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by Michael Arnheim

  130. Hoyle, Sir Fred (1999) The Mathematics of Evolution, Acorn, 9.

  131. See http://evolution.berkeley.edu

  132. John Farrell, “The Real Evolution Debate: Is it all just natural selection?” 27 February 2014, [Online] www.forbes.com/sites/johnfarrell/2014/02/27/the-real-evolution-debate-is-it-all-just-natural-selection/

  133. P.Z. Myers, [Online] https://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2014/02/14/the-state-of-evolutionsary-theory-may-not-be-what-you-think-it-is/

  134. Larry Moran, [Online] http://sandwalk.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/on-difference-between-neutral-theory.html; see also Koonin, Eugene V. (2011) The Logic of Chance.

  135. Dawkins, Richard, “The descent of Edward Wilson”, Prospect, 24 May 2012.

  136. Quoted by Steve Connor, “Why Richard Dawkins ‘is not a scientist’”, The Independent, 10 November 2014.

  137. Coyne, Jerry (2011) “Can Darwinism improve Binghampton?” New York Review of Books, 9 September 2011.

  138. David Sloan Wilson, “Jerry Coyne on Group Selection: What does he know?”, [Online] http://scienceblogs.com/evolution/2011.09/11/jerry-coyne-on-group-selection/

  139. Dawkins (2007) The God Delusion, 60.

  140. See Arnheim, Michael (2009) U.S. Constitution for Dummies, 21ff.

  141. Dawkins, The God Delusion, 41.

  142. Ibid.

  143. Darwin Correspondence Project, Letter 12041, [Online] www.darwinproject.ac.uk/letter/entry-1204

  144. Darwin, Charles (1860) Origin of Species, 481.

  145. Letter dated 18 November 1859, [Online] www.darwinproject.ac.uk/entry-2534

  146. Dawkins, Richard, “On Militant Atheism”, TED Talk, www.ted.com/talks/richard_dawkins_on_militant_atheism/transcript?language=en

  147. Darwin, Charles (1887) Autobiography, 94, Darwin-online.org.uk

  148. “Darwin”, Christian Answers, [Online] christiananswers.net/q-aig/ Darwin.html

  149. Darwin Correspondence Project, Letter 2814, www.darwinproject.ac.uk/letter/entry-2814

  150. Darwin’s Autobiography, 162.

  151. Dawkins, Richard (2007) The God Delusion, 147.

  152. Darwin’s Autobiography, 90.

  153. Ibid., 87.

  154. Ibid., 92.

  155. Ibid., 93.

  156. Darwin, Origin of Species (1860), 484.

  157. Ibid., 490.

  158. www.darwin-online.org.uk/Variorum/introduction.html

  159. Darwin Correspondence Project, Letter 4065.

  160. Miller, Kenneth (2007) Finding Darwin’s God, Harper Perennial, 292.

  161. See note 43.

  162. See note 46.

  163. Hitchens, Christopher (2007) God is Not Great, Twelve Books, 95.

  164. Arnheim, Michael (1984) Is Christianity True?, Duckworth, 152ff.

  165. Conder, Josiah (1838) An Analytical and Comparative View of All Religions Now Extant among Mankind, Nabu Press.

  166. Tishken, Joel (2000) “Ethnic vs. Evangelical Religions: Beyond Teaching the World Religion Approach”, The History Teacher, 33.3, 303–320.

  167. Ibid., 313.

  168. Cf., Masuzawa, Tomoko (2005) The Invention of World Religions, 65f.; McAfee, Ward (1983) A History of the World’s Great Religions; MacMullen, Ramsay (1997) Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries; Jones, Prudence & Pennick, Nigel (1995) A History of Pagan Europe; Brodd, Jefferey (2003) World Religions, [Online] ParliamentofReligions.org

  169. Acts 11:26, KJV, 1990.

  170. Acts 26:28, KJV, 1990.

  171. John 14:6, KJV, 1990.

  172. John 18:37f.

  173. [Online] www.witnessesuntome.com/2009/04/a-more-biblical-sinners-prayer/

  174. Cf. Ghassem-Fachand, Parvis (2012) Pogrom in Gujarat: Hindu Nationalism and Anti-Muslim Violence in India, Princeton University Press.

  175. “Can’t change caste, Supreme Court to college student”, The Times of India, 1 December 2007.

  176. Sastri Yagnapurushadji v. Muldas Brudardas Vaishya (1966) AIR 119 (Supreme Court of India), cited in Bramchai Sidhesar Shai v. State of West Bengal (1995) Supreme Court of India.

  177. Renou, Louis (1961) Hinduism, George Brazillier.

  178. Subodh Ghildiyal, “Government opposed to Dalit status for converts”, The Times of India, 10 October 2014.

  179. Suetonius, Vespasian, 23.4.

  180. Moss, Candida (2013) The Myth of Persecution: How Early Christians Invented a Story of Martyrdom, HarperOne.

  181. Matthew 15:22–28, KJV, 1990.

  182. Matthew 5:17–20, KJV, 1990.

  183. Romans 11:13, KJV, 1990.

  184. Acts 15:19, KJV, 1990.

  185. Galatians 5:6, KJV, 1990.

  186. 1 Corinthians 7:19, KJV, 1990.

  187. Romans 3:30, KJV, 1990.

  188. Cf., Pritchard, J.B. (1969) Ancient Near Eastern Texts relating to the Old Testament, Princeton University Press.

  189. Cf. Chronicles 36:23; Ezra 6:3–5; Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, Book 11, Chapter 1.

  190. Job 42:10–17 RSV®.

  191. Job 19:25 KJV®.

  192. [Online] See www.godvine.com/bible/job19-25 — Clarke’s Commentary.

  193. Leviticus 25:48–49, KJV, 1990.

  194. Deuteronomy 25:5–6, KJV, 1990; cf. Leggett, Donald (1974) The Levirate and Goel Institutions in the Old Testament, with special attention to the Book of Ruth, Mack Publishing.

  195. Ruth 1:16, NKJV.

  196. Ezra 9:1–15.

  197. Ezra 10:1–5.

  198. Ezra 10:6–43.

  199. Ezra 10:44 RSV.

  200. Deuteronomy 7:3–5 RSV.

  201. Genesis 34:9 RSV.

  202. Genesis 34:15–16, RSV.

  203. Genesis 34:25–31.

  204. Jonah 1:5 RSV.

  205. Jonah 1:7–8 RSV.

  206. Jonah 1:9 RSV.

  207. Jonah 1:16 RSV.

  208. Jonah 3:8–9 RSV.

  209. Jonah 4:10–11 RSV.

  210. 1 Kings 18:21–40 NKJV.

  211. John 3:36, KJV.

  212. Joshua 6:1–25.

  213. “This is the text of the Stanmore Accords in full”, Jewish Chronicle, 12 September 2008.

  214. [Online], www.collive.com/show_news.rtx?id=4759 — Community News Service, 1 August 2009.

  215. Jacobs, Louis (1957) We Have Reason To Believe, Vallentine Mitchell.

  216. Cf. [Online], http://louisjacobs.org/library/events-unfolding.php.

  217. Obituary of Rabbi Louis Jacobs, The Telegraph, 7 July 2006.

  218. R v. Governing Body of the Jewish Free School (2009) UKSC 15. See Arnheim, Michael (2009) “The ‘Who is a Jew’ saga, UK version”, Jerusalem Post, 5 August 2009.

  219. Ibid., paragraph 24.

  220. Sacks, J. (1993) One People? Tradition, Modernity and Jewish Unity, 34.

  221. Burrell, Ian, “Leaked letter widens schism in Jewry”, The Independent, 15 March 1997; “Jonathan Sacks: Defender of the faith”, The Independent, 8 September 2001, [Online] www.jta.org/1997/06/05/news-opinion/british-chief-rabbi-letter-exposes-deep-communal-rift

  222. Sacks, Jonathan (2004) The Dignity of Difference (new edition).

  223. Jonathan Petre, “Chief Rabbi revises book after attack by critics”, The Telegraph, 15 February 2003.

  224. Rocker, Simon (2010) “Chief Rabbi: Book error could have meant resigning”, The Jewish Chronicle, 18 March 2010.

  225. “Coalition in turmoil after cabinet approves controversial ‘Jewish state bill’“, [Online] www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Politics-And-Diplomacy/Coalition-in-turmoil-after-cabinet-approves-controversial-jewish-state-bill-382631. “Netanyahu government approves disputed bill making Israel nation-state of Jewish people”, [Online] www.rt.com/news/208139-israel- jewish-state-bill/ — 23 November 2014.

  226. [Online] “The List: The World’s Fastest-Growing Religions”, www.foreignpolicy.com, March 2007.

  227. John 3:16, KJV.

  228. John 14:6, KJV.

  229. [Online] www.vatican.va/arch
ive/ENG0015/ P13.HTM

  230. Mark 2:27.

  231. Matthew 5:41.

  232. Isaiah 11:10–16.

  233. John 14:6.

  234. John 18:38.

  235. Micah 4:5.

  236. “Cardinal Ratzinger’s ‘Dictatorship of Relativism’ Homily”: full text — 19 April 2005, [Online] http://romancatholicblog.typepad.com/roman_catholic_blog/2005/04/thanks_to_willi.html

  237. Micah 4:5.

  238. Isaiah 11:1, ASV.

  239. 1 Samuel 17:12.

  240. John 7:41–2.

  241. Mark 1:9; 6:1.

  242. Luke 2:3, ASV.

  243. Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, 18:1 (first published 93–94 CE, reprinted by CreateSpace Publishing, 2013).

  244. Marshall, Ian Howard (1978) The Gospel of Luke: A Commentary on the Greek Text, 103.

  245. Luke 1:5.

  246. Matthew 2:1.

  247. Matthew 2:1.

  248. Matthew 2:11.

  249. Matthew 2:22.

  250. Micah 5:2.

  251. Matthew 2:6.

  252. John 7:40ff.

  253. John 7:41.

  254. John 7:42.

  255. Matthew 1:1–17.

  256. Luke 3:23–38.

  257. Matthew 1:17.

  258. Matthew 1:17.

  259. E.g. 1 Chronicles 2:1–15.

  260. Luke 3:23-38.

  261. Matthew 1:12; Luke 3:27.

  262. Matthew 1:17; Luke 3:23.

  263. Luke 1:26–36.

  264. Luke 1:34.

  265. Luke 1:27.

  266. Luke 1:28, 30.

  267. Luke 1:35.

  268. Luke 1:32.

  269. Luke 1:33.

  270. Luke 1:31.

  271. Matthew 1:18–25.

  272. Matthew 1:23.

  273. Isaiah 7:14.

  274. Quoted by Eusebius, History of the Church, 3.3914-17 (first published 462, reprinted by Kregel Academic, 2007).

  275. Matthew 1:18; Luke 1:25, 2:5.

  276. Luke 2:5.

  277. Deuteronomy 22:23–4.

  278. Deuteronomy 22:20–1.

  279. Matthew 1:18–25.

  280. Matthew 1:19.

  281. John 8:41.

  282. Mark 6:3.

  283. Matthew 13:55–6.

  284. Luke 4:22.

  285. John 6:42.

  286. Origen, Against Celsus, I. 28, 32, 69.

  287. Luke 1:28.

  288. Matthew 1:19–25.

  289. John 2:3–4.

  290. Luke 11:27.

  291. Luke 11:28.

  292. Mark 3:31–5; Matthew 12:46–50; Luke 8:19–21.

  293. Matthew 2:13–14.

  294. Luke 2:21–39.

  295. Matthew 2:19–23.

  296. Matthew 2:23.

  297. See Breen, John & Teeuwen, Mark (2000) Shinto in History: Ways of the Kami, Curzon Press, 3; see also Inoue, Nobutaka (ed.) (2003) Shinto — A Short History, RoutledgeCurzon, ix ff.

  298. [Online] www.adherents.com/Religions_By-Adherents.html

  299. Breen & Teeuwen (see note 1), 1.

  300. [Online] Huisman, Jan (2013) “Why Japan had to abolish state Shinto 68 years ago”, http://disputeddpast.com/news/japan-abolish-state-shinto/

  301. Quran 8:12, Pickthall translation, [Online] http://corpus.quran.com/translation.jsp?chapter=8&verse=1

  302. Asad, Muhammad (1980) The Message of the Qu’ran, Redwood Books, 256.

  303. Quran 2:256 — as translated online in www.islamreligion.com/articles/677/

  304. Hamblin, William J. & Peterson, Daniel, [Online] “Arabs, not Islam, spread by the sword”, www.deseretnews.com/article/765580085/Arabs-not-Islam-spread-by-the-sword.html?pg?=all

  305. Breen & Teeuwen (see note 1).

  306. [Online] www.islamreligion.com/articles/204/ — a website set up under the auspices of the Government of Saudi Arabia.

  307. “Evidence Islam is Truth”, [Online] www.islamreligion.com/category/33/

  308. “Lecture of the Holy Father — Faith, Reason & the University”, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 12 September 2006.

  309. Fuller, Graham E. (2010) A World Without Islam, Little, Brown & Co., 85.

  310. twitter.com@RichardDawkins — 1 March 2013.

  311. Fuller, Graham E., op. cit., 15.

  312. Bin-Laden, Osama (2005) Messages to the World, Verso, 121.

  313. “Indeed your Lord is ever watchful”, by the official spokesman for the Islamic State, Dabiq (Magazine) Issue 4.pdf (October 2014), 6, [Online] www.docdroid.net/j8dr/dabiq-magazine-issue-4.pdf.html

  314. Quran 8:12 (Shakir translation), [Online] http://corpus.quran.com

  315. Quran 2:256 (Yusuf Ali translation), [Online] http://corpus.quran.com

  316. Quran 2:62 (Shakir translation), [Online] http://corpus.quran.com

  317. Kershaw, Ian (2008) Hitler: A Biography, W.W. Norton & Co., 295–7.

  318. Klingensiepen, Ferdinand (2010) Dietrich Bonhoeffer 1906–1945: Martyr, Thinker, Man of Resistance, T&T Clark.

  319. Hitchens, Christopher (2007) God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, Atlantic Books, 108.

  320. Cf. [Online] https://humanism.org.uk/about/atheist-bus-campaign/

  321. Dawkins, Richard (1986) The Blind Watchmaker, W.W. Norton and Company, 262f.

  322. Genesis 1:27, KJV, 1990.

  323. John 3:16, KJV, 1990.

  324. Quran 29:58.

  325. [Online] www.mormonnewsroom.org

  326. [Online] www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/

  327. Kerbo, Harold & McKinstry, John (1997) Modern Japan, McGraw-Hill, 151.

  328. Nasr, Vali (2006) The Shia Revival, Norton, 110.

  329. “Religious Toleration” in the Catholic Encyclopedia, [Online] www.newadvent.org/cathen/14763a.htm

  330. Paul Alivisatos, Miyoung Chun, George Greenspan, J. Ralph & Michael Roukes (June 2012) “The Brain Activity Map Project and the Challenge of Functional Connectonics”, Neuron, 74 (6), 970–4.

  331. IPCC AR5 WG1 Summary for Policymakers.

  332. [Online] www.worldometers.info/world-population

  333. Cf. Speckhardt, Roy, “Don’t be Fruitful and Multiply”, 17 August 2013, Online: www.huffingtonpost.com/roy-speckhardt/don’t -be-fruitful-and-mult_b_3443172.htm?utm_hp_ref=religion

  334. [Online] www.breathingearth.net/

  335. [Online] See www.worldwildlife.org

  336. Cf. Dundas, Paul (2002) The Jains, Routledge.

  337. The Guardian, 20 February 2014.

  338. Bharati Naik & Marie-Louise Gumuchian, “Danish zoo kills healthy giraffe, feeds body to lions”, 10 February 2014, [Online] http://edition.cnn.com/2014/02/09/world/Europe/denmark-zoo-giraffe/

  339. Orthodox Judaism is an exception to this latter feature. See Chapter 5.




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