A Hare in the Wilderness

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A Hare in the Wilderness Page 19

by S E Turner

  Ajeya had half closed her eyes.

  'We both wore the crowns of royalty. You were an Empress and I was an Emperor and we governed the subject kingdoms where everyone admired us for our compassion, our fortitude, our strength, and our leadership.' His voice lifted with a passion at every octave and his head rose with it.

  She looked at him out of the corner of her eye, a smile tugging at her mouth. She tried to press it back as it broke across her face. He caught her trying to stifle the outburst and then he was laughing with her. Then, without either of them seeming to move, she was in his arms again, giggling and sobbing and clutching at him.

  'Don't get me wrong, Dainn,' she croaked through her tears. 'I don't doubt that we would make a fine pair of monarchs, but really…' She giggled again. 'I think we will have to make do with leading the Hill Fort Tribe.'

  He laughed with her until her next question bought him back to the realms of reality.

  'What happened to you in Ataxata?' she asked, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. 'What really happened out there?'

  'I will tell you all about it one day, my love. But for now, all you need to know is that all the stolen boys are safe and well. We were saved from the pits of hell by a courageous woman like yourself—her name is Skyrah from the Clan of the Mountain Lion. We believe that the Emperor and his forces are now weakened by her intervention. But we will strike back, we have to strike back, because it isn't over.' His voice was grim and his face was blank. 'We have to get an army together now and attack the Ataxatan forces. We cannot risk anything like that happening again. We are weak against them. We have to step up now. We have to prepare ourselves. We have to fight back.' His breathing was shallow, and he clenched his fists behind his back.

  She held onto his arm. 'I have been training our people,' she began. 'In case those soldiers came back again. I have been teaching everyone how to fight. Keao has been helping me. All the men, most of the women, and lots of children, they have all been taught.' She was on a roll and her voice tripped effortlessly. 'I can take you to our armoury. You have seen our weapon store. We are ready.'

  He looked at her in wonder, his face was full of admiration. 'So that's what father was talking about when he said that you were the most incredible woman that he had known.'

  'Alongside Peira and Jena and most of the women here,' she smiled humbly.

  'Yes, there are lots of strong women. I just happen to think my love is the strongest.'

  She smiled at the accolade. 'So, when do we fight?'

  'It will be soon, I know that. Messengers are being sent out right now, and word will get to us within the next few weeks. We believe the Ataxatan force is weakened right now, so we have got a passage of time. But for now, I want to put all of that behind me and celebrate coming home. I want to enjoy my first evening back here with you again and forget about what happened in Ataxata. We have all the time in the world for that story.'

  She reached up and kissed his face. 'Of course, only when you are ready. Today is the first day of the rest of our lives. Let's get ready for the celebration.'

  The food was incredible that night. In place of gruel with stale bread and rotten meat; they dined on fresh caught fish and bread still warm from the oven with cured mutton, fresh carrots, potatoes and wild mushrooms. And for afters, apples baked with ginger, blackberries soaked in honey, wild pears simmered in ale, and all the wine they could drink.

  The huge outdoor fireplace burned hotter and hotter as more ash and wood was added, and formed a centrepiece as the clan began to move away from the tables full of food and into the centre to celebrate with song.

  A drum began to beat rhythmically and people began to tap on anything that was near: the ground, a mug, a knee. Then the wind pipes came in, a haunting melody that was lifted by the breeze and transcended around the camp like a plume. Women began to hum a high octave while the men thrummed a deep guttural sound. A woman's voice began to sing out with passion and the beating got faster and faster. Then the same woman put an instrument to her mouth and began playing on a jaw harp. The most incredible haunting sounds seemed to connect all of nature and its surrounding cosmos in a staccato of octaves.

  The harp trailed off as the drum took over and in a burst of exuberance, Dainn landed in the centre of the group with his feet thumping and his hands clapping. He pulled Ajeya into the centre and together they danced in perfect time with each other. She moved forwards and backwards with him, meeting together then out again, taking a turn round the edge of the circle, skipping, jumping, but laughing most of all. Round and round they went and then started the whole thing over again. Dainn lifted her into air amid a cacophony of shrill excitement and then put her down gently when Keao entered, and in an amazing display of high kicks and long leaps, began to weave his way round Ajeya. The crowd were shrieking with laughter as the two men linked arms and in a series of acrobatic moves and dare devil antics, entertained the throng with their much-admired theatrical displays. There were shouts of joyous approval, feet stomping, hand clapping and those who still had a beer in their hand, slurred it all over the dance floor in unrivalled appreciation. Women began to join them, the children were dancing as well, and as the music changed tempo again, everyone by now was moving in time to the beat.

  Hagen and Jena sashayed and swayed to the rhythm in beautiful intoxicating moves. She tingled within his warm embrace and held onto his strong arms tightly. But Hagen had something on his mind—something of high importance to discuss and it couldn't wait any longer. So, in a series of intricate Samba steps, he led her out of the circle to a patch of lush green grass. He held her hand while she lowered herself to the ground and then sitting beside her, took in a long deep sniff while he orchestrated his words. She knew what he was going to ask. They had been in this very same position eighteen years ago and she picked at the daisies while she waited for him to punctuate his words.

  Finally, he was ready, and he took her hand. 'Jena, I asked you once if you would marry me, and you said when the Emperor is dead that you would do me the honour of being my wife.'

  She nodded her head. 'Yes, I remember Hagen. I remember it well.'

  'Well here we are, eighteen years later, and I am an old man now. I feel that sometimes I can barely move, but every beat of my heart beats for you, Jena, and you are still that rare jewel and the most beautiful, mesmerising woman I have ever known.'

  She stroked his face. 'My handsome, beautiful Hagen. How I love you.'

  He kissed her hands. 'So, my love. My Jena. I ask you once again, in light of what has happened. The boys return amid whisperings of the Emperor's demise, and I am sure they must be founded. So please, my Jena, will you do me the very great honour of becoming my wife?'

  Tears came immediately to her eyes, her face flushed and she felt her heart quicken.

  He responded quickly to her emotions. 'What's the matter? Have I said something wrong again?'

  Her voice was shaky, and she wiped away a tear. 'No, Hagen, you have said nothing wrong. I love you with all my heart. I should have married you years ago, but I always thought the gods would punish me even more. But they never did punish me, did they? Everything was a gift to make me stronger and set an example for my beautiful, strong, courageous daughter to follow. Even the boar attacking me was a sign, and the scar on my leg is a reminder of my own humility and my own destiny. I can see that now.'

  He kissed her hands. 'I have always believed in the gods' judgement, no matter how difficult it seems at the time. But you had to find that out for yourself.' He kissed her face. 'The boar found you Jena and gave his life for you. He is your totem guide.'

  'Yes, it's taken me a long time to find that out.' Her voice was humble.

  'Sometimes it takes people longer than others.' His hand was placed reassuringly on her knee. 'But we found each other. Ajeya and Dainn found each other. Red and Keao found each other.'

  'All because of the boar.' Her smile broke through.

  'Yes, all because of the
boar.' His grin was even wider. 'So, are you going to keep me waiting even longer for my answer?'

  'Of course, it is a yes.' She beamed. 'And even if the rumours about the Emperor's demise are untrue, I do not fear any reproach now, and nothing would make me happier than to be your wife.'

  That same evening Dainn and Ajeya had disappeared into their cave and Dainn lit a fire, and as Hagen and Jena slept under the stars on that bright starry night, Dainn and Ajeya cocooned themselves in front of their own bright dancing flames.

  'Do you remember the time you were trying to guess my totem?'

  'I do,' she responded, feeling the warmth of his arms around her.

  'And in all this time have you thought about it any more?'

  She reached up to touch his face. 'I have been a little busy, actually.' Her voice was playful and full of love.

  'So, you are telling me that you still don't know then,' he answered the question for her.

  She kissed his hands. 'I think I will wait for that special day to find out.' And she pressed his hand to her cheek.

  'That's exactly what I was hoping you would say.'

  The flames matched his elation and rose high into the crevasse of the canopy.

  'So, are you asking me then?' She finished the question for him.

  'I am, Ajeya, I am asking you to be my wife.'

  She turned round to face him. The glow of the flames lit up his face, and his golden hair looked like a halo against the dark backdrop of the cave. His piercing blue eyes shone out at her, and the strength in his heart matched the passion in hers. She kissed him passionately and held his face in her hands.

  'Of course, I will marry you. I love you.'

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  The double wedding was held in the Meeting House exactly two weeks later. The congregation was still in high spirits with all of the boys safely returned. Keao and Rufus took the honorary position of ring bearers while Red had been selected as attendant for Jena and Ajeya. Inside, the harmonious notes of Peira's ensemble drifted around the cavernous complex and spilled out onto the manicured lawns amid a sensual aroma of rose and pine.

  The centrepiece and epitome was undoubtedly the magnificent waterwheel which was festooned with climbing ivy and entwined with a rambling rose. The structure's cog turned and rumbled as its very heart pumped water through its veins, and a cascade of shimmering lights festooned with golden particles brought an abundance of beautiful flying creatures attracted to the structure.

  Hagen and Dainn entered the hall by way of the huge double doors at the front where even more jasmine and fragrant honeysuckle could be seen wrapped around the ornate gold and turquoise carved oak pillars, and the sunlight bounced off bronze copper vases ablaze with the rich vibrant colours of a summer's day. Intricate tile work ran across the ceiling in patterns of gold edged flowers and looked down onto a thousand mahogany chairs below. The occupants of the tribe were seated, and Colom stood by the Blessing Tree waiting for them at the end of the aisle. Hagen and Dainn walked slowly through the Meeting House where they acknowledged those people furthest away with a wave and shook the hands of those that were nearest to them. They were preceded by Keao and Rufus who held aloft the rings on small plump cushions, and, when they reached the altar, took their places on the grand thrones set aside for special occasions. With the sound of a drum beating softly and a hushed flute chanting melancholy in the background, Hagen and Dainn waited for their brides.

  The two men spent a few moments taking in the ambience and sat quietly immersed in private conversation with each other. Then, as if by magic, all chatter was interrupted by a gasp from the congregation and they knew that there was nothing more elegant in the room. Jena and Ajeya stood at the back and shared a smile as they began the long walk to take their places at the end of the aisle. Colom stood there waiting for them, his eyes as bright as The Blessing Tree which was ablaze with colour and almost sang out in harmony with the sounds from the ensemble.

  They both wore a dress of ivory samite lined with a silver satin. The silver and gold threads blinked in the sunlight as it poured through the stained-glass windows and lit up the outline of the creation. Jena's was a tight bodice with a full skirt pulled in securely with laces at the back. Her dark hair was scooped up in loose curls and she wore a single purple orchid in the side. Her hands clasped a bouquet of violets entwined with the lilac gossamer of a thistle, and she wore the subtlest fragrance with a hint of lavender.

  Ajeya's stunning golden locks shimmered against the thread in her dress. The material clung on to every curve and emphasised her magnificent shape. The amber necklace that she always displayed complemented her elegance and sent spectrums of brilliance across the pavilion. She wore a garland of daisies in her hair and held a spray of primroses secured with a wreath of lemon braid. Her fragrance was one with a hint of citrus which blended in lightly with the posy she carried. Behind them followed Red in a blushed silk satin robe with her auburn hair tumbling down her back in soft ringlets. She scattered fresh petals of purple and yellow roses where their soft doeskin slippers skimmed the voluminous floor.

  The music stopped as they reached Colom. Both men looked upon their women with pride. Hagen thought his heart had missed several beats, while Dainn had momentarily stopped breathing.

  Both couples took their places on the ornate thrones. Red took the bouquets and sat behind them. The hushed audience eagerly anticipated Colom's words.

  'Honoured guests and fellow countrymen. I am so very privileged and honoured to welcome everyone here to witness a very extraordinary, but beautiful, union of these people into the special bond of marriage. To perform this union inside this magnificent Meeting House fills me with immense happiness, pride, and exultation.'

  Nods and hushed whispers echoed round the hall.

  'A wedding such as this, where a mother and daughter share this auspicious and grand occasion is a joy, and we thank the gods that Jena and Hagen and Ajeya and Dainn were destined to meet each other, and we pray that they will live a long and happy life together.'

  The couples acknowledged Colom as he continued. 'Marriage means so many things to different people, so I ask Hagen to speak first and tell his bride why he has chosen her to become his wife.'

  Hagen took Jena's hand and spoke with love and affection. 'Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, the gods give us the person who will make their lives whole again; a person who will fill a void that had been so empty for so long.' He took a deep breath in memory of Keao's mother. 'I have loved this woman for eighteen years, and for eighteen years I have waited for her to say that she will marry me. However, during all that time, I knew that she was part of my soul—the woman who completes me and I will continue to honour her, protect her and love her with all my heart.'

  For the first time in eighteen years, he thought of Raine, his beautiful wife who had died in childbirth. She would be looking down on him now with a smile on her face and a glint in her eye, she would embrace this union, and she would love Jena as much as he did. He felt the warmth in his heart and knew she would be happy for him. He kissed Jena's hands and lowered his gaze while she composed herself to offer her accolade.

  'And Jena,' Colom looked at her with smiling eyes. 'Please will you respond with your words of love for Hagen.'

  She had to wipe away a tear and sniff back the sting in her eye. She was such a fortunate woman, and the love in her soul was immeasurable. Taking a deep breath, she spoke from the heart. 'Hagen, you know how much I love you. You know that you are my destiny and that I was meant to find you. And though we have waited eighteen years for this day, nothing would have been different had we married all that time ago. I love you for enriching my life and making me a stronger person. I love you for bringing Keao into our lives, a boy who helped Ajeya as a young, vulnerable child. And he has now given us a beautiful grandson. I love you for being you, for your kind heart, for your passion, and because I know that no one could love me as much as you do.' She, too
. kissed his hands and lowered her gaze to the floor.

  Ajeya was so proud of her parents in every way. They had loved her and supported her, especially when she had wanted to go training with Keao as a little girl. And Keao, what a fine brother she had. She couldn't have wished for a more loving sibling. But the reference to eighteen years made her think. Was Hagen not her father? She could not remember a time before him, and everything she could remember included him. But he had said eighteen years, and she was twenty years old now. Keao was thirty. It didn't make sense. Perhaps he had made a mistake. Of course, he had blurted out an error in his excitement. That was the answer. Of course, it was. But wait, her mother had said thank you for bringing Keao into our lives. The boy who helped her as a young child. I don't understand. He's my brother. What does that mean, what could it all mean?

  Colom's voice brought her out of her quandary, and she faced her great love.

  'And Dainn, could you please continue why you wish to take Ajeya as your bride.'

  'My beautiful Ajeya whom I have known since I can remember. Who, as a small child had me mesmerised with her strength, her knowledge, and her beauty. From the first time I met you, I knew there was something special about you. A warm, loving, beautiful girl who has shown me on so many occasions the true meaning of love. And then we were cruelly parted, but it only served to make me love you more. My time in captivity made me realise that being deeply loved gives you strength, but loving deeply gives you courage .Ajeya, I will love you forever.'

  The congregation felt the warmth of his sincerity. Peira wiped the tears from her cheeks, having wondered on so many occasions if he would find true love, And now she couldn't be happier.

  'And Ajeya, if you could respond to Dainn.'

  She looked up to him and smiled. 'My strong courageous Dainn, who I have learned so much from. We are so in tune with each other that I can sense how you are feeling even when there are hundreds of miles between us. We have shared so many memories that they are stored in my heart forever. I want to have children with you, and share our knowledge and our love, and secure a dynasty that is made up of trust, loyalty, and respect. I trust you, I respect you, and will always be loyal to you. And with every beat of my heart, I will always love you.'


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