Vampire's Desire

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Vampire's Desire Page 11

by Valerie Twombly

  “I know how you feel. The words are not important.” She curled into him. “Can we stay like this for a little longer?”

  He could deny her nothing and he loved the feeling of her next to him. Normally there was an agreement with those who slept with him. No cuddling and no relationships. Ever. If he deemed them worthy of more than one night, he made sure they were on board to follow his rules.

  “We can stay this way for as long as you like.” He kissed the top of her head and noticed her breathing indicated she’d already fallen asleep. He grinned and pulled the covers over them.



  Something strange has happened. Sabin and I managed a bond without the ritual.

  Really? Interesting. I wonder if it has to do with the fact she is of guardian blood.

  I thought the same.

  Where are you now?

  Lucan yawned. Back in New Orleans. Do we have a plan for the deadline?

  Yes. The Draki are going in cloaked. Caleb, Darius and Jax will escort Sabin, while Diego snatches Cassie and Ariana.

  He wasn’t sure he liked this plan. There were some unanswered questions. How is Sabin going to get out alive?

  The rest of Caleb’s team will wait outside. With that much fire power, they will keep Lowan and his minions busy while Caleb and his men get Sabin back out.

  I don’t like her going without me.

  I know and I don’t blame you, but we got nothing else.

  Fine. We will be there when the time comes. Right now, she is resting.


  Marcus cut off the communication and Lucan settled in further with Sabin in his arms. Might as well catch a few winks before he had to wake her.

  Sabin hated leaving the warmth and comfort of the bed and her mate. Not to mention the fact he would be pissed when he found her gone, but she had to rescue Cassie and Ariana. Lucky for her, not only had the bonding brought back some of her own power, but she shared Lucan’s. She slipped out of his arms and dressed, keeping an eye on him the entire time. Fortunately, he stirred then went back to sleep. He was probably so used to sleeping alone, he might not notice her gone for some time. She hoped.

  Next, she had to test her new power as she headed for the front door. On the other side, the shadow demon in charge appeared in front of her.


  Well, that was a good start. “Yes, I am now your mistress and I command you to allow me to pass.” She tugged at her dark power and pushed the command outward.

  “Very well.” He moved aside.

  This was going better than planned, except she sensed Lucan was awake. Shit. Not good. Not good at all. “You will also confine your master to quarters. He is not allowed to follow me for his own safety.” She pushed harder praying it worked. It was doubtful they could keep Lucan at bay, but it might buy her time while he tried to reverse her handiwork.

  “Yes, mistress.”

  Touching the stone on her bracelet, she flashed before her mate stormed from the house. Hopefully, what she’d read in the book about the Targral demons was correct and the stone would take her straight to the palace. She also hoped it was a place Lucan couldn’t follow.

  Seconds later, she appeared in a small room. Firelight from several torches on the wall danced across murals depicting half-dressed men picking the harvest, hunting and more domestic duties such as cooking and cleaning. On the other wall the depictions showed a man clad in a vibrant loincloth with ties at his hips. On both biceps he wore gold bands decorated with the same blue stone as her bracelet. His long black hair was tied back with a beaded leather band. The handsome man was standing over a naked woman who was lying on her stomach and he rubbed what she guessed might be oil on the woman’s back.

  “Those were your great-grandparents,” a soft voice spoke from behind her. Sabin spun to face the stranger and was greeted by a woman dressed in a white gown with turquoise and red beading at the neck. Her dark hair fell loose to her waist.

  “I am Tieressa, the Targral priestess.” She knelt on both knees. “I am most honored to welcome you home, princess. We have waited a long time.”

  Sabin chewed her lip. “Thank you, Tieressa. Look, I don’t have a lot of time to explain, but––”

  “You require the power of the stone in order to kill your brother.”

  “How did you know?”

  “I have seen this in my dreams,” Tieressa replied.

  “Have you seen if I live or die?” Might as well find out now.

  “Unfortunately, those visions refuse to come to me.” The demon looked around. “Where is your mate? I was certain he would be with you.”

  “Hmm, you must have seen him in a vision too I suppose?”

  The priestess inclined her head. “A dark warrior. He will serve you well.”

  Sabin almost laughed but didn’t think the demon would understand the joke. “He doesn’t know I’m here. Or, for that matter, who I really am.”

  Tieressa raised a brow.

  “Another long story. Can you help me or not?”

  “I can assist you, but be warned the power takes time to mature.”

  “What exactly does that mean?”

  “It means it may not be ready to serve you in time.”

  Well, that just sucked. “Fine. I have no choice as it seems events have been moved up. Oh, and if my mate shows up, you are not to tell him where I went. I cannot have him following me.”

  “Yes, princess. You must go quickly. Let the stone lead you to the source of its power.”

  “You know I could kill you,” Lucan snarled at the demon who refused to divulge where Sabin ran off to.

  “My death will not bring the results you desire.”

  The demon in front of him was infuriating. He had no clue why Sabin would use his own dark magic against him, but secretly he was impressed at her talent. However, he was far more skilled in the dark arts than she, so he closed his eyes and called forth the darkness. When the shadow appeared, it morphed into the form of a very large wolf that reminded him much of Kaldaka.

  “Find my mate,” he commanded. The beast lifted its black nose into the air then let out a growl showing it had a scent. Unlike a dog who picked up a being’s smell, his beast followed the trail of dark magic. The shadow wolf left first and Lucan followed. They zig-zagged through portals and Lucan realized Sabin had deliberately tried to keep him off her trail.

  He growled and recalled Gwen’s words.

  She will betray you.

  Was this her betrayal? What could she be up to?

  He was also forced to remember Sabin’s last words.

  “Remember I love you,” he whispered. “Then why are you running?” Nothing made sense. Did she not trust him to protect her? Did she not realize he would lay down his life for her? How could she when he had never told her as much? Yet, he had told her they would be mated. That should convey how he felt, but apparently, he knew nothing about females. How would he? Lucan had never had a relationship that comprised more than fucking for a night. Maybe two. Perhaps he should have a chat with Gwen to see if any more visions had come to her. First things first though, he needed to locate Sabin. No matter what she was up to, her safety was his priority.

  The shadow wolf led him into a torch-lit room. Sabin’s scent filled the space, but she was no longer here. He gazed at the murals and realized where he was. But, why had she come here? He sensed another in the room.

  “Show yourself and tell me where my mate is.” His snarl echoed off the solid walls.

  “Dark warrior.” A female wearing a white gown stepped from the darkness.

  “Priestess.” He knew who she was. A Targral demon priestess who had taken her people into hiding when their princess had been slain long ago. Why would Sabin come here?

  “Where is my mate?”

  She moved closer and the shadow wolf growled. He had to agree. His comfort level with this place was off the charts creepy. These women liked to enslave men and if the
female in front of him thought to make him one of their slaves she was in for one hell of a surprise.

  “I would keep your distance unless you wish to provoke me.” His stance widened, and he summoned his power. Allowing it to swirl across the room yet remain on his invisible leash.

  She took a step back. “It is not my desire to bring your wrath down on my people. You are even more powerful than my visions showed.”

  His comfort level dropped another notch. “You have had visions of me?” What was with these females and their fucking dreams of him? The only dreams he wanted to star in were Sabin’s.

  “Of course, I would dream of our prince.”

  He laughed then became serious. “Where is my mate?”

  “She has gone to seek the power of the stone.”

  He opened his mouth then slammed it shut. He was old enough to know the history of the Targral demons and the stone the princess drew her power from. Sabin had forgotten to share this important detail about her ancestry. How fucking convenient.

  “Sabin is your princess.”

  The priestess inclined her head. “She is, and we have waited a long time for her.”

  He worked his jaw. His mate was the princess of a race of demons that males of all species despised. The Targral demons cared not who they tore away from loved ones. Once a female decided she wanted you, she ensnared you in her magic and you soon found yourself a slave to her and the rest of the females’ whims. There had been a few who had managed escape to come back and share their stories. This is what Sabin had done to him. She had worked her magic on him from the beginning. Singing her songs to lure him. Making him believe her plight. Had she even faked her wounds? Was anything she had told him the truth?

  He growled.

  “Warrior. You are destined to be her prince as soon as she gains her powers.”

  “Fuck destiny. That bitch can kiss my ass. I bow to no one and especially not a species that enslaves others.” He summoned his shadow wolf and made a hasty exit.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Sabin hurried through the dark passage, careful not to slip on the smooth, wet surface under foot. Instinct carried her, even though she had no clue where she was going. All she knew was she had to act fast before Lucan found her. She had felt a brush of his presence just as she was leaving Tieressa and hoped the priestess was able to hold him off. Guilt at leaving him the way she did caused her chest to tighten. She had loved her mate for so long that this was the worst torture she had ever faced. But Sabin knew her brother better than anyone and knowing that monster had a child in his clutches made her physically ill. She would follow the path fate laid out for her and if she could keep her mate safe in the process then even better.

  Finally, she reached the end of the path which opened to a small cave. In the center, on a crystal pedestal sat a much larger version of the stone that was in her bracelet. She moved forward. There was no more time to waste, so she approached the basketball-sized sphere with little caution and placed her palms on the stone. The surface was warm and smooth and the second her skin touched it, it started with a soft glow then bloomed into a vibrant blue. There was no going back now. Even if she wanted to change her mind, she was unable to loosen her grip. White-hot power ripped through her body and tensed every muscle causing her to cry out. Her skin heated to the point she feared it would melt from her bones. The tears forming in her eyes evaporated the instant they fell.

  Something had to be wrong. Maybe she wasn’t the princess, and the stone knew it so it would kill her for attempting to steal its power. She had endured so much with her brother then left the man she loved all so she could become a fried corpse in a tiny room gods knew where. If Lucan succeeded in finding her, what would her death do to him? The thought of him being consumed by the blackness in his soul forced her to fight back. She summoned every ounce of strength she had. Pushed against the power that tore through her body. She had to rid the world of her brother and then she had to make amends to her mate for running away. There was way too much to live for.

  “Argh!” With one last push, she was given a break. The power from the stone subsided then vanished. Sweat drenched her hair and clothes and she would kill for a shower. Taking a wobbly step back, she tried to assess how she felt. Other than weak, she didn’t feel much different but when she glanced at the bracelet, she realized the full extent of what had just happened.

  She touched her wrist. No pain and nothing but smooth skin. The metal and stone were now nothing more than a tattoo. A permanent mark upon her skin that came with the power of her people. She felt them all. Knew where each one was and that they were safe. The sensation should have been odd to her, yet it was as if she had been this way her entire life. At the very front of her awareness was something even stronger than before.

  Her mate.

  He felt betrayed. Anger rose in him like lava ready to rip apart a mountain and it caused her to clutch her chest. She had done this to him. Maybe she should have done things different, but then Hades words came back to her.

  She had to walk alone.

  Lifting her chin, she shut out everyone else and concentrated on her brother. There was no way for him to hide from her and once she locked onto him, she opened a portal and stepped through. She had no idea how things would turn out. The Phoenix god––who was supposed to assist her––was nowhere to be found. Could she hold enough power to kill her brother without the blade of Embara?

  Fate would soon give her the answer.

  Lucan stormed back to the guardians’ compound with a mass of darkness trailing behind him. His energy was unleashed, and it was a bad thing. A really, really fucking bad thing, because he had left a path of destruction in his wake. Fortunately, he had enough sense to make his way back via a route where humans didn’t live.

  When he entered the compound, Lileta greeted him at the door.

  “Holy hell. Marcus felt your turmoil and asked me to come here right away. What have you done, Lucan?”

  Lileta had discovered her real father was Lowan, and he had tried––with great success––to control her. Her father forced her darker side to the surface and made her do terrible things. When Caleb, her mate, rescued her, she had become someone else. Someone dark and unfeeling and it had been Caleb who had brought her back. However, once the dark evil took hold of you it never fully let go. Lileta fought her dark side and with Lucan’s help she now controlled it rather than the other way around.

  “It’s not what I did, but what your aunt did.”

  “Oh dear. What happened?” She looked past him. “Your dark side is showing, Lucan. I’ve never known you to not have control.”

  He fisted his hands and tried to leash the fury swirling around him. After an intense struggle, he managed to subdue his demons and lock them away. “She betrayed me just as Gwen said she would do.”

  Lileta glanced over her shoulder then back at him. “Come talk to me. We have a little time before the others leave to meet Lowan’s demands.”

  Shit, how was he going to tell Marcus that Sabin had run off. He swore, if she harmed that little girl, he would kill her himself. Mate or not. “Fine.” He stormed down the corridor and into the study Aidyn used. Damn, he missed his friend and was beginning to worry. They were at a crossroads with no way to stop Lowan other than fight their way out.

  The door clicked behind him. “So?”

  He faced Lileta. “She is the Targral princess.”

  Lileta blinked. “What?”

  “Yeah and I discovered this tidbit after she fled my bed while I slept. Once I could finally get past my own fucking demons, I tracked her to their territory.”

  “She used your demons against you?”

  “Yes. It would appear we have completed some sort of bond even without the ritual of the guardians.” And even now, that bond clawed at him like a bird of prey. Part of him wanted to walk away and forget she ever existed. The other? It wanted to find her and after a good spanking over his knee, he would hold her tight
and never let her go again. He was a torn-up mess and not being in control only made things worse. Lucan was never one to lose control. Ever.

  “So what happened when you found her? Did she explain why she didn’t tell you?”

  “I never spoke to her. She was gone when I arrived, but I had words with the priestess who seemed to think I was their prince.” He let out a dark laugh. “Can you imagine, me a prince?”

  “Actually, yes.”

  He gave the demon in front of him a long, hard stare. “Has your dark side warped your mind?”

  She grinned. “No. I have all of my faculties. But who better to help lead those barbaric females into the new world than you?”

  “I will question your sanity later, but tell you now that I will never submit in the way the princess requires. I am no one’s slave.”

  “Are you sure that’s what she wants?”

  “Why else would she not tell me? She has to know how I would respond.”

  “Well, from what I’ve heard, you didn’t exactly give her a warm welcome. You took her from Lowan’s prison and put her in your own. If you couldn’t trust her, how can you expect her to do the same?”

  “I dislike it when you make sense.” Was it possible that Gwen saw Sabin’s betrayal because of Lucan’s treatment of his mate? If he had simply rescued her and brought her back to his home as any normal person might, would Gwen’s vision have been different?

  “I hear your mind working. I must have struck a nerve, which is good.”

  “Perhaps I was wrong. I will give Sabin the chance to explain before I decide what to do.” He crossed his arms and rocked back on his heels. “That is, if she doesn’t try to help her brother destroy us all.”

  “I guess we’ll know shortly. Marcus is busy coming up with another plan in case Sabin fled.”

  “Then we should find out what it is. We only have an hour left before the deadline.” He walked from the room with Lileta at his side as they entered the conference room. Marcus looked like he had not slept in centuries. This new plan––whatever it was––had better work.


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