Breaking Cardinal Rules

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Breaking Cardinal Rules Page 2

by Katina Powell

  The mindset that brought this about had formed by high school, where Katina wasn’t a very good student. She resisted authority and stubbornly had to have the last word. She got pregnant in her junior year and dropped out. She was married, divorced with three children, each daughter by a different man. For years she’s smoked marijuana regularly, often several “blunts” (thick cigarettes) a day.

  Although the Powell family enjoyed considerable stability, their lives didn’t entirely reflect the artificial comfort and familial connections they could see in TV shows like “Full House.” Their home, thanks to their parents, was a kind of safe zone—she calls it a protective “shell”—in the urban jungle.

  Around where they lived were various forms of temptation, drug-dealing chief among them. With drug-dealers comes violence. In time, guns were like magnets to the Powell boys.

  Her older brother, known as Pete, has been jailed numerous times, including for accidentally shooting a woman during a fight. When Pete’s son was murdered in 2011—he was shot multiple times and killed—it devastated the whole family.

  Things got worse for Pete in August 2015, when police alleged he and another man used a lead pipe to beat a woman they'd been offered $1,500 to attack.

  Katina’s brother Deshawn, nicknamed Rock, also has a long police record and was shot and wounded eight times during an incident that occurred in the summer of 2015. One sister shunned the family to the point where she told others her father was dead. A cousin has been locked up for shootings and theft. Another cousin received an eighteen-year sentence for murder. Katina has no criminal record.

  Estrangements in the family meant the end of traditional Thanksgiving dinners.

  Family was an important element in her life, but the daughters she had were sired by three different men. None of these men was a factor in the child’s life, early or later on. And so, Katina, a strong-willed woman, was their principal guide as they grew up.

  Of the oldest, Lindsay, who was age 19 in 2010 when the shows at the University of Louisville started, Katina once wrote,

  Ms. Lindsay, my first born, hard as a rock but has a heart of peanut butter. It took me a long time to break through to her. She was so rebellious that it was crazy.

  Her father was the nephew of one of Katina’s brothers-in-law.

  By age 16 Lindsay began to perform with her mother and other women in strip acts, and, eventually, at the college dormitory and as an escort. Katina once described Lindsay as "my crybaby bully child" who needed her love daily.

  Lindsay is my daughter and also a team player. She does most of the shows. She started off picking up money (thrown at the dancers by men, but not performing or having sex). Now she does good. I think she likes it. It puts money in her pocket, plus it is fun.

  The second daughter, Rod-Ni, who was age 17 in 2010, soon followed. Her father only came around when Rod-Ni was 13 and when she was 16, he died in a hail of thirteen bullets when someone attempted to rob him. Katina would write:

  Now Rod-Ni, whoa! That’s my chick. She sees everything that I miss or don’t see. She picks up money now that Lindsay has upgraded to a dancer. Niggas really like Rod-Ni.

  Of all the women who worked with or for Katina, Rod-Ni was one of the most attractive. She describes Rod-Ni as "my white child" for her mannerisms and tendency to hang with people who act white.

  She’s down to get money but not quite yet; she’s still new to the game.

  Perhaps it was inevitable that the third girl, Shay, who was age 15 in 2010, would follow her sisters as they had followed their mother into the trade that year.

  Shay, my prize possession, my beautiful creation doesn't need much attention but a lot of watching.

  Shay also proved to be the most rebellious. She did have an intermittent relationship with her father, but at 15, as Katina tried to get the man to pay some attention, Shay told her, “Mama, let it go.”

  Concern for her youngest child—that "one last hope" to apply one's parenting skills honed by mistakes made while rearing older children—weighed on Katina.

  She once again demonstrates that she's a woman of contradictions. On one hand, here's a mother who allowed her three daughters to follow her down a dark career path just as a parent in the suburbs might suggest her young scion take a key role in the family's business.

  Katina agonized as deeply as any other mother about wanting to see the best for her youngest daughter. A 2011 journal entry set forth in a heartfelt plea:

  Lord, please give me the strength to not kill my child. I don’t understand what I have done wrong. U know I try my best to back this child in everything she does. I can’t blame her actions and disrespect on her bum-ass father. She knows right from wrong. I mean I was 16 before, so some things I understand, but I’m tired of it.

  How dare she bring two niggas in my house and have sex with them, her and her friend. If it wasn’t for the other parent I wouldn’t allow that child back in my house. Now their friendship is destroyed because of some dirty broke-ass nigga. She’s providing pussy and can’t provide money to pay her phone bill. These kids are asshole backwards. This generation is sooo stupid, and the more you try to teach them the dumber they get. Lord help them.

  A little later Katina lamented:

  I’m somewhat depressed. My youngest daughter feels as though I have never done anything for her. I have only been doing for this child since Day 1. Nobody else has sheltered and spoiled a child as much as I have done with her. The other kids don’t understand why I don’t give up on her while I have the chance. I know she has the potential to be a good girl, but something is really blocking her. I believe she is angry with me because of the lack of love received from her father. I do my best to love her for the both of us, but she feels like it ain’t enough….

  Shay continued to disappoint Katina.

  I had a major slap in the face, I have never believed in a man making money off of me or the giving forcefully of my money to a pimp. My youngest daughter decided to go to New York with Lexi, the same chick that got us started using to meet men. She goes to New York and came back with a pimp. I was disgusted with her and myself. They took her to Lexington to escort, then made her give the money to them. So basically her ass was doing it for free.

  And when Shay's pimp took her daughter to Miami...

  I felt helpless, embarrassed, and mad. Was this my fault? It turned out Lexi had seven felonies and the mysterious pimp was wanted in New York.

  My daughter was gone for a total of six long months.

  I talked to her almost every other day, but that didn’t really help. I needed to see her. Since doing this she has been robbed twice, once at gunpoint in New York and then again in Indianapolis. She took it as though it was nothing, I really think that she’s locked in (to this lifestyle).

  Shay participated in the shows at clubs and at the University of Louisville, but would continue to wind her way down a dangerous path.

  Chapter Three


  -Katina Powell

  About seven players attended the second outing at the University of Louisville basketball dorm. It also doubled as a kind of birthday party for Tink’s cousin. Tink paid Katina. After that, she dealt exclusively with McGee.

  Some of the women arrived wearing their skimpy costumes. McGee told them they had to be covered up when they entered the dorm. Yet within a short time, they were using the main entrance. The security guard never said a word. But he and some of the other students living in the dorm were aware of their presence.

  By July of 2011 Katina would write in her diary:

  So here is how life is going. It’s time for me to put on my third club show, the biggest ever!

  I’ve been putting on lil’ private shows enough to get paid and eat pretty good. Since I have bee
n doing shows I have come across some very interesting people. I’ve heard and also seen a lot of very strange things. I have dealt with U of L—Andre McGee, ‘payee’ is what I like to call him. That’s my nigga holding it down.

  Katina continued:

  I have dealt with more than a handful of new recruits. So I can say that I am partially responsible for them coming to U of L.

  Oh, and let’s not leave out Mr. T-Will, yes, Mr. Terrence Williams, people. Believe me, as cocky and arrogant as he was, he paid swell!! $500 for two girls. But my most popular one that I love to (have the) shows for is my buddy ‘Chane,’ (Behanan). That boy has potential in every way.

  I have done shows for half of Louisville and plan to take over the other half. I’m already blessed with Beauty but it is so much more when you also have the ‘Booty.’

  Katina and Chane Behanan

  Even as they looked forward to more work at U of L, Katina

  and her ladies kept busy. Of a day in August 2011 she wrote:

  Bachelor party for Kentae, Tink's partner in the barber shop. I took Lindsay, TooTall, Keena and Dolly. I made money but it was a straight disaster. Keena’s a bum bitch, stopped dancing because she wasn’t making a lot of money. Dolly’s nigga was trying to pay her and she just blew him off. Broke ass people. The bachelor got sick and threw up. You win some, you lose some.

  The next day – I was asked to do a bachelor party by Stephanie for her fiancé Jerry. I took Lindsay, TooTall, Cameo (friend of TooTall), Alicia and Boobie. Of course we looked good going in with our hair and makeup on point. They served us plenty of red Jello shots. I can honestly say this bachelor really stayed in his place being very professional and nice to the girls. I made a killing off them. Stephanie was so sure Jerry wasn't into dark-skinned girls but he had sex with TooTall. I wonder what she had to say the next day?

  But there was something special about being on campus. Katina would be introduced to, but not have sex with, players including George Goode, Terrence Jennings and Chris Smith. She regarded Smith as "cool, quiet people."

  Don’t talk much but gets the job done.

  George Goode, jerk.

  Terrence Jennings, laid back.

  There was a reason Katina had stars in her eyes. She was seeing stars, or at least potential future stars.

  Chris Smith was a senior starting guard for the Cardinals. Goode was a junior. Jennings would soon enter the NBA draft. Williams, known as T-Will, had been one of Pitino’s superstars and had signed with the Houston Rockets. Behanan was a 6-7, 240-pound power forward with a bright future, but would be dismissed from the team later for repeated drug use. Goode, Jennings and Williams all were teammates of McGee during the 2008-2009 season. They occasionally showed up at dorm parties.

  Katina had teamed up with a niece she called Boobie to help her with the arrangements.

  Not only Boobie, the kids help out too. I don’t know what I would do without them. They love Boobie to death. She makes all my phone calls and keeps the dancers together and notified. She goes to the shows with us, gets the girls together, she collects the money, holds the money. Yeah, just wait. Boobie, we gonna have it all, Mama.

  Boobie confirmed that at the eight dorm parties she attended, they started with five or six players and recruits and before the evening ended there were 15 or more guys. She enjoyed Andre's likeable, funny personality.

  On July 18, 2011, with Rod-Ni scheduled to soon join the federal Job Corps—she would be gone eight months or so and earn a certificate in the culinary arts—Katina reported:

  Well, U of L is trying to have us put on a big show before Rod-Ni leaves. Andre McGee wants us to do our sixth show for U of L. McGee is crazy about Rod-Ni but she ain’t crazy about him! Sorry McGee. U cool and all. But you’re just no-fuck material to everyone. Don’t get it twisted though McGee is a long-winded nigga and can go for hours, but he’s just McGee. The team should be leaving soon to go to the Bahamas to have 10 practice games. They probably be over there fucking these chicks and ain’t no telling what they bring back. I’m glad that I am retired from dancing at U of L. Can’t say the money ain’t good but I have put my fair share in when I first did a show for Tink. Now I book them, get paid off top and we good.

  Rod-Ni and Chane Behanan in McGee's room in the dorm

  The dancers I have now are cool. They basically know the drill and how I am. I’m always down to make cake. I expect $300 just to walk through the door. Now if it’s a private show I charge $100 to walk in, then I start the bid: $$$$$$.

  One player all the women admired was Behanan. Powell wrote:

  I need to get on the ball with Chane. Rod-Ni is gone and I need tickets to U of L games. It would be nice to sort of be in Chane’s corner because the nigga’s a star. I also get tickets from Andre McGee in exchange for private shows for the team and new recruits. He’s mad because he couldn’t fuck my daughter before she left to go to Job Corps.

  She said McGee wasn’t her type, plus he’s annoying. But she really has a crush on Chane’s sexy ass.

  He’s tall, light brown skinned, very respectful, but he’s a basketball thug. This nigga cops weed, he loves weed, he says whatever the fuck he wants, and overall he’s a beast on the court. Yes, I need front row seats to this. Every time we do a show you can always expect Mr. Chane to participate.

  Not only was Rod-Ni gone temporarily, daughter Lindsay had enrolled in school and was trying to get a regular job. But Shay had expressed interest in joining the troupe. Katina wrote:

  Shay, my baby, she is crazy but I love her. Now that Rod-Ni’s gone she has been all up under me, which is good. Asshole, ‘her sperm donor,’ missed out on a lot of fun times with her. She’s pretty, she’s smart, she’s a real joker. She’s good though almost seventeen with a bang-in body. I’m glad that I did it by myself.

  On August 5, 2011, there was another party for U of L.

  Of course you know my nigga McGee set it all up for us. I really dig McGee ‘cause he’s cool, he treats us with the utmost respect. He jokes a lot but all in all he takes care of us. Of course you know Chane was there. So we took pictures, me and another cat and McGee. We did a show for a younger recruit. The girls took care of him. So he should choose U of L as his college. (We've) done so many recruits it’s sickening.

  I don’t dance, so it’s funny watching the other girls get their money. McGee asked me to go to Miami to do a bachelor party for his brother. I wanna go so bad and so do the other girls.

  McGee, Katina and Russ Smith at a party in the dorm

  On September 24, 2011, anticipation heightened because it was Behanan’s birthday.

  Everybody is going to want to go to that show, ‘cause Chane’s so cool, that everybody loves him. I’ll probably dance in this one. Yeah, it’s time to come out of retirement. Hope Rod-Ni comes home for this one. He would be happy to see her....

  We need several jerseys #21 with Behanan on the back. Booty shorts with black heels. Underneath we need to have on a red bra/black thongs. Bring him drinks. Feed him. Massage him. Give him one helluva show.

  All the girls like Chane. I already got them asking do I get Chane this time? Craziness. They just don’t faze me that way. I think they’re cool. It’s funny to watch the girls when Chane walks in. He’s a doll-baby!!

  The next day, Katina reported on a bonus from the show:

  Rod-Ni and Peyton Siva in the dorm after a party

  Siva took pictures of the dancers but didn't have sex.

  This time we got a chance to meet Peyton Siva. He came into the room sexy as can be. My dancers went nuts, Rod-Ni was back and had a chance to give him a no-sex massage. He was very sweet and polite. My dancers side-dealed (sex) with a couple of new recruits through me and Andre. I took Lindsay, TooTall, Precious, J.J. and Rod-Ni. It was in the basketball players’ dorm. The girls were dressed to impress. Even campus security had to back up and take another look.

  Siva was a sophomore guard on the Cardinals. He didn't have sex with the girls.

  In late October, Katina Powell and McGee texted each other

  A few days later they had another show at the dorm. Katina took Lindsay, TooTall, M.J. and Ne-Ne.

  M.J, according to Katina, was especially popular because of a beautiful face and large behind. Ne-Ne was what Katina called a “gutter chick” who preferred sex to dancing and had four children of her own.

  We had a new recruit from Cleveland named Terry, dark-skinned, big black dick. This time I copped out and took tickets instead of money. 2 sets of tickets. Rod-Ni is gonna be proud. Long Beach State and Ohio. This time it was TooTall and Ne-Ne that took down the new recruit, but I know that it was my girl TooTall that worked her magic. Get it, girl.

  McGee (far left), unknown frequenter, recruit standing, Anton Gill (far sitting), Montrezl (front sitting) in the dorm before a party.

  I think it’s time we slow down for U of L. I wouldn’t want McGee to get in trouble. He only means well. He spends his money on this shit, and, believe me, it’s not cheap. He gives the guys money to throw at the girls. He constantly has to go to the ATM to get money out, $300 for me, $300 in tips for the girls, tickets for me. Alcohol for the recruits when they come, three bottles of Ciroc liquor, which is about $30 a bottle. And this is at least twice a month.


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