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Hecktore Page 5

by Andreas Haaken

variety of items littering the tables ranging from old tomes to an old plate that had remnants of food on it. Sitting in front of the far wall was huge wooden desk with large piles of books staggered across it. There was a lit candle burning in the corner.

  I looked to my right after sitting up and saw a man wearing long purple robes. He stood five feet tall with a long red beard flowing from under his hood. He lifted his head and I saw long hair and bushy eyebrows as white as his beard. He gave me a smirk and spoke, “We don’t get many visitors in these parts. First I would like to know your intention and where you are going.” I was still fighting the pain in my head when I told him I was headed east and was going to stop for supplies.

  He had an old voice filled with a mocking tone when he spoke to me, “How did you plan on getting supplies when you had no money? Yes, we did search you but what I find interesting is the weapon you carry. How did you get it?” I stared at him and said no more, “Well then, what sect are you with?” I still responded with nothing hoping to push for some information.

  He continued to question me, “So you are telling me that you are a rogue mage. All mages are forced into a sect. You cannot deny that you are full of magic my beacon found you and that’s what it does. My suggestion is to start speaking to me and giving me answers.”

  I thought for a moment not really wanting to tell him everything. “I travelled from my father’s farm in the west. My name is my own and not your concern. I am with no sect and I am no magician. Now are you going to help me with my travels or you going to torture me and my companion?”

  He spoke after contemplating for a moment, “I will make you a deal, if you do me a service I will give you what you need and send you on your way.” I thought about it and realized I don’t have much of a choice I have been doing nothing but travel and have no real idea of where I am headed. Maybe this is the place I am supposed to be and I did leave to find something exciting.

  I told him I would think about it if I had something to eat first. The robed man waved his hand over an empty part of a desk and a steaming pot of stew appeared with a large loaf of bread next to it. I went to the table and started to eat ferociously I didn’t know I was that hungry, how long was I out?

  I stopped for a moment and looked around realizing the man was gone, with some of the strange things I have seen I didn’t worry about it too much and went back to eating. I didn’t expect to be presented with such a deal but I thought it would be interesting since I still had no true direction of what I was looking for. One more nap was all I needed then I could start doing something other than travel. I pulled up a chair and fell fast asleep.

  I woke with the sun in my eyes beaming in from a window. My body was stiff and sore from sleeping in a chair. I heard a creek form behind me so I whipped around and saw the same man from earlier through a door; he walked up to me and asked if I was ready to answer. I said I was if he could tell me where my beast was, he informed me it was in his personal stable feasting on womb rats.

  With an affirmative nod he led me through his house it seemed modest, no fancy decorations or jewelry only a few parchments lying scattered about. We finally made it to his front door and stepped through. I had never seen a city so large I could not see the edge of it. There were so many people moving up and down the streets that I could not even see the ground. The design of the buildings was astonishing; they used strange red stones shaped into perfect squares for the walls.

  The roofs were covered in small scale like triangles that had a silver sheen when they reflected sunlight. Standing in front of every door was a pair of pillars that reached up to small overhangs above each entrance. The pillars had vines etched into the stone surface giving them the appearance of being alive. The man was looking at me and bent over to whisper in my ear, “If you think that’s amazing turn around.” I turned and found a small cottage attached to the large tower from last night.

  I slowly followed it up with my eyes and saw many, many windows spiraling up the stone surface. Long blue tassels dangled from every corner of every window. The stones shimmered as they were made of water. Banners hung in larger open areas most of them were white with gold trim encircling a pair of mages with staffs crossed with the moon between them there many smaller banners of red but I could not make out the symbols.

  I followed the tower to its peak and saw a large orb sitting in mid-air at the point then I looked for the sun and found it to be midday I must have slept for a long time. “Follow me to the temple and I will give you your duty.” The man spoke to me as I gazed at his tower. I turned towards him as he began to swiftly walk away. I followed him through the bustling streets as the people parted for us and stared quietly.

  We came to a small building sitting alone in a dark alley it was built with grey stones and plaster there was no design of any kind. He motioned for me to enter; I thought nothing of it and made my way into the doorway. I could see only darkness; the air was cool and damp and there was sound of water dripping in the distance. I cautiously walked forward and found the footing solid, it felt like cobble stone but I could not be sure.

  I felt a thud on my chest as I hit something hard. I put my hand out and felt a cold stone slab. I felt small carvings as I ran my fingers across it. A small green glow began to emanate from the carvings slowly the glow grew and I could see a stone table three feet across covered in runes. The markings seemed familiar then I realized they were the same markings as the ones on my axe. In the center of the table was a large dark metal gauntlet absorbing much of the green light.

  A familiar voice echoed in the back of my mind telling me to touch it, I knew the voice but couldn’t place it. I grazed the gauntlet with my hand causing a burst of light that blinded me. The vortex from my mother’s book appeared in front of me, the booming voice returned. “This gauntlet is an ancient relic of the Alcheema you will never age, you will never get sick and amplify your strength. Hurry; take it you have been noticed. Keep on your path you will find me. GO NOW!”

  The light was gone and I could see only the street where I was before I entered. I saw the robed man staring at me smirking. I felt a throb of energy from my left hand I looked down and saw a flash of the gauntlet and then it was gone. The mage motioned for me to quickly follow and we both started running down the street.

  I was stronger, faster than I ever was before. I caught the old man by a stable next to his house. I saw Beasts head poking out of the opening; he saw me and snorted with excitement. I could see new packs thrown over his back as I peered through the gate. The mage opened the gate letting Beast move forward he explained to me that there were special beans in one of the pouches that would sustain me for a week by eating just one.

  I mounted my companion and got my bearings and started to move towards the South. I had a question hit my mind when we were trotting along. I asked the mage his name before we got too far. He said Dallente and he would see me again. The name hit me hard and I all I could do was look down the street at the mobs making way for us giving angry looks.

  I needed to leave, quickly. We picked up speed and made a mad dash for the gate. I felt several pelts from rotten fruits and other unmentionables with foul smells. I could see the gate; it was surrounded by many guards.

  I ran into the field leaving the city far behind. The sun was beating on the back of my neck as we traveled towards the darkening sky. The grasslands became dry and dusty as we traveled at a steady pace. I found the beans and found them very good for what they were. I spotted only a few animals; some squirrels a few rabbits and a wild boar.

  Beast was getting hungry so I gave him a bean he seemed to quiet down a bit. I made it to a valley surrounded by high mountains the air cooled dramatically I had to bundle up in an extra cloak. A few miles into the valley I decided to make camp in a small cave I spotted in a dirt wall. I made a small fire inside to keep the chill off my bones.

  The light flickered on the walls
and I noticed a ways down the cave the walls looked like harder sterner stone. I thought it would be best to explore after a nights rest. My dreams were filled with cruel malice of my father; the image of the old barn came into my sight. I was walking next to the old wooden bench pushed against the wall; looking for a hammer my father had asked for. He was trying to fix the stairs in the house while in one of his drunken stupors. I heard footsteps behind me and my stomach started to wretch. The door flung open letting in the warm autumn air that slapped me on my side. I looked at him hunched over drunk, drooling on himself. My fear subsided and was replaced with disgust, his body lurched like a putrid swamp pig, his stench burned my nose I looked over at the table and made my decision, I would no longer be the brunt of his abuse. I will no longer be his excuse! I saw a handle on the table and I grabbed it then I saw a bright flash of light.

  My eyes opened to a bright red flame coming from the axe in my hand, I realized that I never actually touched it before. The runes leapt back and forth from the metal surface. The muscles in my body ached with pain they felt like they were being ripped apart by whips of flame. I moved to my knees writhing in

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