Vampire's Desire

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Vampire's Desire Page 7

by Valerie Twombly

  Twenty minutes later, and the female was knocking on the door. Lucan opened with caution and gave the all-clear to his demons.

  “Lucan, love. What is the dire emergency?” She swept into the room and cast an eye at Sabin. “Lovely girl, your mate is.”

  “How did you know who she was?”

  The priestess laughed, her blue eyes sparkled with amusement then she walked to Sabin. “Hmm.” Sidara circled the female and studied her before stopping in front of her.

  “What do you see?” Sabin asked.

  Sidara’s expression turned serious. “I see a lot of pain, both past and future.”

  Sabin showed no emotion. “I can’t expect any worse than what my brother has already done. Can I?”

  Lucan suppressed a growl. He found he did not like Sabin being hurt. It was her pain that had led him to come to her rescue. Yet, hadn’t he also caused her pain by leaving her with pent up desire? This time he growled, and both women looked at him.

  “What’s wrong?” Sabin asked.

  Sidara laughed again. “The vampire has come to a realization.”

  This time Lucan pinned a “shut your mouth” glare on the priestess. His soul was already damned anyway so there wasn’t much she could do to him.

  “What have you realized, Lucan?”

  “I’ll tell you later, Sabin.” Or never. He was loath to admit his attraction to the female, or any kind of attachment for that matter. “Sidara, I called you here to see if Sabin has a tracking spell placed on her.”

  Sabin did not understand what was happening, except Lucan was acting weird and he held something back. Right now, however, Sabin was more focused on the voodoo priestess and what she had to say. Later, when time permitted, she would delve more into what the vampire was not telling her.

  “Yes, Sidara, what do you see?”

  “The markings of a god.” Sidara’s eyes widened.

  “What?” Lucan and Sabin asked.

  “The power of a god surrounds you. That is how your brother located you.”

  “You must be mistaken. Lowan is a demigod, it must be his power you see,” Sabin offered.

  Sidara shook her head. “No. It definitely belongs to a god, but I cannot tell who.”

  Lucan stepped closer. “Can you remove it?”

  Her brow furrowed. “I can try, but to break a god’s spell is no easy task.”

  “Who would do this to me?” Sabin wrapped her arms around herself to fend off the fear that threatened to take her down. Unable to command her legs to hold her up any longer, she dropped into the closest chair.

  Sidara turned to Lucan. “Your kitchen, vampire.”

  “This way.” And the two left her alone.

  Recalling the feel of her brother’s taint crawl over her skin sent a shiver racing along her spine. It was hard to shake the dark, oily sensation of evil Lowan emitted. Sabin had endured so much under his rule and the thought of going back to the rape that was…

  Suddenly it hit her like a bolt of lightning. If she complied with Lucan’s wishes, he would take her virginity and leave Lowan unable to sacrifice her. At least for her power, as her brother would still kill her if given the chance. While she contemplated her plan, Lucan and Sidara entered the room. The priestess carried a glass filled with something that looked disgusting.

  “Uh, I’m hoping I don’t have to drink that.”

  “You do, but it looks worse than it tastes,” Sidara responded.

  Lucan wrinkled his nose. “Don’t even ask what’s in it.”

  “Great. Hand it over.” Sabin held out her hand and accepted the glass. It was much heavier than she expected and her gut rolled at the thought of drinking it. Mistake number one, she should never have taken a whiff. The smell was a mixture of rotten socks, mold and vomit, of which she nearly did.

  “Oh my god, this stuff smells disgusting.” With courage she never knew she had, she pressed the glass to her lips and downed the concrete milkshake. After several gulps, she had it down and only hoped it stayed there. “I thought you said it didn’t taste bad.”

  “I said it looks worse, never that it didn’t taste bad.” The priestess lifted her chin. “The counter-active spell takes effect immediately. So, you should know soon if it worked or not. Just beware, even if it does work, there is no guarantee the god won’t track you again.”

  “At this point we don’t know who to trust.” Lucan scraped his fingers through his hair. “I can’t even begin to wrap my head around what god would be helping Lowan.”

  “Perhaps it is my grandfather. It only makes sense that Hades might help him.”

  “I will go back to my place and see if I can whip up some magic to uncover this god. Meantime, I’ll place extra wards around the premises on my way out. That will also help.” And with that the priestess made her way to the front door. She stopped for a moment to utter some words in an ancient language Sabin had not heard in centuries, before she opened it and left.

  “How do you feel?” Lucan asked.

  “Like I have a lead weight in my stomach. Other than that, fine.” She hesitated for a moment wondering how to broach the subject. Maybe it was best to simply spit it out, so she did.

  “I need you to take my virginity.” When Lucan started to speak, she held up her hand. “Let me finish. I don’t care how we have to do this. If you need to tie me to the bed or whatever to make it work for you, then I swear I will obey your every whim. We cannot allow my brother to take it from me.”

  Again, he growled.

  “What’s with the growling?”

  “Simply the thought of him touching you. Any man putting his hands on you makes me see red.”

  Huh, interesting.

  “Well then, what do you say? In exchange I will give you my blood which should help with the curse, at least some. Hopefully. Other than that, I ask you for nothing.”

  His eyes darkened. “Are you sure you want to submit to my darker side?”

  “It seems the only logical way to keep my brother from taking my power. While my virginity belongs to you, as do I…” She took in a deep breath, hating her next words. “I will give it to another if need be.”

  The room filled with a thick, inky fog. Growling and several pairs of red slanted eyes slashed through the darkness. Sabin shifted in her seat.

  “Lucan?” For all that she had endured, this frightened her to her core.

  “No man will ever touch you. You. Are. Mine,” he snarled.

  For someone who claimed not to want her, he sure was possessive. “I am yours.” She pushed from her seat and made her way toward him. Placing her hands on his chest, she looked up into the eyes of a lethal predator. A vampire who made even her fear the dark.

  “I am yours,” she repeated and slowly the darkness receded, taking the scary things with it.

  “Then tonight, I will take what belongs to me.”

  She knew she should be afraid of what he desired from her, yet her sex heated at the thought of being at his mercy. Maybe she had spent too much time in Lowan’s dungeon.

  Chapter Ten

  Lowan’s irate scream from inside the cabin, was likely heard all the way to Hell itself when he discovered his sister gone. Even more so when he caught the scent of the guardian Lucan.

  “That meddling bastard. I should have known it was one of the guardians who took my sister.” Lowan turned to Chaval. “Turn this place upside down and find me a clue as to where they may have gone.” He shoved a finger into the Sumari warrior’s leather-clad chest. “I don’t doubt your sister is responsible for informing the guardians where to find Sabin.”

  Chaval only gave a nod. “Most likely, my lord.”

  “If I find your sister Willow, I will peel her skin from her body and hang her in the sun.” Lowan gauged the warrior’s response. Unsure why the Sumari was still by his side. Lowan had used the warrior’s sister as a means to get the Sumari to use his power for Lowan’s gain. It had worked but when the sister was rescued, Lowan figured Chaval wou
ld flee as well.

  “As you wish, my lord.” Then Chaval moved off to direct Lowan’s demons on the search. Hopefully, the powerful Sumari––who held Fae dark magic and demon power––would locate something of use. Otherwise, Lowan would have to figure out another way to find Sabin. Somehow, she had also managed a way to reverse, or block the Phoenix’s tracking spell.

  “I will find you, little sister. Where there is a will, there is always a way and my will is great.” The clock ticked, and he needed to put events into motion and take Sabin’s power. If he failed, she may end up more powerful than him and that would not do. He had to consider failure was a possibility. It was why he had planted the seed of deception into Pyros’s mind. The Phoenix would be a forceful ally, and if the god thought his own had turned their back on him, tried to kill him, then Pyros would want to seek revenge and that would play right into Lowan’s plan. He also had to consider Sabin might give up her virginity thinking to save herself, however, he had a contingent plan for that as well. Still, he needed the female back to him before her birth date and that time drew near. Just when he thought he would have to come up with another plan to get her back, one walked right onto the premises.

  Lucan checked and triple checked the perimeter and even added a few more demons. Unable to keep his mind on the task at hand, because all he could think about was sweet Sabin’s naked body. How she had looked in the leather straps that had bound her and she offered her virginity to him.

  He didn’t deserve it. She deserved more than he could ever give. He was everything dark, and she was light. He would ruin her and make her like him. Lucan was capable of pulling her darker side to the surface and it wasn’t what he wanted to do.

  While Sabin showered, he set to work on making his bedroom more to a female’s liking. Something that was absolutely foreign to him.

  Baal, I need your help in the female department.

  I’m not even sure I want to know. Yet, I’m dying, so go ahead.

  I need help in the romance area.

  Ahh, planning on doing the funky monkey with your mate?

  Shut it and just tell me how I’m supposed to do this. Lucan grew impatient.

  Fine, asshat. Women like flowers and candles. Tell them how beautiful and perfect they are. Think your dark ass can manage that?

  Lucan scratched his chin. Sounded simple enough. I can.

  Good. Try not to fuck it up too much.

  Lucan broke contact with the demon and headed to his room. He tried taking a critical look using the eye of a female. The bed was massive with two posts at each end. Perfect for tying your lover down. The wall behind the bed was painted a deep red, while the others were a cream. Hey, at least the entire room wasn’t blood red. His designer had vowed to quit if he had to “bathe the room in blood,” as he’d called it.

  Baal’s words of not fucking things up came back to him. With a sigh he contemplated his next move. Summoning his power, he scattered lit candles across the dresser so their light danced a reflection in the mirror. He then managed rose petals on the bed and wondered if that would be enough. Did females really like this stuff? Perhaps silk restraints instead of leather? Yes, that would be more appropriate, so he held out his hand and summoned a set. Tying Sabin to the bed would keep her more still. Before he had time for any more thoughts, the bathroom door opened and she stood there. Her blonde hair fell into a thick mass covering her breasts except for the pink nipples that poked through, begging to be tasted.

  She looked past him to the room then smiled. As she strode forward, his gaze went to the sway of her hips then to the triangle of blonde hair that hardly covered her sex.

  He wanted to taste her.

  When she reached him, she stopped then dropped to both knees and looked up at him. “I am here to serve your needs.”

  His cock pressed against his jeans. This is how he had envisioned her. Well, almost. In his mind, her wrists were bound. Maybe her upper body was wrapped in a sensual bondage of leather, rope or, even silk. It was how most of his lovers ended up. Somehow, he would find a balance between his dark world and her light. He had to. He lowered his hand and caressed her hair. Shoved his fingers into the silky mass and imagined her taking him into her mouth. He could ask for it, but that would have to wait until later. This was her first time, and he refused to make it about him.

  Untangling his fingers from her hair, he cupped her cheek. “To your feet.” It was hard to keep the command soft.

  She rose. Her blue eyes searching his, trying to read him. There was a flash of fear and he hated she was afraid of them being together. Once she was standing, he leaned in and kissed her. Sabin tasted like ambrosia. She tasted like his and for a moment fear tried to take him, but he refused to allow it. There must be a logical reason the gods decided this female should be his. In this moment he didn’t even care what that reason was. He only wanted… No, he needed her.

  Breaking the kiss, he lifted her and carried her to the bed. Her soft, naked flesh against him, had him wanting to shed his clothes so he could feel every inch of her pressed to his naked skin. Laying her down, he placed a kiss on her forehead then reached for a silk strap attached to the banister.

  “Sabin, I must…” His words stuck in this throat. He didn’t want his dark side to surface. But, with a smile she lifted her left arm and offered her wrist.

  “I trust you.”

  She had no idea how those words undid him. He gave a nod then raised her arm over her head and attached the silk band to her wrist. Once done, he repeated with the other arm. He had to admit, she was a glorious sight lying there naked. Her breasts pushed upward, begging to be tasted.

  “I’m not going to bind your legs.”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  No longer able to stand the temptation, he moved in next to her, bent down and tasted her nipple. The pink bud hardened in his mouth as he flicked his tongue across it.

  Sabin’s lips parted in a moan and it pleased him immensely that she enjoyed his touch. He wanted more of her pleasure to fill his senses. He paid the same attention to her other breast.

  “Lucan,” she gasped.

  He liked his name crossing her lips and wanted more of it. So, he kissed down her belly until he reached the apex of her sex. The scent of her arousal drove him to madness. He wanted to taste, to tease, but he held out. He would have Sabin begging for him. Instead, he kissed the inside of her thigh. Gave a light nip before he moved to the flesh between her thigh and sex. He suckled the skin until her body shivered and her breath came in heavy pants. Sitting up, he shed his shirt and tossed it to the floor. Her gaze widened.

  “You are a sexy man.”

  He smiled. “And you are a vision of beauty laid out here before me. A feast for my eyes, my body and my soul. I will taste all of you before this night is over.”

  His words caused another shiver. “Yes. I want all of it. All of you,” she whispered.

  He leaned in and kissed down her thigh, to her calf and gave the arch of her foot a rub with his thumb as he spread her legs. Moving to the other leg, he kissed his way back up until he was at the soft flesh between her thigh and what he wanted most. His fangs ached, and he allowed them to descend. Scraped them against her skin. Licked the flesh, scraped his fangs and repeated the process until Sabin was pulling at her bindings.

  “Bite me,” she begged.

  The words were sheer music to his ears and he sank his fangs into her thigh. Blood filled his mouth before he released her and licked the wound. He kissed his way back up her belly. Licked then sank his fangs into the softness of her right breast. Again, he drank from her. Ambrosia and wine danced across his tongue and he couldn’t get enough of her. But he did. He only sipped before he closed off the wound with a lick.

  “You taste like heaven.” Damn he wanted to bury himself deep inside her. His dark desires ebbing slightly. Was it her blood that did that? He was determined to tease her to release before he took her. She would want no one more than him.

  He claimed her mouth. Swiped across her tongue and delved deeper until he felt like a desperate man. Shoved his fingers into her hair and continued to plunder her mouth. There was no way to get enough of her. It was as if he craved everything she was. His darkness reached for her light.

  Breaking free, he kissed her neck before he sank his fangs again and this time, he took deep pulls as she writhed beneath him. Her orgasm so close he almost tasted it, but before she reached her release, he pulled free. Left her to hang on the sharp edge of pleasure.

  “Lucan. I need you so bad.”

  He moved off the bed and undid his button and zipper. As he lowered his jeans to the floor, his erection jutted. Reached for the woman who occupied his every thought.

  She pulled on her restraints, wanting to touch him. He wished he could allow it, but there was still that darkness lurking. It wanted her to submit.

  Once naked, he moved between her legs, spread them wide and ran a finger through her sex. “So wet and hot.”

  She bit her lip.

  “You want to be fucked, don’t you?”


  “Not yet, my itov.” Why he had chosen the ancient word for love eluded him. “You have not begged me enough yet.”

  He rubbed circles around her clit with his thumb then stopped as she raised her hips off the bed. She was so close, this mate of his.


  “Please what?”

  She opened her mouth then closed it. Licked her lips then spoke. “Please show me what it feels like to have your mouth on me. Taste me.”

  May the gods show him mercy. Her words undid him and he brought his mouth to her sex. Ran his tongue from her opening to her clit in one long swipe. How was it she tasted so fucking good?

  Chapter Eleven


  Her body was being tortured, and it was unlike any she had ever endured. Sabin’s mind and body were in turmoil and it was nothing like the endless tortures her captures meted out. This was different. If she had to admit, it was far worse. Her body begged for release. Wanted this man who teased her to take her without mercy. Claim her entire body as his own and she didn’t care about anything else. She could die tomorrow if she had tonight with her mate.


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