Quantum Christianity: Believe Again

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Quantum Christianity: Believe Again Page 1

by Aaron Davis






  “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born

  and the day you find out why.”

  —Mark Twain

  © Aaron Davis, 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means—electronic, mechanical, photographic (photocopying), recording, or otherwise—without prior permission in writing from the author.

  Scripture quotations taken from the 21st Century King James Version®, copyright © 1994. Used by permission of Deuel Enterprises, Inc., Gary, SD 57237. All rights reserved.

  Scripture quotations taken from the Amplified® Bible,Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation Used by permission. (www.Lockman.org)

  Scripture texts, prefaces, introductions, footnotes and cross references used in this work are taken from the New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. All Rights Reserved.

  Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

  Scripture taken from The Message. Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.

  THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

  Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

  Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

  Managing editor: Alice Sullivan, www.alicesullivan.com

  Copy editor: Shayla Eaton, Curiouser Editing, www.curiouserediting.com

  Proofreader: Rachael Price

  Book and Cover design by Designer: Adam Fuller www.adamfullerdesign.com.

  ISBN 13:978-1511412599

  Printed in the United States of America

  Learn more at: www.TattooPreacher.com

  First Edition: April 2015


  People don’t just drop out of church or leave their faith—they drift! Drift by sweeping currents of ideas and ideology that pull them away and ultimately under. They sit in our pews and eat at our dinner table. The quest of their faith sabotaged by too many unanswered questions.

  Aaron Davis is a spiritual lifeguard. This book, a lifesaver. Whose faith have you seen crashed by the tsunami of intellectual assault on faith? Whose innocence of belief have you seen drowned in pain-driven paradigms and unprocessed process with no available rescue in sight? Perhaps yours?

  This book is a push back to tough accusations against intelligent faith. Aaron dares to question the naive and oft lame answers that collapse in these stormy times. I know Aaron. I know his heart. I know this book is a must for this time and generation.

  —Phil Munsey

  Chairman Champions Network

  Joel Osteen Ministries/Lakewood Church

  Often in life, we base our opinions on our own experiences and perceptions; then we allow our opinions to become our beliefs. Sometimes this is good, but many times our beliefs grow warped because our experience did not meet expectations. In his book, Quantum Christianity, Aaron Davis postulates that we do the same with our understanding of God, letting our own experiences shape our belief system, accurate or not. Through personal experiences and with great insight, Aaron shares how the reality of God is radically more than we may have believed until now. This book will make you look at God, at life, and at yourself in a whole new light and will strengthen and renew your faith.

  —Dr. Dave Martin

  America’s #1 Christian Success Coach and author of Twelve Traits of the Greats

  Within the heart of every person lies quintessential questions of faith, existence, and identity. My friend, Aaron Davis, creates a bridge that all walks of life can cross to discover a deeper, more fulfilling understanding of God and His Word. Each chapter unravels questions and doubts that have resulted in fragmented faith to give readers the keys to live with a renewed faith in God and His purpose for them. Quantum Christianity is a must read for everyone!

  —Sergio De La Mora, Lead Pastor, Cornerstone Church of San Diego, author of The Heart Revolution

  Finding out who you are and why you are here changes everything. Staying the course no matter what comes your way—now that’s victory. This book will give you some life-changing keys to all of the above.

  —Mark Ramsey

  Senior Pastor

  Citipointe Church

  Aaron Davis is one of my very best friends and colleagues in ministry. Not only is He an exceptional communicator of the Gospel, he has a way of doing it like no other. He stands head and shoulders above most people I know (literally and figuratively). From the moment I began reading this book, I was glued to the pages. It felt like I was immersed in a modern-day action thriller. His true-life (and near-death) story from tragedy to triumph will inspire you to greatness.

  Quantum Christianity helps answer serious questions for those struggling to find God in a broken world such as: “Is God real?” “How can I know for sure?” and “If God is real, is he merely a distant observer or is he actually involved in my life?” Aaron’s deeply personal and traumatic life experiences, along with his exhaustive research and Grace-based, apologetic perspective, aptly qualify him to speak to those whose faith in God has been severely challenged and even crippled. He also powerfully addresses those who are contemplating a newfound faith altogether. This book will undoubtedly help you discover a profound sense of meaning through your struggles and better understand God’s ultimate purpose for your life.

  —Tony Sutherland

  International Speaker, Author, Worship Leader, Songwriter


  Atlanta, GA

  True wisdom is so much more than the accumulation of information. True wisdom is knowledge rightly applied. In sizzling fashion, Aaron Davis reveals such wisdom in Quantum Christianity. Aaron has a unique ability to hit the heart of a topic while also challenging one’s mind to rethink its positioning. As a friend who often leans on the counsel of Aaron Davis, I have never found myself disappointed by his reasoning. Nor will you, as you journey through the pages of these insightful reflections.

  —Clint Thomas

  Author of Peace Treaty

  Founder of Slow Burn Inc. and Chaos Theory Inc.


  I’d like to dedicate this book to my seven-year-old son, Rocky.

  My prayer for you is that my ceiling is your floor. That every ounce of difficulty I’ve endured and every long, drawn-out lesson I’ve had to experience in order to obtain the limited wisdom and understanding that I have would be so that you will not have to traverse the same hardships to learn the same lessons. I’ve been asked by many what it is that drives me to write. Although my desire is to never waste a day and do as much as I can to establish the Kingdom of God on the earth . . . I write for you, son.

  Hopefully I will be with you until we both have more gray hairs than we can count, but if for some reason that is not the case, I want to know that those things that I would desire to instill and pour into you would still be conveyed with your father’s voice and infl
uence. What I’m addressing in this book is only the tip of the iceberg as it pertains to what God has for you and your legacy—my legacy.

  I’m proud of you, son. Don’t be content to leave this life without leaving the most significant footprint that you possibly can. Lives, legacy, and eternity hang in the balance.

  As I have told you every day since as far back as I can remember, “Your daddy loves you, boy!” I hope you always know it.




  Preface: It Begins

  Part I: Is There More? Discovering Quantum Theory

  Chapter 1: Living in a Pain-Filled Paradigm

  Chapter 2: The Catalyst

  Chapter 3: The Journey Takes a Twist

  Chapter 4: Quantum Physics

  Chapter 5: A God of Covenant

  Part II: There Is More! Experiencing Quantum Discovery

  Chapter 6: The Kingdom of God

  Chapter 7: Do You Believe?

  Chapter 8: Is It Possible?

  Chapter 9: In the Beginning

  Chapter 10: From the First Atom to the Second Adam

  Chapter 11: A Distant God

  Part III: Experiencing More—Living with Quantum Entanglement

  Chapter 12: The God-Man Continuum

  Chapter 13: RevoLution

  Chapter 14: Symphonic Application

  Chapter 15: Atomic Interconnectedness

  Chapter 16: Revelation Revolution

  What Others Are Saying about Faith and Science

  Helpful References

  About the Author


  A Special Thanks to the Reader





  My first encounter with Aaron Davis over a decade ago was at the end of a summer Sunday service. I was looking out over the congregation during a time of worship and prayer, and spotted in the last few rows a fairly large young man (whom I later discovered was a Detective and SWAT team member) keeled over, weeping under the power of the Holy Spirit.

  That day was the beginning of an amazing friendship that has unveiled the myriad facets of Aaron’s heart, passions, and purpose. Our families have spent holidays together. He’s traveled with me as an assistant, security detail, encourager, philosopher, and comedic relief. Remarkably he can achieve all those roles in the same sixty seconds!

  Aaron has served our ministry as a parking-lot attendant, greeter, board member, teacher, elder, has directed our Walking in Freedom ministry, and currently serves as our Online Campus Pastor. I’ve never met anyone like him; he is truly one of God’s rare and uncommon gifts to the body of Christ and the world.

  I’ve been there with him as he was quickly climbing the ranks in his career in law enforcement and I stood with him after an attempt was made on his life in the line of duty, which leveled him for an extended season.

  If I could describe Aaron in a few words they would be loyal, trustworthy, and dependable. He’s the kind of guy you can call when you need a friend and he will drop everything in order to be there for you. He loves deeply and is a protector by nature. He’s smart, analytical, and down to earth—all at the same time. I promise that he’s not someone you want to get into a debate with! He loves to laugh, passionately loves God, and compassionately loves people. And he has a burning desire to see the people of God experience the fullness of whom they were created to be.

  I share all of that to give you insight into the heart and life of the man who has written this book. Because of his background in law enforcement and the type of ministry he has been called to, God has given Aaron a unique perspective into people, the human condition, and ministry.

  Quantum Christianity: Believe Again is a book that will challenge people of varying degrees of faith in God. At the root of nearly everyone’s perspective of God and how they process Him is a tipping point where they encountered either a “breakthrough” or a “letdown” in their faith experience. If that event was a letdown (especially in a traumatic way), typically some sort of “loss of faith” is a result.

  In Quantum Christianity, Aaron broadens perspectives through a combination of science and theology regarding some of the most faith-altering scenarios like, “If God is a God of love then why . . . ?” or “Do science and faith in God actually oppose each other?” He presents additional perspectives to consider on how the extension of faith and the establishment of The Kingdom of God influences tragedy or loss, as well as breakthrough and victory.

  I appreciate that Aaron doesn’t insist he’s right . . . He simply presents the information from the position of “Is it possible?” and allows you, the reader, to consider and decide for yourself.

  Open your mind and prepare to be stretched. What’s written in the following pages has the potential to challenge all of us to think outside of the box of traditionalism, consider things from intriguing perspectives, and for some to even Believe Again . . .


  “I believe in God. In fact, I believe in a personal God who acts in and interacts with the creation. I believe that the observations about the orderliness of the physical universe, and the apparently exceptional fine-tuning of the conditions of the universe for the development of life, suggest that an intelligent Creator is responsible.”

  “I believe in God because of a personal faith, a faith that is consistent with what I know about science.”

  “Being an ordinary scientist and an ordinary Christian seems perfectly natural to me. It is also perfectly natural for the many scientists I know who are also people of deep religious faith.”

  —William D. Phillips, who won the 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics for development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light

  It’s amazing how a single life event can direct or even redirect your course. Depending on how you process through it, that event can alter your paradigms for the good or for the bad.

  Whether you were raised in church or your only exposure to Christianity and the Bible is through movies or casual conversations with friends, I’m confident that if you have picked up this book, you have at some point pondered deep questions of faith.

  “Is there a God?”

  “If there’s a God, what is He like?”

  “Is God more of a distant observer or is He actually intimately involved with us?”

  “With so many religions and even varying sects of Christianity, who should I listen to?”

  Then there comes the flip side of that coin that really causes people to doubt having faith altogether, with questions like, “If there is a God and if that God is the God spoken about in the Bible, and the Bible says He is all-powerful and full of love, then why does He allow such evil and atrocities in the world? Furthermore, how could He allow it and still be defined as loving?”

  Considering these questions from the perspective of what is traditionally taught (or not taught) about God, mixed with our experiences, at the very least leaves us confusedly scratching our heads and answerless, and at the most abandoning the possibility of any faith in that God at all.

  I myself have struggled to process events that have caused me to question my faith. Not questions just about whether or not there is a God, but “Whose perspective about Him is right?” Why are there so many seemingly inconsistent realities justified by so many different perspectives of people who all study the same Bible and claim to serve the same God?

  If you are one who has asked difficult questions, I say, good! You are in the right place, because there will be a lot of questions presented here and a significant amount of new information for you to consider regarding what you have or have not been taught.

  In my experience, it seems many Christians are afraid of asking some of the tough questions, for fear of where it will lead them as it pertains to their faith; and as a result, they simply don’t ask them at all.

  Personally, I’ve always thought there had to be more than what I was taugh
t. Even from a biblical perspective, most Christians would concede that there seems to be an outline of promises in the Bible that few ever really seem to experience. For those who do seem to have every blessing and every gift, the rest of us feel like we’re watching from the sidelines. “What did they figure out that I haven’t? Is there a secret prayer or handshake that I don’t know? Why does God come through for them time after time when I feel like He doesn’t hear me at all?”

  So are we hopelessly pursuing an unattainable reality, a temporary security to help us feel better about what will never really change? Or is there a real truth to be understood and even experienced in a relationship with the God who created the universe? And if so, why in the world would He care about us?


  I understand why people look at a war-torn world of murderers, rapists, and child molesters and question how a God who is supposed to be “loving” allows such things to happen to those He loves. I can comprehend why someone would look at what they were taught growing up in church about God and the Bible, and then take one look at this world that we live in today and deduce that what they have been taught about God can’t be real. I know because I’ve been that guy—shaking my fist at heaven or pounding it into the table and asking God where He or I fit into this seemingly ridiculous and contradictory picture.

  While seeking to understand the answers to these tough questions, I came to realize that there is another very prominent characteristic among Christians, in that they often accept what they are taught without questioning, if what they are taught is actually correct biblically, or at least—that’s what they’re told: “If my preacher says it, that’s the answer I subscribe to.” Does that sound familiar?


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