Unbroken: Mage's Academy II

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Unbroken: Mage's Academy II Page 9

by Finley Morrow

  Satisfied, and exhausted I headed to the standing stones to get Kairn. I wanted to get there sooner, to see him, and go home. The fabric of the Liminal World folded easily at my will and I ended up right in front of the stones. I could see in the image of the stones, that we had not gotten the crown quite right. It would be so easy to call it to myself now, but pain seared me at the thought. I couldn't see Kairn. I had told him to wait here for me. Where was he?


  I circled the standing stones becoming increasingly worried until I saw something that made my stomach drop. Blood was dripping from the smallest standing stone. I trudged over to it and saw a smear of red on the damp stone. Did it belong to Kairn? I couldn't feel the presence of anyone. The whole world felt hollow and cold. I followed the trail of bloodstains to a large flat stone in the middle of the circle. There on the dark grey stone were words etched in dripping blood.

  If you want him back, come and find me.

  Something had taken him. I had a hunch about what that something might be. He was tasked this year with protecting me from her. Deep inside something clicked into place and I knew she had him. There was only one way to get there. I could simply fold the space around me and get to him, but what would I be walking into? In this case, I didn't have a choice. She had him so I would go to her. She was too smart to be lured anywhere. This was between me and her. I didn't know how much time I had, but I had to get to him. I was regretting that we hadn't slept before coming back to the Liminal. I wasn't sure how long it had been since I'd slept, but my body was weak with exhaustion.

  I threw off the fake crown. She would not be fooled by it. And I began walking. I didn't know where I was going, but as soon as I thought of Kairn, I trusted that the Liminal World would make a way for me to get to him. I felt the strange breeze like a rustling of fabric against my skin as I walked and there was a magnetic force that drew me forward. I blinked and when I opened my eyes, I was in front of a dark cave entrance. The rip in the earth was immense and I got the sense that it burrowed endlessly deeper without end. Behind me, I could hardly see. I was so deep in the Liminal World that there was only shadow and fear all around me.

  I hear a crashing sound and from the rocks around me emerges a familiar sight. I almost shed tears at the sight of my friend Nox. He cawed and sat on my shoulder.

  "Hello friend," I greeted him. He nudged his beak against my cheek in a move I knew was meant to be encouraging.

  This was her domain. I walked into it, knowing that I might not return to the Mage's Academy. It was worth it if I could save Kairn. The mouth of the cave was wide and deep. I walked through the dark tunnel until the walls around me began to narrow. Eventually, I came to an opening into a huge cavernous room. It was hung with giant candles on the walls, dimly illuminating what appeared to be equal parts throne room and torture chamber. I let out a desperate cry when I saw him. Kairn was tied to a chair. His God form was battered and bleeding in a way that I didn't know what possible. His claws were jagged and broken and I knew he had tried to fight her. We were both weak from the fight. I shouldn't have sent him on his own. We should have stayed together.

  Then I saw her. She heard my screams and smiled. She was now in the form of a woman, but it was still clear that she was made of smoke and lies. Her eyes burned like coals.

  "How did you like the friend I sent for you?" She cackled as I wept at the sight of Kairn.

  "We killed it," I said coldly.

  She pursed her lips, "Well you're no fun at all." She was emboldened since the last time she'd seen me. She waved her hand towards the corner of the room and I saw movement. It was the old Headmaster. I jumped out of the way as he came towards me.

  "Stay away from me," I screamed. He looked almost as weak as Kairn. His face was gaunt and dirty, and his lips were white from dehydration. His eyes widened as he recognized me. He grabbed my wrist, his arm shooting out quickly, but his grasp was weak.

  He hissed at me, "Kill me, Esther, please." He had desperation in his eyes. "I can't take it here anymore."

  I recoiled from him.

  "Shut up," came the harsh voice of the demon. There was a pool on the edge of the cave and with a flick of her wrist, she sent the old Headmaster flying into the water. He cracked his head on the sharp rocks in the murky pool and I wasn't sure if he was dead.

  "What do you want," I shrieked at her.

  "Simply put, darling," she drawled out the words, "I want you. "

  "You don't need him," I screamed, pointing at Kairn. "Let him go."

  "You're not in much of a position to make bargains, girl." The demon hissed.

  At that moment I had to make a decision, the hardest one I'd ever made, but I had to keep Kairn alive. He was the best thing that had ever happened to me. I didn't want to exist in a world without him.

  "What if I am. I'll make you deal," I shouted.

  She raised her eyebrows in surprise and laughed. "Oh, this should be good."

  "You can have me if you let him go," I explained. "I'll give up."

  She looked surprised but pleased. "Go on," She drawled, and I saw the smoky tentacles that haunted my dreams unfurl around her.

  "Let him go right now and you can have me, bind me, do whatever you want. I'm yours." I said. I hoped this would work. I wasn't sure, but I knew wording mattered in magic.

  "Will you swear an oath," She said coyly.

  "Yes, I'll swear an oath, but release Kairn first," I said.

  "I can't have you running away as soon as he's free." She muttered, and I saw one of the thick tentacles coming towards me. I had to make it believable. I let it wrap around my arms, binding me still.

  With a glance in Kairn's direction, she undid his bindings. He came to, and I watched him take in the scene with horror.

  "I think I'd like him to watch." She said with great pleasure, "As you make the oath of binding."

  I whispered to Nox, urging him to fly to Kairn.

  "Kairn go!" I screamed. He had time to get away. I hoped Nox would carry my message. Nox flew over to Kairn landing on his shoulder. The Lord of the Wild Hunt had a way with animals of all kinds. Would he understand what I wanted him to know?

  "He doesn't want to leave you, my dear," said the demon. "How sweet. In any case, It is time for you to make the oath."

  He didn't try to stop me so I could only assume that he knew.

  "I'm ready," I said, my voice still somewhat shaky.

  "Let's hear it then," Her tentacle wrapped around my arm tightly, crushing my circulation.

  "I swear in the name of the Gods that Esther Crenshaw will bind with you," I spoke carefully making sure to get the wording right.

  "Now then," She said with ecstasy, "Let me feast on your power." Her smoky tendrils locked onto me and it took every ounce of strength I had left in my body to break free.

  "Not so fast," I said, hearing the resonance grow in my voice. The power was mine and I was taking it. I could feel my blood running cold, as the human life drained out of me. I was a creature of magic and will.

  The demon shrieked in agony. "What are you doing? You swore the oath."

  I saw my reflection in the pool of water as I began to rise up in the air. I was no longer human. Esther Crenshaw was long gone. My eyes were glowing like the bright full moon, and the crown, the real crown, appeared on my head. Robes so light they could be made of stardust gently waved in the breeze around me. The cool soft breeze from before came rushing in, like a powerful sweet wind.

  I laughed proudly at the demon, "I can't be beaten with darkness, I am the darkness. I can't be ensnared with magic, I am magic. I can't be bound to evil, I am unbound. I can't be brought to ruin, I am unbroken." I screamed as the power of the Queen of Witches rushed into me twisting me up and around. "Esther Crenshaw is nobody. I am the Queen of Witches," I said and saw the fear creeping into her eyes. If I had been able to feel anymore then I would have been afraid of me too.

  The Liminal World was mine to do with as I pleased. I knew
that the demon could not be beaten with fire, that was her domain. She could burn eternally and never be destroyed. But I would bind her just as she had tried to bind me. I felt the gentle tug of the loose fabric of time and reality. It was all around us. With an expert fold, I lashed her, tying her tight to the Liminal World. She let out a piercing scream.

  "I will wrap you in the veil of the worlds, binding you to this place," I screamed over the rushing winds. "If you ever come untangled you can guarantee that I will be here waiting for you, ready to bind you again. This place will be cursed from now on, and never will anyone step foot to save you," I wrapped her tighter and tighter, letting the folds squeeze every ounce of power from her. She let out a final gasp before she gave in to the binding. She would never bother us again. AS for the old headmaster, his soul was in such a miserable state, that I was sure his physical body was long gone. She had killed him and kept his soul around like a plaything. He would likely wander this place forever looking for a way out of his misery. It was possible he would find one, but not likely.

  The Liminal World didn't feel cold anymore. The mists clung to me like a soft shawl and I felt the draw of this place. I was a Goddess, the Gatekeeper. I met Kairn at the opening of the cave and he just held me.

  "It's over," I said.

  "It's over," He repeated simply. I could have brought us back immediately, but instead, we walked.

  "I don't think I can go back," I said.

  "Why don't you come to stay with me for the summer?" He suggested, not acknowledging what I just said. He knew I was changed. There would be no sense in me staying. I didn't press the issue.

  "That sounds nice." I smiled.

  "I didn't know if I'd ever be able to take you there," He said, his tone light. "I don't think humans can go there," He admitted.

  A chill went up my spine. I was no longer human. I'd seen myself, I knew it to be true, but it felt so strange.

  In the distance, I saw a figure walking towards us. It was Alice Mistlethwaite. She was pale, like a mere shade rather than a person. She smiled when she saw me.

  "So I see you've made your choice," She said.

  "How long have you known?" I asked.

  "I've had my suspicions for a while," She grinned.

  "You know this means I won't be able to finish school," I said. A look of concern crossed her face.

  "I think we could make some arrangements for you," She answered. "Just think about it, won't you? One more year won't hurt."

  "Well I'm taking the summer off," I said looking back at Kairn.

  "That's fine, you deserve it after all this," She said. I saw the image of her ripple slightly.

  "How are you even here right now," I asked.

  "I'm astral projecting," She answered with a dismissive wave of her hand. "See you do have more to learn. Just think about it."

  I considered it for a moment, "I'll think about it," I said simply and with that, she vanished.

  "Let's go," I said to Kairn. He grabbed my hand and the fabric of reality wrapped us in a tight hug and folded around us.

  Don’t Miss The Final Year

  Dear Readers,

  Thank you for taking the time to read Unbroken. I have poured so much of my heart into these characters. It means so much to me that you are following Esther and Kairn’s story.

  If you want to help me keep bringing you their story, please take a moment to leave a review for Unbroken: Mage’s Academy II.

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  Keep reading to see a preview of the cover for Book 3 in the Mage’s Academy Series.

  I want to invite you to continue the journey with another year at the Mage’s Academy. Unending: Mage’s Academy III is available for Pre-Order and will be released on February 5, 2020.

  Happy Reading,

  Finley Morrow

  About the Author

  Finley Morrow loves YA fantasy with thrilling plot twists. She strives to make every story an uncommonly adventurous read. She is an avid bookworm and explorer of all things strange and unusual.

  Explore her website at www.finleymorrow.com




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