Vampire's Desire

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Vampire's Desire Page 5

by Valerie Twombly

  Everyone gathered outside the guardians’ home base and waited for instructions. Lucan watched the dragons glide in for a graceful landing then shift to their human form. Caleb had brought his brother Diego, along with his warriors Jax and Darius. The shifters were eyes in the sky and had assisted the guardians on several assignments. The truce that had come after a huge misunderstanding between the species had saved them all from one hell of a war. Not even Lucan wanted to wage one with the shifters. They were fierce and he much preferred them as friend rather than foe.

  Once everyone was gathered, Marcus stepped into the middle of the circle.

  “From what Lucan has informed us, it sounds like we may have a lot of people to rescue and I don’t imagine the fight will be easy. Who knows how many demons we’ll encounter and Lowan could always pose a threat.”

  “I hate that bastard,” Seth growled, likely still pissed about when Lowan tried to hurt Seth’s mate. Lucan now understood Seth’s reaction.

  “Why you in such a foul mood? You should be ecstatic to be heading into a fight,” Gwen whispered, staring at him. He looked back at Marcus’s sister strapped down with blades and throwing stars. Marcus had often complained about having his baby sister in battle but he had trained her to fight and the woman was as lethal as any of the rest of them.

  “What makes you think I’m in a mood?” He tried to act all innocent.

  She threw her head back in laughter. “Seriously? You were snarling. Besides, when are you not in a bad mood?”

  “Are you saying I’m a grouch?”

  She raised a brow. “Not a term I would use, but okay.” She touched his shoulder. “How are you holding up?”

  He knew what she meant. Gwen was referring to the dark stain on his soul thanks to Lowan’s father, Drayos. The bastard had cursed them centuries ago with a stain on their soul that would slowly consume them until their light was completely snuffed out and they became humanity’s worst terror. His brethren, Marcus and Seth, had found their mates which had reversed the curse. Sabin was Lucan’s ticket out of a black hell. Nothing like jumping from a frying pan and straight into Hell’s fire.

  “I am fortunate to already be a son of the dark.” He didn’t doubt for one second that his gift had made him more immune to the curse than the others. He was riding the edge though and knew it. Any second he might fall into the pit of despair and taking him down would prove difficult for any of those who stood around him. Maybe the shifters could scorch him, but that wouldn’t kill him.

  He realized Gwen was still staring at him. “Don’t worry, I will prevail.”

  “So, you intend to mate Sabin?” There was no mocking in her tone, only concern in her eyes.

  “Do you believe that is the right choice?” He paid close attention to every word Gwen said. The female was a soothsayer and often caught glimpses of the future. “Have you seen something I should know about?”

  She chewed her lip. “I see betrayal, but I also see the cleansing of your soul.”

  Well, that wasn’t much to go on. “Are you saying she will betray me?”

  “I’m not sure. You know how this shit works, I never get all the information.” She sighed. “Frustrating as hell.”

  “Tell me about it.” Lucan would lay money on Sabin betraying him but he was already prepared. Just then the call to arms came, and it was time for them to raid the prison. Lucan opened a portal since he was the only one who knew the location and led everyone through.

  His muscles tight with anticipation, he was ready for a fight the second they stepped through. When they entered a dark corridor, he sent his senses out in search of human or demon.

  “Shit,” he growled. “Anyone else pick up anything?”

  “Nothing. Not one fucking thing,” Marcus responded, his temper electric in the room. “Spread out and see what you can find but be aware this may be a trap.”

  Everyone did as commanded and Lucan turned to black vapor so he could cover more ground faster. He would also go undetected by anyone who lay in wait to spring a trap. After several minutes, he opened communications with the others.

  Anyone have any luck?

  Not a damn thing. Not even a crumb, Seth responded, and the rest followed with the same reply.

  Everyone back to the compound. We need to regroup and figure out a new plan, Marcus said.

  Lucan rushed back to the same place they had entered and opened a portal. Guilt rushed him as all the warriors headed back into the swirling black hole and home. They had all been pumped for a fight as well as a rescue mission and going back without either left a foul mood thick in the air.

  Chapter Seven

  Sabin finished reading most of the book and decided her best bet for freedom was seduction. She wasn’t even sure she knew how to do it, but according to what she had read, men had their favorite body parts. Some legs, some breasts, and she hoped Lucan was a breast man because hers were not half bad as far as she could tell. Besides, it was the only asset she could showcase at the moment. Getting her jeans off with a chain on her ankle wasn’t happening. Instead, she gripped the collar of the tee and ripped until the curve of her breasts showed. Next, she gathered the hem and pulled it up into a knot. With the jeans riding low on her hips, a nice amount of flesh was now exposed. Of course, he had already seen her naked, so maybe he wasn’t interested. Either way, she had to try something. Stuffing the book back on the shelf, she waited. Something she had become accomplished at over recent years. When she caught the sensual scent belonging to Lucan, she pinched her cheeks and bit her lip to give herself some color then lay on the bed and feigned sleep. Soon, the thump of his boots came across the floor then down the stairs. When the door opened, she waited for his reaction.

  Through slits, she watched him study her and there was no missing the lust in his eyes. She stretched, pushing her breasts out and yawned. “You’re back.” She sat up, stared at him and licked her lips. His pupils dilated.

  “What did you do to your shirt?”

  “I was warm,” she lied and fanned herself with her hand. “I would have shed the pants too but…” She stuck out her shackled leg. “You know.” She swung her legs over the bed and bent to rub her ankle. The gap in her shirt was enough to reveal plenty of boobage. Sabin was thankful for all the times she bore witness to the females in her prison seducing the guards. By the low growl Lucan emitted, she was doing something right. Rising from the bed, she put an extra sway in her hips as she sauntered toward him. It was difficult hiding her grin.

  “I didn’t expect you back so soon.”

  “You play games with me?”

  She stopped at the end of her leash which put her at more than an arm’s length away and looked up at him, blinking several times. “I’m not playing any games. What would you have me do? I looked through your library, took a nap. Maybe if you freed me––”

  With one step he was to her. His hands on her waist, his head bent and before she could gasp, his mouth was on hers. She was swept away in a sea of heated passion when his tongue slipped inside and gave a seductive swipe across her own. He crushed her to him, his erection evident against her stomach and she forgot where she was, but as quickly as it started, he pushed her away leaving her breathless.

  “I’m not capable of soft, Sabin. Tempt me and I will take all of you. Not one inch of you will go untouched, so careful with your games. I don’t play nice.” With that he spun and walked out, locking the door behind him.

  Every nerve tingled. Her sex burned with a need to be filled only by this man and the yearning was so intense she had to squeeze her thighs together. She wondered who had actually won this round. Her? Because his arousal had been evident, or him because she was still locked in her prison, her body now forced to endure a new torture.

  Lucan stormed up the stairs, both his heart and cock pounded with arousal. She dared play this game with him? He was master, though he didn’t feel like it with his control being tested. Sabin meant to throw him off guard and had succeeded.
For the moment. Now that he realized the game she meant to play, he would be ready and she would beg for his mercy. Even now, he scented her arousal. She wanted him, but was not ready to beg yet. He would make her beg.

  He stepped into the sun and began to formulate his plan. First, a deep breath then he shoved his own desire aside. Reminded himself she was nothing to him. Simply a female who was here for his pleasure. She had insisted on giving herself to him so he would allow her the opportunity. There was one thing he needed to check on, but first things first. He needed to make an escape, so he opened a portal and took himself back to his favorite club in New Orleans. When he walked through the door, the bar thumped with music and the pulses of humans who hoped for a good time.

  “Lucan!” A blonde demon rushed forward, her eyes sparkled like a blue diamond. “Darling, I have your booth ready for you as always.”

  Lucan pulled Roxie––the owner of the establishment––into his arms and kissed her cheek. “Thanks, Rox.”

  She gripped his hand and led him away from the crowd, through a private entrance and to the back where another bar and several private booths were located. There were also rooms that could be rented by the hour or night if one wasn’t into the public scene. Roxie ushered Lucan to a booth in the corner, snapping her fingers at the help as she looked back to Lucan.

  “Do you have a preference tonight?”

  Lucan slid across the leather seat of the booth and contemplated her question. “Surprise me.”

  Roxie smiled, flashing white teeth. “I have the perfect surprise for you.” As she rushed away, a waitress wearing next to nothing slipped up and placed a beer on the table.

  “Can I get you anything else, Lucan?” Her red mouth promised anything he wanted, but he simply tipped his head.

  “Thanks, I’m good for now.”

  She pouted. “Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me.” Then she sauntered off.

  Lucan took a swig of beer, the cool bitterness coating his parched throat and bringing him back to things more familiar. Roxie’s Bar had become a frequent hangout for him. A place where he could be himself and not worry about being judged. Roxie ran a tight ship, and no one dared cross her. The front bar was open to the public, but the back room was exclusive to only those Roxie allowed. Money and manners spoke volumes and were the only things that got you back here. Even if you had the financial means, if you were a shithead and caused trouble, Roxie would boot you in a heartbeat. The girls who worked the back were well compensated and were here of their own free will. Nothing happened without mutual consent. Another reason Lucan enjoyed coming here. While he might like the kinky shit, he wanted to make sure his partner was willing to take what he offered.

  Roxie walked across the floor with a stunning redhead by her side. The female had her hair piled on her head, leaving her slender neck bare except for the thin, leather collar with a small, silver ring on the front. She wore a black bra that pushed her breasts high into the air and had them nearly spilling out. Her matching panties couldn’t even be called a scrap of material and helped accentuate her long, lean legs.

  “Lucan, this is Madeline, or Maddie as she likes to be called. Do you approve?”

  He stared into Maddie’s intense green eyes and inhaled. Her scent and the power that flicked off her creamy skin caused his jaw to drop.

  “I had no idea your kind had entered this realm.”

  Maddie grinned. “We mostly keep to ourselves. Observing events taking place.”

  “Must be hard to stay out of the fighting.” Maddie’s species was well known––but mostly forgotten––for their nasty temper and love of a good fight. The bloodier the better.

  “Who says some of us haven’t had a go or a hundred with the immortals here?”

  He shook his head. “Word that Valkyries were in this realm would have spread fast.”

  “May I?” Maddie indicated toward the booth and he gave a nod. She slipped in next to him and Roxie walked away to tend another customer.

  “Perhaps we have stayed under the radar for good reason.” She stared at his mouth. “I have a fang fetish.”

  “Well, as luck would have it, I have a pair and I’m hungry.” He allowed his fangs to descend and Maddie moaned, her own smaller ones made a show.

  Tilting her head to expose that lovely neck further, she said, “Feel free to taste. Valkyrie blood is most potent.” She even slid into his lap and put her arm around his neck.

  “I’ve never had Valkyrie blood.”

  “You don’t even have to compel me like you do the humans.”

  He needed no more encouragement. Having let himself go far too long between feedings, he kissed her neck. The sweetness tickled his tongue and reminded him of centuries ago when he’d had the pleasure of tasting his first cup of wine.

  He sank his fangs, breaking skin and began to suckle. Her blood tasted exactly as the wine had. Smooth, sweet and intoxicating. He pulled harder, and she wiggled in his lap. Rubbed against his erection as she exploded in orgasm. When he pulled away, and licked the wound to seal the punctures, he was heady with power and arousal. Maddie stared at him. The sounds of sex filled the air. Lucan glanced at the booth across from them to find a female taking on two males right on the table. He needed release bad. When he looked back at the beautiful female in his lap, he realized he was screwed.

  “Damn it,” he whispered.

  “What’s wrong?” She wiggled against him. “I can take care of that. We can go to a room or stay here. Either way, I like strong males and am willing to submit.”

  He gripped her hips. “I want nothing more than to see your ass turn red from my hand.” To have a Valkyrie surrender to him would not only be a pleasure, but an honor. These women were not ones to submit to anything. They were hardened warriors who took rather than gave. Then why did he hesitate? He stared into Maddie’s beautiful eyes and sighed.

  “It would seem the female who is destined for me has already ruined me for other women.”

  Maddie raised a brow. “You have a mate?”

  “No. I have a female fate says is mine.”

  She gave a nod and raised off his lap. “What a shame for both of us, but I understand.”

  Lucan didn’t understand though. He had not claimed Sabin. Nor taken her blood, yet he found the thought of fucking another distasteful, which left him beyond pissed.

  Sabin paced her room best she could with the damn shackle. The entire time she cursed under her breath at the man who had left her not only in such a state, but continued to keep her locked up. She stopped when she heard the footsteps across the floor above then down the stairs. Before she was able to regain any kind of composure, the door flew open and Lucan stood there all power and darkness. He said nothing for several seconds and she began to get nervous when finally, he spoke.

  “Do you still wish to submit?” his voice was a seductive murmur.

  “I’m not sure I understand.”

  He crossed his arms and leaned against the door jamb, about as relaxed as a tiger ready to pounce. “You offered to give me what I wanted no matter how dark my desires. So, I will ask again. Do you submit?”

  Desire clawed at her and begged for release. “Do you wish to mate?” Her breaths matched her rapid pulse.

  His gaze narrowed into dark slits. “There will be no mating. Only fucking.”

  Everything stopped except the raw desire that hung thick between them. This was what she had wanted. Right? What she had vowed she would give him if he freed her from Lowan’s prison, yet she was now his prisoner. Still, her agreement might go a long way in earning his trust and gods knew she wanted him. “I will submit.”

  He stepped inside and closed the door behind him. “Be certain. There will be no soft caresses. No sweet words whispered in your ear. You will do as I command and your pleasure will only come when I allow it. Disobey, and I will punish you.”

  “I’m already being punished for being your fated.” Anger surfaced when she caught th
e scent of another female. He dared come to her after being with another woman? She tried to control the feelings that promised to ruin everything. Sabin had to gain the upper hand and to do so she had to achieve this vampire’s trust. She swallowed down her emotions and shut them off like she had a million times before. To prove she was serious, she dropped to the floor, feet tucked beneath her and hands folded in her lap. “I submit.”

  He held out his hand and something flashed into his palm. “Stand.”

  She didn’t hesitate and pushed to her feet. Lucan sent out a stream of black smoke from his fingers that trailed downward and around the cuff on her ankle. The silver snapped open and fell to the floor. Her entire body tingled the same as a limb would that had woken from sleep. What little power she had, began to surface again.

  “Strip, but leave the underwear.”

  Again, she was quick to obey, shoving off her jeans then pulled the shirt over her head, tossing it aside.

  “Spread your legs.”

  She complied. Lucan strapped a thin leather belt around her waist. Attached to it were two more straps that came down and went around her thighs, right under her buttocks. He took her right wrist and placed it in a cuff that was also attached by a strap to the belt, then snapped the buckle. He repeated the same with the left until finally Sabin stood there with her wrists locked to her side. She looked up at him and waited.

  “To the bed and lie down on your back.”

  Other than her wrists, she was able to move with ease and went to lie on the bed. Lucan pulled off his t-shirt and tossed it to the floor then strode to the side of the bed. Sabin swore drool trickled down the corner of her mouth. The man was perfect. Every hard line, ridge, dip and peak begged for her to trace her fingers over them except she was unable. The eyes on his cobra tattoo stared at her.

  “Your marking?” All male guardians bore a mark that represented their strength and special talent. “It’s beautiful.” The snake was shades of blue, black and copper, with its tail curling around his left bicep. The rest of the body, including a pair of wings, continued across his shoulder and the hooded head landed just above his heart. A drop of blood fell from one fang.


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