Icarus Rising

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Icarus Rising Page 4

by Dolores Storey

  Part Three: Adee and Rune


  There was a very long silence for a while. Rune and Adee sat there staring at each other like a little kid looking at a new toy. Eyes unmoving and breath stilled. Rune didn’t know how to reply and Adee didn’t know if she should continue talking but after a moment she did. “Cotosin wasn’t meant to kill humans, Rune… my species was dying out so they decided to turn another species into ours. Humans were our cousins so…” she turned away, unable to speak another word. Rune however, somehow, someway, found himself able to speak more clearer than he had all night. It was as though his mind was mind out of gears and Adee’s voice was oil finally making each gear turn. All of his questions he didn’t even really want answers too were just solved in thee words. He wasn’t human.

  “Cotosin was a virus to turn humans into… you… wasn’t it? That’s why I look different that the humans before me?” Rune muttered, trying his best not to act totally shocked. Adee nodded, “It started way before I was born, by the time I was even conceived my species were not even close to being extinct anymore. You see, the people here on Earth weren’t killed by the Cicloics; they were taken to their ‘home’. In a way they were bred and sent back to Ciclo. Most of them fought back though…” That must have included Rune’s parents. One day they went out hunting and they never came back. Rune had found them the first time we went looking for food. They were in the mall on the roof where he was now. Moss covered the bullet shells and their bodies were cremated and after that Rune refused to think about it. It was as though his memory of the incident was buried beneath the ivy and grass just like those bullets.

  Rune was knocked out of his train of thought when Adee grabbing his hand like she was grabbing onto life itself. With vision blurry with the onset of tears she muttered, “I’m sorry.” Before looking down at her feet.

  Rune wasn’t angry and he wasn’t look for an apology. He honestly wasn’t even surprised. It was as though he always knew and much like his parents’ death he just chose to ignore it. Much like any other day his own problems were sat aside to care for someone else’s but instead of Canna’s it was Adee’s. He scooted closer to her and gripped her hand tighter. “It’s not your fault.” He muttered, “Honestly it doesn’t bother me as much as I thought it would. It’s ok really. You had your reasons not to tell me and I’m actually glad you didn’t tell me then. I probably would of thought you were lying.” He looked over at her and smiled his signature goofy grin that he inherited from his still partially human father. He clunked his head playfully against Adee’s and hugged her around the shoulders. “We’ll still be friends though, right? I mean; you’re not going to get in trouble for telling me or anything, are you?” Adee shook her head, her sadness starting to fade much to Rune’s relief. “I wouldn’t tell anyone anyways; they don’t need to know. So no, it won’t change anything… I just feel a bit guilty, that’s all.”

  Rune growled a curse beneath his breath, “Well don’t! You had no decision in the matter and you shouldn’t hold the blame of your entire race on yourself. You know, my dad used to blame himself for not fighting for humanity even though the ‘war’ started way before he could even hold a gun let alone fight. Wasn’t his fault and it’s not your fault either. You shouldn’t feel bad, I know you do though so about this; I forgive you for a choice you couldn’t have made for yourself or your entire species. That alright?” Adee chuckled, rubbing her eyes a final time before nodding in agreement. She shifted from her seat, pulling her legs up and to her side before leaning over and resting her head on Rune’s shoulder.

  Once again Rune was a little surprised by Adee’s nature at the moment. Overall she just seemed so different. Maybe it was because she wasn’t dressed in her soldier garb as normal. She was wearing a baggy tunic that fell half over her bare shoulder and a pair of dark leggings. Her hair was brushed down – which he had seen before – but it was messy, obviously reminding him that she had been sleeping before their encounter. He wondered for a moment if his, her and Daedalus’s meeting had kept her awake too. Maybe her hair wasn’t messy from tossing in her sleep but tossing and turning out of frustration and guilt. He couldn’t imagine how she must be feeling about this whole situation. Hell, he could barely wrap his head around his own emotions let alone someone else’s.

  Adee looked up with the most shyest of smiles and kissed Rune’s cheek. “You’re sister is lucky to have you, you know that? How long have you two been alone?” Rune was taken totally off guard and for a minute he couldn’t even comprehend what she said. He looked at her, totally shocked. Adee laughed and rolled her eyes, “I said-”

  “I know, I know um, sorry.” Rune mumbled, “Um, I’ve been taking care of her since I was fourteen or so.” Adee sat up and crossed her arms over her chest. “If you don’t mind me asking… what happened when you were fourteen?” That was definitely not a question he wanted to answer, he didn’t even want to think of it. “My parents died, that’s it.” He said hoping to get it done and over with and quick as possible. To bad it didn’t work. She didn’t believe it, obviously. Great. Adee didn’t even have to say anything for Rune to know his response wasn’t good enough. “They were shot down.” He muttered, “I mean I didn’t see it, I didn’t find them until a few days later but I still know what happened. They fought back and they lost. End of story; it doesn’t matter; it doesn’t change anything. As long as someone’s there to take care of Canna that’s all I care about, really.”

  “It still bothers you though, even if it doesn’t change anything now.” Adee said, “It’s ok to be upset about it. It sounds like you had nice parents, ones that’d fight for you no matter what. I think they raised you well.” She paused, pulling her knees up to her chest, “You’re braver than any soldier I’ve ever met and trust me, I’ve met a lot, more than I’d like to. They’re all cowards though, they run in the face of danger, they turn the other way when they see something they don’t like and put their lives before anyone else’s. You’re a hero though Rune, I think you’d do anything to keep Canna safe, it’s something everyone – Human or Cicloic – can admire and should.” Rune laughed, her words were nice but to him it was far from reality. “I wish that was true.” Adee sighed, looking disappointed that Rune didn’t see what she saw in him. Maybe that was for the best, it kept him humble but that didn’t mean she wanted him to ignore his own heroic behavior.

  Rune looked away and back at the stars feeling a little awkward but suddenly Adee grabbed his chin and made him turn back to her. “It is true.” She said, scoffing a final time before out of nowhere she leaned forward and kissed him. Rune stilled for a moment totally shocked but soon his senses finally kicked in. Her could feel Adee grab his hand and grip his hair and he too found himself combing his fingers through her soft, long hair. He soon felt extremely calm with her so close to him. He forgot about his anxiety towards their whole conversation and his still remaining embarrassment for coming there in the first place, not even the snow barely beginning to fall from the dark sky bothered him. In fact, he had even forgot about his fingers digging into the moss and scratching at an old bullet casing.

  The sound of the door squeaking behind them interrupted their intimacy. Adee instantly stood up, ready for another solider to come marching out – and unfortunately someone did. This wasn’t someone recognized though; it was a woman, tall and slender with dark hair and even darker eyes. She seemed to totally disregard Rune sitting there as she addressed Adee. She kept asking why Adee was awake or here on the roof and even when explanations were given she wouldn’t accept them.

  “It was my fault.” Said Rune, finally standing up. The woman turned, large eyes narrowing to tiny slits, “You’re the human, hm? And you dare speak to me?” If anyone could make Rune more irritated than Daedalus did, this woman could. “I won’t let you yell at Adee for no reason and if that means daring to speak to you,” he hissed, crossing his arms over his chest, “then I will. Besides, this is my planet, not yours, I
should be treated with a little more respect.”

  The woman looked appalled while Adee – well she looked a little pleased that he stood up to her. After a moment of silence the woman’s stern expression began to soften and in return a sly grin, “Well, well,” she growled, “You’re a fiery one aren’t you? I like that. Pleased to meet you then, my name is General Misori Iskabel, one of the greatest soldiers you’ll ever have the pleasure of meeting. You must be Rune, yes? I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  Instead of shaking the hand Misori offered Rune merely nodded, she may have warmed up to him but the feeling was not returned. “No,” he said shortly, “I’m Rune West, one of the last humans to exist, let alone one of the only people to survive out here for his entire life. I may not be a soldier, but I can fend for myself just as well as you can. Speaking of you, I haven’t heard a single word about you, what a shame.” Misori’s smile faded within a millisecond.

  “Rune.” Muttered Adee, “My apologies, General Iskabel had yet to arrive when you were introduced to my partner. She’s still on our side, there’s nothing to worry about but-”

  “There’s no need to explain yourself like a bad child.” Misori hissed. She glared at the two of them before turning away, “Adee, go ahead and finish up your conversation with the – ehem – Rune here and get back to bed.” Before she left she looked back at Rune, eyes returning to slits once more, “And Rune, I’d keep your arrogance down to a minimum. Have you ever heard of the tale of Icarus? He let his cockiness get the best of him and flew to close to the sun. I think all of us would be sad if the human let his wings melt, now wouldn’t we?” and with that she left.

  I’m arrogant? Rune thought, look who’s talking.

  Adee let out a sigh like she had never taken a breath out before. “I’m sorry Rune.” She muttered, “Really sorry, she’s not… the nicest of people and honestly I didn’t know she was coming until the day before we left to come here.” Rune shook his head, shrugging off Misori’s sly little comments, “It’s not your fault, really. If anything, it’s my fault Adee.” he sighed, thinking for a moment of what he could do to make the situation a little better, “Here, let me make it up to you, Canna really likes you, how about you come over and I’ll make you something to eat. You said you like to write, maybe you like to read too, I’ve got plenty of books you can borrow too.” Adee’s flat cheeks began to furiously blush and Rune had realized in that moment that she wasn’t the only one. He began toying with the long handle of Birdie, knowing that she and him would have to part ways soon. “I’ll come over here a few hours before sundown, if that’s ok?” he asked, “Tell everyone I’m showing you some facts about ‘human’ life here on Earth.”

  Adee covered her mouth to silence a giggle but one still immerged, “Are you asking me to sneak out and come to your home?” Rune laughed under his breath, “Yeah I suppose so, it’s not that bad though, you’re a rebel just for liking humans to begin with, it’s not that bad! Besides, Canna will be there the whole time; I’m pretty sure she’s not gonna let anything to rebellious to happen.”

  Adee’s blush seemed to intensify by the minute. With a grin she reached forward, tugging on his tee shirt, “Fine, but dress up for me at least. If I’m gonna sneak out it’s gonna have to be with a guy that doesn’t wear a worn old shirt, Rune.”

  Rune agreed, “Yes ma’am,” he smirked, “I’ll make sure to wear my slightly less worn shirt.”


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