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Spiked Roses: The Complete Top Shelf Series

Page 76

by Alta Hensley

  “Stand up,” he commanded. “Stand right in front of me between my legs.”

  I did as he asked, though how I stood on such weakened legs, I had no idea. My head felt light and my breathing felt tight.

  “Part your cunt for me. I want to see my dirty kitty and her wet, bare pussy.”

  Never imagining myself engaged in such an act like this, I did as he asked. As if I were hypnotized by the silkiness of his directions—because that was the only thing that could explain such complete madness that was raging through me—I brought my shaky fingers to my smooth pussy lips and spread them wide for his viewing… for everyone’s viewing.

  Roman reached up and pushed his thumb into my mouth. “Suck my thumb, dirty girl. Suck on it good so I can rub it around that tiny clit of yours until you scream for me to fuck you.”

  I ran my tongue against the rough and callused skin and never released the hold of my pussy. I was still spreading myself wide as I sucked on his thumb just as he wanted me to do. My eyes connected with his for a split moment, and I wondered if it was hunger I saw hidden in their depths.

  “Beg for my cock. Beg.” He pulled his thumb out of my mouth and pressed it against my clit. I cried out in pleasure, but held my position. I didn’t want to let go of my spread lips in fear he would stop the most wicked of his touches so far. “Beg,” he commanded again.

  “Please, Master. My little hole wants to be spread open by your cock.” The words were so natural. They seemed to flow from my lips without the slightest hesitation or thought.

  His ministrations froze and he chuckled. “Oh, my dirty, dirty girl. Having you call me Master was for The Iron Colt Brotherhood’s benefit and viewing pleasure… but I like it. I think we’ll keep it that way even after we are wed. And I think I finally have found your first real punishment. That building orgasm inside of you will remain right where it is.” He spanked my pussy hard, forcing me to release the spread of my skin. “For now.”

  Roman stood up and pushed my upper half over the bed. “Stay bent over,” he said.

  I tried to regain my breath and steady my raging emotions. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I couldn’t think straight. I couldn’t process. All I could do was stare at my spread fingers against the bedspread as I heard the sound of a belt being removed from the loops of Roman’s pants.

  “The Iron Colt Brotherhood have some requests. Every single morning you will be paddled and every night you will receive a lashing from my belt. The severity will all depend on how good of a girl you have been leading up to it.”

  Before I could process his words, the stinging crash of leather against skin had me howling out. The pain radiated all the way to my needy pussy, only intensifying my out-of-control hunger.

  “Please,” I pleaded as he whipped me once again.

  “Yes, Cheri. Keep begging.”


  “Are you begging for me to stop belting you, or to fuck you?”

  He brought the belt down against my sensitive ass again but rather than crying, I moaned.

  The belt fell upon me again, and I moaned some more.

  “Little pain slut. You like when your Master spanks your ass as you pray he will eventually fuck you.”

  Tears of indignity and degradation fell as my orgasm built inside of me. My body became more alive with every searing swat. Yes. I wanted to be fucked. I wanted to be fucked hard. But not before he finished the discipline. The most twisted and sexual punishment one could imagine. My mind screamed no. My ass screamed for mercy. But my core, my inner being, my soul begged for more.

  Just as the most intense explosion was about to release, Roman ceased the spanking.

  I cried out even louder than I ever had during the spanking.

  “Yes, my naughty princess. I am going to enjoy this very much.”

  I heard the sound of his footsteps approach the door, and I turned my head to see him holding the door handle. My heart fell to my stomach as I still remained in position for more.

  “No,” I whispered so low that I was sure Roman couldn’t hear me. I didn’t want him to leave. No.

  “Tomorrow I’ll be back. You just earned yourself two diamonds.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  This was harder than I thought. For so many reasons. I stormed into the room assigned to me for the duration of my stay at the manor and slammed the door closed behind me. I scanned the upper corners of the room to make sure there weren’t any cameras present, prepared to destroy them if there were. I was the son of a fucking king, and I was getting damn tired of following the rules of The Iron Colt Brotherhood. I was two seconds from telling all of them to go fuck themselves and try to come after me. Try motherfuckers. Try.

  I walked over to the window and stared out, not really seeing anything as the rage inside nearly blinded me. I didn’t know if I should jack off to relieve my built up sexual tension or punch my fist through the window. Taking deep breaths, I tried to steady the near explosion wanting to burst from within. I had to think of Cheri and her safety. My temper wouldn’t just put me at risk, it would most certainly put her life in danger, and I knew it.

  The elders of The Iron Colt Brotherhood were known for ridding the society of any trouble-makers, and I had to do everything within my power to assure them that Cheri and I were as far from that as I could. I had seen powerful men made to look like they committed suicide. I had seen fatal car jackings made to look random. I had even seen men who crossed the brotherhood to come down with the rarest terminal diseases. If The Iron Colt Brotherhood wanted you dead, there would be no escaping their grip. I knew I needed to comply with the fucked up initiation regardless of how powerful my family was. The Iron Colt Brotherhood would always be more.

  But it was fucking hard.

  To see Cheri in that room crying and begging to leave, nearly destroyed me. But if I showed any weakness at all, I knew the brotherhood would insist on someone else doing the initiation which meant I would murder someone. I wouldn’t hesitate to slit the throat of the first man to touch my Cheri. So I had to be harsh, ruthless, merciless. I was an alpha and dominant by nature, but this initiation was taking the sadist in me to a completely new level. I would have to push myself further than I had ever gone before.

  A firm knock on the door broke me from my deep thoughts. I was about to tell whoever was on the other side of the door to go fuck themselves and leave me alone, but I also knew that was my temper speaking.

  “Yeah, come in,” I called out.

  I turned to see my friend, and my business partner of Spiked Roses walking in. I didn’t expect to see Alec even though I knew he was a member of The Iron Colt Brotherhood. I knew that he too tried to keep his distance from the society.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” I asked him, though was very happy to see a familiar face that I could trust.

  “I was worried about you after you left our meeting at Spiked Roses. I figured you would need a friend right about now.”

  “I appreciate it,” I said as I approached him and shook his hand. “I need someone to talk me off the damn ledge. I’m two seconds from storming into Cheri’s room and yanking her out of this manor and telling all the brothers to go to hell.”

  “And you know they will kill you both for it,” Alec said.

  “Which is why I haven’t done it yet.”

  “I saw the video of what you were doing to Cheri. I’m sorry I watched, but it was the only way I could get in here to talk to you. I needed to play along even though I sure as fuck felt like I was invading your privacy.”

  “I get it. No worries.”

  “You are doing a good job,” he said. “I know that might not make you feel better, but no one would question if you are the man to do the job. You are coming across hard enough. Cruel and unrelenting. I know they are paying close attention to your every move and action to see if they need to assign another man… or men.”

  “I know. Which is why I’m turning up the asshole mete

  Alec chuckled. “Well, it’s working.

  “Great. Just how I want my fiancée to see me,” I said with a smirk. I knew Cheri loved me, but she had never seen this side of me. I just hoped that her feelings for me wouldn’t change when this was all over. But then… how could they not?

  “She knew what she was getting herself into, my friend. She isn’t some wilting flower who is going to break into hysterics. You know this, or you would have never asked her to earn her way into the brotherhood. And frankly,” Alec took a few steps back and smiled, “it appeared as if she may not be hating it all. I think you’ve got a little vixen on your hands.”

  “She’s scared.”

  Alec nodded. “Yes, but she’s also completely surrendering to you already. This is going to be much easier than you might think. You just have to stay focused and not lose your cool. You have to play along. From what I saw of Cheri, I’m not worried about her. I’m worried about you.”

  Sighing, I said, “Yeah, I know. I’m not good at following orders.”

  “I hear you on that. But you have to. Do it for Cheri. She’s going to be able to handle everything you give her. I can see it in her. Don’t underestimate her strength.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  Again and again, I awoke with a lashing. I went to bed sore from the strike of Roman’s hand on my sensitive ass. I awoke to an excruciating session with the paddle, and went to bed with the kiss of his belt once again. Over and over, the routine continued. One diamond at a time.

  One excruciating earned diamond at a time.

  The days were filled with other acts of submission. Long hours kneeling or standing at attention whenever, wherever, and for however long Roman felt I needed to. He touched me, but never enough. And that was the worst part. Over and over he would slap, pinch, touch parts of my body and bring me right to the edge of ecstasy, only to pull away and leave me with the worst need imaginable. Every hour my hunger for him grew. Every second my lust intensified. I dreamed of his touch, and I fantasized of the day he would finally put his cock inside of me.

  But he never did.

  That was my punishment.

  That was my penance for the sake of The Iron Colt Brotherhood.

  And oh, how I paid, suffered, and slowly earned one diamond at a time. I cried. I pleaded. I begged for more. I had no shame or pride left. I longed for Roman to be near and never leave me, and when he did leave for the night, I sobbed for hours waiting for sunlight to come, for it brought the return of my monster. My only strength was when he was near. My body craved him like a drug, and I was weak without him. So fucking weak. He was my dark prince, and he truly had mastered my body. When he said I was his—that my body was his—I’d had no idea how correct he would be.

  “Are you a good girl or a bad girl?” he asked as he had grown accustomed to asking all the mornings he arrived in a new crisp suit with a white shirt unbuttoned at the neck.

  “What do you want me to be?” I answered like I always did when he would take his belt and run it along my punished and upturned flesh after he spanked me.

  “Today I want you to be bad. I want you to talk dirty to me so I can punish that mouth of yours.”

  I turned my head just enough to see him towering over me as I was bent over the bed and gave a wicked smirk. “Fuck you, Master. Fuck you.”

  We had played this game in the past. He would force me to act out just so he could punish me more severely. Often times he would have Gage record these acts for The Iron Colt Brotherhood to view more intimately and close up. He seemed to like it most when I punched or kicked, and especially when I called him names. He seemed fueled by my mock hatred of him, though we both knew it was all for show. He knew how desperate I was for more. He could see the arousal coat my pussy and dampen my inner thighs. He would wipe at my tears of frustration as my stomach tightened and cramped from a growing need for release never to be granted. He would make promises that if I was a good girl, that maybe someday I would get a taste of my Master’s cock.

  I wanted a taste so badly.

  I wasn’t sure how many days, or how many nights passed, but Roman had changed the woman I once was. He broke down my walls and left me wide open for the taking. My battle scars were left without bandages, and Roman only opened the wounds wider.

  “You have a filthy mouth, my soon to be bride,” he said as he walked toward my bathroom.

  I held my position bent over the bed, schooled in what would happen if I acted on my own free will without permission.

  “I think it’s time I teach you what happens to girls with dirty, filthy mouths,” he said as he disappeared from my sight.

  My pussy throbbed at the warning in his voice. I had no idea what he had in store, and though I was sure parts of me would hate every moment of what Roman had planned for this morning’s session, other more sinful parts of me would love every torturous second of his evil ministrations to my body, mind, and soul.

  “Kneel,” he commanded as he reentered the bedroom with something fisted in his hand, and a glass of water in the other.

  I quickly did as he asked, licking my lips in anticipation of what was to come. A chance to earn more diamonds. Diamonds that I had long lost count of. I no longer paid my penance for diamonds. No. I paid my penance for Roman. For the one day he would deem me worthy of his cock being buried inside of me again, making me come and cry out his name.

  There was a time in my life, I would have screamed and shouted at any woman who would submit to a man. Especially to a man as strict and severe as Roman. But I no longer cared. Rules of society had ceased existing the minute I walked through the doors of the manor. Life as it once was no longer existed for me. My nightmare had become a fantasy, and my fantasies had become this nightmare.

  Obviously, this was the goal of The Iron Colt Brotherhood.

  “It’s time your Master teaches you a lesson,” he said as he stood before me, placed the water by my knees as well as a bar of soap, and unfastened his pants. When his hard cock popped out from its constraints, he said, “It’s time I clean that mouth of yours out.”

  I stared at his cock in awe. It was thick, big, and hard—hard for me.

  “I want you to wet my cock with your tongue, then rub the bar of soap all over it.”

  When I didn’t move fast enough, still processing his words in my foggy brain, he took hold of his dick and slapped it across my face. He then pressed his cock past my lips before I had a chance to do it of my own free will, though willing I was. I moved my head up and down, swirling my tongue as I did so, savoring the taste of my prince.

  “Get it nice and wet,” he said huskily.

  He took hold of my hair and guided my head at a speed he chose. Up and down, I sucked and softly moaned against his cock. I licked every inch I could, not wanting one inch of his length missed. I all but devoured him. His salty taste and the essence of his manhood flooding my senses, I coated his throbbing sex entirely.

  “Now grab that bar of soap by you and coat my cock. It’s time I wash your mouth out with soap, naughty girl.”

  “Yes, Master,” I said as my pussy ached for attention.

  I picked up the white bar and started caressing Roman’s cock with it. Small suds formed as the soap mixed with my saliva. I stroked the soap up and down the length of his shaft just as I knew Roman wanted me to do.

  “Now place my cock in your mouth, naughty girl. This is what you get for having a filthy mouth. Time we cleanse it.”

  Not stopping to consider the awful taste or just how much this truly would be a punishment, I placed Roman’s soap-coated penis inside my mouth and began sucking as I once had. I whimpered as the dreadful taste attacked. I gagged as the tip of his cock pressed against the back of my throat with the soap only intensifying the sensation.

  “Bad girls get their mouths washed out with soap,” he said, tugging my hair when I tried to pull back as I sucked in air to help ease the turmoil occurring inside my mouth.
br />   Using his other hand, he reached down and cupped my breast, changing my whimpers to a moan.

  Mercifully removing his dick from my mouth, Roman spread his pre-cum mixed with remnants of soap on my lips as he said, “Let me paint this perfect pink pout of yours. I’m about to make you Master’s cum slut.”

  I looked up into his eyes and nodded.

  He slapped the head of his cock against my cheek. “You want your Master’s cock, dirty princess? Do you want your Master to punish you now with his cock?”

  Fuck, yes. Fuck, yes! Although my words were lost in my own hunger begging to be satiated.

  I wanted him so badly. I wanted him to split me wide open with his cock. My pure white sexual experiences from before were about to become pitch black. I wanted raw. I wanted depraved. I wanted dark emotions and desires. And I knew that Roman was the only one who would truly give me what I wanted, and what I so desperately needed. Everything had been leading up to this. He had opened a Pandora’s Box of horrific fantasies and delights hidden deep within, and now that they were unleashed, he was the only man who could tame them.

  “Take a drink of water, swish it around in your mouth, and then spit it out back into the glass,” he ordered.

  I was grateful for this, because though the soap misery had dissipated some, I did wish to rid the inner lining of my mouth of the residue. As I swished and spit the last bit out into the glass, Roman bent down and placed his hands under my arms, lifting me to standing. He then swooped me into his arms and carried me over to the bed. The tender touch and almost loving gesture had my mind spinning with the wicked and twisted lust from my naughty discipline only moments ago.

  The softness was quickly replaced, however, when he placed me on my back and spread my legs wide. Without pause, he swatted my pussy, causing me to jump and cry out in surprise.

  “We are going to make these lips of your cunt swell so every time I thrust into you, you cry out in pain.” He swatted my bare pussy again and again. The sting only heightened my need for more.


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