Tareef (The Brothers Ali Book 4)

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Tareef (The Brothers Ali Book 4) Page 11

by Celeste Granger

  “Just one more picture, beautiful,” Malcolm crooned against her ear, recalling Naomi’s attention.

  She nodded and posed for the camera. Naomi smiled, but Tareef noticed that the smile didn’t reach her eyes. When the cameras stopped flashing, Naomi didn’t stay on the carpet, choosing instead to attend to her parents. Tareef made his appearance on the carpet. There was no way an Ali man was in the building, and all the attention wasn’t given to him. The cameras flashed even more, even brighter for Tareef, and when Ameer and Khalid joined him on the carpet, it was an Ali takeover. Malcolm didn’t stick around to watch the cameras and the women swooning over Tareef, but the camera loved him, and there were more and more calls for more and more pictures of the Ali men. Tareef took the pictures, but just like Naomi, his focus was somewhere else. His eyes trailed Naomi as she moved into the room. She had always been attractive to Tareef. Was it possible for Naomi to be even more beautiful?

  Tareef and Naomi pivoted around each other, moving near each other, grazing each other’s orbits and auras. There were stolen glances and moments when their eyes locked. In those moments, something stirred in both of them, something curious and undeniable. But Naomi refused to make the same mistake she made before. And she felt like it had been a mistake to reveal her interest. She wouldn’t do that again, with Tareef or anyone else. Malcolm wasn’t far away, though, and he made his presence known.

  “We haven’t talked much lately,” he suggested as he strolled up, standing in front of Naomi, demanding her full attention with the imposing physique. Malcolm was at least a foot taller than Naomi, and standing in front of her, he cast a long shadow.

  “I’ve been busy,” Naomi answered, her eyes trailing up to meet his. But there was no luster, and the intrigue that had once been there seemed to have diminished.

  “Too busy for me?”

  It was the first time Naomi recognized insecurity in Malcolm’s voice. But she didn’t resolve it for him in the way he would have probably preferred. The more she considered their prior conversation, the more a bitter taste was left in Naomi’s mouth. Malcolm’s attention to her feminine needs didn’t entirely diminish the impact of his opinion on the mentally ill. Maybe Naomi was judging him too harshly, but her gut said she was right in doing so. She’d disagreed with her gut before, not acknowledging the sixth sense she’d always had. This time, Naomi determined she would be more careful and not rush in.

  “At the moment, yes,” Naomi smiled, stepping out of the shadow he created. She didn’t wait for his counterargument. Naomi wasn’t interested in anything more he had to say. She would more than likely talk to Malcolm again, but not today. There were other more pressing matters to attend to. Although it wasn’t her responsibility, Racquel kept Naomi’s parents occupied and entertained. Natalie seemed to be faring well on her own, excited by the celebrities in the room, and acting as a secondary PR rep for her big sister. Kent, well, he was who he was.

  She felt a gentle touch to her shoulder, but it was the voice that stopped Naomi in her tracks.


  She knew him. She knew his tone, his vibration, his velvet baritone voice. The skip of her heartbeat confirmed who called her name before Naomi turned around. Pivoting on her heels, Naomi turned around, her eyes landing on his masculine chest. Her heart skipped another beat, and butterflies descended into her belly. Slowly, her eyes trailed upwards. Naomi wondered if his broad shoulders ever tired of carrying the weight of his masculinity. Their eyes connected, and Naomi felt her cheeks instantly flush with heat. That familiar feeling could be an amazing distraction, a reminder of how she felt in Tareef’s presence before. So, Naomi closed her eyes and breathed slowly, determined to stay focused. Tareef made that shit so damn hard. His presence was still breath snatching.

  “Congratulations,” Tareef crooned as everything that moved around them ceased to move. Time stood still for Naomi.

  “Thank you,” she smiled. “I’m surprised you came.”

  “Why?” Tareef asked, an easy smile creasing his full lips. Naomi’s eyes immediately lowered to his lips. It would have been easy to be mesmerized by Tareef’s delectable mouth. But Naomi refused to do what she’d done before; instead, resorting to slightly biting the inside of her jaw to keep herself from swooning.

  “I think it’s kind of obvious, Tareef. Don’t you?” Naomi countered.

  Looking into Naomi’s eyes, Tareef saw the answer. There was a quiet moment between them, yet Naomi remained professionally pleasant. For the first time since she’d known Tareef, he seemed struck with not knowing what to say.

  “Good to see you again, Tareef,” Naomi offered, deciding to end the awkwardness between them.

  “Hold on, one second, Naomi,” Tareef uttered, reaching for Naomi as she turned away. She felt the full touch of his hand on her arm, firm but gentle. Naomi paused her steps and inclined herself back to Tareef. She didn’t say anything; just waited to hear what else Tareef had to say.

  “Let me give you this before you go,” Tareef offered, reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out a business card.

  Naomi’s eyes trailed from the card back to Tareef before she accepted the extension. When her eyes fell on the business card, and she read the name, Naomi’s brow furrowed slightly. She looked to Tareef for an explanation.

  “My brother is in search of a PR firm for our company,” Tareef explained. “I thought of you.”

  Once again, Naomi was befuddled by Tareef.

  “Thanks,” Naomi replied. But before she stepped away, Naomi had to ask. “Why?”

  “Why what?” Tareef asked.

  “Why me?” Naomi questioned. “Why would you think of me?” She was genuinely curious.

  “Honestly, Naomi, I think about you a lot,” Tareef admitted.

  She didn’t know what to say or how to take what he said. Befuddled wasn’t even sufficient to describe how Naomi felt. Searching Tareef’s eyes for answers his words hadn’t provided, Naomi saw what she thought was a softness to his eyes and a genuineness in his expression. He had never been the kind of man to regret much, but seeing her again, being in her presence, Tareef regretted how he handled their prior encounters. But before he could tell Naomi, there was a disturbance in the room that drew everyone’s attention.


  She heard her name called, but Naomi couldn’t quite tell where it was coming from. Tareef’s natural instinct kicked in, closing the distance between himself and Naomi, placing a gentle hand to her back, and aiding her in navigating through the crowd to determine the source.

  “Somebody call 911,” was the next thing Naomi heard before she saw what was going on. It was her mother, sprawled out on the floor, her father kneeling over her. Shocked, Naomi couldn’t initially move. She was cognizant of Tareef still centering her with a firm hand to her back. But Naomi’s eyes were fixed, and her heart pounded rapidly. Then she moved, falling to her knees next to her dad and Kent, unsure as to what was going on. It took Naomi a minute to process what she saw, her mom’s eyes rolled back in her head and foamy white stuff around her mouth.

  “Mom? Mommy?”

  Ruby was unresponsive.

  “Somebody call 911, please!” Naomi called out as her eyes misted over with fresh tears. Naomi felt so helpless as she shook her mother, trying to rouse her back to consciousness.

  “What happened?” She asked her father Naomi’s voice laced with brimming hysteria

  “I don’t know,” Vance answered, his eyes never leaving his wife. “One minute, she was standing next to me, and the next, she was on the ground.”

  Naomi looked bewildered, and then her eyes trailed to the group of people standing around. Natalie stood there, eyes wide. She looked petrified and indecisive, concerned but didn’t want to get too close. But Natalie wasn’t the only one Naomi noticed. Malcolm was there, too.

  Chapter fifteen

  The scene was frantic and panic-stricken. Everything was a blurry whirlwind of activity, and Naomi’s emoti
ons skidded and whirled right along with it. The ambulance and EMT’s arrived, checking Ruby’s vitals. Racquel was right there with Naomi, holding her up as the emergency technicians attended to her mother. Tareef was also there, standing alongside Naomi, attending to her as well. Malcolm looked on, desiring to be of help yet finding himself on the outside. The Singleton family watched as the EMTs loaded Ruby onto the gurney and rushed her out of the building.

  “I gotta be with my wife,” Vance said as he followed the gurney outside.

  There was room for one family member to ride along. Vance was that one.

  “Me and Nat will go in my car,” Kent said as he held on to their younger sister, guiding her out behind the gurney.

  “What do you need me to do,” Racquel asked Naomi.

  “I don’t know,” Naomi cried as tears sat on her lids, ready to fall. Tareef, overhearing the conversation, stepped up.

  “Khalid and I will take care of things here so you can be with your mother,” he offered.

  That was reassuring to Naomi, although she was so overcome, the words didn’t form on her lips. She managed to nod her head.

  “Come on, Naomi,” Racquel said, ushering Naomi towards her car. The ladies were so consumed neither noticed the heavy footfalls behind them. As Racquel ushered Naomi to the passenger side of her car, a large hand reached for the car door handle.

  “Let me help,” Malcolm suggested.

  Racquel recognized him and stepped back, then made her way to the driver's side. Malcolm moved to Naomi’s side, ushering her into the car and making sure she was seated.

  “I’ll meet you at the hospital,” Malcolm offered reassuringly.

  Again, Naomi was without words. She could only think about what was going on with her mother. Malcolm saw the stress and strain in her eyes and didn’t seek more from her. He closed the door and made his way to the sidewalk as Racquel started the ignition and pulled the car out into the street. She wanted to get Naomi to her destination as quickly and as safely as possible, understanding the angst her best friend most likely felt. Racquel had been through something similar with her own dad. That situation led to the loss of Rocky’s father. She didn’t want the same for Naomi. That feeling of no control, fear, and anticipation was remarkably familiar for Rocky, and she hated that Naomi was going through it. So, Racquel didn’t press Naomi to talk. Noticing Naomi wringing her hands, Rocky reached over, extending her hand, giving Naomi something to hold on to. She willingly accepted Racquel’s offer, holding her hand tightly as she peered out of the passenger side window. The not knowing was killing Naomi. They couldn’t get to the hospital soon enough.

  It didn’t take long before Racquel whipped her vehicle into the emergency room parking lot. Both ladies climbed out of the car and made haste toward the sliding glass doors. When they entered the waiting room, Naomi’s family was already there.

  “Have they said anything? Where is mom? What’s going on?”

  The rush of Naomi’s words reflected the adrenaline that coursed through her. Kent was the one who spoke up.

  “She’s in the back. The doctors are working on her. That’s all we know right now.”

  “That’s not good enough,” Naomi protested, looking from one family member to the other. Vance had his head cradled in both hands. Natalie looked despondent, her eyes wide and unfocused.

  “That’s all we know right now, Naomi,” Kent offered. He seemed the most level-headed at the moment, but Kent’s answers still didn’t satisfy her. Naomi didn’t wait; instead, making her way to the nurses’ station. Racquel fell in line behind her. Somebody had answers, and Naomi had no intention of leaving the station until she had what she needed.

  “Excuse me,” Naomi said, trying to gain someone’s attention. When there was no immediate response, she got louder and more insistent.

  “Excuse me.”

  One of the nurses finally acknowledged Naomi’s presence.

  “May I help you?”

  “I need to know what’s going on with Ruby Singleton.”

  “And you are?” The nurse attempted to clarify.

  “Mrs. Singleton is my mother,” Naomi quipped. Ordinarily, the nurse being mindful of confidentiality wouldn’t have bothered Naomi. Intellectually, she understood. But this was her mother. Anything that prolonged Naomi finding out what she needed to know was a nuisance, and her angst started to spill over. Racquel noticed Naomi wringing her hands even tighter than she had before.

  “What’s going on with her?” Naomi insisted.

  “Just one moment, ma’am,” the nurse answered, her eyes diverting to the computer monitors in front of her.

  Whatever the nurse was doing took too long, as the erratic pat of Naomi’s foot increased.

  The nurse looked up from the computer screen and addressed her.

  “Mrs. Singleton is currently in triage with the emergency physician. As soon as he is able, the doctor will let you know what is going on.”

  The nurse disengaged after providing the information she had available. It was insufficient to satisfy Naomi. The nurse offered her no more than her brother did, and it wasn’t enough. Naomi’s brow furrowed. She felt dismissed by the nurse.

  “Uhm, ma’am,” Naomi began, her voice sharp.

  “Come on, Naomi,” Racquel encouraged, placing an arm around Naomi’s waist and trying to steer her away from the station.

  “She knows what she knows,” Racquel explained as she tried to guide Naomi towards the waiting room.

  “But that’s nothing, Rocky,” Naomi countered, her feet reluctant to move.

  “But that’s all she knows.” Racquel iterated. “We have to wait for the doctor now, okay?”

  Naomi wasn’t in agreement, but it didn’t matter. She would have to be patient whether she liked it or not. As they returned to the area where the family sat, Naomi was reminded of her familial responsibility. It was up to her to be strong. She had to be there for her father and sister, and Kent if he would allow. Naomi had to be the responsible one. That’s what she’d always been before. Why would this time be any different?

  Naomi took the seat next to her sister and across from their father. Racquel excused herself, stepping away to make a phone call. Kent couldn’t sit, not for long. He walked the hallway, pacing back and forth. No sooner did Naomi sit down did Natalie rest her head on her big sister’s shoulder. Naomi comforted her by inclining herself to Natalie.

  “Dad, you alright?” Naomi asked trepidatiously. Their parents were extremely close, and Vance loved his wife more than he loved his own life. Their hearts truly beat as one. Naomi knew her father wasn’t okay. She needed to engage him, though, get him talking to hopefully keep Vance from spiraling.

  “Yeah, yeah,” he answered, sighing heavily, lifting his head and resting his back against the chair. “Just worried about my Ruby D.”

  “We all are, daddy,” Naomi agreed.

  “How’s everything going over there,” Racquel asked her husband.

  “We’re just about done here, babe,” Khalid replied. Tareef moved closer, concerned as well. Khalid put the call on speaker so his brother could hear.

  “All of the guests are gone. Naturally, their biggest concern was Naomi’s mom, but we tried to ally their fears as much as possible. Any word yet?”

  “No, not yet,” Racquel replied.

  “How’s Naomi holding up?”

  “She’s doing the best she can, but,” Rocky paused.

  “Understood,” Khalid answered. “How are you, beloved?”

  He knew this situation was precarious for Racquel; too similar to the situation with her father.

  “Holding up,” Rocky answered. “Focusing on Naomi and her family.”

  “Understood,” Khalid replied. “I’ll be there in just a little while.”

  “We’ll be there,” Tareef interjected.

  “See you all soon.”

  Racquel disconnected the line as she made her way back to Naomi and the family.

s anyone need anything,” she asked before taking a seat.

  Natalie didn’t raise her head. This was all too surreal for her. She’d always been fearful that her mother’s condition was a generational curse destined for her. This situation didn’t make Natalie feel any better about what she knew was her predetermined fate.

  “No, Rocky, but thank you,” Mr. Singleton replied. “My nerves are too bad right now for anything.”

  “Naomi?” Racquel asked.

  “No thanks, Rocky,” Naomi uttered. Although she did her best to be attentive to her family, Naomi’s eyes continuously returned to the triage door. Behind that door was her mother. Time moved slowly as they waited. Every time the triage door swung open, Naomi lifted her frame higher in her seat, her eyes trailing every person in scrubs, waiting to see if the Singleton name was called. Every time it wasn’t, Naomi shrunk back in her seat, her shoulders slumping, her anxiety rising. When Malcolm entered the waiting area, Naomi didn’t immediately notice until he sat down in the row behind her father, coming into her visual field. Malcolm was there. He was present. That was nice of him.

  It got harder and harder for Naomi to remain immobile. She was fidgety, and sitting made the waiting feel prolonged. Naomi checked in with her father again. The worry lines that creased his forehead were still thickly set.

  “I’ll be back,” she whispered to Natalie, who was still resting on her shoulder.

  “Where are you going?” Natalie’s tone reflected her wariness, reminding Naomi of when they were both younger. The sisters shared a bedroom, and Natalie was deathly afraid of thunderstorms. Whenever there was one, Naomi crawled in bed with her and comforted Natalie until the storm passed. If Naomi moved even an inch, Natalie would question her to see if she was leaving, worried that she would be left alone to deal with something that frightened her. Natalie sounded like that same little girl, scared about what was happening or going to happen.


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