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Hecktore Page 8

by Andreas Haaken

he would test my loyalty and my obedience to the Alcheema people. The first knight never told me his name he simply beckoned for me to follow. We made our way back to the tunnels and he took me through opening I did not see before.

  I came to a large opening the first knight bowed and walked away leaving me. I heard a horrible screeching growl with scraping sounds coming from the chamber. I walked forward and could hear more growling and the scraping of claws on rock. A rock flew by my head I turned and saw a large creature with putrid grey skin, puss dripping from many open sores. Its face had one giant eye and a small pudgy nose sitting above a mouth full of yellow teeth that looked like rows of sharp knives.

  Another rock whipped by my ear and I looked towards the end of the pit and saw four more of these Ogles staring at me growling and sneering ready to pounce. I charged the first and knocked it to the ground I quickly snapped its neck with both hands.

  I felt a thud on the back of my head and rolled over landing on my feet. I found these creatures to be very quick, they all charged at me with the intent of eating me. I rolled under their legs and knocked them to the ground. I quickly jumped over and crushed one of their throats with my foot. I ran to the other side of the pit and waited for them to come to me.

  The death of their brothers made them very angry they screeched so loud it made my ears quiver. The tried encircle me against a wall. They rushed me all at once I took a pointed rock from the ground and came up under one for their chins forcing the rock into their skull. I bashed another one with my free hand and dropped it to the floor.

  I dodged the final one and whipped around to its back I took both my arms around its ghastly neck and strangled the life from it. I dropped the body to the floor and came to my feet looking at the dead bodies felt thrilled. I made my way back to the opening and called for the first knight he walked into the pit looked around and gave a grunt of approval and said the next trial awaits.

  We followed the tunnel to a small clearing that matched the rest of the region, covered in dirt and surrounded by small mountains. I saw a figure sitting in the middle of the clearing; it was clad in dark brown robes hiding itself not letting me see what it was. The first knight told me that this was the Lindolas one of the most devious creatures in the world. He spoke no more and motioned for me to continue. As I closed on the creature a dark shroud entered my mind. An image of my mother appeared in front of me, she floated like a ghost close to me and spoke with a whisper, “These knights you lead now will be your downfall they will kill you.” I could tell this was a false image my blood could feel the presence was not true she existed in memory transferred to me. Somehow I could see her die at my birth I could see her green eyes close one final time as a smile crossed her lips.

  I felt a tear slide down my cheek, I never felt this kind of connection I learned that I loved my mother without knowing her she brought her memories when she gave birth to me she was not dead but existed within me. I wiped the tear from my face as the apparition disappeared in a puff of smoke.

  I walked towards the Lindolas I heard a voice from behind me, “BOY! You think you can run from me. I will track you to the end of the world I will make you pay for killing her; I will make you pay for killing my wife!” My hands trembled with anger as I turned to face him. His beady eyes glared at me under the mop of light curls. I called forth my axe and cleaved his body in two, this was no apparition there was blood and entrails after I cut his body. The Lindolas finally spoke with a gurgle, “Your anger rules you if you wish to lead your kind you must learn to control it, if you do not you will destroy yourself and everyone with you. No one can you save you from your own rage. The lord before you could not do this and it forced him into his own self destruction.”

  I heard enough of this and walked back into the entrance. The first knight was waiting for me he spoke of the Lindolas’s power and it would have made me kill myself. We made our way to my final test.

  We came to a large alter dedicated to the lord of darkness. The alter was decorated with intertwining vines with bones and sharp rock lines leading upward. It was made from the same black onyx that envelopes my chamber. There was a stairwell behind the alter leading upward. I followed the stairs to a small opening that housed a statue of a dragon carrying a red velvet book that looked very familiar. I reached for the statue and a chill hit my body I looked around and found I saw nothing but darkness my blue vision was not even working here. A man’s voice told me to close my eyes and kneel. I did what I was asked and waited, kneeling. It spoke one more time the voice said everything that happens here is for me alone and if I spoke of it to anyone I would be smitten down with all that is left of my kind.

  To this day I have never broken that vow.

  I stepped out and found a small hole in the ceiling letting sunlight seep through. I came down the stairs, a strange calm came over me and I knew this was where I belonged. This is my home and now it is my kingdom. I came to the tunnel and found a young guard sleeping. I grabbed him by his neck and dragged him through the tunnels. I followed the tunnels till I found my chamber. I had a few Alcheema soldiers following me and they spread the word that I had returned.

  I would show them who leads them now I called for everyone to assemble. By the time I reached my chamber the army had already formed under my balcony. I lifted the boy high and threw him over the edge I could hear some of the dark knights assembling behind me. I bellowed at the top of my lungs causing silence to fall over the crowd. I roared with anger, “This boy was asleep at his post. I will not tolerate that kind of laziness. This will never happen again.

  I have been accepted by the dark lord, and he demands complete obedience and his will is to be carried out through me. In two days we march to war.” Silence stayed throughout the area as the all bowed in unison. The dark knights parted behind me as I entered my chamber, I could hear the footsteps of soldiers bustling about prepping for combat. I told the convent to meet me in the throne room in two days. I could feel the fire burn in my blood every step I took sent waves of heat throughout my body it was almost intoxicating. I walked inside my chamber to find Beast eyeing a giant sized plate lying on the floor. I walked by and rubbed my hand across the top of his back. The smell of raw meat filled the air as a pile materialized on the plate. Beast snorting approvingly and dove right into his plate. With a mouth full of meat muffled thanks came from him as continued to devour his dinner. I sat on my bed and tried to relax, the tomb was very comfortable and I soon found myself deep asleep dreaming of my mother and her memories remained within in my blood.

  Betrayer, why would she betray her own kind did my father deceived her? Was she afraid of her lord? What happened to make her turn on her own kind? These questions will never be answered. All I can do is go with what I know and continue on the path that has been given me. I drifted off to sleep the nightmares still haunt me I know what must be done but it must wait I have bigger things to accomplish first.

  I voice woke me, “The door sound.” I opened my eyes and saw Beast standing next to me I could hear the pounding from the chamber door. I went to the door and opened seeing a young female Alcheema warrior. She stood a head shorter than me long black hair passed her shoulders as she eyed me with emerald green eyes. Her face seemed fresh to the world no scars, no taint no sign of hate she couldn’t be older than a teenager.

  She told me she was sent to inform that the war council was ready for me in the throne room. She led me through the dark hallways to the door leading to my throne. I could hear raised voices arguing through the door. I opened the door and saw the entire war council up at arms with each other about how to proceed. I walked in, raised my hand and there was silence. “We will attack from the front there will be more hiding. One major point, we will not use magic in the frontal assault the mages will be expecting this and will catch their physical defenses by surprise. We will not pillage; only armed forces will be killed anyone who defies me w
ill suffer.”

  There was a look of insecurity among them as I sat on my throne, ‘Send a message to Meckando and tell them when we will attack.” Everyone regained their composure and bowed in servitude. There was no more room for patience, we had to act and we had to act now. I would confront Dallente and rip the power from his body and destroy him. Our lord is the only one who could stop us now, our strength alone would be enough to carry us through this time of war and we will soon be the leaders of realm once again.

  I looked across the field where I was once captured by the light of the tower. The tower glistened in the sunlight it stood defiantly at the center of the city. I could see archers mounted on the wall bows at the ready. At the gate a lone figure stood at the top of the arch way hands raised to the sky chanting. He was dressed in bright red robes channeling the energies of light into his body.

  Such defiance from a weak old man; yet why did he help me find the gauntlet? Why did he send me on my way to find my kin knowing this would happen? I will let him live to find these answers if he is willing to give them to me or not.

  I glanced behind me and saw

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