Rise Sister Rise
Page 18
When you devote your life to being of service, you have She on your team.
What are you birthing or called to birth right now (it
can be yourself if it’s not a project or specific thing)?
Who are your team of midwives who can help you
birth this project or a transformation of yourself into
the world (e.g. friends, peers, coach, healer)?
Are there any more you need to call in?
Assemble your birthing team.
The quickest way to fall into flow with the Universe is to allow Her to use you. Being of service is merely being in flow with the Universe.
Anything any human has done you can do too. Which means that Oprah or Lady Gaga or Beyonce or Prince or Amma or whoever you admire is no more special than you. They are no less special than you either. What we see as ‘special’ is their ability to work WITH the Universe and allow their true nature to be revealed. They have learned how to say yes to the highest potential in store for them, rather than trying to scheme it up themselves. They have surrendered and invited the Universe to work through them. Perhaps they are better at surrendering but they are no more special or unique than you.
We waste so much time trying to strategize what we should do next, overthinking every move. I am blown away at how many people I admire say, when questioned, ‘It all just kind of happened.’ THAT is flow. THAT is service. THAT is surrendering to what is rising in you, because…
What is rising in you IS what the
Universe has in store for you.
Your only job is to continue to commune and show up every day saying YES, YES, YES. If we bow to this organizing principle and surrender to it over and over again, our path and highest possible potential will not just be shown, it will be made real. But if we wait for the roadmap before we trust or move, we risk remaining stuck.
The Universe, this intelligent force, wants you to succeed. It wants you to flow with it, for when you flow with it you are moving in service to it. So to be of service is really to turn to the Universe and say, I will not resist or rely on my separate strength any longer. I am now willing to surrender to She and all that is.
The two forms of spiritual practice that I have found most helpful for falling into flow with the Universe are Light Sourcing (see below) and Intuitive Nature Walking.
Light Sourcing is a form of meditation, which connects you to, and aligns you with, the unlimited light Source of the Universe, so that you flow with it and in a state to receive all of the things that are ready to come to you. To allow your cells to get into alignment with the same power that governs the spinning of the planets, the tides, the moon, our monthly cycle, all of it. Within a month of doing this practice my life began to change. Within a year of doing this practice all that I deeply yearned for was my reality – things didn’t work out how I expected them to, they worked out better. For I was flowing with Life so Life was flowing with me.
Another tool to get you in the flow of service and surrender to the Universe is the following prayer from A Course In Miracles. I say it several times every day:
I am here to be truly helpful.
I’m here to represent that which sent me.
I do not have to think about what to say or do
Because that which sent me will direct me.
I’m happy just to be here.
Knowing that all grace is within me.
I will be healed as I let the healing happen through me.
Download the free Light Sourcing Meditation at www.
risesisterrise.com. Make it a daily practice for 21 days
and notice how the Universe bends toward you.
If you long to be of service, bow down and say the following prayer:
‘Please use me. Please lead me.
Please show me the way.’
Then run for cover.
Because the moment you utter those words, the Universe conspires to uproot and stir up and shine a floodlight on absolutely everything that stands in the way of you being a crystal-clear channel for the divine to work through.
A calling is not something you choose, but something that chooses you. It grabs you by the soul strings and won’t let you rest until you answer it. Sometimes answering your calling is one of the most difficult things you will ever do, but the only thing more difficult than answering it is not answering it. However, in answering it, in surrendering to it, you will also experience the sheer daily bliss of being able to devote your life to having the Universe shine its light through you. And as far as I am concerned, there is no better feeling than that. And that is not just reserved for a special few, rather it is available for us all.
Please use me. Please lead me. Please show me the way.
May every soul hear the whispers of times forgotten.
May every body be unleashed and unchained.
May each vow of silence be dissolved for ever more.
May all seeds of light planted sprout, rise and bloom.
May sacred lands continue to sing songs of remembering.
May every human heart beat in harmony with the rhythm of Life.
And so it is. And so it is. And so it is.
You are not here to save the world. No matter what kind of mission you have, the only person you are here to save is yourself.
Moreover, the ONLY person you CAN save is yourself.
In working your light, you may inspire others to work theirs. But you must not take credit for it as they will have done the work, not you.
It’s not your job to save or change anyone. There is nothing more annoying than someone who is pushing their spirituality, consciousness, opinions or anything else for that matter on another without invitation. It doesn’t matter if it’s meditation, yoga, past lives, working with your chakras, raising your vibration, your choice to be a vegetarian, or the power of prayer. Do not give spirituality a bad name by spreading the good news or pushing your beliefs on another without invitation. This is what patriarchy has been about: ‘Do as I say,’ ‘Obey,’ ‘This is the only way,’ ‘Follow the leader’… We’ve had enough of that.
Instead let your life be the message. Let your devotion be felt, not pushed down someone’s throat. Live in alignment with your spirit and let others choose to do the same. Even if you think you might know better – especially if you think you know better – it’s none of your business.
If they inquire, then by all means offer it all up on a beautiful platter, but ask permission first. Each soul that resonates with your vibration has all that they need to awaken. But the only one who can choose it is them. And it is a choice.
Don’t push your consciousness on another.
Vibration speaks louder than words.
Living in accordance to your own light will work way harder than your words ever could. Let your vibration do the talking. It’s not your job to save the world.
Who in your life are you trying to save or convince?
How can you let your vibration do the talking instead?
If you are living a life in alignment and devoted to being of service then the gifts that you share are priceless. Don’t think that just because you would do them for free, you should. If you are called to spend your life offering up these gifts, you deserve to be rewarded for them. The age of the struggling artist and wounded healer is over.
When you are doing the work that is yours, when you are living in congruence, when you are courageously answering what is truly rising in you, you are helping the planet move back into harmony. In other words, you are moving as one with the Universe rather than resisting it.
If everyon
e on the planet realigned their lives and
did the work that is right for them, we would have
a very different world. That world is drawing near.
Most artists, intuitives, healers, mystics, Lightworkers, etc., go through a stage of feeling uncomfortable about asking for payment for what they love doing. However, if we are going to serve as many people as possible, we need to be able to look after ourselves and thrive. If we don’t give ourselves the nourishment we need in order to do the work in a sustainable way, we are cheating those we are here to serve.
As my audience grows, the amount of devotional practice and self-care that I need to do does too. There is so much we still don’t know about the energetic effects of technology, such as social media and creations being out there with the masses. We must protect our energy by cutting off from our creations once we release them into the world and then give ourselves whatever we need to support our wellbeing. The work you are here to share is priceless. And for most artists and healers and the like, the work is done in subtle ways. That is, the one hour of your time that you are offering, is, energetically speaking, more than one hour of your time.
When I first started my business I was struggling at the concept of asking my clients who were in personal crisis to pay me. I had no boundaries, answering emails late at night and giving more of my time than agreed. I’ll never forget the advice my teacher Sonia gave me, ‘Be like a butcher.’
If someone buys six sausages from a butcher they don’t give you eight; they don’t give their sausages away for free or at a discounted price; they don’t answer emails at 10 p.m. at night; they don’t spend hours questioning whether they are good enough; they just show up and sell their sausages like a normal person shows up to work. Because that’s their job, they’re a butcher. Show up, do your job to the best of your ability and cut off when you clock off so that you can do it again the next day. Simple.
Is there any part of you that believes you should not be
extremely abundant for doing what you love or helping others?
What is one hour of your time worth to you?
In order to do the work you are here to do, what
self-care do you need to do every week?
Devotion can only be gathered by showing up over and over again with intention. In the Age of Light devotion is everything. What are you showing up to with devotion every day?
As a feminine leader of this new age your devotion is what will be felt. People will be able to sense if you are in it for you and your own gain or if you are in it for them, for we, for thee.
When you live your life in devotion you live your life in ultimate service. When we show up to our devotional practice, we are aligned to service and authenticity instantly. When we are aligned, that which is meant for us starts moving toward us like a magnet. You go from my will to thy will. You go from trying to control, manipulate, and strive, to surrendering in full. Your daily devotional practice gives our lives rhythm, a beat to live to.
In order to live a life of devotion, a devotional practice is imperative, whether that is meditation, chanting, Light Sourcing, yoga, prayer, or something else. The more you show up to your devotional practice the more you will be held. The more you are held, the easier the devotion becomes. You are carried. For you are not doing it for an outcome, rather your whole life becomes one big moving prayer.
What does your daily devotional practice consist of currently?
Are you being called to up the ante?
There’s no difference between creativity and spirit. There are ideas waiting to be thought up, creations beckoning to be birthed, movies bursting to be filmed, words yearning to be written, consciousness ready to rise. And they’re all looking for artists to birth them. The creative process is an act of faith. There’s no certainty. It’s in a way a miracle and in a way completely natural. Just like birth.
As artists and creators, our job is to listen with our heart and report back what we hear, feel and see. Living the life of a creative requires a special kind of belief. The creative process itself is the ultimate act of faith. What was once nothing all of a sudden becomes something. The miracle of birth. Receiving an idea or concept is one thing, ushering it into the world is something else. The only thing that is linear about the creative process is that it requires that we religiously show up and nurture our craft, just as a mother does her child. Through the highs and the lows. The rest is one great big leap of faith. Faith in your ability to hear the whispers when they come. Faith in being able to show up to be a vehicle, regardless of what comes through you. Faith in the fact that your muse will never leave you. Faith that all of the pieces will somehow come together.
I show up every day and allow the
Universe to create through me.
What courageous creations are yearning to be birthed by you?
What do they need in order for you to birth them?
A fracturing of energy occurs when you attempt to do too many things at once. When you put your attention in too many places, when you try to spin too many plates. I’m not just talking about the energy required to do the task in the moment, rather the energy that the creation contains and holds itself so it can survive in the world without you once you set it free.
In this age of multitasking and comparison the potency of our energy runs the risk of getting fractured. And so while we may end up with a lot of opportunities or blog posts or projects, the potency is often being spread too thin.
I have spent a lot of my life doing too much. Trying to fit it all in. Some of it driven by a fear of not wanting to miss out, wanting to keep up or stay ahead, but to be honest, it’s mostly because there is just so much that I want to experience and create. So I’ve said, ‘Yes, yes, yes,’ when often in hindsight I should have been saying, ‘Yes, no, no.’
I now split my year into four three-month periods. For each of these three-month periods, I am only allowed to focus on one thing, one creation that I am most called to bring into the world. At present my focus is writing this book. Any new opportunity that pops up during that period, no matter how awesome it is, I ask myself the following question, ‘If I say yes to this opportunity, will I run the risk of not getting this creation done to the best of my ability with the potency of my energy in the time frame I have set out before me?’ If the answer is ‘Yes,’ my response is ‘No thank you.’
How are you spreading yourself too thin?
What creation do you most want to bring into the
world with potency in the next three months?
What could get in the way of giving it your full attention?
Don’t focus on quantity, instead focus on quality. You are here to create what is yours to create. There is no rush. There is no competition. When you try to fill the space of your life and the space of the world around you with stuff in an effort to keep up with those around you, you deny the world the special shade of light that you came here to share.
So water your garden, fan your flames, and keep your focus inward. Let your creations be your medicine then share that medicine with the world. When you keep your focus on what is yours to create, you do not need to look left or right.
That way, you will find that what you came here to do is the very thing that you would actually choose to do. You will find that your medicine is the very thing that nourishes and fuels you and others. Which means that your creations will never ever run dry.
What is truly yours to create?
The days of the wounded healer who is busy taking care of every
one else but herself must stop. If you want to do this work you must be sustainable. Remember: A life’s work, not a season. It is imperative that you give yourself the nourishment that you need. Better steady and sustainable rather than quick and un-sustaining.
When you are committed to your rising, you must honor the healing that needs to take place within you. And sometimes the most productive thing to do is to stop everything and tend to that. To process that. To embody that. To know the subtle difference between when to make it happen and when to let it happen.
Do not resist your body’s self-care needs. You are being called to birth this new world, but in order to do so you must put your needs and tend to your own inner well as a priority. You are no use to anyone exhausted and parched. One can only share what she has in plenty. We must be ferocious in ensuring we tend to our own self-care before service. We must be sustainable in order to rise and bring about consistent change.
How am I putting others’ healing ahead of my own?
What am I being called to heal in me?
Thank you for helping me decipher