
Home > Romance > Vendetta > Page 10
Vendetta Page 10

by Ruth Ryan Langan


  Courtney shoved aside her worries as she slathered a couple of slices of bread with peanut butter, tucked them into a plastic bag and snagged a bottle of water from the refrigerator. After tossing them into her sea bag, she added a beach towel and a warm, hooded cover-up for the ride back after dark.

  Sea bag in hand, she dashed downstairs and across the backyard toward her sailboat, anchored just beyond Blair’s dock.

  As she waded into the water, she heard the sound of footsteps on the dock and looked over to see Blair keeping stride with her. He was wearing bathing trunks and carrying a wicker hamper.

  “Where are you going?”

  He grinned. “Wherever the wind takes us, I guess.”

  “Us?” She lifted her sunglasses to peer at him. “I don’t recall inviting you along.”

  “Of course you did. You told me I could come along anytime.” Mimicking her, he lifted his sunglasses. “I figure this is as good a time as any.”

  She glanced suspiciously toward the hamper. “What’s in there?”

  “Brie. A loaf of crusty bread fresh from the Devil’s Cove Bakery. Cold chicken. And a bottle of really expensive champagne.”

  Her smile was quick and sassy. “You just won a chance to be my navigator. Welcome aboard, sailor.”

  With a laugh he jumped off the dock and followed her through the shallows to the boat.

  After climbing aboard and stowing their gear, they set about their routine with few words needed between them. While Blair hauled anchor, Courtney unfurled the sails. She manned the tiller while he handled the rigging. In no time they were skimming across the waves under a cloudless

  He watched the way the wind took her hair, sending it streaming out behind her. She lifted her face to the sun and he could see the look of pure pleasure in her eyes.

  “Did you get many chances to sail in Italy?”

  “No.” The smile was gone, erased instantly, and he wondered about it, regretting the fact that it had been his careless question that caused it.

  He kept his tone conversational. “I did some sailing in Greece. The islands are like tiny jewels.”

  “So I’ve heard.” She forced herself to relax.

  “I think I’d like to sail there someday.”

  “I’d love to show them to you.” He secured the ropes and crossed the deck to stand beside her.

  “When I sailed past Santorini, I could see wild donkeys up in the hills. The houses look like they’re about to tumble into the sea. But they cling, like the tough little plants that grow between the cracks in the rocks. Like the tough people who have endured there for centuries.”

  “Sounds like poetry. You loved it, didn’t you?”

  He nodded.

  “Will you go back?” She wasn’t even aware that she was holding her breath.

  “I think about it. I’m sure I’ll go back for a visit now and then. But I think I’m ready to settle down and make my home in the States now.”

  His statement surprised her. “Won’t you find it dull, after living in Greece?”

  He shrugged. “Do you?”

  She looked away. “It’s different for me.”

  “In what way?”

  She kept her eyes averted. “My memories of Italy aren’t entirely happy. And when I returned, I knew I was coming home.”

  “Yeah.” He jammed his hands in his pockets to keep from touching her. It was all he’d been thinking about. Drawing her close. Feeling the press of her body to his. “Home’s a great place to be when you’re leaving unhappy memories behind.”

  She looked over. “It wasn’t all unhappy. It just…ended badly.”

  Because he hated the look in her eyes he quickly changed the subject. “What’s that island over there?”

  “The locals call it Turtle Island, because it’s shaped like a turtle. It’s just a little patch of sand and vegetation in the middle of the lake.”

  “Can we get close enough to anchor and have dinner?”

  “Oh, sure.” She turned the tiller and they headed toward the island. “There’s a nice sandy beach for swimming, and no dangerous rocks or shallows that I know of.”

  When they were close enough to drop anchor, they clamored over the side of the boat and waded to shore. Once there, Courtney opened her sea bag and spread the beach towel in the shade of a weathered rock.

  Blair popped the cork on the champagne and filled two foaming flutes before handing one to her. “Here’s to perfect summer nights.”

  She touched her glass to his.

  Before she could sip he added, “And to all the things we can find to amuse ourselves on this deserted island.”

  She met his eyes. “Dream on, Colby.”

  He merely smiled. “You can’t blame a guy for his fantasies.”

  “Just so he knows the difference between fantasy and reality.”

  “Courtney, darling, I’d love to show you how to turn one into the other.”

  “I’m not interested. And I’m not your darling.”

  She glanced down at the hamper. “Are you going to share that brie?”

  He knelt on the beach towel and reached for a knife. Minutes later they were enjoying crusty bread spread with cheese.

  “Oh.” Courtney sighed. “This is so much better than my peanut butter sandwiches.”

  “That was going to be your dinner?”


  “Then I know you’re going to love this.” He unwrapped the foil covering and offered her a piece of chicken.

  She leaned her back against the sun-warmed rock and ate in silence. He settled himself beside her and did the same. When her glass was empty, he picked up the bottle and filled it, before topping off his own.

  She sipped, watching the sea birds that dipped and wheeled overhead, hoping to snatch a few crumbs. “You realize they want their share.”

  He nodded. “They’ll have to be patient.” He stretched out his long legs, crossing them at the ankle. “A guy could get used to living like this.

  I can see why you decided to stay.”

  “It does cast a spell, doesn’t it?” She was smiling as she looked over at him.

  “So do you, Courtney.” The look in his eyes had her heart slamming against her ribs. “This has to be some kind of spell. Why else would I risk insult, rejection and flat-out refusal so many times, and keep coming back for more?”

  He didn’t touch her. Maybe that was what held her attention. That, and the fact that his voice, though little more than a whisper, was so fierce.

  He curled his fingers into his palms, all the while staring into her eyes. “I think I’ve figured you out. Some guy battered your heart, and you’re never going to let anyone get close enough to allow it to happen again. Fair enough, I suppose. Of course, there’s a good chance that the right guy might come along, and after a while give up, and you’ll never even know what you lost. Still, it’s your heart. You’ve got the right to protect it.”

  Her tone was sarcastic as she scrambled to her feet. “I’m glad you’ve got it all figured out

  “That’s right.” He followed her lead and stood. His voice lowered. “What I haven’t figured out is me. Why the hell am I still here, and still trying, when you’ve made it clear you’re not interested?”

  Her head came up. “Blair…”

  He cut her off. “Don’t tell me you’re a witch, because I don’t believe in them.”

  She’d wanted, desperately, to keep things light. But she was afraid it was all getting out of hand. “What do you believe in?”

  He closed his hands over the tops of her arms. “Things I can see, touch, smell.” Without thinking he dragged her close and pressed his face to her hair, breathing her in. “You’re real, Courtney. Maybe the first real woman I’ve ever known.”

  She wasn’t sure what touched her more. The words he spoke or the way he spoke them. As though torn from the depths of his soul.

  She could feel the way he was fighting for control. It excite
d her even as it frightened her.

  She lifted her face to his. “Kiss me.”

  Instead of doing as she’d asked, he frowned and, without warning, released her and turned away.

  “What’s wrong?” Without thinking she laid a hand on his bare back and felt him flinch.

  His voice was a warning growl. “Unless you’re ready to spend the next couple of hours on this island fulfilling my fantasies, don’t do that again. You might want to think about packing up the hamper. Or maybe going for a swim. I know that’s what I’m going to do.”

  Without another word he strode past her and into the water. She stood on shore, watching as he sank beneath the waves. Moments later he surfaced and began, with powerful strokes, to swim past the boat and out to the deeper water.

  When there was enough distance between them, she followed suit and stepped into the water. After all, this was what she’d planned in the first place. A pleasant sail, a quick supper and a moonlight swim. Alone. And now she had her wish.

  Then why was she feeling so miserable?

  Because, a nagging little voice taunted, she’d been more aroused by his touch than she cared to admit. She had a pretty good idea that his fantasies were much more fulfilling than hers.

  She rolled to her back and began to float, closing her eyes to the night sky. She didn’t want to see that big fat moon. Didn’t want to watch the twinkle of stars in the heavens. They taunted her with thoughts of what might have been.

  “Having fun yet?”

  Blair’s voice, so close, had her jumping. “Don’t sneak up on me like that.”

  “I wasn’t sneaking. Just swimming. And as far as I can see, the lake belongs to everybody. Or do you have a private claim on this spot?”

  She arched a brow. “As a matter of fact, I do. Maybe you haven’t heard that the Brennan family has owned this particular strip of Lake Michigan for generat

  He grinned. “Good try. But you’re a lousy liar, Brennan.”

  “Says you.”

  “Says your eyes. They give you away every time.”

  “Prove it.”

  “All right.” He closed a hand around her upper arm and drew her close, all the while treading water.

  When Courtney tried to touch bottom, she realized she was too short. There was nothing to do but allow him to prove or disprove his statement.

  He grinned. “If you don’t mind, I’ll need to stare deeply into your eyes for this.”

  She stared back without blinking.

  “It’s simple, really. Tell me you don’t want to kiss me, Courtney.”

  She tossed her head. “I don’t want to kiss you.”

  “Caught you lying.”

  “How would you know that?”

  “Because…” He let go of her and framed her face with his hands.

  Her reaction was automatic. Without a firm foundation beneath her feet, she was forced to reach for his waist and cling.

  His voice was warm with laughter. “Why, Miss Brennan. I do believe you can’t keep your hands off me.”

  “Go to—”

  His mouth closed over hers, cutting off whatever she’d been about to say. The kiss was long and slow and deliberate, as though he had all the time in the world to taste her sweetness. He was aware of her soft little sigh and the way her hands tightened at his waist.

  It occurred to Courtney that no man had ever made her feel this completely, thoroughly kissed. As though he’d somehow lost himself in her and couldn’t find his way out. It was the most erotic feeling. Especially since she’d become lost in him, as well.

  When at last he lifted his head, she shivered from the loss of his mouth on hers.

  She was dismayed to see him step back. “Where are you going?”

  “Back to shore. I need some space. And so do you.”

  What upset her even more than his words was the angry, almost bleak look in his eyes in that instant before he turned away.

  Not at all like a man who’d just been indulging in something pleasurable.

  Chapter 12

  Courtney walked through the shallows. On shore Blair was busy toweling himself.

  “Nice kiss, Colby. But it didn’t prove a thing.”

  She picked up her beach towel and began to dry herself off.

  proved enough.”

  “That I’m not strong enough to fight you?”

  “Oh, baby, that was as far from a fight as it could be. You were as lost in that kiss as I was.”

  There was no denying the truth, as much as it rankled. “Maybe. But I don’t consider that the ultimate test.”

  “And that would be…?”

  “Dry land. You know. A level playing field.”

  “Playing field? You’re still into playing games?” When he turned, his eyes were narrowed on her. “You might want to step back a few paces and give me some space.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  Something flared in his eyes. Something dark and dangerous that had her pulse racing. “In case you haven’t figured it out yet, the time for harmless flirting is over, Courtney. I’m on a thin tether here.”

  “Maybe you’re not the only one.” She saw his eyes widen as the meaning of her words dawned.

  Still he didn’t touch her. Instead he merely shook his head. “You’ve already made it plain that you’re not interested in a casual relationship.

  And if that isn’t a big enough barrier, think about all those regrets you’ll have to deal with later. I’m assuming it’s regret that’s been hanging like a millstone around that pretty neck of yours.”

  “Yeah.” The word came out on a sigh. “I guess I have been playing the blame game too long. After a while, it gets to be a habit. But tell me something. Why are you going to all this trouble to talk me out of…my feelings?”

  “Oh? You’re having feelings? Just what are they?”

  “It would be a lot easier to talk about this if you’d use a gentler tone. And maybe…hold me, Blair.”

  He draped the towel around his neck and kept his hands firmly clenched to either end of it. “Sorry. I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  Seeing that he wasn’t about to budge, she reached up to close a hand over his. “Don’t be mad. It’s just that I’m not sure what I’m feeling anymore.”

  “Not good enough.” Despite the flare of heat from her touch, he took a step back. “I know you well enough by now to know that you’re a woman with a mind of your own. If you’re waiting for the big seduction, so you can claim to be swept off your feet and out of your mind, find another guy.”

  “You’re not interested in seducing me?” She tried to laugh, though it came out in a sound that was more like a sigh. “Or are you suggesting that you’d rather I seduce you?”

  He was looking at her with a bemused expression. “That might prove interesting.”

  “You don’t think I can?”

  “In a heartbeat. I’m easy. I’m just wondering how you’ll deal with all that crushing gu in the morning.”

  “Let me worry about my guilt.”

  His grin was quick and deadly. “Gladly.” He seemed to brace himself, feet planted squarely in the sand, hands on his hips. “You can start the seduction anytime you’re ready. If you think you’re up for it.”

  Instead of facing him she walked around him once, twice.

  “Looking for my weakness? Or are we into wrestling now? Thinking of taking me two out of three falls?”

  Instead of answering him she merely walked around him a third time. This time she paused and touched a hand to the small of his back. Just the lightest touch, but she felt his quivering response and it made her smile.

  “I believe I’ve just found your weakness.”

  “Not fair.” He took a step back, laughing.

  “I’m ticklish there.”

  “And here?” When he turned to face her she placed a hand on his flat stomach, then moved it upward, across his chest. “Hmm. You seem to have a lot of those ticklish spots.”

  He closed a hand over hers to keep it from wandering farther. “You’re playing a dangerous game, you know.”

  “Maybe I like dangerous games.” She stood on tiptoe to brush a kiss over his mouth, and heard his quick intake of breath. “And dangerous men.”

  It was the softest of kisses. A mere butterfly brush of mouth to mouth, but the feelings that pulsed between them rocked them back on their heels.

  His hands closed over her upper arms. Though his eyes were narrowed on her, his head was spinning. The slightest touch of her had his nerves quivering. That simple kiss had shattered all his defenses. Why did she have to smell so clean and fresh, like the lake? Why did her wet hair have to bear the unmistakable fragrance of a summer garden? He wanted to bury his face there. To lose himself in her. To taste her. All of her. Now. Before he went mad from the wanting.

  If it were that simple, he would take her here and now, and to hell with tomorrow. Instead, for her sake, he struggled to hold his own feelings in check. “Okay. You’ve proved your point. You’re good at seduction.”

  She gave him a little smile. “I haven’t even begun.”

  “It doesn’t matter.” He held up his hands. “I told you I’m easy. I surrender.”

  “What if I don’t accept surrender?”

  He touched a hand to the narrow strap of her bikini. “Then be warned. If we take this to the next step, you’d better be prepared for those fantasies I told you about.”

  “Maybe I’m looking forward to them.”

  “You think so?” He watched her eyes as he drew the strap across her shoulder and down her arm. “I remember the night I arrived in Devil’s Cove and you came dashing out of your place ready to attack like a little pit bull.”

  “I thought you were an intruder.”

  He smiled. “And so I was. But I remember thinking that if I hadn’t been driving for all those hours, and so tired I was nearly blind, it might have been fun to go a couple of rounds with you.”

  His tone lowered seductively. “I’m not tired tonight, Courtney. I have all this restless energy building up inside. And what I want is an even match with that same tough little woman who was determined to defend a stranger’s cottage, no matter what the cost. Of course—” he reached for the other strap and drew it down her arm “—I’ll also want you out of that bikini so I can touch and taste and feast on you until I’ve had my fill. No barriers between us tonight, I promise you.”


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