.

  “We can leave anytime,” she whispered. “I know my family is a lot to take.”

  He almost laughed. Here he’d been thinking of how she needed his protection and she was busy protecting him from her overwhelming family.

  “I’m fine. I want you to enjoy yourself. This is your night.”

  Her brow furrowed and her eyebrows pushed together as she stared up at him. “And not yours?”

  “Of course it is. I only meant that you’re surrounded by your family and friends and I want you to enjoy yourself.”

  She smiled, kissed him on the cheek and then settled back at his side as they were besieged my more congratulations.

  “Ashley! Ashley!”

  Devon turned to see a young woman barreling through the crowd practically dragging a man in her wake. He looked a bit harried but wore an indulgent smile. Devon stared a moment and then realized that whomever the woman was, she bore a striking resemblance to Ashley and she had every appearance of sharing many of the same personality traits. Probably one of her many cousins.

  “Brooke!” Ashley cried. She put out her hands just as Brooke careened to a halt and Brooke grabbed hold, beaming from ear to ear.

  “Guess what, guess what?” Brooke said breathlessly.

  “Oh, don’t make me guess. You know I’m horrible at it!” Ashley exclaimed.

  “I’m pregnant! Paul and I are going to have a baby!”

  Ashley’s shriek of excitement could be heard over the entire room. Devon winced then quickly glanced around as everyone stared their way.

  “Oh, my God, Brooke! I’m so excited for you! When? How far along are you?”

  “Just ten weeks. I had to tell you as soon as I found out, but then you’ve been so busy with Devon and then I heard you guys were getting married and I didn’t want to intrude—”


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