When at last he stopped to allow her to bathe in the aftermath of her finish, he climbed atop her, and she felt his hardness at her entry. He hesitated for a moment, so she wrapped her arms about him and pulled him down to her.
“Thank you,” she whispered, then angled her hips at him.
He gave a low grunt and pushed himself in, filling her. In their present position, his shaft slid into her easily, as nature had intended. Her quim had been fashioned for his member, and she marveled at the thickness throbbing inside of her.
Her first time, the insertion of that part had caused intense pain, and there had been some discomfort when Alastair had entered her earlier, but she had quickly adjusted, and that discomfort had melted into the greatest pleasure her body could know. Indeed, she sought the discomfort now and moved her hips to welcome more of him.
Understanding the wordless invitation, he buried himself to the hilt. She purred her satisfaction.
His thrusts were gradual and slow, but her arousal was quick and sure. The prior flame of desire had not yet been extinguished, and she would have gladly spent again. She met his movements, engaged with him as if it were a dance, a dance of undulations, of two becoming one.
Wanting to join more of herself to him, she pulled him down farther and raised her head so that she could kiss him. He seemed surprised at first but readily availed himself of her mouth. Her hunger intensified, she would have taken every part of his body into hers if she could. As if sensing this, he rolled his hips into her at a quicker pace. She ground herself at him in response.
Parting from her mouth, he propped himself up so that he could delve his shaft deeper into her. She grasped his arms and attempted to greet the faster thrusts with her own, but she could not keep up. That irresistible tension roiled once more. She writhed, attempting to stem it from boiling over, for she would have him spend before her. But she had not even time to ask his permission before rapture overtook her. It shattered her body, drowning her in heated bliss.
HE WAS UNDONE by her sob, the clenching of her quim, and the spasms of her limbs. With his own body falling into that tantalizing paroxysm, Alastair withdrew before the pressure raging inside of him shot forth, though his seed sprayed onto her belly before he could direct it elsewhere. He tried to contain the shudders from collapsing him atop her as pleasure ripped up and down his legs. When the last of his seed had been milked from him, he remained hovering above her to catch his breath.
Looking down at her, he realized he had been undone minutes earlier when their gazes had locked. The bloom of her earlier orgasm and the flush of desire renewed, mixed with a look of wonder, had pushed him past the point of no return. Seeing the furrow of her brow, knowing that euphoria approached for them both, was the most scintillating moment.
Lowering himself, he kissed her brow before rolling off of her. She caught his arm before he left the bed to fetch linen.
“Thank you, Andre—Alastair.”
He would have allowed her the use of his name. Taking her hand from him, he kissed it and smiled at her. He glanced down at the emission sliding from her belly.
“Your pardon,” he said.
She followed his gaze, and an impish smile hovered about her lips. He stayed the temptation to kiss her again and went to the sideboard, where he found linen in one of the drawers. He wet the linen in a basin of water. Returning, he cleansed her belly and her thighs. She might not have the most perfect form, but, with her unblemished skin, she was worthy of painting.
“Thank you,” she said again.
There was a captivating sparkle to her eyes, and he gave in to the temptation. He tilted her chin and took her lips, admiring their soft fullness. She gave a contented sigh after they parted. He went to pour her a glass of water, but when he turned to face the bed, he found her stretched upon the bed, her head upon the pillow and her eyes closed.
He covered her with the bedclothes. Climbing into bed beside her, he let out his breath. A part of him wondered that he had taken matters as far as he had, but once he had entered the vortex, he had found his cousin more alluring than he had ever expected. He was glad that she had enjoyed the evening, but would she wake with regrets in the morning? Should he renew his scolding—and add Katherine to his admonitions?
He fell asleep before putting his questions to bed.
* * * * *
When his cousin awoke the following morrow, it was nearly noon. She opened her eyes to find him fully dressed. He had been sitting in a chair, viewing her as she slept, still in amazement of what had happened last night. He had a whole new appreciation for Millie.
Poor Millie. Her misery over her engagement to Haversham was greater than Alastair had cared to understand. It took courage to venture to a place such as the château to honor the carnal cravings inside her. He would never have guessed that she had already compromised herself, but it did not diminish his admiration for her spirit. But now that the port had worn off, would the light of day bring with it the remorse he had sought to save her from?
“Good morning, Millie,” he greeted, and rose from his chair to ring for a servant.
She flushed. “Good morning, er, my lord.”
“How do you fare?”
She shifted beneath the blanket. “Well, my lord.”
He resisted taking a seat on the bed and returned to his chair. “I will have breakfast brought to you—or lunch, if you prefer.”
She sat up, drawing the blanket over her bosom. “Lunch! Good gracious, what time is it?”
“The noon hour.”
“Heavens! I never sleep this late!”
He smiled. “You did have a strenuous night.”
“Yes, I did,” she said slowly.
He expected the repentance to emerge at this time, but, instead, she smiled and looked at him. “Thanks to you.”
He cleared his throat and crossed one leg over the other to contain the surge of tension at his crotch.
“You have no regrets?” he asked.
“I am fully content with what has transpired.”
“You will think differently with time.”
“You are presumptuous, sir.”
“There are few who would dare speak to me in such a manner, and fewer who could do so without raising my ire.”
He was tempted to teach her more courtesy. A spanking might do.
She lowered her gaze for a few seconds. “Your pardon, but, really, Alastair, you do not know me well enough to make such a claim. In truth, I am quite surprised that you seem to harbor more shame than I.”
The thought seemed to amuse her, and he bristled. “I was only worried for your sake. My sex can dispense with guilt much more easily than yours, especially over matters of the flesh.”
She was silent in thought. “Am I more the wanton jade if I harbor no repentance or shame? Am I a…slut?”
He groaned, and he felt another unsettling tug at his crotch. He had thought such sensations would not have persisted past the night.
“Millie, that is not at all what I intended with my words! I applaud that you honored the natural cravings inside you and sought to fulfill them without fear.”
“You tried to stop me.”
“That was before I knew you had already forsaken your virtue!”
“Then you have no need to worry of me, though I appreciate your concern. It is quite hopeful that you may not be as unredeemable as society deems you to be.”
He growled at her teasing smile. Women. If he had had a choice, he would have selected one of his own sex to fulfill Katherine’s birthday wish.
“My dear cousin,” Millie said. “I will forever be grateful to you for last night. My one fear is that you will henceforth be awkward in my presence.”
“You think our relationship can remain the same after what happened?”
“Why not?”
“Your naivety is charming at best.”
She pursed her lips. “Well, we are not often in each other’s com
pany. I expect it will be even less once I am Mrs. Haversham. The night will hold little significance for you after you have had a tumble with Miss Hollingsworth or whomever you choose next. I daresay you will have forgotten the night altogether after your next visit here.”
He rather hoped this would be the case. Theirs had been an easy interaction till yesterday, and he now believed he enjoyed her company as much as he could enjoy the company of anyone.
“And what of you?” he asked. “You blushed at a mere greeting of ‘good morning’ from me.”
“I did? Well, that will not always be the case.”
He did not refute her wishful thinking and rose to attend the knock at the door. Bhadra held a tray of tea, toast, and eggs. She bobbed a curtsy before entering.
“Lady Katherine is just arrived,” Bhadra said to Millie. “Shall I bring items of dress down here?”
“You may bring Miss Abbey a robe and dress her in the comfort of her chambers,” he instructed. “I will attend my aunt.”
“I pray you will not be cross with her,” Millie said quickly.
He gave her an admonishing look for speaking in front of a servant. Chastened, she fixed upon the toast before her. He held the door for Bhadra before following her.
“Where is Lady Katherine?” he asked the maid.
“In the red drawing room with Madame Follet.”
He made for the drawing room, bowed upon his entry to the two women, who seemed engaged in quite the feminine intrigue, and addressed Marguerite. “May I have a word with my aunt?”
He could see Marguerite hesitate, but his tone would not be denied.
“Bien sur, mon cheri,” she said. Before whisking herself away, she bid Katherine make Follet her second home, as she had once done.
“You look well, Andre,” Katherine remarked with feigned nonchalance when they were alone.
He put his hands on his hips. “You set it up on purpose.”
It seemed she suppressed a smile. “Whatever do you mean?”
“The promise you exacted from me on your birthday. Then, bringing Millie to Château Follet. My God, bringing Millie to Château Follet! What were you thinking?”
His aunt was not intimidated. “Take care of your tone, Andre.”
“Your actions merit more than a stern tone, and do not suppose just because you are my aunt that I will refrain from—”
She beamed. “My, my! You care for your cousin much more than I thought possible.”
He frowned.
“That you would risk affronting me in order to protect her concerns,” Katherine explained.
“You put me in such a position.”
“You could have elected to go about your own affairs.”
“Have you forgotten the rogues and rakes that abound here?”
“I adore the greatest one of them all, and perhaps you have forgotten that I married one!”
“Richard was a rarity. And it was foolish of you to have staked Millie’s reputation on my having a conscience.”
“First of all, Millie and Château Follet are perfectly suited to each other.”
“How long have you been cognizant of her past?”
“For quite some time. Saw it with my own eyes. Poor creature was absolutely mortified,” Katherine continued, “but it was truly the best thing to have happened for her. And as you would not rescind her dowry, I thought she should make the most of her last days as a bachelorette.”
“By taking her to Château Follet!”
“Did she not enjoy herself? That would be my greatest regret.”
“Not that she might have destroyed her reputation? That would be a sure way to expel Haversham.”
“There is little chance that Millie will be discovered.”
“You risk too much, my lady.”
“I commend your concerns on behalf of your cousin. Marguerite told me you were quite insufferable last night in your attempts to whisk Millie to safety. I knew there was good to be found in you. But you were not successful in your attempts.”
“Because I could find no woman of reason.”
“That is not impediment enough for you.”
“Marguerite refused my request for her carriage.”
“But you did not press her a second time?”
“She threatened to throw me out! As long as Millie was kept safe, it was just as well that we did not attempt to travel at night.”
“And did you? Keep her safe?”
He shook his head. Women, once fixed upon an item, could be as relentless as the bite of a ferret. “I forbid you to bring Millie back to Château Follet,” he said.
“I vow I will not aid and abet in adultery. But as she had already forsaken her virginity, my only hope was to provide her one night of delight, where her desires could be met in a way that a lifetime of nights with Haversham will not.”
He bristled in discomfort.
“I hope you did not destroy her one opportunity?” Katherine tried again, but she received no satisfaction.
If Millie elected to confide in Katherine, that was her prerogative, but he would not divulge the events of last night.
“Millie is having breakfast but should be ready shortly thereafter,” he said.
“Are you staying the remainder of the weekend?”
“Why should I not?”
“You could escort us to Bath.”
“You know I have no fondness for Bath.”
“No, but I thought…”
“I think you overestimate the good in me.”
She sighed. “I suppose. Can you fault me for trying? I am fond of you, goodness knows why, and of dear Millie. She is a singular young woman, is she not? And much more than meets the eye.”
His anger placated by his aunt’s assurances that she would not be bringing Millie back to Château Follet, he became mildly amused at her efforts at matchmaking.
“She is that,” he acknowledged, ignoring her frown, for she had clearly hoped for more of a response. He made a bow and took his leave, promising himself that, in the future, he would be a lot more careful in granting birthday wishes.
"IT EXCEEDED ALL expectation," Mildred said after she had embraced Lady Katherine. Having completed her dress, she was finishing the last of her packing that Bhadra had begun last night. “It was a night I shall not forget.”
Lady Katherine took a seat. "I am thrilled to hear it. But tell me, if you will, who has made it so memorable for you?"
Mildred blushed. "You would not believe it, my lady, and I would not hesitate to tell you save that…he may wish to preserve his anonymity."
"You mean Andre?"
Mildred's eyes widened. "He told you?"
Lady Katherine straightened, but there was no vexation in her voice. "He scolded me, is what he did. He admonished me for bringing you here in the first place, then explained that he had to keep you safe from the other rogues and rakes. I gathered then that he must have been in your company for most of the night. And as you have revealed that it was an unforgettable night, well, my conclusion was an easy one to draw."
Mildred eyed Lady Katherine carefully, looking for signs of disapproval, but found instead a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Did you know that he was going to be here?"
Lady Katherine drew in a breath. "In truth, I did. What he would do, I knew not. But I suspected he would not allow his cousin to fall in harm’s way."
"You would be the only person to hazard such a thing! I don't think anyone would have bet upon Alastair having a conscience."
Lady Katherine smiled. "Surprised you, didn't he? Well, I did see to the boy’s upbringing. I didn't do the best of jobs at it, but I don't think I was a total failure either."
Mildred did not know whether she ought to be sick to her stomach. Though she and Alastair were cousins, she was still much beneath his station. Would Lady Katherine truly condone a venereal relationship between them?
"I knew you would find your heart's desire at Château F
ollet,” her ladyship continued, “and I hoped it would be Alastair who provided it to you."
"Are you appalled, my dear?”
"Not appalled but surprised."
“Are you so certain you would not have wagered upon his decency?”
“He wanted, at first, to act honorably.” Mildred sank onto the bed. “Till I browbeat him into feeling sorry for me.”
“Dear Millie, Andre does what Andre wants.”
“But I was quite insufferable! And a little inebriated. I cannot recall all that I had said. You would have been proud of his resistance. My behavior must have been monstrously intolerable and wore him down.”
Lady Katherine was quiet for a moment before responding, “Well, he deserved all of it. Had he been agreeable and granted your wish on the matter of the dowry, none of this would have come to pass.”
Now it was Mildred’s turn at silence. Now that last night had come to pass, she did not regret his rejection of her request. Would she trade all that had happened last night for freedom from an unwanted engagement?
She shook her head. It was madness that such a question should even find pause before an answer!
“What is it, child?” her ladyship inquired. “You appear pensive. What troubles you?”
“My cousin is convinced that I will come to regret what has happened.”
“Will you?”
Mildred shook her head. “Only if it irrevocably harms our kinship, but I do not see how, lest he suffers from regret and shame.”
“I cannot see those sentiments attaching themselves to Andre.”
“I shall not see us differently and shall continue to have the same regard as I have always shown my cousin.”
Only now she knew him intimately. She had seen him naked, had held his most private member in her mouth, had joined her body to his in congress.
“Well, it will be a little different,” Lady Katherine said.
Mildred grew warm. “Yes. I—I think I had consumed one too many glasses of port or I would never have considered—not with Alastair.”
“He may be a rogue, but he is a handsome one.”
Gorgette Brown Boxset: A Collection of Steamy Regency Romance Page 32