Ruthless Sinner (Ashby Crime Family Romance Book 8)

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Ruthless Sinner (Ashby Crime Family Romance Book 8) Page 2

by KB Winters

  “Fuck, Mo.” Her lips were thick and moist, and she knew how to use her tongue. “Oh fuck.”

  My knees wobbled, and she laughed again, the vibration sending electricity all the way up my spine. My body shook as her tongue swirled around my cock.

  Her hands slid up my thighs before she grabbed my ass and impaled her throat with my cock. She swallowed around me, and I knew I wouldn’t last much longer.

  “Mo.” She gave good head, so fucking good that I allowed myself to close my eyes for just a moment. Nothing was hotter than watching the pleasure in Mo’s eyes when she ate my cock.

  “Fuck. Yeah. Just like that.”

  I let her suck my cock until my balls tightened until every muscle in my body tightened with the need to bust a nut.

  “Get up,” I growled and grabbed a handful of her hair.

  Mo stood, her smile eager, her turquoise eyes blazing with heat. And need. “Here I am. Up.”

  I took her mouth in a hard, fierce kiss as my hands roamed all over her curves. My cock was so hard it ached. There was only one thing I needed, a tight wet cunt. My lips left hers, and she moaned in despair. “Turn around.”

  Defiance darkened her eyes, and I grabbed her arm and turned her to face my desk, pushing the middle of her back until she was bent over. Her short skirt rose up, showing off pale white ass cheeks that would soon be red with my handprints.

  “Like what you see?” she moaned.

  Fuck yeah. She had the kind of curves that were perfect for fucking. Lots of feminine curves to hang on to and just enough to keep my cock hard when I looked at her. I smacked one ass cheek and then the other.

  She moaned again.

  I slid the thong down her legs to her knees, leaving her at my mercy. “Already wet for me, Mo?”

  “I get wet just from lookin’ at you.” She threw her head back and groaned with pleasure when I slid a finger into her wet cunt.

  “Ah, yes,” she added when I added another finger. “Fuck me, Jasper. Fuck me with your big hard cock.”

  I gave her what she wanted, distracting myself in the tight, damp heat of her pussy. Gripping her hips, I slowly slid my cock deep, grunting at the way her pussy pulsed around me. She was tight as fuck, and so wet I knew I wouldn’t need much time to get off.

  “Fuck yeah,” she groaned when I gripped her tight with one hand and smacked her ass between strokes with the other.

  The louder she was, the harder I pounded into her, the deeper I shoved my cock. Soon, the sound of flesh smacking together was louder than her cries of pleasure, louder than my grunts of satisfaction.

  “Jas,” she panted, but I already knew she was close.

  My cock grew even harder, and both hands gripped her hips, keeping her right where I wanted her as she brought her legs closer together.

  The sensation of her wet cunt and those hot thighs on my cock combined with her pussy convulsing in pleasure was all I needed to shoot my load deep. “Oh fuck, Mo. Such a tight little cunt.”

  “Such a thick cock,” she moaned and collapsed on the desk, her legs weak and shaky. A husky laugh escaped, and she pressed her thighs together with a deep moan.

  Yeah, that was just what I needed. My cock was drained, and my mind was clear, which meant it was time to get back to work. I pulled up my pants and tucked my cock inside, righting my clothes with purpose. I pulled out three one hundred dollar bills and handed them to Mo.

  “You can clean up in my bathroom, then get back to work.”

  Mo froze for a small moment and pushed up off the desk until she was on her feet. She took the money and disappeared into the bathroom inside the office.

  With the smell of sex still on my fingers and my cock, I picked up the phone and got back to work.

  Chapter Two


  Just another meaningless fuck.

  I had nothing against meaningless sex, nothing at all. A good cock was hard to find, and when you fucked for money the way I did, it was all just a fucking numbers game.

  But, when it came to Jasper Ashby, I had a big ass blind spot.

  I had an endless well of hope that one day Jasper would love me the way I loved him. That he would just wake up one day and realize the girl his mother had saved from the clutches of Ronan and Brendan Rhymer was the woman he’d been waiting for his whole fucking life.

  “Ha!” Fat fucking chance of that happening. I knew that, just like I knew by that look in his green eyes, all he wanted from me was a distraction.

  Sadie got shot and had been in a coma for two weeks. He was stressed, angry, hurt, and probably carried a ton of guilt on his broad shoulders. And lovesick fool that I was, I rushed in eagerly to make him feel better. Even if it was only for a little while.

  I splashed cold water on my face and shook out my limbs until the disappointment was gone. I shook them out until my steps were solid as I left the bathroom and stopped inside Jasper’s office. He was on the phone and didn’t bother to look up at me, so I pushed my shoulders back and walked out of the office with my head held high.

  Well, fuck him and the horse he rode in on.

  Yeah, I didn’t believe that, but it was what I told myself every time he dismissed me so easily. That was what it took to show up every single day for my shift at Midnight Mass, looking at Jasper’s beautiful face and seeing nothing but indifference.

  One fuck wouldn’t change that. Wouldn’t change him, and the truth was, I didn’t want him to change.

  Jasper was so fucking sexy with his thick brown hair, so commanding that not even one hair would dare fall out of place.

  His dark green eyes had just enough gold flecks in them to lighten up that scowl he wore like a uniform. And it didn’t hurt that he was as big as a football player, muscular and solid.

  That whole uptight king-of-the-world thing he had going on was also a major fucking turn-on. Not to mention the ruthless streak he had that made everyone fear him.

  Not me, though.

  I wasn’t afraid of Jasper because I knew he wouldn’t hurt me, not physically anyway. Truth be told, he didn’t know he crushed me with every bland look, every time he ignored me or dismissed me. Or when he took the Benjamins out of his pocket to pay me for a quick fuck.

  No, he didn’t hurt me on purpose.

  He was aloof as fuck ninety percent of the time. The other ten percent? He had a mean streak a mile wide that he used to cover up his real feelings, and each time he covered them up, I convinced myself what he was covering up was feelings for me.


  He didn’t even know how I felt because I was too chicken shit to tell him, so we played this one-sided game where we flirted and bantered back and forth. Tonight I got to fuck him, and my punishment was that I pretended like that was all I wanted. I acted like it was good enough for me.

  I told myself I was tired of men who used their manhood to hide how they really felt, but whenever Jasper needed me, I was there.

  Love was fucking stupid.

  But apparently, those wise old dudes were right. I couldn’t help who I loved. I also couldn’t change how they felt, so I got back to work just as the bartender announced last call.

  “Another round of shots?” A group of Irish tourists smiled up at me, or rather my tits, and nodded eagerly.

  “Some of that Velvet Fire, love. It’s fuckin’ delicious. And one for yourself.”

  “Thanks, boys. Comin’ right up.” I flitted around from table to table, booth to booth, until everyone was more tipsy than sober, a little lighter in their pockets and all smiles as I poured them into Ubers and Lyfts and cars with loving, designated drivers.

  “You sure I can’t convince ya to give me your number, beautiful?” The redheaded Irishman had decided to give it one last shot. Even if I didn’t smell like Jasper or have him on my brain, I wouldn’t have gone with him.

  Not that he could afford me anyway. “Sorry, hon, I still have another hour of work left before I’m free, and you’ll be in dreamland long befor
e then.”

  His shoulders fell in disappointment. “Another time, then? Maybe tomorrow,” he called out as his buddies dragged him to the car idling in the parking lot.

  “Maybe,” I called back with a smile because guys like him were the best kind of customers. They looked but didn’t touch without permission, they flirted and tipped big, and I was happy to tease in return and shove my tits at them so I could squeeze a few more bucks from them.

  Then again, maybe what I needed was another fuck to erase Jasper from my mind, at least for a few hours. It was hopeless, though. I loved him the moment I set eyes on him. His physical features drew me in, but the more I got to know him, the harder I fell.

  He was ruthless in his business dealings, but that didn’t mean shit when it came to how merciless he was when it came to protecting his family. Fuck, he was hot as hell.

  Gorgeous, rich, and callous.

  Yeah, Jasper Ashby was just my type because I was fucked in the head.

  And that was all right with me.

  “Hey, Mo, ready to head out?” Hulu popped his head inside the dining room, a wide smile on his face.

  “In a minute,” I told him and counted out my tips for the night. I left ten percent for the kitchen staff because those boys deserved it, and doing so meant I never had to wait. “Okay. Ready.”

  Hulu nodded and headed toward the front door to unlock it. His big body took up the whole doorway, and I had to shimmy between him and the metal frame just to get outside.

  “Sorry,” he said, backing away as much as he could.

  “Don’t be. Those giant muscles are real eye candy.”

  “Yeah?” The surprise in his voice made me smile. For all his big-ass muscles and tough-guy persona, he was a big kid at heart.

  “Yeah. You know you’re gorgeous, Hulu. That’s why you end most nights with panties in your pocket.” I laughed at the blush that was so red I could see it under the harsh lights of the parking lot.

  He laughed and shook his head. “That’s only because they think I’m a stunt double for The Rock.”

  “In the Nevada desert? Hardly. It’s just a reason to get close. Trust me.” The good guys never knew how appealing they were, and the bad ones thought they were God’s gift to womankind.

  “If you say so.” Hulu helped me into the back of the car and jumped behind the wheel. “You don’t mind me driving you home?”

  “Nah. I know Jasper’s worried about all the employees since the shooting. My old driver was too new to earn his trust, and he kicked him to the curb.”

  Hulu’s dark brows rose in shock. “You always have a driver? Lucky lady.”

  I shrugged off his words. “I’ve been around for a while to earn these perks.” It didn’t hurt that I knew where a few bodies were buried, and I had a knack for pulling intel from my late-night clients. I was useful to Sadie Ashby, and she compensated me well, but that was my business.

  Our little secret.

  Hulu nodded, understanding that I wouldn’t divulge those secrets. For a hot second, I wondered if it was some kind of test, and if so, was it initiated by Jasper?

  “Here we are, Princess, a penthouse suite at Emerald Isle.”

  “Thanks, Hulu.”

  “My pleasure. Maybe one day you’ll tell me how I can earn one of those condos.”

  I slid from the backseat and smiled up at him. “Maybe. Thanks for the lift.”

  “Not so fast.” He grabbed my arm, and I froze, my fight or flight instinct kicking in immediately.

  I turned with hell in my eyes and arched a brow. “Excuse me?”

  “I gotta make sure you get inside safely. Boss’s orders.”

  My shoulders relaxed. “Of course. Sorry.”

  “Don’t be. A woman can’t be too careful. Ever.”

  I laughed. “Like I’d stand a chance against you, big guy.” He was built like a brick shithouse, just as wide as Jasper and a good five inches taller than his six-foot frame.

  “Good thing I’m one of the good ones, then. Come on, Mo.” Hulu took up half the private elevator, but he smelled good so I stayed quiet and enjoyed the silence. He swept the rooms and smiled. “All clear. Have a good night.”

  “You too.” I stepped inside the lavish condominium and kicked off my shoes before making my way to the waterfall shower. I liked the water hot enough to turn my skin pink. I was determined to wash off the smell of Jasper because I couldn’t take allowing him to infiltrate my dreams.

  Not tonight, anyway.

  Chapter Three


  “I just wish you’d fucking wake up,” I growled at Sadie’s still form. She was just lying there in the bed, looking peacefully asleep when that was the furthest thing from the truth.

  The first bullet had caused nothing more than a flesh wound, slicing open the skin on the side of her neck. It was already healing, and the cosmetic surgeon had assured me there would be no scarring. But, if he was wrong, he’d have to deal with Sadie.

  If she ever fucking woke up.

  The second bullet had caused all the damage, including the headache and worry of the past two weeks. Two weeks and two days, to be exact. That bullet, described by the doctors as a deep graze, had bled like a motherfucker.

  It was deep enough they were concerned about brain activity and had recommended a medically induced coma to give her time to heal. So here she lay, as still as a corpse, while the entire hospital flitted around to make sure the owner’s mother didn’t die on their watch.

  “This fucking sucks,” I sighed and dropped down into the cushioned chair at her bedside and let my head fall back so the tears in my eyes wouldn’t fall. I didn’t cry. I wasn’t a child anymore. I didn’t do vulnerable. I wasn’t weak. I was Jasper fucking Ashby, head of the Ashby Organization, oldest son of Sadie Ashby, the baddest bitch the Nevada underworld had ever encountered.

  But right now, she was just my mom in a medically induced coma.

  I sucked in a deep breath and took Sadie’s hand in mine. We weren’t an affectionate family. The Ashby clan did not greet one another with hugs. We were not the hand-holding type of family, but we loved each other fiercely.

  “I’m still looking for the asshole who did this to you, and I won’t stop until I find him.” My voice was breaking, but what the fuck. She couldn’t hear me. But I needed her to. “In the meantime, I need you to focus on getting better so you can get back to annoying the shit out of me.”

  Those words surprised a laugh out of me because that was the truth. We were too much alike to work together in bland peace. We argued and fought.

  About everything.

  “The business is fine,” I assured her because wherever the fuck her mind was, she’d want to know that. “And I’ll make sure it stays that way.”

  She didn’t move, didn’t twitch, she didn’t do a goddamn thing except lay there. I didn’t even know if she could hear me, but I talked because the doctors said it couldn’t hurt.

  “The strange fucking part of all of this is that I have no clue who did this. Savannah is no longer a problem, not as long as Charlie can keep her in check. The Black Jacks are no more. The Crusaders are a non-issue.”

  Those weren’t the only Ashby enemies, of course, but those were the most likely suspects. “Who the fuck could it be?”

  There was always a chance Addison Beck had run her mouth, and one of Mueller’s family members or even a fucking FBI agent had done it. Still, I needed proof, something tangible, before I took my revenge.

  I sat there with her soft hand in mine for more than an hour, mind whirling with possibilities of who would be stupid enough, brave enough, to take a shot at Sadie Ashby. I had to focus on finding this asshole.

  So do it. That’s what Sadie would say. She would flash a sardonic smile; one brow arched in a challenge and ask me what the fuck I was waiting for. Then she would hit me with one of her ridiculous gems.

  “Like that little green fucker said, do or don’t do. There is no try.”

  I laughed and pulled out my phone. “You’re absolutely right.” It was time to be the leader my family needed me to be. “Virgil? Yeah, family meeting. Tonight. Spread the word.”

  I brushed a kiss to my mother’s forehead and took long, purposeful strides out of the hospital. Time to get shit handled.

  By the time I made my way to the manor, the family had gathered around the dining room table. They weren’t as loud as they usually were, everyone subdued in Sadie’s absence.


  “Mexican food? Seriously?” Kat glared at me, her blue eyes narrowed to angry slits. “Not even good Mexican food cooked by the professionals in our kitchen?”

  She shoved a platter of fish tacos away like it had bugs on it. “Just garbage-ass food.”

  I rolled my eyes at her histrionics. “No Sunday dinners until Sadie wakes up.”

  “Then might I suggest we do these family meetings over brunch?” She reached across the table and grabbed a bowl of guacamole. “Good guac, though,” she said and shoved a spoonful into her mouth.

  “Nasty,” Virgil growled and looked at Terry. “How do you stand this pig?”

  Terry shrugged. “I love it when my girl gets nasty.”

  Virgil flipped him off and Terry laughed. It was good to see, given our present situation and the purpose of this meeting. “That’s my sister, asshole.”

  “She’s my wife, dick.” Terry kissed Kat’s cheek, and she continued to eat the guac with a fucking spoon.

  I took my seat at the table, redirecting the focus away from Sadie’s empty chair. “Are you pregnant or something? Because that might change what I have to say.”

  Terry looked at Kat with another mound of mashed avocado halfway to her mouth. “Well?”

  She shoved it into her mouth and took her sweet-ass time chewing.

  “No, not pregnant. It’s called stress eating, boys. You know, because my mom is in a goddamn coma?”

  With her words, eating resumed, and I relaxed in my chair. “Okay, then. I need everyone to step up while Sadie’s in the hospital.”


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