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Viridian Wolf

Page 6

by Dragon Cobolt

  “So?” Sarah asked.

  “So, rooting my thought-form conception in certain biological urges has retained an anthrocentric worldview!” Hailee said, cheerfully.

  “Y-You mean...” Sarah closed her eyes, pleasure swimming through her head. She felt dizzy with lust, her whole body glistening as if she had been oiled. The nanites had gone straight to every pleasure center in her body and were ‘decontaminating’ her as hard as they could. The end result was that her pussy felt as if it was burning with lust. Her tits ached with a need to be suckled and caressed and squeezed. Her belly twitched as if her nerves were each sparking – even parts of her normally left out of her erogenous sense were tingling with excitement. Her elbows were wanting and needy. Fuck. Sarah shook her head. “You’re staying human by being horny ?”

  “It’s exceedingly effective!” Hailee said, her voice chipper.

  Sarah bit her lip. “Well...” She said, rolling her head backwards. “If...if you’re going to...” She licked her lips. “If you need my help...”

  “Just say you want a beta level intelligence to fuck you, baby,” Hailee crooned. “You have no conception of what an intellect of my caliber can accomplish when I want to.”

  “Fuck me,” Sarah purred.

  Sarah was only able to piece together what happened together afterwards through long, careful contemplation and self reflection. So many things had happened at the same instant, in the same crowning moment of raw pleasure, that her brain fragmented when it came to actually putting it into any kind of a coherent story. She knew that the first thing was that one of the decon tentacles had plunged into her sex with a single thrust, bumping deep against her insides, and pumped her with a jolt of something hot and thick – thicker than any normal cum. Then another tentacle had plunged into her mouth and her throat had bobbed as she drank and drank – and the liquid had flowed through her, then pressed into her every pore. Her whole body had bust with sudden, overwhelming pleasure – every nerve, every organ, every muscle, every bone, everything had been hit with the same level of orgasmic bliss at once.

  Her knees had locked, then turned to liquid. Her hair had clamped, then gone slack. Her hands had grabbed onto the tentacles and then squeezed. Her back had arched and her sex had clenched. Her mind had gone white, then pure black.

  And then, when Sarah had opened her eyes, she had felt her body come back to life in bits and pieces. She felt her toes twitch. Her fingers wriggle. Her claws ached. Her nipples ached. Her sex ached. Every part of her ached, honestly. She felt a strange bumping feeling against her shoulder – and she heard a distant voice, echoing and strange. It was Hailee: “Uh...Sarah? Dr. Kappel? Hello? Hello?”

  Sarah lifted her head and saw that Bitey, looking extremely concerned for an armored, chitinous monster with blade scythes for back arms. He was nosing against her and making soft hissing, clicking noises. Sarah lifted her head and saw that the walls were sparking and crackling, wires dangling from two connection ports, while the tentacles that had caressed and teased her laid on the ground to either side of her. Her claws were dug into the metal frames. Black oil and white artificial semen smeared along her hands. Her sex dripped with the stuff that Hailee had spurted into her, and her belly looked slightly distended.

  “Hailee...” Sarah croaked, her voice rough. “What the fuck?”

  “Sooo, I may have accidentally, purely by mischance, slightly, and I do mean slightly, overdone things when it came to sexual pleasure!” Hailee said. “But your body’s self repair is quite remarkable.” She spoke as Sarah lifted her arm and saw steam hissing off her skin, roiling up into the air. She was hot. No, she was burning hot. She remembered the last time she had been heavily injured – she had woken up in a burned patch of biomatter on the grounds of Trappist-1a. She frowned as Hailee continued: “You are able to regenerate remarkable amounts of your nervous tissue at incredible speeds!”

  “Hailee!” Sarah shouted, her voice already back to normal. “You burned out my nerve endings?”

  “Only with pleasure!” Hailee said, her voice defensive. “And electrical currents.”


  “Sorry...” Hailee said, the door opening.

  Sarah grabbed onto Bitey, forcing herself to her feet, and grumbled under her breath as the artificial spunk dripped out of her pussy onto the bright red carpeting, under the glare of a dozen art-deco statues. “Uppity artificial intelligence, smug little beta-level, cocky jerkwad grumble grumble grumble...”

  Hailee had nothing to say at all.


  “So, here’s our situation,” Tex said, frowning as he looked around the room – each of them were seated in the comfortable, plush chairs that ringed around the briefing room table. “Kellen Grant has situated himself on the other side of the planet. We have no idea what he’s doing, what he’s planning, or how long until he gets here. However, we do big advantage.” He nodded and the table changed from showing the gray-white sphere of DisneyPlanet to showing a wireframe of a large, sleek, gauntlet. It had a small socket at the front that a hand could fit through, with bulky fingers at the end. The top had a small tube-like barrel, and the bottom had a large cone barrel. “We’ve managed to modify the Class I Combat Ready Nanolathe from my backup suits into something that can be used by Commander Kappel.”

  Sarah, who was feeling considerably more human after a long soaky shower and a quick, hard fuck from Aiden, beamed. She rubbed her hands together. “I like the sound of that. Commander Kappel. Sounds snappy.”

  “I mean, most Commanders don’t use their birth names, right?” Aiden asked – beside him, Tasha was vibrating as if she wanted to bring something up, but everyone was distracted by what Aiden said next: “Like, Texas Dallas was named Pepe Eugenics.”

  “He was named what ?” Steve asked – his buzzsaw whirring in agitation as he swung his head around to look at Texas. This meant that the little laser pointer that had replaced his left eye shone directly into Tex’s face. Tex lifted his hand in irritation.

  “My parents were- you know what? Nevermind,” Tex said, shaking his head. “Your nanolathe works just like any industrial printer, but with some advantages. Firstly, it's designed to take packages from support drones – you just need to build mines and they’ll bring supplies to you as you need them. Secondly, it has no DRM and is pre-loaded with an interface to make it really easy to build whatever you want. And thirdly, it has an antimatter projection cannon on the top.”

  “You salvaged the B-Gun?” Aiden asked, sitting forward.

  Tasha, though, had finally gotten her chance. She sprang to her feet and screamed. “ We salvaged the B-Gun ! With Hailee’s help!”

  “I prevented the somewhat poorly trained and ill equipped Miss Fong from blowing her, the ship, and a significant chunk of DisneyPlanet into glowing clouds of atomized gas,” Hailee said, cheerfully.

  Tasha’s face went gray. “You said it was safe.”

  “Yes, it was safe, so long as you followed my instructions, which you said you would,” Hailee said, her voice still as cheerful as ever. “And thus, we are here.”

  Tasha sank back into her seat, her excitement transformed instantly into horror, while Tex took up the slack in the conversation. “A B-gun cannot fire rapidly and it cannot be guided – any impulse unit on the sucker breaks apart the containment field before it impacts. So, it’s as dumb as a dumb weapon can get. But since you’re chucking antimatter at people, that rarely matters. There’s no armor, no shield, no defense against being hit by it.”

  “What about gravitic shields?” Sarah asked.

  Tex’s eyebrow jumped slightly. “There’s almost no defense against being hit by it. Also, gravitic shields that size are only on battleships, not ground units. The best defense you would have, when not in the Excalibur , is the load rate. It takes time for a B-gun to form a new packet and then prime the gravitic catapults. Usually, it takes about thirty seconds.”

  “That’s really fast,” Sarah said.

  “Yeah, until seconds count,” Tex said. “Most weapons have a fire rate literally thousands of times faster.”

  “Right...” Sarah chewed her lower lip. She closed her eyes, then. Her thoughts reached out and she felt her critters. She felt Bitey and Stabby playing with one another in the corridors. She felt McCreedy, curled up and snoring happily, beside Bob. And she felt her hatchery and the larva within. They had enough carbon collected up that she could begin to send orders. She focused and the larva swelled up into their eggs, all of them drones. She opened her eyes, then smiled. “Let's get this sucker strapped on!”

  “Phrasing,” Aiden said, grinning at her.

  “The, uh, the nanolathe!” Sarah thrust her finger into the air, as dramatically as she could. Tex nodded to Tasha. Tasha stood and ceremonially picked up a blanket wrapped parcel that had been tucked into the corner of the room. She grunted, then dropped it down onto the table, smiling as Sarah swept the blankets aside, revealing the nanolathe. Tasha, looking quite proud of herself, whispered in her ear.

  “I had the idea of putting on some grav-suspendors, to make it lighter.”

  Sarah slid her arm into the lathe and felt it tighten around her – the interior was like an armored mechanical counter pressure spacesuit, drawing taut against her skin before shifting its pressure so it felt perfectly natural. With the interior tight, it felt a lot less like wearing a sleeve or a bit of clothing and more like her arm had suddenly become armored and bulky. Her fingers fitted into the gauntlet and she wiggled them, hearing the faint whirr and click of each metal digit. She tapped fingertip to fingertip, and felt the connection as smoothly as if she had been touching her own skin. She beamed. “Cool...” She focused and suddenly, a menu popped up into her vision.

  Sarah had a HUD – the alien augmentations had included a way to display information onto her visual field. It currently showed a small map of the surrounding environment, which itself was quite patchy and covered with large swathes of blackness. Next to the map was a small indicator showing her carbon and her radioactives reserves, so she knew how many units she could make at any one time, and of what types. But now, a new set of information popped up on the other side of her vision – a second HUD, joining the first. On that side, she saw two new bars. One showed her metal, and the other showed her energy. The metal was currently at a +0, while the Energy was listed at +220.

  “I’m seeing a HUD,” Sarah said.

  “That’s impossible, I haven’t even put the headset on and you don’t have any augments,” Tex said – he was even holding a large monocle in his hand.

  “Well, I’m seeing one,” Sarah said, sticking her tongue out at him. “Is 220 energy a lot?”

  “It’s equivalent to the excess power generated by a Commander’s fusion power un-” Tex stopped. “What?”

  Sarah whistled, looking down at her nanolathe. “Well, it makes sense,” she said, trying to sound casual and confident and not like she was about to break out into giggles. Her whole life, she had watched TV shows about Commanders. Having an actual factual nanolathe stuck to her arm felt amazing . Kinda like the first time she had grown a cock. She bit her lip, hard, to keep from doing just that. “My body’s supposed to be an alien human hybrid. The Eye probed my brain for everything I knew about Commanders and our weapon’s tech. Why wouldn’t it make me companionable. Though, I bet it expected me to get one of these by, like, ripping it off your smoking wreckage.” She wriggled her fingers some more, then looked up. “Oh! Steve!”

  Steve, who had been watching all of this with the kind of awkward air of someone who had been invited to a friend’s house and had needed to spend the past twenty minutes with their entire extended family, sprang to his feet, his buzz-saw whirring. “Yes?” He asked. “How can I help.”

  “Oh, I was just wondering, uh...I can do biomorphic reconstruction,” Sarah said, nodding. “Do you wanna be, uh, you again?”

  Steve blinked at her, his fake ocular augmentation winking on and off in time with his biologicla eye. His gray, wrinkly face furrowed. “For...okay, but, I mean, I don’t have much money. I don’t have any IC or UC or...or, no, wait, you’re StarCon?”

  “NovaDyne, actually,” Tasha said, cheerfully.

  “Oh, shit, NovaBucks have a terrible exchange rate,” Steve said. “Wait, no, that’s terrible for you . Uh, I can definitely pay you back in-”

  “No, it’s for free,” Sarah said, hurriedly. “Like, I just...I mean, I can do it, so I should do it, right?”

  “For free?” Steve asked.

  “Yeah!” Sarah nodded.

  “You’re...just for free?” Steve looked around, at the rest of the room. “But...aren’t you in...I’m confused, I’m lost, what is happening?”

  Sarah blushed, her fingers lacing together. “Uh, well, I...” She blushed, trying to think of the right words to describe her ideas without sounding like a crazy communist. She looked over at Aiden and Tasha. Aiden for his part was mostly just looking entertained. But Tasha, lovely Tasha, came to her rescue. She sprang to her feet and clapped her hands.

  “So, you know that episode of Star Trek where they meet the Ferengi?” Tasha asked. “And they just give stuff away for free and don’t know what capitalism is and stuff?” She nodded as Steve nodded back to him. “Sarah is doing that, but without being evil! She’s just going to give you free stuff because she can and she wants to and there won’t be any evil mind control or enslavement or anything.”

  “Yeah!” Sarah said. “I mean, I figure...I want to overthrow the corporations and stop them from hurting people. But that doesn’t mean I’m a communist .” She nodded. “Those guys were evil.”

  Steve nodded. He’d clearly been in the same history class Sarah had. “Well,” he said. “Uh, you know what they say. Never turn down free stuff.”

  “That’s the spirit,” Sarah said.

  “So, how do I do this?” Steve asked. “Is it a pill or-”

  Sarah lifted her right arm. Two tentacles emerged from her wrist, snaked across the room, and plunged into Steve’s neck. He froze, his back tightening – and then he toppled backwards, like a tree. Without bending. He crashed to the ground, the impact only lightly muffled by the heavy red carpeting. Sarah retracted the tentacles, forcing herself to not purr with satisfaction. But god it was hard. It felt so good to just...jam her tentacles into something and rewrite its biology. Steve’s body began to grow the cocoon, while Tex knelt down beside him, watching curiously.

  “Won’t the augmentations be a-” he started.

  The cybernetic arm went flying out of the cocoon, spat out of a mouth that popped open with a sound not too dissimilar from a mainline cat hocking up a huge furball. The arm clattered against the wall, glistening with slime and looking heavily dented.

  “Nevermind,” Tex said.


  Sarah cracked her knuckles as she stood underneath the vast emptiness of DisneyPlanet’s sky. Her construction drones, now numbering into the low dozens, were skimming in and out of the DisneyPlanet resort, collecting up every scrap of carbon they could. They had cut a tunnel from the surface to the hatchery, and were dumping down it everything from flash-frozen trees that had been killed when the resort had been cracked to vast piles of biomatter that were used for the food makers to the discarded bags of kettle corn that panicking guests had dropped as they rushed for their evacuation centers.

  One such drone buzzed up to bump against her side, chirruping to her – and Sarah knew that, in total, she’d have enough carbon to make several hundred bladelings, half that in spitters, or zero bombardiers. The bombardiers, after all, needed radioactives and a hefty amount of them. But Sarah had already evaluated DisneyPlanet’s reserves of resources and knew that she wouldn’t have any more carbon to work with after she had stripped the resort clean. So, instead of constructing units, she set her drones to begin to create a modification to spawning pools she had just thought up – massive, flower like structures began to bloom around t
he hatchery. Some were situated on the edge of the dome, others were planted deep into the ground surrounding it. Each of them angled upwards towards Wolf-359’s primary.

  When another spray of hyper-intense gamma ray bursts came from the star and washed over the surface of DisneyPlanet, those flowers all flared with visible light as they caught the gamma rays and x-rays from the sun and began to produce the same kind of radiological crystal that Sarah had. She coughed hers up and dropped it onto the drone that was whisking by to collect them all up. She beamed as she saw her radioactives skyrocket. Good. Underground, an entire ecology was beginning to form – turning solar radiation into plants, those plants feeding large critters she had devised that would basically just be massive walking piles of carbon. Then those critters would walk into mulching pits and she’d get more resources.

  Sunlight into carbon – it was what the Earth had done.

  She was just doing it faster. By several thousand factors of ten.

  Sarah muttered to herself. “All right, I’ve got an economy...let’s see...about the other economy.”

  “You really like econ,” Tex said. “Most Commanders I know are more about the, you know, the battle .”

  “Economy is fun!” Sarah said, walking towards a point that one of her drones had sniffed out. She saw the vein of metal, gleaming right underneath the surface. She wasn’t sure how she saw it – but she did. She stuck her tongue out of the corner of her mouth, aimed her nanolathe at the vein, and started to spray. She grunted, softly, as the nanolathe bucked in her arm, green clouds of nanorobots spraying from the cone at the base. She shivered. The nano first built a green wireframe of the metal extractor. Then they filled it in with composite components, then swept over that and created the exterior, adding in paint and metal to create a single, pyramidal shaped structure with a massive corkscrew on the top that would spin to provide the motive energy for the metal extraction itself.


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