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Tareef (The Brothers Ali Book 4)

Page 6

by Celeste Granger

  “Although your offer has its appeal, I can handle it,” Naomi countered.

  “Are you sure?” Tareef asked, refusing to drop his gaze. “It’s no trouble at all,” he added reassuringly as he folded in his lower lip and let it ease back into its natural state.

  Naomi’s eyes fell to the profound sexiness that was his mouth. She felt a quake that shook her down to her soul, but she refused to give in to the carnal.

  “I’m sure,” she purred, “but feel free to watch out for my safety from the door.”

  She twirled on her heels and stepped over the threshold. Damn, that felt good, Naomi smiled as she sashayed down the walkway to her car. She knew Tareef was watching her, and that made Naomi smile even more. He should be watching. She encouraged him to do so. This time Naomi knew her words put Tareef on his heels instead of the other way around. When she arrived at her vehicle, Naomi paused at the driver’s side door and lifted her eyes to find Tareef leaning against the doorjamb with his gaze leveled in her direction. But she didn’t allow him to trap her in the heat of his penetrating eyes that she could still feel even at a distance. Naomi activated the key fob and unlocked the door. She didn’t stop until she was inside the car with the ignition started.

  “Good night Mr. Ali,” she whispered satisfactorily. “Good night.”

  Chapter eight

  The Mayor’s Brunch

  Two Weeks Later

  The afternoon sun was warm, and the sky was cloudless. It was the mayor’s annual brunch, and everybody who was anybody in the tri-state area was there by invitation only. The grounds of the historic Chateau Elan offered a grand backdrop to the festivities. This year’s theme was Atlanta’s take on the fashion of the Kentucky Derby with fancy hats and all the pomp and circumstance such an event could muster. Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms was the hostess, making sure to take pictures on the red carpet with the dignitaries and VIP’s in attendance. The Ali brothers were certainly the mayor’s specially invited guests. And as they made their way down the red carpet, the bright flashes from the multitude of cameras trying to get the best shot was nearly blinding.

  “Thanks so much for coming,” Ms. Bottoms greeted as she posed with Ameer, Tareef, and Khalid.

  “When you call, we answer,” Tareef smiled as they all posed for another round of photographs.

  Rocky wasn’t a fan of the red carpet, preferring to enter the party under the radar. She drove separately from her husband.

  “This time, I’m the one not excited about being here,” Naomi sighed as the valet’s opened the car doors on both sides.

  “Ladies,” they greeted, offering hands to lift the women to standing from their seated positions. Both Racquel and Naomi picked up their hats as they exited the vehicle. The ladies made their way into the hotel and to the restroom.

  “We’ve got to get situated before we go out there, girl,” Racquel smiled as she stood in front of the wall-length mirror, affixing her fancy hat on her head. The navy-blue antique net fascinator she wore complimented her pinstriped navy and white dress.

  Even though Naomi wasn’t excited about being at the brunch, her style was still on point. She positioned the Kelly-green feather net fascinator on her head and smoothed out the hem of the one-shoulder matching dress.

  “We look good,” Rocky commented as they each took a final look in the mirror.

  “Of course, we do,” Naomi replied smilingly.

  Stepping out of the restroom and into the midst of the activities started to lift Naomi’s mood. The past month had been rife with more low moments than high ones. Although she was the Public Relations Manager for Rocky’s company, Naomi wanted more. She wanted something of her own, something she created that was all hers. Naomi was forever grateful for Racquel’s show of confidence in her abilities, but Rocky also understood Naomi’s drive. Trying to jumpstart her own business, manage Rocky’s and deal with her mother’s episodic behavior had taken a toll on Naomi. However, being in such a festive atmosphere served to lift her spirits and brighten Naomi’s mood.

  As they entered one of the main gathering areas, Naomi’s spirit lifted even more. The fancy hats, dapperly dressed men, jubilant music, and positive vibes. But just as Naomi was looking around taking in all the sights and sounds, someone was taking all of her in. He was struck with her beauty, standing out amongst the crowd. There were lots of gorgeous women around, but he couldn’t pull his eyes away from her. She was statuesque, refined, elegant, and captivating. And although he felt compelled to meet her, he wouldn’t make his move too soon. He would watch her, gauge her associations and affiliations, determine if what he thinks he sees is what he actually sees of her. Then and only then would he make his acquaintance known.

  “I see your husband,” Naomi said as the two ladies stood at the mimosa bar.

  “I see him, too,” Racquel smiled as she watched Khalid sauntering in her direction. “And he’s got company.”

  But Naomi didn’t need Racquel to tell her that. She sensed Tareef even before he came into view. It was just something about his energy that attracted her, whether she wanted to be drawn to him or not. His stride was confident in the summer white custom fit slacks he wore. They were cuffed and moved with him as his long strides drew him closer. It was unavoidable that Naomi’s eyes would trail the length of him, from his Italian leather loafers, past his slacks to the gray double-breasted suit jacket enunciating the sculpt of his waist and the width of his strong shoulders. The gray and white polka dot bowtie and matching pocket square were a nod to his excellent taste, and the straw Jaxon hat with the complimentary striped band set his ensemble off with masculine flair.

  “My Lord,” Naomi breathed as Tareef drew nearer.

  “My Lord indeed,” Rocky agreed but for obviously different reasons.

  He watched Naomi and saw his approach. He felt the fine hairs on the back of his neck stand on end when Tareef Ali came into view. Fortunately, he was close enough.

  “Good afternoon,” he said, stepping into Naomi’s line of sight.

  “Good afternoon,” she replied, returning a smile to the handsome man that stood in front of her.

  “I’m Malcolm Bridges. And you are?” He asked, extending his hand and deepening his smile as he engaged her eyes.

  “Naomi Singleton.”

  She accepted his hand, and Malcolm folded hers in.

  “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ms. Singleton,” he crooned.

  “Please, call me Naomi.”

  She noticed that Malcolm still held her hand, but Naomi didn’t seem to mind. She wasn’t the only one who noticed. As Khalid and Tareef neared the table, Tareef took note as well.

  “Hey, babe,” Khalid said as he saddled up next to Racquel and wrapped his arm around her waist.

  “Racquel, Naomi,” Tareef greeted, ensuring that he gained Naomi’s eyes. “Malcolm,” Tareef added, his voice registering in a lower tone. She returned his gaze, but only for a moment.

  “Tareef, Khalid,” Malcolm replied, nodding his head in acknowledgment of their presence.

  “Naomi,” Malcolm continued. “Can I interest you in a walk around the promenade? It will give us a chance to talk,” he suggested. Malcolm’s hooded eyes beckoned to her as he made small circles with his thumb against her flesh. Naomi paused momentarily, her eyes trailing from Malcolm to Racquel and then to Tareef.

  “That would be nice,” Naomi smiled as she returned her eyes gaze to Malcolm.

  Malcolm lifted the hand he continued to hold and only released it when Naomi’s arm was laced around his.

  “Shall we?”

  Tareef’s eyes didn’t leave her as he watched Naomi and Malcolm walk away.

  But she did walk away, draped on the arm of another man.

  “Is this your first time coming to the mayor’s brunch?” Malcolm asked as he adjusted his gait to match hers.

  “It is,” she replied, resisting the urge to look over her shoulder to see if Tareef was watching. “And what about you, Malcolm. H
ave you been to this illustrious affair before?”

  “I have,” he replied. “But, I already knew it was your first time.”

  “You did?” Naomi asked, taking in more than his profile.

  “Yes, I did,” he answered. “Because if you’d have ever been here before, or anywhere else, I would have noticed you.”

  “Are you flirting with me, Mr. Bridges?” Naomi asked coyly.

  “I hope it’s working.”

  “Maybe,” she smiled. As she commented, Naomi felt Malcolm’s eyes on her. He did not hide his appraisal of her features, although she was much more subtle with hers. In order to take in his profile, Naomi had to look up to him, past the perfectly shaped beard that meticulously outlined his sexy mouth that couldn’t hide his perfect white teeth. The flare of his nose fit the dimensions of his face, and his dark brown eyes seemed depthless, the warm brown going on forever. He wore his crown much like she wore hers, natural, with a little height on the top and close on the sides. He was an incredibly handsome man.

  They walked for a while and talked for a while. The conversation flowed naturally. It was a relief that Malcolm was so easy to talk to. He had an heir about himself that was confident bordering on cocky. His swagger brought all the girls' eyes to the yard.

  “Do you mind if we sit for a while?” Malcolm asked when they arrived at a bench surrounded by blooming flowers and lush grass.

  “Not at all,” Naomi replied.

  He was a gentleman in every sense of the word, helping her to sit, although she was capable of managing that on her own. Not taking his seat until she was comfortably adjusted in hers. Malcolm inclined himself to her and focused his full attention on her. Naomi felt like when she spoke, he listened. He didn’t interrupt her when she was talking and asked pertinent questions, which reinforced that he was paying attention in the first place.

  “So, Naomi, what is it that occupies your days?”

  “That has to be the most interesting way someone has asked me what I do for a living,” Naomi laughed.

  “Well, I like to keep it interesting,” Malcolm chuckled.

  “I appreciate that,” Naomi replied, as she crossed her legs and settled more onto the seat. “I am the public relations manager for my best friend’s barbering business, and starting my PR firm,” Naomi answered, “well at least trying.”

  “That’s admirable,” Malcolm commented. “But don’t discount your efforts. It takes a certain level of moxie to be an entrepreneur, so don’t minimize that part, you know?”

  “I do,” she smiled. “And what about you, Malcolm. What occupies your days?”

  “I’m an entrepreneur, too,” Malcolm replied.

  “Oh really,” Naomi smiled, his comment making more sense than ever.

  “Yes. I have my own law firm, Bridges and Associates.”

  “Nice,” Naomi commented. And then her brow furrowed slightly. “Is that where you know Tareef from?”

  “Yeah,” Malcolm replied. “We’ve battled across the aisle a couple of times.”

  “Who won?” Naomi asked with a sliver of a smile on her lips.

  “Sometimes him, sometimes me. How do you know Tareef?”

  “Oh, uhm,” Naomi’s heart thudding loudly in her chest. “Best friend.”

  “You’re Tareef’s best friend? Malcolm questioned, his brow slightly furrowed.

  “No, no,” Naomi backtracked with an embarrassed giggle. “His brother is my best friend’s husband.”

  “Oh, Khalid?”

  “Yes,” Naomi sounded. “Khalid is married to my best friend, Rocky, I mean Racquel.”

  “Oh,” Malcolm breathed, “because I saw how he greeted you.”

  “You saw,” Naomi inquired. “I don’t understand.”

  “He spoke with words,” Malcolm clarified, “but it’s how he looked at you when he spoke. That’s why I said saw.”

  “Hmm,” Naomi replied, her cheeks flushing warmly, I hadn’t noticed.”

  Chapter nine

  Naomi noticed Tareef was watching her. She didn’t need to fully turn around to see him. Naomi felt him like she did before, like she did every time Tareef’s eyes were on her. She felt an intense fluttering in her belly, one she knew Malcolm didn’t generate. It was Tareef. It had always been Tareef. Yet, Naomi couldn’t allow herself to be swept up in her own infatuation with this man. It was unrequited love, unreciprocated, and she knew it even though Naomi felt Tareef in her soul. But that feeling Naomi could no longer allow to control her. It hadn’t borne any fruit. The truth was, it might not, ever. So, she had to be open to new things, new experiences, new chances to share all the love she had in her heart with someone who willingly accepted, desired, and craved her special kind of love.

  Tareef watched as Malcolm escorted Naomi away. More than that, Tareef watched Naomi, how she moved so unencumbered, so freely, so willingly. She moved willingly. Tareef noticed how Naomi’s statuesque physique moved away from him. And he thought about the last time that same incredible physique moved in his direction, towards him, unencumbered, freely and willingly, and how he responded to how she approached versus her approach. He felt something, a tinge he recognized had nothing to do with Malcolm. Tareef also saw the way Malcolm looked at Naomi. It felt like trespassing like Malcolm was trespassing on private property. But that was ridiculous, right? Tareef staked no claim on Naomi, so why the wrinkle in his brow and the tinge in his soul?

  “Excuse me, Mr. Ali.”

  She had to address him a second time in order to get his attention.


  “Oh, I’m sorry, mayor,” Tareef finally replied, turning his attention away from Naomi as she got further away. “I didn’t hear you.”

  “No problem,” Mayor Bottoms replied.

  Tareef turned fully in the mayor’s direction as she continued to speak.

  “I appreciate you coming out today,” Keisha smiled.

  “Thanks for the invitation,” Tareef commented, although he felt like there was something more she wanted to say.

  “I don’t often mix business with pleasure, but I hope you don’t mind.”

  “What’s on your mind, mayor?”

  “There’s a case that I wanted to bring to your attention. Five years ago, Jennifer Whitman was tried and convicted or murder.”

  “Given your presentation of this matter to me, I take it there is something special about this case?”

  “Yes,” Mayor Bottoms replied as the two strolled away from any potential listeners. “Mrs. Whitman was convicted of murder in the death of her husband, Roger. Mrs. Whitman reported that she was the victim of ongoing and repeated domestic violence; however, there was minimal documentation to corroborate her defense. The defense attorney also argued that Mrs. Whitman suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of the alleged abuse. The prosecutor maintained that because Mrs. Whitman didn’t kill her husband in the middle of an alleged incident, the murder didn’t qualify as an act of self-defense nor an act of passion. She waited until he was asleep. They considered it premeditated.”

  Mayor Bottoms had Tareef’s full attention by that point.

  “I have gone to the Legal Defense Fund with the case. I understand you do some pro bono work with them. Is that correct?”

  “Yes,” Tareef answered. “I have.”

  “I am coming to you with this case because I think Mrs. Whitman did not receive justice in this matter. I am coming to you, Attorney Ali, because not only are you highly regarded and highly qualified, you have a heart for people. She needs someone with all those qualities in order to get justice.”

  “Well, I appreciate the kind words,” Tareef replied.

  “They are more than kind words,” Mayor Bottoms countered. “It’s going to take an attorney of your caliber to effectively argue this case.”

  “You want me to argue for clemency, is that right?”

  “Yes, Attorney Ali,” Mayor Bottoms agreed, “precedent setting clemency.”

  “Well, M
ayor, you have certainly piqued my curiosity,” Tareef offered.

  “I hope I have done more than that,” Keisha smiled for the first time since they began the discussion.

  “I will take it under advisement,” Tareef replied.

  “And you’ll let me know?”

  “I most certainly will.”

  Naomi spent the majority of the afternoon with Malcolm and had an incredible time of it. She didn’t expect to. It’s like he appeared out of nowhere to take her mind off everything that had been weighing her down. Malcolm was interesting and funny and attentive, much like the man she pined for. But Naomi refused to pine away from someone she couldn’t have when this brilliant manmade himself readily available to her. Malcolm made Naomi feel beautiful by the way he regarded her. She caught him staring a few times, but he didn’t look away. Malcolm showed her that he was interested. When Malcolm’s phone buzzed, it drew the couple from their enjoyable conversation and back to reality. Reluctantly, Malcolm pulled the phone from his pocket and looked at the name across the screen.

  “Excuse me for one moment, would you beautiful?”

  “Absolutely,” Naomi smiled.

  She watched Malcolm as he strolled away from her. He was as confident in the way he moved as Tareef was. Naomi’s brow lifted as she contemplated the situation. Was the universe playing a practical joke giving her an equitable alternative to the one she wanted most? Maybe Malcolm was an answer to the prayer Naomi decided she wouldn’t pray anymore because it was pointless. As he turned back and smiled as he continued the phone conversation, Naomi made a decision. No matter what, she would not lose herself in another man, any man. She wouldn’t swoon prematurely until said man proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was more than just interested. Whoever the man was, he would have to win Naomi’s heart before she returned that sentiment in kind.


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