Vampire's Desire

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Vampire's Desire Page 2

by Valerie Twombly

  “You must remain silent. Even if we come across guards, they cannot see us. Do you understand?”

  She nodded. “You’re one of them, aren’t you?” she whispered.

  He knew without asking what she was referring to. The guardians––thanks to Aidyn––had become public knowledge. Lucan tried to remain hidden, but his brethren had ousted him. Stating if they had to do fucking news interviews then so did he. Bastards.

  “I am. Now, shall we?”

  Again, she nodded, and he was grateful she didn’t appear to fear him like many mortals had. He led her out the open gate and softly closed it behind him. He glanced over his shoulder to give one last look at those left behind and made a silent vow that he would free them.

  Moving along the same corridor he’d followed the demons through, they encountered two guards but remained undetected. The female with him stayed quiet but pressed closer to him when he maneuvered them against the wall as the guards passed by. They might be invisible, but any demon, no matter how stupid, would question bumping into a solid object they couldn’t see. Lucan didn’t need any alarms sounding before he got both of them to the outside. He prayed no one would look for the female until long after they escaped.

  It was a slow twenty minutes before they reached the spot where the portal had opened. Lucan flared out his senses and detected no one close by, so he called up his powers and summoned the same portal used previously. It was his hope the demons would ignore it since it held their signature. If he tried to summon his own, they would detect it instantly.

  The black hole snapped open with a flash of bright light and he looked to his charge. “Are you ready?”

  She nodded, still afraid to speak, so he pulled her close and they stepped in together. Seconds later, they walked out and into the same bar’s backroom as before. He shoved the girl behind him until he was certain the place was secure and they were alone. He did detect demons mingling with humans in the bar which meant caution had to be used. Opening a link to his brethren, he searched for anyone listening.

  I’m coming with a human female. I’ll explain when I arrive.

  We’ll be waiting. Marcus, the guardians’ leader responded.

  Lucan looked back at the female. “What is your name?” He kept his voice low.


  “Nicole, I need you to step closer to me. We will flash to the guardians’ hideout. It is unlike using a portal and will cause you to become dizzy.”

  Big kudos to Nicole, because she didn’t hesitate but moved closer and even placed her arms around his waist then leaned her head on his chest. The last words he heard before he flashed them out of there was…

  “Thank you.”

  Sabin lost her battle with the tears and allowed herself to cry. She knew Lucan had left with another female and tried to convince herself it was the right thing to do. She had gone past pity for herself years ago and was thankful he had rescued the woman recently brought in. This place was her brother’s cesspool of crime against all living creatures. Even the vermin steered clear of this place. The female was probably the only reason Lucan had ended up here. It tore at her to think he would leave his own mate to a fate he refused to leave a stranger to.

  She tried to find the rationale in the situation. After all, she was the daughter and sister of some of the most vile immortals. However, she was also the granddaughter of Hades whom––while she had never met him––she had heard wasn’t all that bad. Demons had talked about Hades who was now mated and split his time between Hell’s realm and that of the gods’. Willow had once asked Sabin why Hades didn’t rescue his own family and she had to explain how things worked. The Gods did not interfere with each other. Period. It was a rule they had instilled during a terrible war that had cost the Phoenix his life.

  Everyone in the prison whispered about the prophecy. The Phoenix––otherwise known as Pyros––would rise again one day and it was then he would become instrumental in stopping Lowan forever. There was one who would plunge the blade of Embara––an immortal-killing dagger––into Lowan’s heart. The demons in the prison whispered bets on who that person might be. No one knew, not even Lowan himself, who would wield that blade. But Sabin knew, and she was certain Lowan did too despite what he and others claimed.

  Sabin was destined to kill her brother.

  She was also destined to mate a certain dark vampire. Was it to save him or herself? There was no way to know why fate made these choices, but she was certain it played a role in the prophecy. If only she could get the stubborn vampire to break her out. That was one step of many that needed to happen. Even if she convinced him to rescue her, mating was another war of its own. Taking the vampire’s darkness was also risky. There was no way to know what it might do to either of them. It was doubtful the mating would affect him, other than save him from the curse her father had placed on the guardians. What would likely occur was her own demise. Death or her soul would become so black she would be as evil as her brother and father.

  She’d rather die.

  Either way, her life would end. In misery as her own sibling took her virginity and her power, or in ecstasy with her mate. She would give anything in the universe to spend her last days alive with the man who had stood before her earlier today. To feel his hands caress her. To know his demanding kiss as he claimed her mouth and to feel the sensations that would bombard her when he sank his fangs into her flesh. Her own fangs sharpened to points as they lengthened with the desire to drink from him. She had not drunk from another since her imprisonment. Her guards only served her bagged blood on her brother’s orders. Sabin turned from the bars and started for her cot, wishing to know the love of the man meant to be hers, when the sound of heavy footsteps pounding against the stone floor stopped her cold. They came for her, her jailers. What torture would they mete out to her today? Just when she had thought they could no longer hurt her, they came up with a new way to make her life hell. She took in a deep breath and prepared herself for more agony. Lowan would instruct them to take her to the brink of death then let her hover there. Never to gain sweet release.

  Marcus met Lucan the moment he and Nicole flashed into the compound.

  “What’s going on?” Marcus gave a nod to Nicole then drew his gaze down her naked legs before he stared at Lucan, brow arched.

  “Is Cassie here?”

  “She is. I’ll have her take––” He looked back at the female.

  “Nicole,” she replied.

  He smiled. “Nicole, to get some clothes and anything else she needs.” Like magic Cassie appeared and gave her heart-warming smile to Nicole as she led the woman away. Marcus’s mate had a way of making everyone around her comfortable.

  “I’ve called the others to meet us.” Marcus spun and headed down the corridor. Lucan met his stride. Both men entered the meeting room where a large oak table sat in the middle. Gathered around it were Seth, Caleb, Baal and Gwen. A small group, and he wondered where their mates were. Except for Gwen and Lucan, all were mated. He stared at the empty seat at the head of the table and everyone else followed his gaze.

  “Any word?” he asked.

  “None,” Marcus responded as he took the seat to the left of their now missing king’s seat. No one wanted to talk about what had happened. Their king, Aidyn, had turned out to be the long-sleeping and thought-dead Phoenix God. Aidyn had been recently stabbed with the dagger of Embara by Leria who supposedly was his mate. The couple had a long history that left Leria hating Aidyn. After plunging the deadly blade into his heart, Aidyn revived as the Phoenix God and was in hiding to apparently heal. Everyone in the room felt lost without their king, but they would carry on. It is what their king would insist on.

  Lucan took his seat. “I followed several demons as they abducted a human female and transported her to a prison where they stripped her and tossed her into a cell.” He picked up a pencil and began to twirl it between his fingers. “As far as I could tell, each cell held three females and one male.
” He chose his next words carefully. “Sabin was also in a cell.”

  All eyes focused on him.

  “And yet you rescued this other female over her.” The statement sounded worse coming from Gwen’s mouth than it had when Lucan thought about it.

  “Fuck me. You would have me bring her here?”

  “Perhaps we should ask Willow to join us. She was in the same prison,” Marcus said.

  “That was my thought.” Lucan tapped the pencil on the table. Why were his nerves strung so tight? Certainly, he would not let the threats against Sabin bother him. The female was schooled in lying.

  “Did you learn anything while there?” Baal asked.

  “Apparently, Lowan plans to rape his own sister, then kill her to gain her power on her next birth date,” he announced and realized his jaw tightened on every word.

  “And when is that?” Marcus glared at him.

  “Seven days. Give or take I guess.”

  Marcus jumped to his feet. “What the fucking hell, Lucan?” He leaned over the table. His gaze now a brewing storm of pissed off. “You were right fucking there, and you left her behind. If Lowan even suspects you were there, he will move her. Again.”

  True. After they rescued Willow, Caleb had gone back with a few of his men but they had already taken Sabin away. The prison destroyed, and no evidence left behind.

  “What about the others? What is he doing with all those humans?” Caleb seemed to be the only calm one in the room.

  “Some kind of slaves I believe. A kind of payment to his demons.”

  “Maybe we should talk to Hades. I need to find out what kind of power Lowan expects to get from Sabin.” Marcus looked to Baal. “Summon him.”

  Baal shook his head. “Fuck you say? He is gonna be pissed if I tear him away from his mate.”

  “Since when do you care if Hades is mad at you?” Lucan asked.

  Baal’s gaze narrowed on him. “You’re going to pay for this one. I hope your mate takes your fucking nuts off.”

  Seconds later the room filled with the odor of brimstone and anger followed by a very naked Hades.

  “What?” Hades bellowed.

  “My eyes! I cannot unsee this,” Baal snarled.

  “Christ! Put some damn clothes on,” Marcus begged.

  Hades grinned. “You fuckers summoned me, therefore, you should be forced to look upon my grandness.” Thankfully, Hades snapped his fingers and covered his nakedness with jeans and a button-down, black shirt.

  “Now. Explain why I was summoned here and make it quick.”

  Marcus launched into the details of how Lucan had followed the demons and what they knew of Lowan’s plan. Hades scratched at the stubble on his jaw but didn’t respond until the guardian leader was finished.

  “Did I leave anything out, Lucan?” Marcus asked.

  “No.” Lucan just wanted to get this shit over with and get out of here. He had the deepest desire to go to his home tucked in the mountains and forget this whole damn mess.

  “Interesting,” Hades said.

  Chapter Three

  The demon towered over Sabin and licked his thick, black lips. A set of fangs both on top and bottom glistened with blood-stained saliva and she tried not to retch. There was no use in testing the restraints that bound her wrists and ankles to the cold slab beneath her. She’d tried hundreds of times before to no avail. Neither her guardian or her demon power worked. Lowan had placed a spell on her that bound her power into a small glass bead which hung on a silver chain around his neck.

  “You look delicious, sister.”

  Bile coated the back of her throat as Lowan stepped closer. She had not seen her brother in months and knew his being here wasn’t good. He bent over her and cupped her breast, giving it a heavy-handed squeeze.

  She refused to move her gaze from his. She would never show him her fear.

  “I cannot wait to have you. Take everything you are and watch your light finally snuff out.” He squeezed harder until tears formed in her eyes but still she refused to flinch. She would not give him the satisfaction of seeing her pain. Angry that he had not gotten the reaction he desired, Lowan gripped the front of her flimsy gown and tore it to shreds leaving her naked.

  “You think you are so much better than me, don’t you?” he hissed. “How does it feel to be at my mercy?”

  She drew on the last reserve of strength she had. “Fuck you.”

  He threw his head back in laughter. “Oh, dear sweet baby sister, I plan to do just that in…” He looked at his demon. “Six days now?”

  The gruesome beast nodded, sending strings of saliva to land on her thigh. “Yes, my lord. Six days and we will all gather to bear witness as you take her virginity then bathe in her blood.”

  So her brother was planning a show? How nice.

  Lowan smiled. “Yes, sister. The demon brew will flow and every slave in here will be lucky to survive the orgy that takes place on the day of your sacrifice. It will be glorious.” His black eyes glinted with amusement then he stepped back. “Continue with your torture.”

  The demon produced a five-inch blade then pressed the edge between her breasts. She swallowed panic laced with bile as she realized what was about to happen. They had not fed her in weeks, which meant she could not heal any injuries they inflicted. The demon pressed harder until the sharp steel broke her skin. Sweat beaded on her brow and upper lip as she forced the scream stuck in her throat back down. Time stilled as the blade cut deeper then slid downward toward her stomach. White-hot pain woke every nerve as the knife pressed into vital organs and sliced her insides apart.

  The bastard was gutting her. Still, she refused to even quiver even though it took every spare ounce of energy she had. Instead, she sank her fangs into her bottom lip as her vision blurred. Agony stole her breath and all she could think of was one man.

  Lucan. Help me. Gods, please help me.

  Thankfully, sweet darkness blanketed over her and pulled her into its welcome embrace.

  Her damn voice. It was in his head again, but different this time. Panic sliced through him and he didn’t understand why. What had the evil witch done to him when he had visited her cell? What spells was she capable of casting?

  A bead of sweat rolled down his temple.

  “You okay? You’re kinda pale,” Baal called out, forcing everyone else in the room to focus on Lucan. He was so going to kick that demon’s ass.

  “I’m fine.” He needed to get out of there, but first… “Hades, what kind of power is Sabin going to gain on her next birth date?”

  “Ah, her demigod powers.” The god shrugged. “Who knows what power she will gain from her family. Since she is my granddaughter, she could inherit any of mine. Whether or not she will rival Lowan? Hard to say.”

  This conversation just pissed him off. “Well, you are absolutely no help,” he growled. “I need to leave.” Lucan didn’t wait for anyone to stop him, he shoved from the table and stormed from the room. Before they all came rushing after him, he flashed outside and then shifted into a mist that blended into the late afternoon sky, letting the wind carry him to his cabin. Once he arrived, he shifted back and stood on the shore of the lake. The water lapped at the rocks and reflected the sun. He took a deep breath and plopped down on the grass. He needed time to think. To understand what this gut-wrenching pain was he experienced. It wasn’t long before he felt the presence of his wild friend.

  “Kaldaka.” He stretched out his hand and scratched the black wolf’s neck. The fur a calming softness between his fingers. “I have major female troubles.”

  In understanding, the wolf moved closer and nuzzled Lucan’s cheek. He couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “You are a big help. My mate, she is…” He wasn’t even sure what she was, really. “I guess I don’t know. I have to assume she is, or can be, as evil as her brother and father. Even her mother dove off the fucking deep end.” He laughed. “I suppose it’s only fitting I be saddled with someone who might possibly be mor
e fucked up than me.” The dark side of him found the thought appealing. Figures.

  The wolf nuzzled him again and whined. Lucan detected Vor approaching––the silver beauty who had mated with Kaldaka. She wasn’t alone, however. When Lucan looked up, he saw the female had a litter of pups in tow. Four healthy wolves nipped at their mother’s hocks as they frolicked behind her.

  “Your family is beautiful, my friend.” He reached out to Vor who licked his hand after which he became fair game for the pups who pounced on him as if he were a long-lost playmate. He wrestled with the two male and two female youngsters, and for a little while forgot the world and his troubles. Both parents laid close by, taking a much-needed rest. Howls cried in the distance and Kaldaka replied. Soon a pack of five stood at the edge of the forest studying them.

  “Well. You have found yourself a pack. I’m thrilled for you.” He suspected that Vor had been part of the pack and they adopted Kaldaka. Perhaps they had lost their alpha, because this black wolf who had friended him was most definitely an alpha male.

  The two wolves rose and started heading toward the others, the pups followed and soon Lucan was alone. It wasn’t long before he was once more in the grip of searing pain and the small voice of Sabin in his head. This time, her words were jumbled and made no sense. Panic laced with fear tore through him.


  L-Lucan, h-hurts s-s-so much.

  His panic morphed to anger when he realized it was her pain he experienced though he wasn’t sure how that was possible. At the moment, it didn’t matter. Before he could rationalize anything and stop himself, he opened a portal and stormed through.

  Sabin shivered as she lay on her cot with nothing more than a thin, tattered blanket that could hardly even be called such. Her body tried to heal, but with the lack of blood it was slow and excruciatingly painful. Agonizing would not even begin to describe the torture she endured.


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