Boss Man Bridegroom

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Boss Man Bridegroom Page 29

by Quinn, Meghan

  I mean . . . no complaints, it’s possibly the reason I’m not peeing my pants from nerves right now.


  I glance up to see Rath leaning against the doorframe of our conference room, arms crossed, looking more gorgeous than ever in a dark gray suit, navy-blue shirt and matching tie. The deep hue brings out the ocean color of his eyes, giving him a very intimidating but sexy vibe.

  “Hi.” I stick my hands in my dress pockets and rock on my heels. Not hiding any bit of my emotions, I say, “I’m scared.”

  His face softens and he makes his way toward me until his hand is gripping my hip. “Charlee, there is no need to be nervous. I’m going to love what you put together.”

  “You’re going to love it because I’m sleeping with you and I’m your fiancée.” I look to the side but he presses two fingers against my cheek and forces me to face his intense gaze.

  “Let’s get one thing straight. Just because you’re my fiancée or that I’m sleeping with you doesn’t mean you get a free pass in the office. I expect you to work just as hard as you always have, to produce just as much, and to do your job right. I have no problem telling you when you’ve fucked up, or when something needs to be changed, because this is my company and I’ll always ensure we’re providing the best possible outcomes so everyone around us is happy and we’re continuing to grow. Do you understand?” I nod. “And the reason I know I’m going to love what you put together is because it’s very much a passion project to you. I’ve seen the time you’ve put into it, how meticulous you’ve been about every detail, and you pride yourself in completing a task to its fullest.”

  My eyes water and I hate that I’m on the verge of tears in the office. The first day I met Rath, I never thought he’d be a man who’d ensure I feel valued and appreciated. I hoped he did as a boss, but from his brusque attitude and determination to see me fail that first week, I didn’t think he had it in him to empower me with his encouragement and confidence. But here we are, me melting at his feet, wanting him to take me back to his apartment where I can lie in his arms, cheek to chest while he rubs my back.

  “Don’t cry,” he whispers softly and squeezes my side. “You got this, babe.”

  “Thank you,” I say on a shaky breath. Sheesh, where is this all coming from? Shaking my shoulders, I take a deep inhale and smile. “Okay, sorry. I didn’t mean to get all emotional.”

  “I like that you’re emotional over this, it means that you care.”

  “I do.” I smile through shaky lips. “I love organization so much.”

  He chuckles and pulls me into a hug where he presses a kiss to my temple. “I know, Bag of Dicks, I know.”

  I pinch his side and he yelps, pulling back with a playful smile. “Go ahead, do that again. You’ll see where I pinch you next.”

  “Please say my boob.” I clasp my hands together. “Please say my boob.”

  His face falls. “You just took all the fun out of my threat.”

  I make my way to the front of the conference table where I straighten my dress and say, “By now you should know a pinch to my nipple is like turning on a faucet in my lower regions. Total turn-on.”

  His brow pinches together. “Are you saying you have a pussy faucet?”

  I wag my finger at him. “Watch it there, Mr. Westin, your inner frat boy is showing.”

  He’s about to respond when the elevator door dings indicating that the rest of the guests have arrived. I steel myself and Rath must notice. “Hey.” I glance at him and he gives the most delicious wink right before saying, “Slay this presentation and I’ll eat your pussy on my desk like you wanted the other day.”

  Morphing into the businessman he is, as if he didn’t just cause a wave of heat to rush over my body, he steps up to the conference room doors and holds his hand out to Linus and Renita, who both greet him with a smile and a shake.

  Taking a deep breath, I walk up to them as well and greet them. “Linus, I’m so glad you could join us today.”

  He smiles kindly and takes my hand. Whispering he says, “I could not be more excited for you.”

  Renita is next and she takes my hand, offering me a kind smile before finding a seat across from the fruit platter and my planner display. I watch, ever self-critical, waiting to see Renita’s and Linus’s uncensored reaction to my designs. Five other assistants from departments within Westin arrive and take their seats, and their smiles provide a lot of encouragement. I’ve yet to meet them all in person, but we’ve chatted back and forth via email numerous times. They all greet Rath with the respect due him, and I have to admit, I feel proud that the handsome CEO standing tall is mine. Once everyone’s seated, Rath takes his seat at the end—like royalty above his peons—casually draping one ankle over his knee and leaning on one armrest, his gaze trained on me.

  Since I’ve worked here, I’ve never really seen him in a meeting atmosphere, which seems odd. For Mr. Danvers, I took notes at every meeting, but Rath has me doing different tasks. I review department budgets, complete his daily lists, which have ventured away from menial errands to more important things like the planner, learning the organization of the company, prioritizing his emails and face-to-face meetings, especially future fundraising contributors and watching for their sweet spot, and then of course, his schedule. But when it comes to department meetings, he leans on the team to provide notes to send to me and him. Therefore, I’m slightly intimidated by the way his eyes are laser focused on me. The way he’s positioned in his chair, casual but presenting an air of confidence and intelligence from how he grips his chin with his index finger and thumb. It’s sexy and makes me that much more nervous.

  Clearing my throat and tacking on a smile, I clasp my hands together. “Thank you so much for coming in today. I appreciate it.” I gesture to the food. “Please by all means, help yourself to some fruit and pastries. Mr. Westin, I know you’re probably salivating over the lemon Danish on the end there.”

  His eyes twinkle when he reaches out, plucks the Danish from the group and plops it on a napkin. “Thank you.”

  “This is beautiful, Charlee,” Renita says, helping herself to a raspberry Danish and some fruit.

  “Is this blueberry?” Linus asks, examining a donut.

  “Yes. I know you love them.”

  He winks at me and then loads up a plate for himself. Drinks are grabbed and then eight sets of eyes watch me attentively. Okay. Show time.

  You’ve got this.

  I push my hair behind my ear and start to talk when I see Linus’s eyes narrow in on my ring. His shocked expression throws me for a second. Shoot, I haven’t told him about the engagement. This is going to be awkward.

  Thankfully, he doesn’t say anything but sits back in his seat with a questioning brow. There will be a conversation after this meeting. His confusion is justified as we message each other often throughout the week, and he’s not been privy to this news. God, how am I going to tell him I’m engaged to Rath?

  “Are you okay?” Rath asks.

  “Oh, yes,” I say, swallowing hard and shaking the engagement out of my head. I carefully hand out the prototypes and say, “May I present, the Westin Enterprises organizational planner . . .”

  * * *

  “We can take this?” Renita asks, clutching the planner to her chest at the exit of the conference room.

  “Yes, of course.”

  She beams with excitement. “Thank you.” Then she looks me in the eyes. “I’m very proud of you, Charlee. This is brilliant, and I love the added options to develop for each department, specializing each section. I’m very excited to see the kind of productivity these bring to the office once they’re in circulation. Job well done.”

  I can’t help the goofy smile that crosses my face. “Thank you so much.” I awkwardly give her a hug, because I feel like it’s necessary at this moment.

  Rath stands from his chair, buttons his suit jacket, and gives me a curt nod. “Very nice, Charlee. I’ll speak with you after you’
re done cleaning up.”

  With the smallest lift of his lips, he walks off, and that’s all I need. That tiny curve of his mouth gives me all the air and life for my lungs, letting me know I did good.

  Linus is the only one still sitting at the conference table with a questioning look on his face. I quietly shut the door behind Rath and take a seat next to Linus, who quickly reaches for my hand and holds it up to me.

  “What the hell is this?”

  I glance at the sparkling diamond and then back at my friend. “So, you liked the presentation and the planner?”

  He rolls his eyes. “You know I loved it. After I conducted the beta testing for you, I was in love and wanted more. I’m an easy yes like the rest in the room. Now tell me what the hell this huge ring is doing on your finger and who it’s from.”

  “So . . . the planner is good then.” I nod. “That’s great.” I pat my legs and go to stand. “Well, if that’s it—”

  “Sit. Down.” He yanks on my hand and looks me dead in the eyes. “Spill.”

  Why is telling Linus even harder than telling my parents or my grandma?

  “Funny thing.” I look to the side and pick up a napkin that I start playing with. “I’m actually engaged to uh . . .” I swallow hard. “I’m engaged to . . . Rath,” I wince and try to avoid all eye contact.

  “Wait . . . what?” Linus asks, clearly not expecting to hear that.

  “Yup, Rath.” I nod rather fast. “Happened pretty quickly. You know, fell in love, all that jazz, now we’re engaged. Getting married soon.”

  “Stop messing with me, Charlee. Who is it?” He pokes my shoulder and I finally look at him directly.

  “It’s Rath.”

  He studies me for a few seconds and then looks to where Rath just disappeared into his office. I can see the wheels in his head turning, the question at the tip of his tongue, and my stomach bottoms out, wondering if Linus is mad at me or not.

  “How long have you been seeing each other?”

  I’m tempted to tell him the real reason, but I’m also nervous about it being spread around. I love Linus and he’s a great friend, but he also runs around the gossip mill and I can’t have the truth of our engagement getting out for many reasons. So, I decide to be vague.

  “Um, a bit.”

  He nods and looks at his hands. “Well,” he sighs, “congratulations. That’s . . . that’s great.” Gripping his planner tightly to his chest, he rises and slips past me as I stand as well.

  “Hey, is everything okay?” I ask, noticing the stark change in his demeanor.

  “Yes, fine.” He gives me a half-smile. “I have to head out, as Mr. Scott is useless without me. I’ll talk to you on the phone.” With a little wave, he heads out of the conference room to the elevator.

  As I watch him leave, I can’t help but wonder, is he . . . judging me?

  * * *

  “Why didn’t you come into my office?” Rath asks, poking his head out of his office and then coming toward me where he sits on the edge of my desk right next to me. He reaches out and lovingly caresses my face with his thumb to my cheek.

  I lean into his touch, seeking comfort from the crazy flipping my stomach has been going through since Linus left.

  “Wanted to get some work done,” I say, but he knows I’m lying, probably from the crease in my brow I can’t seem to eliminate.

  “Okay, let me know when you’re ready to tell me the truth.” He sits there, patiently, staring at me. Guess he won’t be leaving until I let him know what’s going on.

  On a sigh, I twist my chair so I’m facing him and rest my head on his knee. Instinctively his hand falls to my hair where he caresses it.

  “I told Linus about our engagement. He didn’t seem too thrilled.”

  “Why not?”

  I shrug. “No idea. But he almost seemed upset.” I lift my head and ask, “Do you think it’s because he thinks I’m goofing off instead of doing the job he helped me find?”

  Rath brings his thumb across my jaw to my lip and gently pulls on it. “No. From that stellar presentation you gave and the phenomenal product you came up with, there’s no way he could think that.”

  I perk up. “Phenomenal?”

  He lifts me up and brings me between his legs, his hands on my lower back as he nods. “Fucking phenomenal, Charlee. You really fucking impressed me.”

  I shouldn’t be so thrilled to please him—you know, I am woman, hear me roar—but I’d be lying if I denied the butterflies taking flight in my stomach from his approval.

  “That means a lot to me, Rath.”

  He tips my chin up. “Well, I mean it.” He nods at the elevator and says, “Why don’t we get out of here early? Celebrate your accomplishment.”

  I wince. “I have a few things to finish up. How about after lunch?”

  He leans in and presses the faintest of kisses across my mouth. “You have a date.” He starts to walk away but then says, “Hey, Charlee?” I look up at him. “Don’t worry about Linus, he’ll come around. He has to process things the Linus way, and I’m sure it was a surprise to him. No need to worry. Okay?”

  I smile. “Okay.” And it will be. After all, Rath has known Linus since he started working for Bram. It will be okay.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “Thank you for joining me,” Grandma says, walking in front of us as Charlee and I sit side by side at the dining room table in her apartment. The dining room light is the only light on and it shines down on us as if we’re in an interrogation room. “It has come to my attention that you two have been copulating before marriage.” She slaps a wooden spoon in her hand and then sets her questioning gaze on us by leaning over the table, pointing the spoon. “Explain yourselves.”

  Charlee and I glance at each other before turning back toward Grandma. Thankfully Charlee takes the lead. “You told me to test out the sheets before I said I do. I don’t understand what that could have meant other than . . . copulating.”

  “Aah.” She nods and gets back up to pace the length of the dining room table. “So, you’re smart then.” Swiftly she turns. “And how was the engine? Were the pistons . . . thrusting?”

  Jesus Christ, as if we’re going to answer that—

  “Faster, longer, and thicker than expected,” Charlee says, not even giving it a second thought.

  “Charlee, don’t say that shit to your grandma.” I feel a blush creep up my cheeks. I mean . . . longer and thicker is always nice to hear from the girl you’re dating, but never in front of her elders.

  Grandma slaps the table with the spoon and then points at me. “And my granddaughter. Was she oiled up and brand new? Or . . . from the used lot?”

  Fucking . . . hell.

  I run my hand over my forehead. “This is too fucking much.”

  Charlee rests her hand on my shoulder. “I’ll answer that for him. Slightly used but in excellent condition.”

  Despite the sex swirly.

  “That’s what I like to hear. So, the coupling has been received well on both ends?”

  “Yes.” And from the corner to my eye, I see Charlee point at me with her thumb. “And someone is a little more virile than anticipated. The question I really ask myself every day is when does he not have a boner?”

  “Wow.” I perk my head up to look at her. “So, we’re going there with your grandma? We’re really going there?”

  “This is couple’s counseling.” Grandma waves her hands. “It’s time to air it all out.”

  “Fine,” I say to Charlee before facing her grandma. “Your granddaughter struts around my apartment naked without a care in the world. Last night, I found her lounging on the couch, naked, legs spread, and watching porn.”

  Charlee leans forward and says, “It wasn’t porn, it was a romantic short with sex.”

  “That’s porn,” I deadpan. “What am I supposed to do with that? Not get a boner?”

  Grandma scratches the side of her face with the wooden spoon. “I
see your penis predicament here.” And then she leans over the table and right in front of me gives Charlee a high five. “That’s my girl, did you pinch your nipple too?”

  “Casually,” Charlee answers. I think back to way she was in fact, playing with her nipple.

  “Classic move from our side of the family. Sorry, Rath, you had no chance.”


  * * *

  “Dog or cat,” Grandma says.

  We both say dog at the same time.

  “Ham or bacon.”

  Bacon we agree and then smile at each other.

  We’re facing one another, holding hands, having to answer right away as Grandma taps her wooden spoon to a beat and throws rapid-firing questions at us.

  “Coffee or tea.”

  Together, we say smoothie and then laugh right before leaning in and giving each other a kiss.

  Fuck, we’re adorable.

  Grandma is not amused.

  “City or beach.”

  City, we answer.

  “Children, yes or no.”


  My heart flips in my chest and she shyly smiles at me. Fuck. The thought of having children with Charlee does something to my resolve. It breaks down that last shield I’m trying to hang on to. Little Charlees running around, big blue eyes staring up at me. Yeah, I could see it.

  “Baseball or football?”

  “Football,” I answer easily.

  “Baseball,” Charlee says at the same time. Both of us perk up from our answers.

  “Football?” She cringes. “Because of that fantasy football league you have?

  The one that’s practically non-existent at this point because we’re all too busy with our girls. Hell, we barely see Roark since he met Sutton. Getting him to meet up for fantasy football is next to impossible.


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