The Dead Prince

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The Dead Prince Page 6

by Alejandro Betancourt

  Agents in full black exoskeleton armor are firing their laser pistols at a near-invisible blur that is knocking them down one by one — it's Frazid, her Isarian protector. Frazid is massive, fast, and nearly seven feet tall. Eva watches as he grabs agents and smashes their bodies hard against trees or the ground, dismembering some on impact. More agents pour into the forest. Eva suspects they want to capture Frazid alive, and although he will surely kill many agents before he's subdued, eventually he'll succumb to their numbers and force — unless he kills himself first.

  Though she hates to think it, that might be for the best.

  Three agents are approaching the riverbank. Eza staggers to her feet and summons her healing powers to direct a wave of energy into her throbbing ankle. Fully healed, she darts back into the forest with the agents in pursuit.

  When she emerges from the forest, her face has been bloodied by bamboo branches and the sun is beginning to rise. Stretching out before her is the edge of a cliff, steep but not quite vertical. Alarmed, she stops and looks for an escape route. The agents are just seconds behind her. Eva opens her hands and starts drawing on her remaining inner energy. As her body grows stronger, it begins to emit a faint nimbus of blue light.

  The agents are now in full view. "Stand down!" one shouts. "We will shoot! STAND DOWN!"

  "Leave me alone!" Eva shouts. She discharges a ray of energy into the ground by her feet that propels her over the cliff. For a second or two, she feels frozen in time; then she slams into the cliffside and starts tumbling downhill. With every collision, she feels something break inside her body. In moments, she lies motionless at the bottom of the cliff. All is quiet. The wind has died down, and the sun shines in the distance. For a fleeting moment, Eva feels at peace.

  She's about to lose consciousness when she sees a pair of piercing blue eyes staring down at her.


  "Sir," an agent booms over the secure radio of General Robert A. Helms, the leader of the United Nations Special Task Force.

  Helms, a fair-skinned middle-aged man with no patience for failure, picks up the radio. "Have they been captured?"

  Helms can hardly contain his excitement. Since the security forces found the fugitives' abandoned car a week ago, he's been working almost nonstop, directing the operation to apprehend the terrorists. He's deployed hundreds of his best agents to assist with the search, in conjunction with a countless number of drones — including the new Cheetah mechs with their facial-recognition software — to scout the area where the fugitives were last seen.

  "Sir, we have one of them," the agent says. "He put up a good fight, but we were able to subdue him. We' re awaiting your orders."

  "Which one did we capture? Was it the girl?"

  There is a long pause. "Sir, we have the male. The girl killed two agents before we lost contact."

  Helms is incensed — the girl is the key. "Very well. I'll be there soon. Keep looking for the girl. She can't have gone far! Do you copy?"

  "Copy, sir."


  The howling winds wake Eva from her heavy slumber. She finds herself lying in bed in a small wooden room, with bandages covering most of her body. Her clothes are damp, but the crackling fireplace keeps the cold at bay. The howling is coming down the chimney and through the thin walls; a storm is raging outside.

  She's still alive. But who brought her to this place? It feels a little strange to know that someone's helped her. Other than Frazid, just about everyone she knows would rather kill or capture her.

  Eva gets up and staggers toward the door, struggling to keep her balance. She leans against the wall and feels a sharp pain. She looks down and realizes that she's been shot. Blood is seeping from the bandage on her side. She concentrates, and draws from her curative powers within, aiming the currents of energy flowing from her body to each of her many injuries. Soon she feels much better. Nearly recovered, Eva does a series of stretches to relieve the stiffness in her body. Then she looks at the doorknob in front of her.

  What answers are waiting for her on the other side of that door?

  She slowly turns the handle, and steps into a dark hallway in front of her. Faint rays of light leaking from the cracks in the wooden floor are the only source of illumination. Through the cracks, she can vaguely see a shadowy figure pacing on the floor below. When she gets to a staircase at the end of the hallway, she slowly walks down the flight of stairs.

  She begins to draw energy from within; she wants to be ready in case she has to fight her way out. When she reaches the bottom of the staircase, she's faced by a broad-shouldered man looking down at her from a height of over six feet. Frightened, she inadvertently discharges a force blast, which explodes on the floor where the man was standing just before he jumped back.

  "Whoa! Easy, there. I'd like to keep these feet."

  Eva can't believe her eyes. "Blair, is that you?"

  "Yes it's me, you maniac!"

  Eva runs into Blair's arms and they embrace. "Eza," Blair whispers.

  "Nobody has called me by my real name in years — except for Frazid when he's mad at me. I go by Eva, Eva Paterson, now."

  Blair lets her go and looks her up and down. "Seems like you got yourself fixed up. When Wally found you out in the forest a couple days ago, you were in pretty bad shape." They gaze into each other's eyes. As far as Blair is concerned, she's still unquestionably the most beautiful girl in existence.

  Eva breaks the silence. "Where is Woolly? I miss that crazy giant."

  Blair points out the window, where Wally is chopping wood the old fashioned way, with an axe. She admires the smooth play of his form as he splits a three-foot log with one mighty blow. Blair pulls out a chair at the kitchen table for Eva, and they sit. She notices a stitched nametag on his oily coveralls that reads blake. "So, Blake is your human name?"

  "Yeah, Blake Johnson."

  They gaze at each other again, and Eva slowly places her hand on top of his. Blake smiles. There are so many things he wants to say to her — how much he missed her smile and touch — but he realizes that now isn't the right time; it will probably never be the right time.

  "Finally!" Wally shouts as he opens the cabin door. "An old friend from back home. I haven't seen you since we fled the capital." Wally, an Isarian man, was part of the security detail that escorted the royal family to safety when the Ucte Army breached the gates of Greron, the capital of the erstwhile Euperian Empire. He, along with three other Isarians, swore an oath to the queen on that day that they would protect and pass down the memories of her children. "So, darlin', what human name do I call you?" Wally asks, grinning.


  "Okay, Eva, so what happened the other night?"

  "I was running from the UN with Frazid."

  Wally nods. "Anything we should know?"

  "I have no idea," Eva says. "Except keep running and hiding. I'm so tired of this shit. I've been running for ten years straight!"

  Tears roll down her cheeks as Wally and Blake search for something to say. Back on Azha they were royalty; here on Earth, they have to live as fugitives.

  "A month ago I felt Zec's presence," Eva says. "He absorbed some of my power. I knew where he was, and I told Frazid. We knew that trying to contact him was dangerous, but we had to take a chance. If it weren't for Frazid, I wouldn't have made it this far. And now he's either captured or dead." She bows her head, choking on her tears.

  "Coming here was the right thing to do," says Blake. "What happened to Frazid isn't your fault. And he's still alive — believe me, he's worth more to them that way." He squeezes her hand. "I know where Zec is," he admits with a gentle smile. "I've been watching him and Odilia since I arrived on Earth."

  Eva jerks her hand away, eyes blazing. "Why wasn't I contacted?"

  "Because they don't know their true identities. Apparently, their protectors didn't make it to Earth alive, and it's impossible to restore their memories without them. They believe their parents were a pair of low-level hous
e servants. The most important thing to do right now is to keep our king safe, understand? And for now, that means keeping him from knowing who he really is. Wally and I have been trying to discover the identities of the leaders of the EIRF. Once we find out, we'll decide whether to tell Zec and his sister the truth."

  Eva, calmer now, nods in agreement. "So we just sit back and wait, I guess."

  Blake stands up. "Yes, but I have something for you." He takes a tablet out of a cabinet and hands it to her. On the screen is the homepage of the Port Jervis Gazette. A photo of Zec is accompanied by a one-word headline: "HERO."

  "He drew on your power to save a human friend's life. She's keeping that under wraps for now, thank goodness." He looks at her steadily. "Eva, we're going to enroll you at Port Jervis High School so you can keep an eye on him. Since this story came out, he's been getting way too much attention."

  Eva nods again. Blake can tell that she's exhausted. "You need to get some rest," he says, and walks her to her room. "I'll come and get you once dinner is ready. You need to regain your strength, agreed?"

  She stares at him. "Will you lie down with me until I fall asleep?"

  Blake wants to say yes, but his conscience overrules him. He slowly shakes his head, mutters, "I'm sorry," and walks out of the room. Sighing, Eva flops onto the mattress and clutches a pillow. All her pent-up emotions and frustrations break out in sobs, and she cries.

  Chapter 11

  Blair looks down from the dance club's second floor at Zec, who seems to be having a great time dancing with his friends. As much as Blair hates these kinds of places, today is the prince's birthday, and there's nothing to be gained by complaining.

  He watches the prince leave his entourage and approach two slender brunettes at the bar. Soon, the three of them wander off to who knows where. Lucky bastard. As the prince's guardian, Blair is forbidden from experiencing the pleasure of a woman, much less two of them.

  He walks down the stairs and across the dance floor to the bar, then leans forward and shouts for an uísque over the music. The bartender pours him his drink, and Blair puts it down after only a couple of sips. Time to call it a night. He's halfway to the door when someone grabs his shoulder.

  "Where do you think you' re going?" Zec asks. The women are standing on either side of him, a foot or so behind. Blair inadvertently looks into the blue eyes of the woman on the left. He can't remember ever seeing a girl as attractive as her. "Blair?"

  "Sorry, sir, it's loud in here. I thought you left for the night."

  "You're kidding, right? It's my birthday! Ladies, please meet my friend Blair. He swore an oath to protect me with his life."

  "I'm Katye and this is Eza," the other girl says. "You're really an Atiru guardian?"

  "Nice to meet you both. Yes, I am an Atiru guardian," Blair says, trying not to look too closely at Eza.

  "That's fascinating," Eza says. "My parents have always respected and spoken highly of your people and your culture."

  "I can't speak for the rest of the Atiru," Zec says, "but Blair is a truly fascinating guy. I'm sure he won't mind keeping you company while I dance with Katye?" Without waiting for an answer, Zec leads the other girl out to the middle of the dance floor.

  Startled, and without even the remotest idea of how to proceed, Blair searches his mind for something to say — or better yet, an excuse to get the hell out of there. Eza gently puts her hand on his shoulder. "Would you mind getting me a drink?" she asks. "Then maybe we can join your prince on the dance floor."

  "Of course. What can I get you?"

  "A uísque."

  Blair smiles. "My kind of girl."

  At the bar, they order drinks and chat. Eza is curious about the ways of the Atiru, and Blair wants to know as much as possible about her. He studies her face as she talks, wanting to memorize it in case he never sees her again.

  "The prince was right," Eza says after a while. "You are a fascinating man, but I want to go dance now." She grabs his hand and pulls him away from the bar.

  "Now seems like the right time to mention that I've never danced before," Blair says, feeling self-conscious.

  "It's easy. Just jump up and down in time with the music."

  With the help of his buzz from the uísque, Blair starts to relax. They dance nonstop all the way through the DJ's last song, an Earth classic by Sarah McLachlan called "I Will Remember You." Zec staggers over with Katye at his side. "Dancing!" he slurs. "Blair, you were dancing, and actually having fun! Eza, you must be an extraordinary woman. You have achieved the impossible," Zec adds, as he labors to grab her hand.

  "I am indeed a special woman, my prince," Eza says. Katye looks to be in even worse shape than Zec. "I see my friend here is about to pass out." She puts an arm around Katye and holds her up. "Thank you both for a memorable night."

  "It's was our pleasure," Zec says. He staggers, and Blair grabs him before he can fall.

  "Let us walk you to your pods," Blair offers.

  "Thank you," Eza says, "but I think these two need to go straight home." She smiles at Blair, who smiles back warmly. They venture out into the warm night, each pulling their friend alongside them. Eza rises onto her tiptoes in front of Blair, and they kiss.

  "You better not ever forget me," Eza says.

  "Never," Blair replies.


  Zack dodges the incoming stun shot and blasts the mannequin. He sprints forward, dodging more stun projectors and continuing to hit one mannequin after another as they pop up.

  "Has he had any more episodes?" Dr. Buchanan asks Jim quietly.

  "No, just those two at the game."

  "How's Olivia?"

  "Aside from a cold, she's doing fine."

  "When she's feeling better, would you mind bringing her in?" Buchanan asks. "I think it would be a good idea to give her a physical."

  "Sure. Should I be worried?"

  "The opposite, I would think. Zack's strength and speed have doubled since his last physical."

  "Actually, that makes me nervous," Jim says. "And you think the same thing is happening to Olivia?"

  "I'm not sure yet." Buchanan presses the stop button on his tablet, and signals to Zack that training is over for now.

  After Jim and Zack exit the complex, Buchanan receives a message on his phone. Moments later, a car pulls up in his driveway, and a pair of Euperians exit the vehicle. Buchanan welcomes them and leads them into his complex. "How's our king doing?" the woman asks when they're safely inside.

  "He has reconnected with his cluster," Buchanan responds.

  The woman is taken aback. "Are you sure?"

  "I'm positive. His transformation has begun." Buchanan places his hand on a security panel, and the door opens.

  "Maybe it's time to tell him the truth?" his male visitor suggests. "We don't know how a human body will react to the transformation, nor do we know what effect it will have on the rest of the cluster."

  Buchanan manifests a life-sized hologram of Zack. "What truth? His Isarian protector died. Our king will never remember who he was, and his body seems to be handling the transformation just fine."

  The two guests examine the hologram and are astonished by the results they see.

  "However, your concern has merit," Buchanan adds. "His sister has a cold, and she's never gotten one before. That's something I'll watch closely." He turns the hologram off. "Have we located Eza?"

  "No," the woman says. "She's either been captured, or she's hiding somewhere here near Port Jervis."

  "She hasn't been captured," Buchanan says. His watch beeps. "My insider assures me of that. But we need to find her before they do."

  "Of course," the woman replies. She pauses as she notices the Doctor's skin visibly discoloring. "On another matter, the UN has increased their raids and are now using Ucte soldiers. The underground is asking for our help to continue transporting Euperians to the west."

  "Our priority is our king and the royals," Buchanan says. "Find Eza."

he Euperian visitors nod and turn to leave. Buchanan hurries to his medical cabinet, enters the code, and places his palm on the scanner plate. He retrieves a green vial, fills a syringe with it, and injects the greenish liquid into his upper arm.

  He takes a couple of breaths, closes his eyes, and waits for the rush of pain to subside as the memories rush in.


  Bane paces back and forth in his garage, observing the two-way intergalactic communicator sitting on the desk. When news outlets on Earth reported that the Ucte army had captured Greron, the capital of Euperia, he'd panicked and immediately fired a message to his half-sister, Queen Liaj. Fearing the worst for his loved ones, he anxiously waits for her response.

  He takes another sip of beer and furiously flips through news articles on his phone, searching for an update on the Euperian situation. The news outlets had reported that King Uphu himself was leading a counter-attack against the enemy forces; Bane and everyone else on Earth nervously awaits the outcome of the conflict between the Euperian and Ucte armies.

  At last, the receiver's light starts blinking. Bane picks up the remote and clicks it; a 3-D hologram of Queen Liaj appears. "Brother!"

  "My Queen," he says, bowing slightly. "Are you well?"

  "I live," she chokes, "b-but my Zec and Odilia... they do not. They were poisoned by a traitor, and we were unable to locate a suitable antidote in time. Our only recourse was to remove their Essences from their bodies and implant them into human-fused embryos. As we speak, they are in route to Earth."

  Bane stares, confused. "What? Nothing you are saying makes any sense!"

  "I know it doesn't right now. But trust me, it will in time. What's most important right now is that the children are safe. I need you to promise me that you will look out after them and prepare them to fulfill their destinies."

  "My Queen, I'm not sure I'm the right person. You know I'm the unreliable and untrustworthy member of the family. The black sheep, as the humans would say."


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