Chasing a Familiar Shadow

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Chasing a Familiar Shadow Page 7

by Aman Gupta

  “I’ll get another coffee,” said Sam.

  “Wait, I’ll get it,” said Jay.

  “One for me, too,” said Brianca.

  “I know,” he said.

  “I swear there’s a fat joke in there somewhere,” smiled Sam. Brianca squinted her eyes at Sam.

  Jay returned with three coffee cups after ten minutes, seven of which were spent standing in a queue. He saw Sam and Brianca talking to someone, sitting in his chair. He could see their red hair.

  “There he is,” said Sam. “What took you so long?”

  “Look around. Tell me what you see,” said Jay.

  Brianca laughed, much to Sam’s annoyance. Jay smiled too.

  He went around the person to sit next to Sam, and saw the person’s face.

  “Hi,” said Hattie.

  “Hi. This one is for you,” said Jay.

  “No, please, you got it for you. I’m alright, thanks,” said Hattie.

  “I’ll get another one,” said Jay. “Be back in twenty.”

  Sam tried to stop Jay but he didn’t turn back. He was a little surprised that Hattie chose to hang out with Sam and Brianca. Especially because it was Sam and Brianca. Neither of the three made friends with new people easily. Probably why they were friends with each other. But he didn’t want the conversation to change or stop due to his presence.

  “Don’t know what’s wrong with him,” uttered Sam.

  “I think he’s just overwhelmed. Give him a couple of days,” said Brianca.

  “Maybe it’s due to me, perhaps?” said Hattie.

  “What’s his name?” asked Sam.

  “I don’t know,” said Hattie.

  “Does he know yours?” asked Sam.

  “Don’t think so,” said Hattie.

  “See where I am going with this?” said Sam.

  “Yes,” said Hattie.

  “He gets this way when his sister’s birthday is around,” said Brianca. “He’ll be alright.”

  “When’s that?” asked Sam.

  “Yesterday,” said Brianca.

  “That would explain the pen,” said Sam.

  “Did he find it?” asked Hattie.

  “No, but he’s not one of those sentimental ones. I know him,” said Sam.

  “So, Hattie. What’s up with you? Make any friends yet?” asked Brianca.

  “Yeah, couple of ones. They are friends with my roommate,” said Hattie.

  “Anyone we might know? What are their names?” asked Sam.

  “My roommate’s name is Tiffany. She introduced me to Trevor, Martin, Jeremy,” said Hattie.

  “Oh, I remember that name. Tiffany Zeryl. Wait, do you mean Jeremy as in Jeremy Clifford?” asked Brianca.

  “Yeah. I know he’s the President’s son. But he seemed cool,” said Hattie.

  Sam and Brianca looked at each other before taking a sip simultaneously.

  “What was that look?” asked Hattie.

  “Let’s just say it’s in your best interest not to hang out with us. We have a little cold war with that group,” said Sam.

  “Why?” asked Hattie. “Are they not a good bunch to hang out with?”

  “Oh, they’re good. It’s just...we are bad,” said Sam.

  “You both seem alright to me,” smiled Hattie, a little confused.

  “It’s just Jay and Jeremy got a little history,” uttered Brianca.

  “Who’s Jay?” asked Hattie.

  “Our friend,” said Sam. “He just gave you his coffee.”

  “Oh okay. What history?” asked Hattie, curiously.

  “Not mine to tell,” said Sam.

  “Mine either,” said Brianca.

  “Listen, we hate to be the ones telling you who you should be friends with. But if you are friends with Jeremy and his gang, it’s probably best you don’t hang out with us,” said Sam. “We don’t want you to reach a precipice where you find it difficult to choose between Jay and Jeremy. We would choose Jay always.”

  “Thanks for telling me,” said Hattie.

  They drank their coffee. Hattie left after a few minutes.

  Jay came after a few minutes and saw Sam sitting alone.

  “Where’s Brianca and the other one?” asked Jay.

  “Left a few minutes ago,” said Sam.

  “Oh, okay,” said Jay.

  They talked for an hour and had dinner. Sam noticed Jay was feeling much better by the end of their conversation. He was in a light mood, joking around and listening to Sam talk endlessly about her ex-boyfriends. One of the reasons Sam wouldn’t have a good relationship with her exes was her close friendship with Jay. They couldn’t believe her when she would tell them that she and Jay were just friends.

  It was almost 11 PM, and the canteen was about to close for the day.

  Jay and Sam headed out, smiling and laughing, holding hands like a couple. They saw Hattie sitting alone on a small bench in the lawn in front of the dorm buildings. She looked at them but didn’t say anything.

  “Should we talk to her?” asked Sam.

  “She does look sad,” said Jay.

  They approached her, trespassing through the lawn. Sam sat next to her while Jay sat on the grass.

  “What are you doing here?” asked Sam.

  “Nothing. Just looking at the moon,” said Hattie, and looked up at the sky.

  She couldn’t find it.

  “It's New Moon today,” said Jay, looking at her.

  She smiled.

  “I got the worst luck, don’t I?” said Hattie.

  “Looks that way,” said Jay, and fell backwards on the grass.

  Neither of them said anything for the next couple of minutes. An awkward silence ensued. Hattie felt she was ruining their evening, so she decided to say something.

  “Sorry, I didn’t wish to ruin your date,” said Hattie.

  “Oh, we’re not dating,” said Sam.

  “She said taking a full nanosecond,” uttered Jay, to the sky.

  Hattie laughed. Sam laughed too.

  “Why not? Is something wrong with him?” whispered Hattie.

  “Maybe. He isn’t my type,” whispered Sam.

  “You do realize we’re the only ones out there with the next source of sound a hundred yards away,” said Jay.

  “Stop listening to our conversations,” said Sam.

  “You’re right. I probably should go to bed. Got an early class tomorrow,” said Jay.

  “Bye, Sam. Bye, Hottie,” said Jay, and got up.

  “It’s Hattie,” said Hattie.

  “What’s Hattie?” asked Jay.

  “My name,” said Hattie.

  “Oh, I wasn’t going for that, but okay,” said Jay.

  Sam chuckled.

  “Did you know her name was Hattie?” asked Jay.

  “Yes,” said Sam.

  “Oh,” said Jay. “Now, I’m definitely going.”

  Jay waved his hand and walked out of there.

  They kept looking at him.

  “Stop staring,” he shouted from far away without turning.

  Sam and Hattie laughed.

  Chapter 6: Glowering

  Hattie started hanging out with Sam, Brianca and Jay. Three months had passed. Hattie would travel home fortnightly on weekends, usually texting Sam and Jay the entire time. She wouldn’t discuss her college life with her mom and sister, as when she was with them, she wanted to spend some quality family time with them. Her father had died from lung cancer several years ago. His death had affected Hattie’s approach to her life. Her cavalier lifestyle had ceased to exist when he took his last breath.

  She had grown quite fond of Jay, which she mentioned to Sam one afternoon when they were sitting alone in Sam’s dorm room.

  “Really?” asked Sam.

  “I don’t know, but there’s something about him. I love the way he cares about me. I could talk about anything with him, without any judgement or remark. He’s a great listener, and I think he finds me attractive, the way he keeps calling me Hottie,”
said Hattie.

  “You’re talking about our Jay, right? Or someone else?” joked Sam.

  “Yes,” smiled Hattie.

  “I was just checking. Because that doesn’t sound like him at all. He’s so different when he’s with me,” said Sam.

  “Maybe that’s what you wanted him to be. I needed him to be my confidant, but I think he’s starting to become a bit more,” said Hattie.

  “Have you told him yet?” asked Sam.

  “No, of course not. I don’t even know what it is yet. Is it affection, love or just a poor decision due to lack of choices?” said Hattie.

  Sam chuckled. “Definitely the last one.”

  They laughed.

  “If you want me to, I’ll ask him,” said Sam.

  “No, please don’t say anything. Actually, forget that we talked about it,” said Hattie.

  Jay had entered the room at that precise moment.

  “Talked about what?” asked Jay.

  “Nothing, just girl talk,” said Sam.

  “Girl talk as in girl talk or girl talk,” said Jay.

  “The second one,” said Hattie.

  “Oh, you shouldn’t have said that. Now, I definitely want to know,” smiled Jay.

  Hattie smiled.

  Sam noticed that, and blurted out, “Hattie fancies a guy.”

  “Not everyone’s a lesbian, Sam,” said Jay as he sat backwards on a wooden chair.

  “You’re a lesbian?” asked Hattie. “It’s okay.”

  “No, I’m not,” said Sam, annoyed. “And I know it’s okay.”

  “But she hasn’t ruled it out,” said Jay.

  “That’s…That’s…true,” said Sam, throwing a pillow at Jay.

  Hattie and Jay laughed. Sam laughed too.

  “So, who’s the mystery guy?” asked Jay.

  “Nobody,” said Hattie.

  “It’s David, isn’t it? The guy whose nude painting you drew earlier this month,” said Jay.

  “No, it’s not. And it was not a nude painting. And how do you even know about that? Do you follow me everywhere?” asked Hattie.

  “Yes. The things you do when you’re in love,” said Jay, with a serious look.

  “What?” uttered Hattie.

  He laughed a few seconds later.

  “Relax, I was just kidding. You told me about it, remember?” said Jay.

  “Oh, yeah. I forgot about that,” said Hattie.

  “Where was I?” asked Sam.

  “Probably making out with Brianca,” said Jay.

  “Hate to ruin your vivid dreams about me, but she’s not my type,” said Sam.

  “What’s your type?” asked Jay.

  “Smart, hot, beautiful, intelligent,” said Sam.

  “You mean like Hottie?” asked Jay.

  Hattie gave a weird look to Sam, and got up from the bed.

  Jay and Sam laughed.

  “I was kidding,” said Sam, dragging Hattie back to the bed.

  “Me too,” said Hattie as she laughed.

  “Okay, clearly, you are planning to practice baseball. I’ll leave,” said Jay.

  “No, it’s okay. You can stay and watch,” said Hattie.

  “Dear Lord, why are the good ones always gay?” said Jay, looking at the ceiling.

  Hattie and Sam chuckled.

  “I got to go, though. Running a bit late in my research thesis. See you later,” said Jay.

  He opened the door and said, “If you do feel you fancy a guy, make sure he’s the right one for you.”

  “How do I know that?” asked Hattie.

  “If he reminds you of me, then he’s alright,” joked Jay.

  Hattie smiled. Jay smiled back and left.

  “I’ll get the mop,” said Sam, after few seconds.

  Hattie smashed a pillow on Sam’s face. She retaliated, and a pillow fight broke out.

  Jay returned a minute later and entered without knocking.

  “Sorry, I forgot my laptop,” he said, and looked at the feathers in the air.

  Hattie and Sam stopped, and fixed their hair.

  “It’s not what it looks like,” said Sam.

  “A new plot for my dreams,” said Jay, grabbing his laptop. “Sam meets a redhead, and decides to take the matter in her own hands.”

  “That’s disgusting,” said Hattie.

  “And the redhead’s elder sister, also a redhead, finds it disgusting,” joked Jay, before running away.

  Hattie grinned.

  “Be careful, girl. One day, he’ll be the end of you and your sister,” joked Sam.

  “Haha, totally,” said Hattie.

  Hattie and Jay grew quite close in the next few months. She invited him to her home one weekend when she was leaving for a short break, but Jay politely declined. Sam, unintentionally, eavesdropped on the conversation.

  Hattie kissed Jay on his cheeks and left in a cab for the airport.

  Sam confronted Jay when he re-entered the campus.

  “I see your relationship is moving ahead quite nicely,” said Sam.

  “What relationship?” asked Jay, confused.

  “Come on! You and Hattie are so obvious,” said Sam.

  “What? No..How could you think like that? She’s like my younger sister,” said Jay.

  “She is?” asked Sam.

  “Sorry, I didn’t say it out loud, but I thought it was obvious. Do we look like a couple in love? You know what? Ask her when she returns,” said Jay. “Now, I got to go. My report’s due in an hour.”

  “Bye,” said Sam. Jay left.

  She looked sad for Hattie. “I did ask her. It’s going to break her heart.”

  Hattie arrived late Friday night at her home in the corner of a small town. People visited those parts when they had to attend a funeral as the cemetery was nearby.

  They went camping at the Mount Rainier National Park and had a time of their lives. Hattie was unusually happy and stress-free, which Emma and Belinda noticed. Hattie would occasionally text Jay, and receive a response hours later. She thought it was his way of telling her to stop thinking about people at Daulton University, but rather spend some quality time with her family.

  Hattie was setting up dinner outside their tent when Emma noticed a notification pop up on Hattie’s phone. It was a text message from someone named ‘Pen Guy.’

  ‘Okay, Hottie. I’ll take care of it, but only because you said please. Now, stop texting me, or your sister will light your hair on fire’.

  Emma tried to view chat history, but it was locked. Hattie had changed the password to her phone as well. She got out of the tent and approached Hattie.

  “You got a message,” said Emma.

  Hattie took the phone from Emma’s hand, and read the message. She simpered before looking at Emma.

  “Thanks,” said Hattie.

  “So, who’s this mystery guy?” asked Emma. Belinda had joined them.

  “Just a friend,” said Hattie.

  “Okay, don’t tell me, ‘Hottie’,” said Emma, a little upset.

  “He calls me Hottie for no reason, okay? There’s nothing much to it,” said Hattie.

  “Okay. But you know you can talk to me about anything, right?” said Emma.

  “Of course, sis,” smiled Hattie.

  Emma went back to the tent.

  “So,” said Belinda.

  “Okay, so now it’s your turn,” said Hattie.

  “I didn’t say anything,” said Belinda. “But what’s his name?”

  “His name is Jay, okay?” said Hattie.

  “Is he the one in your class?” asked Belinda.

  “No, that’s Jeremy. Jay is a friend of Sam’s. You have met him actually,” said Hattie.

  “You mean the guy I met on the orientation day?” asked Belinda.

  “Yes,” said Hattie.

  “Isn’t he the charming one?” smiled Belinda.

  “There’s nothing like that,” smiled Hattie.

  “You’re forgetting one thing. I’m your mom. I know e
verything that’s going on in your mind and heart at all times,” said Belinda.

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” said Hattie. “And don’t tell Emma about Jay.”

  “Okay,” said Belinda.

  Hattie returned to Daulton University next week. Sam didn’t mention her conversation with Jay about Hattie to her.

  The following week, they celebrated Hattie’s 20th birthday in a restaurant bar nearby. Hattie wanted to invite Jeremy and her classmates too, but later decided to have separate parties when she thought about Jay learning about Jeremy.

  “How come you didn’t invite your classmates?” asked Brianca, who have had a couple of shots, two more than what she could handle.

  “They were busy,” said Hattie, dressed for a party.

  “Or you didn’t want me to meet the guy you fancy,” said Jay.

  “No, that’s not it,” said Sam.

  Hattie gave a look to Sam, who realized what it meant.

  “How do you know?” asked Jay.

  “No particular reason. Just a gut feeling,” said Sam, looking away awkwardly.

  “What’s his name?” asked Jay, who had put on a jacket and tie for the first time in his life.

  “You wouldn’t know him,” said Hattie. “And I have decided I don’t like him anymore.”

  “Liar,” said Jay. “It’s your eyes. They betray you.”

  “Oh yeah? Maybe you should read my eyes. See if they tell you about who I like,” challenged Hattie.

  “Maybe another day, sis,” said Jay.

  Hattie was surprised.

  “Sis?” asked Brianca, spitting out her drink.

  “Yeah, I mean, we’re friends. But I love her like my younger sister,” said Jay.

  Hattie was looking at Sam, who shrugged. Hattie realized Sam knew about it.

  “Why are you two looking at each other ever since we got here? Is there a new plot I should know about?” smiled Jay.

  Brianca smiled. But Sam and Hattie didn’t.

  Jay realized he didn’t know something but left the conversation alone as he didn’t wish to divert everyone’s attention from Hattie’s special occasion.

  Hattie was trying to control her emotions. Sam got up and sat next to her, blocking Jay’s direct view of her. He didn’t say anything.

  The live band that was performing in the bar requested all the couples to find their partners for a quick romantic dance routine. Sam and Brianca were pretty wasted to stand straight, while Hattie was more silent than usual. To cheer her up, Jay asked Hattie to join him. She initially refused, but he kept insisting, and grabbed her hand, and took her with him.


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