Tareef (The Brothers Ali Book 4)

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Tareef (The Brothers Ali Book 4) Page 18

by Celeste Granger

  “Of course,” she answered, unsure what to expect.

  “Well, I was so enamored with your presentation. I called an impromptu meeting with our company’s leadership.”

  Naomi had already had a nerve-wracking first half of her day. It seemed O’Shea was determined to add to it.

  “Were they pleased?”

  “More than pleased, Ms. Singleton. So, although I’m contacting you early, I wanted to let you know that we would like to offer you the position of PR representative for Ali International.”

  Naomi gasped, replaying what O’Shea said in her head to make sure she understood him correctly. Even then, it was necessary to clarify.

  “Wait, did you say PR representative for the company, not just the product we discussed?”

  “That’s exactly what I said,” O’Shea replied. “That’s just how impressed the team was with what you produced on a limited scale. They saw the power of what you could produce on a much larger one. Now, you don’t have to give me an answer today. I just wanted to let you know that we are extending the offer. If it’s okay with you, we want to send a courier to your address with the proposed contract and the numbers. Would that be alright?”

  “Yes,” Naomi uttered, still stunned. “Yes, it would.”

  “Good then,” O’Shea continued. “We’ll have those documents sent over tomorrow morning.”

  “Thank you so much, Mr. Ali. I don’t know what else to say.”

  “You’ve said enough. Take care, Ms. Singleton.”

  Naomi could barely breathe. She waited until she was sure the phone call was disconnected.

  “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!”

  She couldn’t believe it. Tears welled up in the corner of Naomi’s eyes as she considered what the opportunity truly meant. She was so overjoyed; her hands shook. Naomi basked in that moment, grateful and reflective. As she steered off the interstate and towards her neighborhood, Naomi made a call.

  “Did you know?”

  “Now wait one minute,” Racquel interrupted. “This is the second or third time in a row you started in on a conversation without so much as a hey girl, hello, nothing.”

  “I’m sorry, Rocky, but did you know?”

  “Know what, Naomi?”

  “About the offer.”

  “What offer?”

  “You mean, you don’t know? Khalid didn’t say anything?”

  “No,” Racquel sang, “I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about, but I would like to, especially if you’re suggesting my husband is keeping secrets from me.”

  “I’m not saying that,” Naomi clarified. “Don’t go jumping on Khalid.”

  “If you don’t tell me what the hell is going on and tell me now, Im’ma be jumping on your ass!”

  “Okay, okay,” Naomi breathed. “I got the job, Racquel,” she said as calmly as she could.

  “Hell, to the yeah!! That’s so good, Naomi. I’m so excited for you!”

  “It’s even better than that, Rock,” Naomi sighed, again, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill from her lids.

  “What, girl. Tell me,” Racquel encouraged. She felt Naomi’s excitement. It was contagious.

  “Not only did I land the job, you are now speaking with The PR representative for all of Ali International!”

  “Awwwwwww shit!! Na! That is so freakin’ awesome! Girl!”

  “I know, Rocky. I can hardly believe it.”

  “Well, believe it, girl. You deserve every bit of it.”

  “I couldn’t have done it without you, Rocky,” Naomi cried.

  “Don’t,” Racquel threatened. “Cause you gone make me cry, too!”

  “I know!”

  They were both crying after a few moments.

  “I just can’t believe it, Racquel.”

  “Believe it, babe. You deserve it.”

  “Well, let me get off this phone cause the ugly cry is coming on.”

  “And I definitely don’t want to hear it,” Rocky laughed.

  “Love you, sis, and congratulations again.”

  “Love you, too.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  By the time Tareef called Naomi, it was late. He didn’t make it a habit of calling at such a late hour, but he wanted to talk with her. Tareef wanted to hear her voice. After stepping out of a relaxing shower, Tareef stood in his bedroom with a towel tied low on his waist when he made the call.

  “Hi there,” she purred after answering the line. Naomi was tucked in under her duvet.

  “You weren’t asleep, were you,” Tareef treaded.

  “No,” Naomi affirmed. “I’m much too excited for that.”

  “Excited? What’s that all about?”

  “Don’t act like you don’t know,” Naomi warned.

  “Beloved, I don’t think I do,” he replied honestly.

  “I talked to your brother today,” she began.

  “Which one? I have a lot,” Tareef laughed.

  “O’Shea,” Naomi giggled.

  “Oh, something about your proposal?”

  From Tareef’s inquiry, Naomi thought maybe he didn’t know.

  “More than that,” she answered.

  “Tell me.”

  “I was offered the Public Relations position for all of Ali International.”

  “Ah, beloved, that’s fantastic and well deserved. I’m very happy for you.”

  “And you didn’t know anything about it? You had nothing to do with it?”

  “No, I didn’t,” Tareef admitted. “Truth be told, I have been so preoccupied with the trial, I have been somewhat derelict in my duties to the company. But let me reassure you, even without being made privy to it, I approve wholeheartedly of the decision.”

  “Thank you, Tareef. It means a lot.” The warm feeling Naomi felt in her heart she knew was a direct result of him.

  “We certainly have a lot to celebrate,” Tareef suggested. “If you still want to celebrate with me.”

  “What did you have in mind?”

  Her voice rang sweetly in Tareef’s ear. His eyes narrowed in response.

  “Do you trust me?”

  His question caught Naomi off guard, and she paused in response, not knowing what the right answer was. The echo of not being too easy, too available, too anxious, too eager, caused her hesitance to extend longer than what Tareef was comfortable with. He almost posed the question again, and then she responded.

  “Why should I trust you?”

  Tareef heard the challenge and uncertainty in her voice. It wasn’t unwarranted, so he felt compelled to respond.

  “Because I would never hurt you, Naomi.”

  The way he said her name, how it spilled so melodically from his lips, raised the tiny hairs on the back of Naomi’s neck.

  “I trust you, for the most part,” Naomi responded as honestly as she could.

  “Do you trust me enough to hop in the jet with me so we can celebrate?”

  Jet? Is that how he does things, Naomi pondered.

  “I think so,” Naomi smiled, her eyes wide, and her curiosity piqued. It wasn’t like Tareef was a stranger. He wasn’t unknown to Naomi. She’d known Tareef for years and had dated him before, although briefly. Naomi hoped her response didn’t make her seem desperate, but it was her truth.

  “I promise to be on my best behavior,” Tareef offered.

  I hope not, Naomi thought. “I don’t believe that for a minute.” Is what she said.

  Tareef laughed, low, heartily. She joined in with him, laughing at the thought of his misbehaving.

  “So, you’ll go with me? Is that what I heard you say?”

  “Nice deflection, Tareef,” Naomi quipped.

  “Is that a yes?” He persisted.

  “Yes, Tareef, I will go with you,” Naomi giggled.

  “Then, I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning at ten,” Tareef smiled.

  “See you then.”

  “Good night, beloved.”

  “Good night.”

bsp; Naomi shook her head as she disconnected the line. “What in the world? It all seemed so unreal and moving faster than she could have ever imagined. But moving to what end? This time when Naomi shook her head, it was to keep herself from looking too far ahead. History showed it was a setup for disappointment. She promised herself, as she laid back down on her bed that she wouldn’t overthink it, she wouldn’t forecast or project.

  “Live in the moment, Na. That’s what you need to do, just live in the moment.”

  That’s the mantra she repeated to herself as she tried to rest. Despite her best effort, though, Naomi slept very little that night, contemplating the possibilities. That night, her every thought was of Tareef. He was with her as she drifted off to sleep and penetrated her dream space as though he belonged there. Naomi’s excitement spilled over to the next morning. True to form, there was a knock at her door around eight o’clock.

  “Coming,” she said as she scurried down the hallway in her fuzzy slippers.

  Once she arrived at the door, Naomi lifted onto her tiptoes and peered through the peephole. It was a courier just as O’Shea said. Still cautious, Naomi cracked the door with the chain still attached.

  “Good morning, Ms. Singleton?”

  “Yes,” Naomi replied. “Hold on one second.”

  She closed the door long enough to unlatch the chain and opened it again.

  “If you would, please sign here, ma’am.” The courier requested as he handed her an electronic device to capture her signature. Naomi signed her name and returned the pen to its holder.

  “Thank you,” she answered, accepting the extended envelope. After the courier descended the stairs, Naomi closed and locked the door behind her. Turning the envelope over in her hand, she read the addressee out loud.

  “Ali International.” A smile eased across Naomi’s lips as she held the coveted envelope.

  Shit got real at that moment. As she padded towards the couch, Naomi could feel the adrenaline begin to course through her veins. She never imagined that her presentation would garner the kind of reception it had. Just considering the scope of being THE public relations representative agency for Ali International was mind-blowing. They had their hands in everything. The opportunity was immense. Naomi’s hands visibly shook as she cracked the seal on the envelope. She reached inside and pulled out the proposed contract. It took Naomi a moment to center herself even enough to read it; her heart was beating so fast.

  “Whew Lord,” Naomi sighed as she blinked slowly and then focused her eyes on the first line. She read the correspondence aloud.

  Ms. Singleton,

  Our company was more than impressed with your most recent proposal. We recognize the kind of foresight, insight, and talent required to produce such a responsive proposal. After much deliberation, we have decided to offer you full public relations representation for the many facets of Ali International that make up our company.

  As such, we are making the following offer:

  1.5-million-dollar annual salary with a $500,00 sign-on bonus

  Support to expand your business to accommodate the needs of Ali International. Support staff salaries and new employee salaries to be paid by our company

  401k with stock options

  Full medical and insurance benefits

  A company car and access to the company jet for national and international travel

  $10,000 monthly expense allowance

  If you accept this offer, and we hope that you do, we are prepared to start our new business relationship on October 1, 2020.

  Thanks for any and all consideration.


  Omar Ali, CEO of Ali International

  She couldn’t speak. Naomi couldn’t find the words to say anything. Her mouth fell open as she reread the letter, and then Naomi’s eyes misted over with tears.

  “Oh, my God.”

  Sitting the letter down, Naomi’s hands steepled in front of her mouth. When she blinked, the tears that teetered on the brims of her lips spilled onto her cheeks. It was more than she could have imagined. She couldn’t stop shaking, and the tears didn’t stop falling. After a few moments, Naomi opened her eyes and wiped her cheeks. She looked at the last line of the contract again.

  “I don’t even have a pen,” Naomi laughed at herself when she finally felt like she could sign the contract. Lifting herself from the chair, Naomi crossed the room and then entered the kitchen. Pulling out the junk drawer where all the miscellaneous items that can’t be thrown away were kept, she scrambled for a pen.

  “I know there’s one in here somewhere,” she mumbled as she wiggled her hand underneath the first layer of junk.

  “Aha!” She exclaimed, pulling her hand back with the pen she sought. Naomi meandered back to the dining room, where the contract sat on the table. As she sat down, she took another deep breath reveling in how one piece of paper, one presentation, changed her life. When she placed the pen to the paper and signed her name, Naomi’s heart swole in her chest, it was an amazing feeling. Knowing she was slated to leave town in just a little while, Naomi didn’t want to risk the contract's return being delayed in any way. Searching at the bottom of the page, she found the company’s fax number. Lifting from her chair once again, Naomi crossed the room to where her home office was set up. The fax machine was powered on. All she had to do was type in Ali international’s number and watch the contract slide through. She was nervously giddy with excitement as she pressed in the number and double-checked to make sure it was correct.

  “Here we go,” she smiled as she balanced the paper on her hand until the automatic feed pulled it through. That simple activity made it all very real. Naomi didn’t move from that spot until she got the confirmation that the fax had been received and that it was transmitted with no error. Then padding back to the table, Naomi picked up her cell phone and texted Mr. O’Shea. She hoped he would regard her communication as professional.

  Greetings. Please be advised that I have faxed over the signed contract. If you would please confirm receipt at your earliest convenience and again, thanks so much. Regards, Ms. Naomi Singleton.

  Satisfied with the messaging, Naomi closed the message, and the clock in the corner of her phone caught her eye.


  It was after nine o’clock. Naomi hadn’t packed bag the first for her little rendezvous with Tareef. She scuddled to her bedroom, cellphone gripped tightly in her hand, and made her way to the walk-in closet. The first thing she did was grab her small rolling suitcase and pull it out. She took it over to the bed and unzipped it.

  “I don’t even know where we are going,” Naomi groaned as she made it back to the closet. Her eyes scanned the racks upon racks of clothes she had, but nothing jumped out at her as something she wanted to take.

  “What do you even wear on a jet?” Naomi pondered. She remembered conversations with her mother about how they used to travel back in the day. They would get all dressed up, wearing their Sunday Best getting on a plane. But it wasn’t so much that way anymore. But a plane is not a jet, right? Naomi scratched her head, flustered. Nothing was happening standing in the closet, so Naomi decided to go to where she knew she could get the essentials packed if nothing else. She kicked off her fuzzy slippers and padded into the adjoining bath. The bathroom tile floor was cool to her naked feet. At least she knew what to do in there. Naomi grabbed her toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, hair products, body wash, and specially formulated shampoo. Her travel bag was underneath the sink, so packing that one was easy. At least she felt accomplished when she was done with that part.

  Taking the travel bag with her, Naomi exited the restroom, picking up her phone to take, too. She sat the bag down next to the luggage.

  “Well, I know I need underwear,” Naomi mumbled, “but for how many days? One? Six” She had no idea. As Naomi made her way to the dresser, retrieving the essentials, she realized she’d gotten very little information from Tareef about this whole celebration thing. And the cl
ock was fighting against her.

  “Shit, shit, shit!” She huffed as time drew nigh. Now it was all-out panic mode. She grabbed a classic little black dress and some pumps to wear with it. Then she picked out a few pairs of slacks, blouses, a t-shirt, and jeans, and grabbed her swimming suit as she sprinted out of the closet. Naomi threw the items in the luggage and stood for one second, trying to think about what she may have forgotten. There was probably a lot.

  “Okay,” she thought as she returned to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Whatever she’d forgotten would have to be forgotten unless she found a few minutes after showering and dressing to add more. Peeling off her clothes as she moved, Naomi stepped in. The water in the shower was barely warm before Naomi stepped in.

  “Yikes!” She squealed as the tepid water hit her naked flesh. It didn’t even matter. The water would have to warm as she washed. Grabbing her favorite body wash and loofa, Naomi showered. Her mind was like a Rolodex reviewing what she’d packed and what she might still need. Rinsing off after the second wash down, Naomi stepped out of the shower and grabbed two towels, one for her body and one for her hair that always managed to get wet.

  “I hope I don’t need a blow dryer to dry off,” she thought as she dabbed her moist skin. Wrapping her hair turban-style, Naomi returned to her closet for the last time. There had to be something befitting her first jet ride with the man that made her heart swell.

  “Come on, talk to me, baby,” she uttered. “Where you at?”

  Then she saw it. Grabbing the sheath dress from the hanger, Naomi went back to the bedroom. She spent a few minutes oiling her body with shea butter with the essence of coconut. She had to check the phone one more time to see just how much time she had left. One thing she knew about Tareef to be true was that he was never late. The times they’d gone out before, he always arrived on time or slightly before time. Naomi didn’t estimate that this date would be any different. She dressed quickly as the clock showed she only had about fifteen minutes to pull it all together. Thankfully, Naomi wasn’t big on makeup. It would only take a few seconds to apply her lip moisturizer and, if pressed, a bit of eyeliner. Her dressing table provided the jewelry she would wear. Naomi slid on a pair of earrings and then put on a few silver bangles.


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