Tareef (The Brothers Ali Book 4)

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Tareef (The Brothers Ali Book 4) Page 23

by Celeste Granger

  “You what?” She had to have heard him wrong, right?

  “I,” he leaned in, kissing Naomi lightly on her pouted lips. “Love,” he said as an easy smile creased his lips. “You.” Tareef didn’t kiss her. He looked into her eyes with an unrelenting gaze until he saw, by looking into her eyes, that she heard him and understood his heart. Tareef wouldn’t let Naomi go until he was sure she understood. And for a moment, her brow furrowed, and she stared back at him, unresolved. When she heard him, when she felt him when she accepted what Tareef said and understood him, Naomi’s eyes misted over, and Tareef noticed the slightest tremble to her lips.

  “You mean it?” She whispered, trying to fight back the tears.

  “Absolutely,” Tareef whispered, leaning down and kissing first one closed eyelid then the other. And as he eased from her, Tareef kissed the tear that spilled onto her cheek.

  “I love you, too,” Naomi smiled as Tareef folded her into his loving arms.

  That night, and every night of their celebration Tareef and Naomi showed each other just how much in love they were.

  Three Months Later

  Naomi felt like her feet hadn’t touched the ground since France. Her relationship with Tareef was beyond any expectations. The fact that she could actually say relationship and it be based on something real was pretty spectacular unto itself. It was good, really good. When Tareef told Naomi he loved her, she felt like her heart stopped beating in her chest, that her ears defied her and that it couldn’t possibly be true. But he said it again, and over the past three months, Tareef reminded Naomi that he did, in fact, love her. More than that, Tareef showed her every day that he meant every word he said. His actions demonstrated love on the highest level, a level Naomi couldn’t have imagined. She’d never felt that from any man before. Tareef showed and proved.

  Not only were things going well in her relationship, but Naomi also started at Ali International with a small staff that she handpicked herself. The task was daunting as Ali International had their hands in many arenas, but Naomi was getting a handle on it, studying the company’s culture, acquisitions, and vision. It didn’t hurt that she worked in the same building with Tareef either. Some would think that working together and being in a relationship was too much, that time apart makes the heart grow fonder. But in their case, both things were true. Naomi traveled for work, and so did Tareef. They had those times when they were apart and when they got back together, whew chile, it was a-ma-zing multiplied by infinity times infinity. And even though it was Sunday mid-afternoon, Naomi didn’t mind being at the office getting some work in, in preparation for the next week. It was quiet in the building, and there was nothing to distract her from the tasks at hand.

  When her phone rang, it pulled Naomi out of the zone she’d been in. She thought about letting the call go to voicemail, but she picked it up and saw the name that flashed across the screen.

  “Hey, handsome,” Naomi purred into the phone.

  “Hey, beautiful,” Tareef crooned. “I want to see you.”

  “Ahnn,” Naomi hummed. “So direct, huh? What brought that on?”

  “I miss you,” he breathed, “that’s what brought this on,” Tareef sexily clarified.

  “Aww, sweet, I miss you.”

  “Then tell me where you are so we can end this misery,” Tareef chortled.

  Naomi laughed with him. “In my office.”

  “I’ll be there in ten.”

  “See you then.”

  Even though the line disconnected, the smile Tareef caused remained. They hadn’t seen each other in a few days, and it was always a few days too long when they were apart. Although Naomi still had work to do, she packed up her work essentials, powering down her laptop, and ensuring her planner was in her computer bag. Standing up from her desk, Naomi padded across the room, turned off the light, and opened and closed the door behind her. There was a lilt in her step, knowing that in a mere few minutes, the love of her life would be there. Tareef must have defied every speed limit because, by the time Naomi made it to the lobby and out of the front door, he was pulling up.

  He must have really missed me. Naomi smiled to herself. Tareef parked the car and exited the driver’s side. His lengthy gait brought him to Naomi quickly. Tareef didn’t pause to swing her into his arms and level a heated kiss to her lips.

  “Mmm,” she moaned against his mouth, which only caused Tareef to kiss her even deeper.

  “I missed you, too, babe,” Naomi whispered against his luscious mouth.

  Tareef kept one arm around Naomi’s waist as he relieved her from the computer bag, hoisting it on his shoulder. Once they reached the car, he opened the door for her, making sure Naomi was securely seated before strolling around the back of the vehicle and entering on the drivers’ side. He reached behind and placed the computer bag on the seat. His nearness still gave Naomi goosebumps, and his proximity was enough for her to place her hand to the side of his face and remind Tareef just how much she loved him.

  “So, where are we headed, home maybe,” Naomi teased.

  “Not right away,” Tareef iterated, as he placed a claiming hand on her thigh, “but I promise it will be worth it when we get there.”

  “I know it will,” Naomi hummed, placing her hand on top of his.

  The ride was enjoyable because they were together. It ceased to matter the destination. Naomi just loved being with him. When Tareef pulled off the interstate and took a road, Naomi was unfamiliar with, she paid more attention to her surroundings. When the vehicle pulled into a gated community, Naomi looked over at Tareef to see if he was going to say where they were headed. He didn’t. When the car pulled up to an impressive rod iron gate, Naomi looked at Tareef again. She couldn’t miss the slight smile that rested on his lips.

  “Is this,” she began.

  The smile on Tareef’s face said it all. Instantly, Naomi felt a knot form in the pit of her stomach. She remembered the conversation she had with Racquel the day she was brought to the Ali family home. Naomi remembered how bummed she was that she and Tareef’s entanglement hadn’t risen to the level of an invitation to dine with the family. But she wasn’t bummed anymore. It was Sunday, family dinner, and Naomi was attending.

  Chapter Thirty-one

  The gated opened. Naomi sat forward in her seat, unable to hide her excitement. The manicured lawn that sprawled as far as the eye could see; the forest of trees that lay just beyond paled in comparison to the exquisiteness of the home itself. It was stately and regal and what Naomi expected from Ali Manor.

  “You grew up here,” Naomi uttered. It was more a statement than a question. Tareef pulled the car around to the side of the house, where several family cars were parked. After parking, Tareef opened the passenger side door and helped Naomi to her feet, closing the door behind her. He laced Naomi’s arm around his as they made their way to the front door. He could feel Naomi vibrating beside him.

  “Everyone is going to love you,” Tareef offered.

  “Do I look okay?” Naomi asked nervously, smoothing out her slacks as she spoke.

  “More than okay, beautiful,” he reassured. “It’s going to be fine. I promise.”

  “But I’m getting ready to meet your parents, your mother,” Naomi whispered as if others were present, and she didn’t want them to overhear.

  “And they’ll love you, too,” Tareef promised.

  Naomi heard what he said, but it didn’t register. The knot in her stomach was already too big, and the lump in her throat grew in size. She was a ball of nerves, and nothing Tareef said could assuage that. Tareef rang the doorbell. Immediately it was opened.

  “Hey, Ms. Pauline,” Tareef beamed as he greeted her.

  “Hey there, Tareef,” Pauline replied, giving him a loving hug. “It’s always good to have you home.”

  “And you must be Naomi?” Pauline said, turning her attention to his guest. Good to have you with us,” Pauline smiled.

  Naomi smiled in return, stunned that Ms. Pauli
ne even knew her name. The head of housekeeping stepped aside, and Tareef took Naomi by the hand as they crossed the threshold into the luxurious home. Naomi was immediately caught up by how stunningly elegant the space was. They walked down a long marble-tiled hallway. Naomi’s eyes roamed over everything that came into view. She felt a tightness in her chest as her nerves started to get the best of her, especially when they turned into the dining hall, and Naomi saw everyone was there.

  Tareef, son, it’s so good to see you,” Omar greeted. Tareef released Naomi’s hand only long enough to hug his father. She immediately felt like a spectacle standing there. Then she saw Racquel, and Naomi was able to breathe.

  “Hey girl,” Racquel smiled as she walked up to Naomi and hugged her.

  “I’m so glad you’re here, Rocky,” Naomi whispered against Rocky’s ear. “I’m a nervous wreck.”

  “They are a wonderful family. Relax, you’re here amongst friends,” Racquel smiled as the two disengaged.

  Rocky being there did help until Tareef returned and took Naomi by the hand again. She walked alongside him.

  “Mom, Dad, this is Naomi.”

  “My apologies Naomi from not greeting you sooner,” Mr. Ai said, extending his hand. “I turned to speak, and you were gone.”

  Naomi shook his hand, warmly. “No need to apologize, sir,” Naomi smiled. “I saw Racquel.”

  “Your best friend, is that right,” Aziza asked smilingly.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Naomi answered. She found herself staring at Tareef’s mother. She was so beautiful.

  “I’m a hugger,” Aziza explained, closing the distance between them. “I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all,” Naomi grinned, stepping into Aziza’s open arms. Naomi’s nervousness eased even more. It was something about Tareef’s mother’s hug that did that for her. It was easy after that to meet the rest of the family, and the twins were absolutely adorable. Charity, Aya, and Cairo made Naomi feel right at home. It was girl talk at its finest, and Naomi found that they all seemed incredibly lovely and welcoming.

  “Family,” Pauline greeted. Everyone turned in her direction, and all conversation came to a halt. “Dinner is served.”

  Naomi looked across the beautifully decorated table and found Tareef standing there with a few of his brothers. He must have felt her eyes on him as he pivoted in her direction. Their eyes met, and she felt his raking appraisal even in the presence of family. Her cheeks flushed immediately under the intensity of his gaze.

  “Stop it,” she mouthed.

  The sinister smile on his lips became even more deleterious. Naomi’s eyes widened as she felt the intent of his salacious scrutiny. It felt very R rated, and Naomi flushed embarrassedly. Tareef watched as she sashayed in his direction.

  Damn, he thought internally. She was everything that he’d always wanted and so much more. To see how easily Naomi fit in with his family only confirmed for Tareef what he already knew.

  “You better be careful, Mr. Ali,” Naomi cautioned as he pulled her into his arms.

  “I can’t wait for the or what,” Tareef whispered back. Naomi shook her head with a smile behind his response.

  “Get a room,” Ameer smirked as he passed the intertwined couple.

  “Whatever little brother,” Tareef chortled.

  Tareef helped Naomi to her seat and pulled the chair out for her. As she sat down, Naomi noticed that all the Ali men attended to the woman next to them in the same way. Even Mr. Ali made sure his wife was seated before he took the seat next to her. Their gentlemanliness was as much a tradition as family dinner. Tareef sat down next to her and held Naomi’s hand under the table. As the servers came out, placing the food on the table, Naomi looked around. It was hard not to as the space was exquisitely designed, and the decorative accouterments were beautiful. But even with all the elegance that surrounded her, the space still managed to feel comfortable and familial.

  “Let’s say grace family,” Mr. Ali said as the last of the servers exited the room. “Join hands.”

  The family did as the patriarch requested, each taking the hand of the persons next to them.

  “Father God, Creator of heaven and earth, we come before you, thanking you for your bountiful blessings you have bestowed upon us. We are forever grateful that you continue to bless us over and over again. Now, please, God, bless the hands that have prepared the food. Let it be nourishing for our bodies and our minds. Bless everyone who partakes of this meal. These things we ask in your name alone, amen.”

  “Amen,” the family chorused.

  Naomi opened her eyes and inhaled. Her nostrils were immediately filled with wonderful smells from the spread laid before them. It was so much food, good stuff, things she didn’t expect. It was like soul food Sunday with golden fried chicken, greens, cornbread, candied yams, potato salad, BBQ ribs, homemade macaroni and cheese, deviled eggs, and corn on the cob. The food reminded Naomi that the Ali family was a family, a Black family, a loving family despite how much money and prestige they had. All the feelings of nervousness evaporated as the family ate, talked, and laughed through dinner. It was wonderful.

  “Pauline, you have outdone yourself again,” Omar said as the servers returned.

  “You always say that at dessert time, Mr. Ali,” Pauline smiled.

  “I sure do,” Omar chuckled, his face brightening with a brilliant smile. “Especially when it’s one of my favorites.”

  “They all are, beloved,” Aziza chimed lovingly as she placed a gentle hand to her husband’s flat belly.

  “Homemade peach and apple cobbler? Of course, these are high up on the favorites list,” Omar chortled. “Isn’t that right, boys?”

  “Yes, sir,” the Ali sons chimed.

  “I don’t think I can take another bite,” Naomi said as she rested her back on the spine of the dining room chair. But when the warm cobbler was served with homemade vanilla ice cream, Naomi had to have some.

  “Is Sunday dinner always like this,” Naomi asked as she, Charity, Aya, Racquel, and Cairo talked after dinner was over.

  “Girl always,” Aya chimed. “That’s why you have to save some calories during the week for Sunday, honey.”

  “I know that’s right,” Cairo added. “If it wasn’t for the twins still breastfeeding, I know I would have gained a whole lot of wait fooling with Ms. Pauline, girl.”

  “Exercise extra hard doing the week, so you don’t feel bad about splurging on Sunday,” Charity replied. “Cause you gone eat, chile. Ms. Pauline puts it all the way down.”

  “Can I borrow you for a second,” Tareef said, walking up behind Naomi.

  “Sure, babe,” she hummed as he reached for her hand. Tareef held Naomi’s hands with both of his, behind his back as they proceeded to the front of the dining area.

  “Family, if I can have your attention for just a moment,” Tareef said, clearing his throat. When he turned to face her, Naomi saw something in Tareef’s eyes that made her heart skip a beat. The nervousness that had lifted returned with great force, and he hadn’t spoken a single word. But there was something in Tareef’s eyes that spoke louder than any words he could ever say. Naomi was so focused on Tareef, she didn’t notice when all conversation ceased, and the family began to gather around. Tareef continued to hold Naomi’s hands as he spoke.

  “Naomi, my love.” Tareef paused as the weight of those two words sung through his veins and overwhelmed his soul.

  “See, that’s the thing, you are my love, and I will never tire of saying that, acknowledging that, speaking that. You are my love. And I say that possessively, claimingly, protectively and fervently because it’s true. I’ve never felt that there was a love that belonged solely to me, that was mine and mine alone until you reentered my life. And I’m so grateful for your willingness to do so, to come back into my life, to give me a second chance to fall in love with you.”

  Naomi was so moved by Tareef’s words she felt her knees go slack and her heart pound uncontrollably. Tears misted her
eyes as she listened to him and felt the power of the words he spoke to her heart.

  “Naomi, my love, my beloved, I can’t imagine living the rest of my life without you. I don’t want to. I refuse to.”

  He released Naomi’s hands gently and reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out a small velvet box. Tareef dropped to one knee in front of her. She gasped, and so did the other women standing with her. Naomi’s hands went to her mouth, covering it fully. She couldn’t think; she couldn’t breathe.

  “Naomi,” Tareef said, opening the lid on the box and revealing the six-carat princess-cut diamond ring it contained.

  “I need you to be my wife. I need you to, understand? It’s not something I want, something I desire,” he continued. “I need you to be my wife. Will you marry me?”

  Tears spilled onto her cheeks, and the hands that covered her mouth shook uncontrollably. Her legs could no longer hold her, and Naomi dropped to her knees, joining Tareef there. He reached up to brace her movement as she doubled over in front of him. Tareef placed a loving hand on Naomi’s back. He felt the same kind of overwhelmed as his eyes misted over as well. Their connection was the most powerful feeling he ever experienced, and he knew that he couldn’t let that end. Naomi couldn’t even comprehend the depth of emotion she experienced. Her soul was light, and her heart was full. When she lifted her eyes to meet Tareef’s, Naomi knew. She knew.

  “Yes, Tareef. My answer is yes.”

  When he heard her answer, a single tear spilled from Tareef’s lids. He removed the ring from the box and placed it on Naomi’s finger, sealing their engagement. They were affianced and so much in love.

  The End

  Thank you so much for reading, Tareef, Book 4 in The Brothers Ali. I am excited about this series, and I hope you will continue on this journey with me. I loved writing this book, and I hope you loved it! I would really appreciate it, especially if you enjoyed the story if you would leave a review on Amazon and Goodreads. For Indie authors, reviews are the lifeblood of our work. They give other readers insight into the story and greater visibility for the authors. Thanks in advance, and I hope you will continue reading the Moore Friends Series with me!


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