That wasn’t what happened…at all.
You might be interested to know that Matt Millican—the CIA cyber expert in this book—is, in fact, a real person named Matt Mueller. Matt is also a cybersecurity expert but does not work for the government. He’s a great guy and became a character in the book after winning a contest as part of my email subscriber list. If you haven’t already signed up, please do so. It takes less than a minute, and you can add yourself to my list at
Also, be sure to check out the new Fact vs. Fiction section at the bottom of my website where I address a number of topics from the Breakthrough books, explaining how much of the stories are real and how much is not. But be prepared. A lot more is real that you may think.
Finally, given that so many of us self-published authors live and die by word of mouth and online reviews, it would mean the world to me if you could take a few moments to leave a review for the book. I know Mosaic was longer than usual but it was all important to ensure you are ready for what happens next. All I can say is “hold onto your hat.”
Click here to leave a review for Mosaic
Mosaic (Breakthrough Book 5) Page 53