Euphoria (Arrangement Series Book 4)

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Euphoria (Arrangement Series Book 4) Page 5

by King Ellie

  “We’re going to remind you just who the fuck we are, little deer,” Phoenix whispers in my ear. “Now, what were you saying? What if you don’t want Bow?” He bites hard on my shoulder while Bowie stops his movements. Phoenix lets me go and Bowie sets me on my feet.

  He stares right at me. “Then you get neither of us.” He glares at me.

  The lust in his eyes is so clear that I want to jump on him. “But…” Phoenix starts. Bowie looks at him and he smirks as if they have some out of this world plan for me. “We’ll never let you go,” Phoenix finishes his sentence.

  Bowie licks his lips as he looks down at Phoenix’s hand that is still rubbing my nipple. “Never.” Bowie looks me in my eyes as he smirks. He pops the button of his jeans, unzips, but I can’t see much because his shirt is covering it. He dips his hand into his boxers. I know he’s stroking his dick but he stops after the first groan slips out of his mouth. He adjusts himself and removes his hand out of his jeans, zipping and buttoning up. He winks at me.

  I feel faint even as Phoenix removes his fingers from me. I shut my eyes for a moment. This is too much. “I need to nap. I’m tired,” I say to both of them.

  I grab Bowie’s wrist and pull him with Phoenix, who’s still cuffed to me towards my room. I walk us into my room and look at the unfinished bed frame. “Fix it, boys. I’m tired,” I groan.

  I look up at each of them, giving them my best glare. Phoenix’s eyes slowly look around the room and finally settle on mine. “Don’t you worry, Bams, I’ll get it all figured out.”

  Phoenix removes a key from his pocket and removes the cuff from his wrist but in my fascination with him having the key on him this whole time, he cuffs my other wrist. I growl at him out of frustration. “What is wrong with you, Nix! Why am I in cuffs? I didn’t even do anything.” I stomp my foot.

  “Should’ve listened when I told you to stop fucking calling me Markos,” he replies and Bowie chuckles.

  “That’s what this is about?” I ask out of irritation. “I’m sorry.”

  Phoenix gives me a boyish grin. “Now, why must you fake the funk with me, Bams? You forget that I know when you’re being defiant. I taught you that. Plus, I never said I’d forgive you if you apologized, did I?”

  This will not work. He knows me too well, so the only thing I can do is pull out tricks I’ve learned from movies. I poke my bottom lip out and try my best at a sad expression. I move in closer so I can try to grab the keys out of his hand. I pull at the strings of his sweatpants. “Nixy…” I call him a name I haven’t used in a long time. His brows shoot up. “I just, I want to take a nap that’s all. I won’t go anywhere plus; you know I won’t run. I don’t like being chased. I’m sorry, okay?”

  Phoenix tugs his bottom lip into his mouth as he stares at me. He shuts his eyes and I take this opportunity to snatch the keys out of his hold. But my victory is so short lived I wonder why I even do it. Phoenix’s left hand reaches out and grabs me by the throat. He still hasn’t opened his eyes as he doesn’t squeeze instead he caresses my neck with his thumb.

  “You know, I didn’t think you’d try to fuck with me like that,” he scoffs opening his eyes, the emotion of hearing that nickname show its effect through his eyes. “But I guess you think I’m stupid. You think I’ll give you a chance to escape your punishment but my little deer, this here is the hunt and I’m the hunter. Here’s a tip, there’s no winning this game because it’s rigged and everywhere you step, there’s a trap. Care to find out what traps there are?”

  His face and eyes are void of all emotions. This is the Phoenix Moralis that everyone in school scurried away from but not me. Not then anyway because I was so sure he would never hurt me. Yet now, looking right back at him was terrifying and I know I made a mistake provoking him with the use of a nickname so intimately.

  “I’m sorry,” I apologize sincerely.

  Phoenix smirks as he moves me back until my back slams against the wall. He lifts me up and brings me close to his face. My feet are dangling high off the ground and I don’t have to look to know that.

  “I’m going to make you cry, my little deer. I’m going to incapacitate your world, stop it from spinning. Fuck throwing it off its axis, baby, I’ll have you crawling to me on your knees begging me to stop crushing it in my hands. You’ll regret ever coming back and uttering my name off your lips.” Phoenix leans in breathing hard along with me. I stare into his golden-brown eyes. I’m both terrified and turned on. I don’t know how that’s possible. Phoenix makes good on his promise as he nips as my bottom lip dragging his teeth and digging in close enough to draw blood. He lets my lip go. “Don’t ever fucking call me that name again. I’ll kill you where you stand. You know I would too. You’ve got two options, fuck with me and die or fuck with me and still, you die.”

  “Huh?” I answer. “I, I don’t understand.”

  Phoenix smirks. “You will in due time, my prey.”

  Chapter 6


  I watch as Phoenix lets Bambi down letting go of her neck but he grabs the handcuffs dragging her with him. I’ve missed this. I watch as she struggles against the cuffs. I’d love to use the cuffs in other ways but we can wait for all of that. I don’t want this moment to pass by. I learned early on that I enjoyed watching my woman being fucked and dominated by another male. A lot of my male friends thought I was gay and that I wanted both but there’s nothing that excites me about seeing another penis. It’s more about the way my woman responds to being taken. The way she grows wetter, nearly dripping all over herself. The indent of her nails everywhere on the other person’s body. The way she moans, groans and mewls like nothing else can be as perfect as this moment. I love watching my woman understand and accept what she likes. It didn’t work for me with other friends but when Phoenix and I had that conversation it surprised me to find out he enjoyed watching too in the same way that I did. Except for him it was about the love that was transpiring. The emotions and the flow of everything from the feeling of being taken roughly to the softness of everything. The afterglow of sex. The cuddling, the sweet nothings being whispered. He loved watching his woman get shown what the fuck a smooth motherfucker like me can do. We complement each other. We both bring our own intensity and there’s nothing about us that makes us weak enough to question our sexuality.

  I won’t cower if I see Phoenix’s dick neither will I get hard and vice versa. It’s a human organ used to bring pleasure to the womanly body. The softness, the curves, oooh fuck everything about it was a turn on. I clear my throat, trying not to zone out. I pay attention to Bambi again but fuck every movement she makes makes me want to take her up against a wall. Dry humping is for the birds.

  “Let go, Nix. You’re hurting me,” Bambi cries out and it shoots to my dick.

  “Good, that shit makes my dick hard. Shut the fuck up unless you want to meet the hunter, little deer,” Phoenix responds to her.

  Bambi lets out a soft yelp as we all get into the elevator. “So you’re not going to do anything about what he’s saying to me, Bowie?” Bambi asks me as if she’s really surprised that I’m not helping.

  I scoff as I press the main floor. I know that I should go in with Phoenix and her but I can admit I'm not ready. Even if some say that Phoenix is impulsive they don’t understand I’m worse than him because I have a conscience. Mine is intact and is fully aware of the dumb decisions I make. If Bambi fucks with my heart one more time, I’ll forget that I love her. I don’t want it to ever go that far. Fuck, I love her too fucking hard for this shit. “You don’t need me, remember?” I sneer.

  “That’s not what I meant and you know it,” she whispers.

  I look at her and grin. “It’s not, maybe I need you to teach me again how the fuck do I take your words? Am I to drop to my knees and collect them like before when you were elevated above a fucking queen or should I just let them drop to my feet because I’m the evil king who wouldn’t bat an eyelash at the execution of your pussy?” I say.

; Phoenix whistles. “That was some nice ass lyrics right there. I say add them to a new song called Evil King or some shit.”

  I look up at Phoenix, shocked and honored. “You listen to my music, dude?”

  Phoenix shrugs. “I’m your biggest fan, you bitch. You’re still my damned best friend.”

  I try to catch and subdue all the emotions on my face but I can’t. The 18-year-old boy that still loves this dude like my brother is well and alive. I feel like he’s never given up on me. “You still think of me as that? You still want me to have that title, dude?”

  Phoenix smirks. “If you’re asking if I’d die for you, in a fucking heartbeat.”

  “Shit, I’d still die for you too, man. Without even a fucking thought about it. You’re still my best friend too.” I smile hard, not able to hold back on how happy I am to rectify this friendship of ours. 12 years means nothing to me as long as Phoenix still accepts me as his family.

  “Yet these two fucking idiots can’t comprehend that I’d die for them too,” Bambi says and I know she does not understand that she said it out loud.

  I can’t help it as I laugh, letting everything go for this moment. Phoenix joins me and when we both quiet down, we look at Bambi. “I didn’t think she had it in her, did you, Nix?” I ask Phoenix even though I can’t take my eyes off the only girl that will ever have my damaged heart.

  “No, I didn’t but hey at least now, we know that she would curse us out in her sleep.” The elevator dings and Phoenix walks, pulling her out with him.

  Bambi looks back at me before the elevator door shuts, “You’re really not coming, Bow?” she asks. The look of pure sadness is clear on her face. I know she thinks I’m leaving and I don’t want to lie but I will because I need space. I need to think. Kissing her makes me forget what the fuck happened and it’s like when I stop then my brain functions again. I sigh. Fuck.

  I break eye contact with her, pressing for the elevator door to shut. “I need to go out of town. Don’t miss me too much, little lamb.” I wink at her as the doors shut. She will not cry but she looks so close to it I want to go back upstairs to comfort her.

  No, not yet. I need to think. I need to make sure that this is it for me. That she’s all I plan on being lost in again. That my words of captivating her for life aren’t all bullshit and lust.

  Chapter 7


  I drag Bambi straight to my bedroom and cuff one arm to my bedpost. She’s too distraught thinking Bowie isn’t coming back. I don’t know what it is with all of us but something connected us. Could’ve been our abandonment issues or us not growing up understanding what genuine love was until we met each other. I sigh. “I’ll be back,” I grit through my teeth.

  Before I leave the room, Bambi gets my attention. “You think he’ll come back?”

  “Bowie isn’t going anywhere. He’s just getting some space. He’ll be back because leaving you is something he could never do on his own.” I let her know the truth and leave before she asks me more questions.

  When I get back Bambi’s passed out without a care in the world.

  Staring at her I realize something, my obsession with her has never gone away. My mind drifts to the first time I heard the nickname she gave me.

  Sometimes I’d convince Bowie for us to come in late after school for her tutoring sessions. We’d do it so we could watch her fidget in her seat while looking out the window then switching to the door. She did it so many times.

  I walk into the classroom with Bowie right behind, except this time he’s not paying attention. Bambi looks at me then Bowie. Her face looks confused and I know she’s trying hard not to make it noticeable that she likes the both of us but what she doesn't realize is that we would never make her choose. She doesn’t take her eyes off Bowie as he goes to sit on the teacher’s desk and props his feet up. He shuts his eyes pretending to not feel her eyes on him but I know him better than her. He wants her just as much as I do and shit, it could be worse. I watch Bambi; she looks so sweet, so delectable to me and I want to corrupt her badly. I pick up my step and I stop when my feet land me right in front of her.

  “You gettin’ attached, baby deer?” I taunt her.

  Bambi tilts her head, and her halo of hair follows. “Baby deer?” Her sweet, angelic voice asks as she gazes at me like I have all the answers in the world.

  “Yeah.” I crouch down, placing my arms on her desk. “You’re like the little baby deer from that Disney movie, Bambi. Your name suits you, but I see the way you look for us when we’re a couple of minutes late for the sessions.” I admit. “You want us.”

  Bambi blinks. “Sometimes, neither of you show up for the sessions and I wait.” The way she looks me in the eye, instead of fearing what she sees in mine, makes me so fucking horny.

  “We know you do. I watch you wait until it’s late. Too late for you to be at the school. Why? Do you like me or do you like the fucker who’s pretending to sleep right now? Or maybe you want us both?” I ask. Curious as hell because I’ve never really known for an innocent girl like her to like either of us. I am known as the kid with no emotions and they know Bowie as the kid who wears black eyeliner, paints his nails black and looks like he’s a rockstar in the making with his long hair.

  Bambi freezes. She says nothing, but it’s written all over her face. “Yes,” she answers.

  I didn’t think she had it in her. I tsk, shaking my head. “Oh, baby deer, why would you ever like someone like me? I don’t do relationships or feelings. That’s not me.”

  “What about him?” She glances at Bowie.

  I turn to see that he’s watching us now. No longer pretending. “What about me? You want me, little lamb? You don’t think I’m gay like everyone else?” Bowie says.

  “No,” she braves it as she speaks to hotheaded Bowie. “I see the way you look at women and I’ve heard about how many women you’ve hooked up with here. They talk and I listen.”

  Bowie groans. “Fuck. Why do you listen? Why do you want me or that shit over there? Huh? What do we have that you want?”

  Bambi shrugs. “Because I see the real you.”

  I scoff, shaking my head. “Nobody knows the real me, not even me. Don’t act like you know either of us. Stick to your shit and we’ll do what we do.” I stand, not liking the way she looks at me. “Let’s get started.”

  Bambi stands up abruptly. “No!” She attempts at yelling. “You’re lying. For the past weeks, I’ve been watching you both. The way you teach me, the way you look at me and the look that appears in your eyes. It’s real. It’s there. You’re just as broken as I am.” She says, her voice wavering. “Bow…” She calls him a nickname that nobody has ever done besides me. “I may not ask how you get those bruises on your face and body but I fucking know! I know! You want me to make the pain go away. I know you do!” She yells again.

  Bowie growls, standing up out of the seat. “Fuck you! You know nothing about me. Stay out of my business and out of my fucking way, Bambi, or you’ll fucking regret it. I promise you that.” He walks out of the classroom, not looking back at her crestfallen expression. She tries to school her disappointment but I’ve already seen it.

  I throw my head back, laughing at her intrusive yet insightful words. “We’re all broken us two more than the others, but it doesn’t mean you know a damn thing about us.” I shrug.

  “Okay, I’m sorry, I take it back.” I watch as the light in her eyes dim. She sits back down and doesn’t contribute much to our session.

  I skip the next couple weeks of sessions with her because there’s just something about the way she speaks to me. Bowie has refused to come to the sessions with me. Bambi doesn’t say it, but she watches the chair that Bowie always sat in. She looks out the window for him and when she hears footsteps outside of the door; she looks so quickly as if he’s going to appear. I know he won’t show up even though he’s watching her from outside, in a space she can’t see. If only she looked up in the tree next to the classroom windows, she
’d see him there.

  Bambi invades every part of my damn day from the way her brown eyes follow me through my lessons, my days and nights, especially nights. I can’t help it as I pull my dick out of my boxers each night just to relieve myself to her innocent face. Those eyes of hers draw me in each time. So, I do what any idiot eighteen-year-old boy would; I fuck her out of my system by fucking other girls.

  My fingers itch because I didn’t watch Bambi this morning when she came to school instead, I made myself scarce. Now, here I am meeting Jessica Barnes in the halls with Bowie. Jessica Barnes is one of the few girls that we’ve shared. She’s down for it. For her, she says that we both give off the same energy and she likes how rough we take her. Today I don’t want to fuck but her sucking me off like she badly wants to will probably take the edge away. When her little brunette ass appears around the corner with Bowie, I grab her by the arm and march us to the janitor’s closet. Bowie doesn’t say shit but follows because we’re two twisted, sick ass individuals. Normally, we’d take her to one of our cars but I need this now. When we get in there, it’s dark and Jessica kisses my neck, putting me in the mood. I hear as Bowie groans behind Jessica, he’s touching her and I feel the pebbles of her nipples against my chest.

  Not even a second later, I hear a small voice. “Excuse me,” accompanied by a sniffle. “Um, can I get through? I just, I’ll leave you guys to it. Can you let me by?”

  I know that voice. The same voice that I’ve been avoiding for weeks now. “Get out.” Bowie and I end up saying at the same time. Sometimes, it freaks me out how in tune we are with each other.

  “Okay,” Her tiny voice responds.

  My eyes have adjusted well to the darkness so as soon as Bambi stands to move, I grab her wrist. “Not you. I mean you, Jessica. Get out.”

  Jessica gasps. “Wait what the fuck?”


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