Beautiful Mess (Sinners High book 1)

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Beautiful Mess (Sinners High book 1) Page 10

by Melody Adams

  "You here to fight?"

  I nodded.

  "I want Skinner!"

  Bookie's eyebrows shot up, then his gaze went away for a moment as he no doubt ran the odds on such a fight through his head. Finally, he looked at me with a grin.

  "Let the boy come forward, you cretins. Come on, you fuckers! Make some motherfucking room here!"

  The crowd divided with grumbling and protests. I stepped up to the box and pulled my wallet out of my pants to pay the fee of three Benjamin. Bookie gave me a stamp on the back of my hand and waved at one of the gorillas.

  "Take the boy here to the changing rooms and get him ready. He fights Skinner in fifteen. Get it?"

  The gorilla just nodded and with a movement of his head told me to follow him. Of course I knew how things went down here. It wasn't my first rodeo. But every fighter here went through the same routine, no matter how many times you’ve been here.

  After I changed, the gorilla bandaged my hands. We didn't use gloves here, but the bandages at least gave some protection for the knuckles. Not that I needed it. I didn't care if I broke a few knuckles. I welcomed the pain. But rules were rules. Even though there weren't many other rules in these fights. No poking in the eyes, not between the legs and no biting. Everything else was allowed. – Okay, of course no weapons like knives or brass knuckles. Fighting continued until either of them lost consciousness or tapped out. And of course there were no rounds. When you stepped into the ring, then you fought until you won or lost. No breaks to catch your breath or get your cuts tended to. This wasn’t for fucking pussies.

  The gorilla grunted when he was done with my hands and turned to face the door. He didn't seem to be a man for unnecessary words, and that was fine with me. I followed him back into the hall where he accompanied me to the ring and left me there. The fighters who fought in the ring at the time rolled on the floor in a fight for dominance. Both fighters seemed to be battered. One of them finally gained the upper hand and rained hard blows on the skull of his opponent. I saw when the lights went out on the unfortunate man. But also the referee had seen it and stopped the fight. While a few gorillas pulled the unconscious man out of the ring, the referee announced the winner under the loud roar and a few boos from the crowd. After the winner had also climbed out of the ring, Ronaldo, the ring announcer, entered the ring.

  "And now, the fight you have been waiting for all evening," Ronaldo announced and received loud applause.

  Ronaldo grinned broadly, showing his sparkling gold teeth, while he waited for the crowd to calm down somewhat. I jumped up and down light-footedly, warming up a little for the fight. Skinner would be led to the ring with music and fanfare. Few fighters here got such a performance. I had fought some good fights, but wasn't here regularly enough to deserve such attention.

  "Join me in welcoming our champion – here comes Skiiiiinnneeeer!"

  The crowd went wild. Skinner's music Nightmare from Avenged Sevenfold boomed from the speakers. I let my knuckles crack and rotated my neck. I was so ready for this fight.


  I awoke with the disturbing feeling that someone was staring at me. A frightened sound came over my lips when I noticed the dark figure standing next to my bed.

  "Shhh, Abbygirl. It's me."

  I sat up abruptly. Kent? What was he doing here? I leaned over to the bedside table and switched on the light. When my eyes fell on Kent, I gasped in horror. One eye was swollen nearly shut and had a nasty cut on the eyebrow. His lip was chapped and his jaw also seemed to be a little swollen on the left side.

  "What happened?" I asked.

  "Little fight. That’s all."

  "A little fight?" I asked incredulously. "You look as if you were run over by a train."

  "You didn't see the other guy," Kent replied with a grin, and I had to laugh against my will.

  "What are you doing here? Why are you here?"

  Instead of giving me an answer, Kent began to strip off his clothes. I sat there with my heart pounding and stared at him. When he was stripped down to his boxers, he climbed onto the bed and lay down behind me, pulling the blanket over him. I turned to him and stared at him in disbelief.

  "What's going on here, Kent?"

  "What does it look like, Abbygirl?"

  "If you think that I'm going to..."

  "Shut up and get under the covers, Abby," he cut me off. "I'm not in the mood for this. All I want to do is sleep."

  "Here? In MY bed?"

  "Yes, damn it. If you don't get under the covers and shut up right now, I'm gonna have to help you."

  I shook my head when I tried to make sense of the situation. Kent had been in a fight and now he came to me to – sleep in my bed? When I still didn't do what he had ordered, Kent sat up and dragged me back to the mattress. He positioned me with my back to him and wrapped an arm around my middle. Then he covered both of us with the blanket. I couldn't get it into my head that Kent was here with me – cuddling. WTF?


  I had no fucking idea what possessed me to come here. After the fight – which I had won – I’d climbed into my Jaguar and – like on autopilot – I drove straight to Abby's house. I’d picked the lock and marched straight to Abby's bedroom. I was darkly aware that I should seriously think about why I ended up here in her bed, cuddling with her. Like a lovesick idiot! But I didn’t have the energy to question my actions or my feelings. I was exhausted and I hurt all over. What I told Abby was the truth. I just wanted to sleep. But despite my exhaustion, sleep just wouldn't come. Abby's delicate body in my arms did strange things to me. Her breathing had become calm and steady a while ago, showing me she’d fallen asleep. Burying my nose in her neck, I breathed in her scent. She smelled so damn good. And – fuck – she tasted even better. I almost thought I could still taste her on my tongue. And how she came for me. Like she was made for me.

  WTF? Are you out of your mind? She's not your little girlfriend, you moron! She's the chick who cut Beth's face up and you're gonna destroy her.

  I sighed softly. Nate would kill me if he knew how close I came to screwing this up. I wasn't allowed to invest any feelings. She wasn't for me. What did I want with her, anyway? She was all messed up. A suicidal emotional wreck! A beautiful mess.

  I knew what I had to do. I couldn't have her. This was ridiculous. She wasn’t quite right in the head. But I just couldn't forget how she had submitted herself to me so completely. How she looked up at me with big, tear-filled eyes as I fucked her mouth. Or how she screamed my name when I brought her to orgasm. Not to forget her taste. Fuck – her taste. It was addictive. I had only tasted her once and already felt like a fucking junkie who needed his next fix. Mr. D decided at that moment that he too wanted another taste. Painfully hard, he strained against Abby's round ass. Fuck! That ass. Small and round. Firm, but soft. I wanted Abby on all fours in front of me so I could knead these sexy ass cheeks while taking her hard and fast from behind. I wanted to give her a good, hard spanking until her soft flesh glowed red.

  Fuck! I uttered a frustrated growl. With these thoughts in my damn head, I would never fall asleep. Damn it! What was that girl doing to me? If I believed in that shit, I'd think she was a witch who had put a spell on me. At least that would be an explanation where I wouldn't have to feel so damn guilty and incapable. Nate trusted me to get the job done.

  I can't let my best friend down. I gotta find a way to control myself.

  You could stick your dick in her tight pussy and fuck those nonsensical ideas out of your head.

  No! If I do that, she wins. If I let my fucking impulses take over, it means I can't control myself.

  So you'd rather lie here and get blue balls!?

  Shut up. Fucker!

  You got a boner. You need to release the pressure. And here is the solution to your problem. All you have to do is open her legs, aim and – thrust!

  No! I'm in control. I'm not gonna let some fucking pussy rule me. No matter how delicious that fucking pussy is. Period!
r />   Chapter 11


  When I woke up, the bed next to me was empty. For a moment I considered that I’d only dreamed the whole thing. That Kent hadn't really been here, but then I saw the traces of blood on the side where Kent had been lying. It hadn’t been a dream. He really slept in my bed. Held me in his arms. How did I fall asleep when the man who wanted to destroy me held me in his arms? Why had it felt so good, so right? I must have lost my mind.

  Mind-blowing orgasms. What woman can think clearly after that? I can't let that bastard ever touch me again. As long as I can prevent it, I'm fine. No more orgasms for you, girl!

  That sounded fine in theory. Don't let him get to me. Prevent him from touching me with his talented hands and his tongue – Oh God, his tongue...

  STOOOOOOPPPP! Don't think about his damn tongue!

  Easier said than done.

  I need a cold shower!

  I swung my legs out of bed and went to the bathroom. My eyes fell on the shower. The same shower, Kent had...

  Stupid mistake! Stupid, stupid, stupid mistake!

  Fuck, now I can't even go to the bathroom without thinking about that son of a bitch.

  Get it together, Abigail Baker! What is wrong with you? How can you lust after a guy who's out to destroy you? The arrogant bastard doesn't even try to deny it. He is so sure that you will fall at his feet, even though you know he is your downfall. Don't be so stupid, damn it. You are better than that!

  Good speech! Unfortunately, they were only words. Just because you could see what was wrong and what was right did not mean that you were capable of doing the right thing. Sometimes you couldn't stop yourself from doing the wrong thing. I had to somehow get myself under control again. If only I knew how. Absent-mindedly, I scratched my scars. When I realized what I was doing, I had my answer. I needed to get this crazy obsession with this bastard out of my system. I would flush him out of my body – with my blood!

  I took the razor blade out of the toilet bag and placed my arm on the sink. Then I made the first cut. A smile came to my lips as the usual euphoria finally brought me clarity.

  Fuck you, Kent!, I thought and made a second cut.

  Kent waited by my locker when I got to school. My heart raced and my knees weakened, but I forced myself to hold my head high and, without showing my inner restlessness, walk towards him. When he made no effort to move away from my locker, I looked him right in the eyes and raised one eyebrow.

  "Step aside so I can open my damn locker!"

  "And what do I get in return – Abbygirl?"

  When he said the pet name, he had given me, he leaned forward and his voice became a coarse whisper that made my nipples pebble. Damn the bastard for the effect he had on me.

  "This is my locker and I want access. I don’t have to give you anything, Kent! So step aside!"


  "Then I must inform the principal. I need my books for American history."

  I was about to turn away, but Kent grabbed me by my arm and pulled me closer. He held me by my wrist and lifted it up between us. I wanted to rip my arm away from him, but he was too strong and his grip too tight.

  "Stop that," I hissed as he reached for my sleeve with his free hand and pushed it up. Panic shot through my veins like high voltage current.

  "What is this, ABBY?" Kent growled softly. "Didn't I tell you not to cut again?"

  "What I do is none of your business," I returned in a huff.

  "You're wrong, Abby. Everything you do is my business. You are MINE. No one can hurt you but me. Not even you. You want pain? I give you pain."

  With those words, he pushed himself off my locker and dragged me with him. His grip was so tight that I couldn't do anything but stumble after him. We hurried through the corridors and up the stairs to the music room.

  "Let me go, Kent," I demanded as he stopped in front of the music room and fumbled a key out of his pocket. "I'll scream!"

  "Scream! That won't help you, Abby," Kent replied unmoved, holding me effortlessly as I fidgeted in his grip.

  He unlocked the door and dragged me into the room. I kicked him in the shins, but he showed no emotion as he locked the door. With a grin on his face, he dropped the key in his pocket as he dragged me further into the room. I braced myself against his pull and we came to a stop. Angrily, I raised my arm and slapped him across the face. The slap echoed unnaturally loud in the huge room. Something flashed in his eyes, then he retaliated with a hard slap that brought tears to my eyes. For a moment I was shocked as we stared at each other. My breathing came loud and fast, my heart raced. My cheek burned from his blow. His own cheek, where I had struck him, was reddened.

  "Enough of this nonsense, Abby," he said in an authoritative voice as his dark eyes burned into mine.

  His gaze and voice did strange things to me. I felt the fighting spirit ebbing away from me like an evil spirit that had possessed my body. I blinked. He raised one hand and put it to my cheek. For a moment I leaned into his touch, lost in his gaze.

  What is wrong with you? a gnawing voice inside me asked. Don't let him put you under his spell again. This guy is just out to break you! DO SOMETHING!

  I snapped out of my stupor and tore myself away from him to run towards the door. I grabbed the handle, pushed it down and tugged, but the door didn't budge. Fuck! How could I forget? The son of a bitch had locked it. I spun around and gave Kent a furious gaze. Kent stalked toward me. Steady. Controlled. Like he had all the time in the world. And of course he did. He knew I couldn't escape him.

  "It's no use, Abby," he said, not letting me out of his sight. "You're not getting out of here until I'm done with you."

  "What are you going to do with me?" I demanded to know.

  "Give you what you need, Abby. And punish you for disobedience, of course."

  "Disobedience?" I repeated. "Who are you? My father?"

  "I forbade you to cut yourself, Abby," he declared. "I told you I would take care of your needs. That you should come to me if you needed pain."

  "And what are you going to do, huh? Beat me up?"

  "Come here, and I'll show you," he said, reaching out a hand to me.

  I shook my head wildly. The thoughts in my head raced. I had to get out of here. I needed to get away from that crazy son of a bitch. As far as I knew, there was no other way out but the door behind me. There was another door, but it only led to the instrument room. Maybe there was some way I could get the key from Kent.

  Yeah, sure. He'll catch you faster than you make it to the door.

  If I hit him over the head with something, knock him out...

  This was as far as I got with my escape plans. While I was focused on finding a way out of my dilemma, Kent had bridged the last meters between us, and his hand closed around my throat. His hard body pressed against me and held me captive. With Kent in front of me, and the door behind me, I had no room to move. My heart fluttered like a bird in a too narrow cage. The blood roared in my ears.

  He will violate me. He's going to...

  "NO!" Kent tore me from my panicky thoughts. "Don't you dare pull yourself back into the past. I am not like whoever violated you. I'm giving you what you need, Abby. But I won't fuck you – unless you ask me to."

  "As if that would ever happen," I spat at him.

  Kent smiled as he lifted my chin with his thumb.

  "Never say never, Abbygirl. I think you'll soon be asking me to give you my cock. Fight it. Deny it. But deep down, you know it's exactly what you want. And you know no man would ever fuck you as well as I."

  Butterflies danced in my stomach and I was so wet, I was afraid the wetness would seep through my jeans. Kent's words excited me against my will.

  "You are delusional," I growled, denying the truth of his words.

  Kent leaned forward until his hot breath tickled my neck and it took all my self-control not to groan and press myself against him like a bitch in heat.

  "I know you are already dripping for me, Abbygirl" he whi
spered into my ear and elicited a shiver from me. "I remember exactly how delicious you taste. And I want more. I could live on your juices alone for the rest of my life."

  "No," I replied weakly. "I would not let you."

  "We shall see, Abbygirl. We shall see."

  My legs were weak when he moved away from me. My heart pounded so hard, it hurt. And my pussy – the traitorous bitch – was not happy with me for refusing her what she obviously wanted so badly.


  Kent grabbed my wrist again and dragged me to a table with a stack of folders on it. He swept the folders off the table and whirled me around in his grip until I faced the table. Before I could understand what was happening to me, he had pushed me down onto the tabletop. I screamed and fought his grip in panic. As his hand closed around my throat from behind and squeezed, I froze. Kent's body pressed against me as he bent over me.

  "Stay! Here! With! Me! – Understand?"

  "Y-yes," I stammered helplessly.

  "I'm gonna hurt you, Abby. But in a good way. I'm going to give you what you need. Don't fight me!"

  Kent let go of me and I rested my cheek on the polished wood, eyes closed. I knew fighting was useless, so I surrendered. I had to trust Kent not to take this – whatever this was – too far. He was a bad boy, but for some reason I just knew that he wasn’t a rapist and that he would never do me any serious harm.

  "Good girl," Kent praised quietly, and comforting warmth spread inside me.

  I let him open my jeans and drag them down along with my panties until they hung around my knees. For a brief moment, Kent's warm hands lay flat on my buttocks. Then they disappeared, and I heard the unmistakable sound of a belt being unbuckled. What? He wouldn't...?

  "Settle," Kent said softly, putting one hand on my bottom. "Relax. I said I wouldn't fuck you and I meant it."

  "What...?" I asked, confused.


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