Caleb (The Harlow Brothers Book 3)

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Caleb (The Harlow Brothers Book 3) Page 14

by Brie Paisley

  “Who said anythin’ about a date night?” Carter asks, as Shelby grins widely. “You’re comin’ with us. It’s just luck that you showed up, when you did.”

  “He’s right,” Shelby adds. “We were prepared to drag you out by your toes. I’m just glad you showered and finally decided to grace us with your pretty face.”

  “Ha-ha. It wasn’t that bad.”

  “Dude, you didn’t see Mama use the entire bottle of Febreze on your room, when you finally took a shower.”

  “You’re lyin’.” I say, with a huge grin. Come to think of it, I knew something smelled super strong, after that shower.

  “Just be glad Caden had already left. We all know he would’ve gotten a kick out of that,” Shelby points out.

  “Very true. Now, let’s go, so we can get a good spot. Come on, Caleb. You’re ridin’ with us.”

  Nodding, I follow behind Carter, as Shelby tags along beside me. “This is goin’ to be so awesome,” she claims.

  “Anyone care to tell me what’s goin’ on, or where we’re goin’?”

  “No can do, bro. It’s a surprise.” Carter chimes in, as we make it to his truck.

  “Don’t worry,” Shelby says. “You’re goin’ to love it.” She stops, glancing to Carter, before quickly asking, “What if he doesn’t like it?”

  “He will, Shel. I’m sure of it.”

  I should’ve known my brothers were up to no good. By now, I should make sure to ask questions, before blindly following them around, and to make sure I get an answer. We’ve been sitting at a booth at the Princess for over an hour, and I have to admit, I’m not a fan. Not only is Caden flat out drunk already, but we’re all squished in one booth.

  Seven people cannot sit comfortably in one booth.

  But everyone refuses to grab a couple of chairs, so I’m sitting shoulder to shoulder by Cas and Clark. At this point, I might as well sit in one of their laps. To add to my annoyance, everyone dodges answering me, when I ask why they brought me here. I’m not interested in seeing everyone else having a good time, while I sit and feel sorry for myself. This was our spot. This was our space, where we would make fun of dumb college kids, making a fool of themselves. This place makes me miss Bethany more than I thought possible, and I really wish my brothers would let me leave. I’ve tried twice already. Caden told me if I tried again he’d sing a song just for me, so I decided in the best interest of everyone here, that I would stay put. Caden cannot carry a tune to save his life, so I’m doing everyone a favor.

  My eyes land on Caden, as he grins widely. I’m curious, only because Savvy is right by his side, glancing at the message, too, so I wonder who he’s texting. Ducking my head, I try to hide behind Clark, as Caden stands and loudly asks, “Who’s ready for a show?” As everyone cheers just as loud, my face burns. Why does he have to be so embarrassing, while we’re in public?

  “Stop tryin’ to hide, Caleb,” Clark demands, and I huff, knowing I can’t hide. I’ve always hated the spotlight, but unfortunately, it’s unavoidable, when Caden is around.

  Cason takes a drink of his beer, as Carter claims, “It’s time.”

  “Time for what exactly?” I ask everyone, hoping for an answer this time.

  “Oh, I’m so excited,” Shelby states, and then proceeds to clap her hands, like she’s five.

  “This is going to be epic,” Savvy adds.

  “Just go with it,” Cas says to me.

  “I wish this shin-dig would hurry up. I don’t like crowds,” Clark admits, and I feel bad for him. It’s clear he’s uncomfortable, but he hasn’t tried to leave, so I’m hoping that’s a good sign.

  “What is goin’ on?” I try once more, but again, I’m ignored.

  Huffing out a breath, Caden signals for more drinks, and then turns to me. “I hope you brought more underwear, because you’re about to shit your panties.”

  Rolling my eyes, I steal Cason’s beer, taking a long drink. “Here,” Clark says, as he slides his half empty beer to me. “Don’t say I never gave you anythin’.”

  I start to thank him, grateful he’s not drinking as much. And just as that thought crosses my mind, the bartender brings over a tray full of shots. Clark is the first to grab a shot glass full of liquor, and I shake my head, as Caden tries to give me one. He opens his mouth to say something stupid, I’m sure, but his eyes glance away. I frown, seeing the biggest grin form, and as I look around at everyone, they all have the same grin.

  Before I can ask what the hell is wrong with all of them, I hear her voice. “So, um, I want to do somethin’ I never thought I’d do.” Quickly turning around, I hear Clark grunt in pain. Realizing I elbowed him in the arm, I mouth a sorry. He nods, understanding in his eyes. My gaze finds her again, and fuck me, my heart instantly pounds, seeing her up on the small stage meant for karaoke. “See, there is this guy that I really like.” She stops to suck in a breath, and then says, “I more than like him actually. The thing is, he doesn’t believe how deep my feelings run, and that’s my fault. I never told him because I was afraid to let myself accept how much I care about him.” My mouth drops, knowing she’s talking about me. Us. Desperate to hear more, I tap Cason on the shoulder, letting him know to get up. As he does so, Bethany continues with her speech. “Since I was so scared to open up, I ended up losin’ him, just like I feared. But it wasn’t because he was smart and ran for the hills,” she stops again, as the crowd laughs at her joke. “No, he left because he thought I cared for someone else more.”

  My stomach drops, wondering where she’s going with this speech. Surely, this isn’t a ploy to get Carter? A rush of jealousy flows through me, but it suddenly stops, as her gaze finally finds mine. For a moment, she and I are the only ones in the bar. I’m grateful Cason let me out, when he did. I’m glad I was able to stand up and catch her beautiful gaze, because this is the moment I’ve been waiting for, since the second I saw her.

  “I love you, Caleb.” My entire body stills, hearing those words from her. I stand like a statue, as she says, “I’ve loved you for a long time, and I’m so sorry for not tellin’ you sooner. I’m so sorry you thought I had feelings for someone else, and I’m sorry for puttin’ you through so much shit. I honestly don’t deserve you, or another chance, but I’m askin’ anyway. I’m beggin’ for another chance to show you how much you mean to me. I know it’s a lot to ask, but if you’re willin’ to give it another go, I’m ready, Caleb. I’m ready to be the girl you think I am.” I can’t seem to move, much less think right now.

  I can’t believe Bethany is up there, confessing how much she’s in love with me. Do I dare believe it? My heart felt like it was ripped into, when I thought she was in love with Carter, so do I really want to take that risk again? After a few moments of me just standing in the middle of the room, she clears her throat, before asking, “Can you come up here and help me with this song? It takes two to sing it.”

  Feeling everyone’s eyes on me, my face flushes, and I know I’m red in the face. “What are you waitin’ for? Get cha’ ass up there,” Caden yells, and I shake my head.

  A grin forms, knowing he means well, and now, I realize why they all brought me here. I wonder how and when they cooked up this crazy plan. Taking Caden’s loud advice, I make my way to the stage.

  To her.

  Her smile makes my heart beat faster in my chest, and I hate how much I’ve missed seeing her smile like that. The time we spent a part was awful, and as I reach her, I realize I never want to leave her side again. Taking her outstretched hand, I want to pull her close. Our gaze locks, as she lowers the microphone, and says, “Thank you for comin’ up here.”

  “I wouldn’t dare leave you to sing a song without me.” She grins, and then bites her bottom lip. It’s adorable how she suddenly seems shy around me, and I know how much she doesn’t like to sing in front of people, without the help of alcohol. That’s when I know all this … it’s real. Her standing up here, in front of complete strangers, other than my family, makes me believe everythin
g she said is true.

  “Ready to do this?” She asks, as she hands me a mic.

  “I’m ready.” Pushing up my glasses, she huffs out a breath, and I give her hand a squeeze, silently telling her not to be nervous. With her nod to the bartender, the music starts.

  And when the song begins to play, my breath catches in my throat. Recovering quickly, I sing the male part of “Don’t You Wanna Stay” by Jason Aldean and Kelly Clarkson. God, this song describes us so much, that it’s hard to stay focused on the lyrics, especially when Bethany sings her part. Jesus Christ, I thought I couldn’t breathe before. Now, I have to take a second to catch my breath.

  I thought I loved her before.

  Now, I realize you can fall in love with someone, and love them even more than before.

  My heart swells with pride, as she and I sing what I can now say is our song. She nails her parts so well, and I don’t know why she gets so nervous to sing. Our gaze never wavers, as the song continues to play, and I wish I’d never doubted her feelings for me. I wish I would’ve stuck around and asked her to explain it for me, because my life will never be complete, unless she’s by my side.

  As the song ends, we both smile, and I bring her hand to my lips. Her emotions must be running just as high as mine, because she turns to the side, wiping away a tear. And that’s when Caden yells, “Kiss her. Kiss her. Kiss her.” It’s amazing to me how he can be such a crowd pleaser. Everyone in the bar chants along with him, and I let out a laugh, knowing I can’t disappoint such a good crowd.

  Taking Bethany’s mic, I set them to the side, and then pull her to me. Using my hand, I cup her cheek, and use my other hand to tuck her long, blonde hair behind her ear. Leaning in close, I suck in a breath, trying to calm down my racing heart.

  In the end, it was pointless to even attempt such a feat.

  Bethany closes the small distance between us, and I let her lead, only for a moment. Taking over the kiss, I block out the hoots and hollers from the entire bar. She’s the only one I want to hear and see anyway. As our kiss deepens, it feels as if my heart and soul are finally whole again. Without her, it was brutal. It was pure agony, but kissing her, feeling her against me right now, it makes all that pain a distance memory.

  “Get a room already!” Caden calls out, and we break the kiss at the same time to laugh.

  Leaning my forehead on hers, she sighs deeply, as I say, “Caden always ruins a good moment.”

  “That he does.” Bethany leans back, gazing at me, and again, she takes my breath away. For so long, I’ve waited to see the love she has for me, shining in those amber eyes, and now that I’m seeing it, my heart swells with so much love for her. “I think we can make up for those moments, without him around,” she claims, and I grin, knowing that’s her way of letting me know she has plans to stick around.

  “It’s a deal then, because I’m never lettin’ you go again.”

  Holding Caleb’s hand, we walk off the small stage, and then make our way over to his family. I don’t try to hide the smile, seeing every single one of them stand to cheer. I honestly can’t believe they all worked so hard to help me win Caleb back, but at the same time, I should’ve never doubted them. Yes, it’s been hard without Carter and his family, but now, things are better than ever.

  Since that talk with Carter and Shelby, things have drastically changed. Not only do I have the Harlow clan back in my life, but they all helped me for days to come up with this plan. Without them, I don’t think I could’ve gotten the courage to do it. They encouraged me for hours to lay it all out for Caleb, and I’m so glad I listened. Yes, I was a nervous wreck, as I poured my heart out up on that stage, but in the end, it was all worth it.

  The plan worked, and I have my other half by my side.

  Even more surprising, Shelby is the first one to come up to me, as we reach the table. She takes me in her arms, hugging me tightly, as she says, “I’m so happy it worked! Y’all are just perfect for each other.”

  “I knew it would work,” Caden butts in. “I was the one who suggested it. So yeah, it worked.”

  Laughing, as I let Shelby go, I instantly reach for Caleb. He catches my gaze, giving me a big smile. “Of course, you would take credit for everythin’,” Cason says to his twin.

  “That was the most romantic display of love I’ve ever seen,” Savannah chimes in, with a dreamy look in her eyes. Or maybe, that’s the alcohol talking.

  “Excuse me?” Caden asks, rather loudly. “I do believe I showed you the most romantic display of love, when I won you back.”

  “No,” Carter claims. “It was me, because I continued to fight for Shelby, even when she didn’t want me to.”

  “Oh, for fucks sake,” Cason says, shutting everyone up. “Y’all each have your own epic love story, so you all win.”

  “I didn’t realize it was a competition,” Clark pipes in, before taking a drink of his beer.

  Caleb and I just stand there, laughing, as they argue over who was the most romantic. Turning to him, I pull him down, so I can whisper in his ear. “I don’t care what they say. Our story is the best, and it will forever be my favorite.”

  He pulls back, so I can see his smile, as he says, “Mine too. Especially, the part where you admitted, to everyone, that you love me.”

  “And don’t you forget it.”

  “Never,” he claims, and I know he won’t. That one word is a statement, a strong fact, that he knows I belong to him, and only him. “What do you say we get out of here?” Nodding, he asks, “Usual spot?”

  “No, not our usual spot.” With his confused gaze, I add, “I have a new spot in mind.”

  “Lead the way, Bet.” Taking his hand once more, we quickly say our goodbyes, and then I lead Caleb out of the bar.

  He doesn’t know that I have an apartment, and I’m glad I decided to move out, when I did. Having our own private space is going to be very nice, especially since we won’t have to worry about my mom, popping in whenever she wants. Another bonus is my apartment isn’t far from the Princess, so it won’t take long at all to drive home.

  The whole way, Caleb holds my hand, as we listen to the radio. I have to remind myself more than once, to keep my eyes on the road, and not on the handsome man beside me. It’s hard not to keep making sure he’s actually right here with me. Without him, I felt lost, like I was missing a vital part of me. Now that he’s here, it’s the most satisfying sensation that I’ve ever felt. I would say it’s almost better than sex, but I’m not trying to get too crazy here.

  Pulling up at the apartment complex, I sneak in another glance at Caleb, trying to see how he’ll react. The complex isn’t huge, and the apartments are stacked, almost giving it a larger appeal, and each apartment with stairs has a connecting deck. My apartment is on the upper level with two bedrooms, so it’s more than enough for my needs. “Hey, Bet?” Caleb asks, once I park. Turing off my car, I take the keys out of the ignition. “Are we using Caden and Cason’s apartment now?”

  “You’ll see,” I state, as I get out and walk over to his side. Once he’s out, I take his hand again, leading him up to the second floor. Reaching the top, I stop for a moment to gaze at him. “I did somethin’, while we … were apart.” He doesn’t say a word, as we walk to my door and unlock it. He still doesn’t utter a word, as we walk inside, shutting the door behind us. I’m suddenly nervous for some reason. Maybe, it’s because this is my home now, and everything here is exactly what speaks to me. The Harlow’s helped me so much with moving in and decorating. “What do you think?”

  Caleb takes his time, glancing around the place, seeming to take everything in. I’ll admit, my style is sort of chaotic, and whoever knows me, would instantly realize it. “You have your own place?” He asks, finally turning back to me. With my nod, he says, “I love it. I can see your style everywhere, and it works surprisingly.”

  Releasing a breath, I hadn’t realized I was holding, I smile, as I close the distance between us. “I talked Mom into sellin’ t
he house the day you left,” I stop for a moment, seeing the hurt in his gaze. “It’s alright, Caleb. I know, when you saw that message that it hurt mostly because I wasn’t honest with you. I should’ve trusted you, and I’m sorry I didn’t.”

  “Thank you, but that’s not why I’m upset.” With my frown, he continues, “I was the one who fucked up. Yes, I snooped, because I wanted to know what was goin’ on, but I just left you. A different man would’ve stayed and fought about it, or even questioned you, but I didn’t. I didn’t even read the entire message, because that one sentence, made me think I would never be enough for you.” I open my mouth, trying to stop him right then and there, but he cups my cheek saying, “Let me get this out, okay?” With my nod, he uses his thumb to rub my cheek, as he confesses, “I doubted you, even when I already knew you had feelings for me. I let one sentence fuck things up for us. Everythin’ we went through was because I wasn’t man enough to stay and fight for us.” He pushes out a breath, and I hold his gaze, as he claims, “I’m so sorry. Not only did I mess things up between us, I should’ve never doubted you and how you felt. And I’m sorry for goin’ through your phone.”

  He tacks that last part on fast, but I can’t get upset about that. I gave him a reason to want to snoop, so that’s all on me. “Seems like we both have a lot to make up for, but I want you to know, Caleb, that I never did love your brother like that. I was stupid for confusin’ how I felt. Now, I wish I could go back and slap myself for thinkin’ that way, because since I met you, I realize what real love feels like.” Wrapping my arms around his neck, his hands find my waist. “You are the one that showed me what it’s like to truly be loved and cared for. It’s always been you, Caleb. Even when I didn’t know it.”

  “Fuck, Bet. You have no idea how much I love hearin’ you say that.” Before I can say it again, he pulls me in for a kiss. At first, his kiss is tender and soft, as if he’s deciding how he wants to take me. As I run my fingers up the back of his neck, making it to his hair, his hands on my hips tighten, and his kiss starts becoming more demanding. I let out a moan, as his tongue enters my mouth, and my entire body turns into liquid fire. I’ve never wanted someone as much as I want Caleb. I’ve never felt such strong feelings for anyone, other than him.


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