The Vampire's Masquerade

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The Vampire's Masquerade Page 10

by Kiersten Fay

  “So eager to move on to a different department and be rid of me?” His plump face stretched into a teasing smile.

  “Of course not,” she reassured. “You know I love being your assistant.”

  “Yes, I’m sure it’s exciting taking notes and answering calls. Well, as you know, we already have enough photographers, but if anything opens up, I’ll let you know.”

  “I appreciate that, Mr. Dixon.”

  He nodded and shifted his attention to his computer screen, effectively dismissing her. Before she closed the door behind her he called, “Oh, Kasima?”


  “A coffee would be great.”

  “Sure. Coming right up.”

  By the time she finished going over the seating chart and a few other minor tasks, it was a little after eleven, and the office was bustling with employees going about their business.

  Her phone rang, and she answered it with her practiced greeting, “You’ve reached the office of Roger Dixon, this is Kasima speaking.”

  A deep, smooth voice resonated through the receiver. “It looks like I accidently took your bear hostage.”

  Her heart jumped into her throat. “Hi,” she squeaked, a little too eager. She tamped it down a little when she added jokingly, “Are you calling to demand a ransom?”

  “That depends on what you’re willing to do for his safe return.”

  Her mind took a nosedive into the gutter. “I’m sure we can come up with something that will satisfy both parties.”

  His smooth chuckle rippled through her, and there she went again, smiling like an idiot. Thank the heavens he couldn’t see how easily he affected her. Unfortunately, Brian chose that moment to appear. He cocked his head at her expression. She sat up straight and wiped her features clear.

  Brian checked his watch. “Hey, Kas.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said to Lex. “Can you hold a sec?” Then she pressed the receiver to her chest. “Is there something you need, Brian?”

  His grin faltered slightly at her businesslike tone. “I was wondering if you’d join me for lunch today.”

  She sighed and shook her head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Come on. It’s just lunch. I’d really like to talk to you about everything.”

  She paused for a moment, wondering if she should just get it over with. It seemed breaking it off with him was going to take a little more effort. Maybe if he got some solid closure....

  “Do you like the flowers I got you?” he asked suddenly.

  She lightly pinched the bridge of her nose. “They’re nice, but you shouldn’t have. I—”

  “They were delivered yesterday, but you didn’t come into work. I was afraid they would wilt, but they held up pretty good, didn’t they?”

  “Uh, yeah. Brian, could you give me a minute?” She put the phone back to her ear and said to Lex, “Sorry, can I call you back?”

  “Sounds like he’s not giving up,” Lex muttered. He must have been able to hear her and Brian’s conversation. “I wouldn’t have taken him for the persistent type. Tell me, yes or no, would you like me to come rescue you from getting browbeaten into having lunch with your relentless ex?”

  She smiled. “Yes, that would be fantastic.”

  “Very well. I’ll be there at noon.”

  “Sounds great.”

  “And Kasima?”


  His tone dipped. “I can’t stop thinking about what we did on that roller coaster.”

  She swallowed, feeling a blush creep into her cheeks. Brian’s eyes narrowed.

  Ignoring him, she muttered to Lex, “Me too.”

  “And I can’t stop picturing what I’m going to do with you next.”

  She shivered, trying to come up with a response that wouldn’t make her sound like the puddle of lust he’d just turned her into.

  “See you soon,” he said, and hung up. She covered the receiver as if he was still on the line, and glanced up at Brian. “This is going take a while.”

  Pressing his lips together, Brian stomped away.


  After submitting an order for ink cartridges, she glanced at the clock on her computer. A few minutes till twelve. They hadn’t discussed where to meet. It might be best for her to make her way to the parking lot and wait for him there.

  She bent in her seat to retrieve her purse from the bottom drawer of her desk. When she straightened, she was staring into the adorable glossy black eyes of a fluffy teddy bear. Lex was holding it out to her, grinning. Grinning, she reached for it, but he snatched it away.

  “Ah, ah. There’s still the ransom to discuss.”

  She walked around her desk, all innocence and sweetness. Then she grabbed for the bear, but Lex was too fast. Wearing an amused smirk, he now held it over his head.

  She sighed. “Well, what are your demands?”

  “Let’s start with a kiss.”

  She glanced around, disheartened to see Brian frowning at them from the break room doorway.

  “Um, maybe not here,” she whispered. Though they were no longer together, she didn’t want to flaunt her new relationship—or whatever it was—in front of Brian.

  Lex followed her gaze and then let out a barely perceptible growl that was borderline hostile. Where was this reaction last night?

  Brian speared Lex with a piercing glare, and both men locked gazes.

  She got the sense that this little faceoff could get out of hand fast. Lex might not want her for the long-term, but his body language said for the time being, she was his and Brian had better back the fuck off, or else.

  She tugged on Lex’s arm. “Come on. I’m hungry.”

  After another tense moment, he allowed her to drag him out into the parking lot where he commented, “Those flowers he got you are practically comical.” At his car, he opened the door for her.

  “They aren’t that bad,” she lightly defended, then regretted the statement.

  Lex’s face went hard. As soon as she settled in the car, he shut the door and then made his way around the front to take his seat behind the wheel. “Three measly roses? Not much of a gesture after the shit he pulled.” Then he plopped the bear into her lap. “This at least took skill.”

  She laughed. “So it did.” Was Lex jealous of Brian? No. That would be beyond ridiculous. She scooped the bear up for a hug. “And I wuv my wittle Fluffy Wumpkins.”

  That pushed Lex out of his grumpy mood and into one that appeared slightly disgusted. “You can’t name him that!”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it’s cruel, that’s why.”

  “Cruel? How could it possibly be cruel to call a teddy bear fluffy?”

  “His little bear friends would tease him relentlessly, and he would never develop the confidence needed to grow into a well-rounded adult. He’d grow up with a complex that would turn into some kind of personality disorder that we, his well-meaning parents, wouldn’t catch until it was far too late. By then he’d have already turned to self-medicating with drugs and alcohol.”

  “Is that so?” She wagged her finger at the bear. Bad Fluffy Wumpkins.”

  Lex shook his head. “No. It’s going to stick. And we refuse to support his drug habit, he’d start a life of crime, robbing stores and such. Sure, he might get away with it once or twice, but eventually he’d get pinched, because, let’s face it, he’s never been all that bright, brain full of cotton, that one. Do you know what they’d do to a guy named Fluffy Wumpkins in prison? It’s not pretty. Anyway, before you know it, he’s living in a cardboard box, reeking of gin and piss, performing seedy favors in back alleys for his next fix. No. I won’t allow it.”

  She shook her head, laughing. “You’re right. That would be a terrible fate. So then what should we call him to avoid a life of teddy bear crime, addiction, and prostitution?”

  “It should be something masculine, like Spike or Beast.”

  She squeezed the bear again. “My little Beastie.”
  Lex groaned through a smile. “You just ruined it, woman.”

  She giggled. “Spike it is then. Little Spiky Wumpkins.”

  Lex chuckled. “It’s the best I could do for you, Spike.”

  After a moment, Kasima cleared her throat. “I suppose it’s time to settle our account. I believe you’re owed a kiss.” She bit her lip, surprised by her own lascivious intent.

  “Oh, no you don’t,” he grumbled. “You’re not getting away with a little peck on the cheek while I’m driving.”

  “I wasn’t talking about kissing you above the waist.”

  His jaw dropped, and his gaze darted between the road and her and back again.

  She tossed the bear in the back seat and reached out to pop open the button of his jeans. He swallowed audibly as she undid the zipper, freeing him. He stiffened before her eyes. When she took him in her hand, he groaned, “Shit, woman. You’re full of surprises today.”

  She stroked his length. “I trust you can drive while I suck your cock?”

  Muscles straining, he said, “I could fly an f-15 while you suck my cock.”

  “Good to know.” She leaned over and teased him with her tongue. The gruff sound that filtered through his lungs sent a shiver down her spine. Already she was aroused beyond belief. When she sucked him fully into her mouth, he let out a harsh oath. The smoothness of him glided easily over her tongue to the back of her throat where she manipulated his member in a way that had him nearly snarling with pleasure.

  “Fuck me, where did you learn to do that?”

  She did it again and he cursed once more, his hips bucking for more. As she slowly pulled back, her cheeks hollowed from the suction and his shaft jerked in protest. Then she drove him to the back of her throat again, and he muttered something unintelligible. She worked him this way a few more times, bringing him to the brink of coming before changing it up and twirling her tongue around his sensitive tip.

  “Jesus, fuck, girl, you’re going to make me explode.”

  At that, she cupped his balls and took him as deep as she could. His euphoric groan stretched the span of his orgasm, which she drew out with each swallow, licking him clean.

  When he was finished, she sat up, a little smug and satisfied with her work. His dumbstruck expression nearly made her laugh.

  He adjusted his features and focused on the road. “You know we just scarred Spike for life, right?”

  She settled back into her seat. “Guess we’ll just have to put some money away for bear therapy.”

  “Do you realize how expensive that is going to be?”

  “Well, we could always forego blowjobs in the future.”

  Feigning a horrified expression, he said, “Get ready for extensive therapy, Spike.”

  She laughed again, feeling so at ease with him like this.

  Moments later they were seated outside a little deli. She’d ordered a pastrami on rye; Lex, a meatball sandwich—she suspected he’d only ordered so she wouldn’t feel awkward eating alone.

  She nibbled on her fries. “So you took off pretty quick last night.”

  He put his sandwich down and looked at her. “Yeah, I did. That was rude of me.”

  “Was it something I did?”

  He hesitated. “Brian was at your place. I wasn’t sure if you wanted to talk to him, and were too polite to ask me to leave. I didn’t want you to feel obligated to do anything.”

  She got the impression there was more he wasn’t saying. “I was afraid you were tired of me.”

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel that way.”

  A silence stretched between them that felt heavy. “Well, I just want you to know I’m cool with our arrangement.”

  He raised a brow.

  “I mean, we’re just having a good time, right? No strings. No emotions. Obviously one day I want the whole package: love, family, career. I just don’t want you to worry that I might make this”—she gestured between the two of them—“into something it isn’t.”

  He leaned back in his chair, not looking as appeased as she’d expected. “Sure. Right.”

  “Good. Okay. Just wanted to put that out there.”

  He leaned in and picked up his sandwich. Paused. “I guess I was getting a little worried about that. It’s nice to know we’re still on the same page.”

  “Right. Same page. Same sentence.” So why did she suddenly feel ill?

  With a little light conversation, they finished their meal, though the energy between them had abated a bit. And by the time Lex drove her back to work, she still felt a little out of sorts. It didn’t help when Brian confronted her as she made her way to her desk.

  “I’m worried about you, Kas,” he said in a softened tone, as though she’d been out scoring crack.

  She positioned Spike on her desk next her monitor. “Oh?”

  “You’re seeing this vampire too much.”

  “It’s none of your business, Brian.”

  “What if he’s compelling you? It’s what his kind does.”

  She snorted. “He’s not compelling me.”

  “Oh really? Because you’d know if he was? I wrote an article last year about this very topic. The subject of vampire compulsion never realizes they’re under control unless the vampire allows it.”

  She blinked, recalling she had helped edit that particular piece before Brian had turned it in. The woman he’d interviewed had allegedly been compelled to sleep with a group of men, but for some sadistic reason, the vampire had made her recall her actions only after the fact. After the story came out, Cortez and his clan had coordinated with the VEA to investigate the claim, but she didn’t know if anything had come of it.

  “Lex isn’t like that,” she defended.

  “Or so he’s compelled you to believe.”

  Pinching the bridge of her nose, she said, “Brian, please don’t make this break up harder than it has to be. I’d like to remain friends, if that’s possible.”

  Just then, Mr. Dixon returned from his lunch break. “Oh, Ms. Wilder. I spoke with your new fella. Your request for paid time off is approved.” He winked and then disappeared into this office, leaving her gaping.

  Brian gave her a patronizing look. “He isn’t like that, huh?”


  Kasima read the card again, half in a daze.

  This is the kind of bouquet you deserve. —Lex.

  She glanced up at the monstrosity that occupied a good portion of her desk. The floral arrangement stood roughly three feet high from base to top, and boasted at least three-dozen long-stem roses. It had arrived shortly after lunch, and nearly every woman in the office had since fluttered by to get a look at it and dig for information on the sender, offering little tidbits like, “Whoever he is, he’s a keeper, honey.”

  They didn’t know Lex didn’t want to be kept. So then why did it suddenly seem like he was courting her? How was she supposed to keep her heart out of the mix when he kept tugging on it like this?

  Maybe he just sent the flowers to mess with Brian, who had taken one look at the arrangement and stomped off in a huff. Or maybe Lex was more into her than she’d realized. Was she reading the signals wrong? It would help if his signals weren’t so contrary. She tried to recall if he’d seemed disappointed by her words at lunch, or relieved. She thought there had been relief, but maybe that was just what she’d expected to see.

  One thing was certain. She wasn’t about to leave the massive arrangement in the office for folks to gawk at all week. Thankfully her shift was over.

  Transferring the arrangement to her car was a bit of a hassle. With Spike nestled under one arm, she cradled the vase in the other, having to peek through the forest of flowers to see her way. She exited the side door ass first, and then scuttled sideways down the steps very carefully to avoid face-planting. Yet she managed to trip over an uneven patch of sidewalk that she always tended to forget was there. Luckily she kept her footing. At her car, she balanced the vase on her hip while digging around in her p
urse for her keys and squishing Spike further into her armpit. Finally she managed to situate the arrangement in the back seat. Spike rode in style, sitting next to her in the passenger seat.

  A mixture of floral fragrances saturated the interior of her car. By the time she pulled up to her house, she wasn’t sure if she was flattered by Lex’s stunt, or pissed. It had drawn a lot of unwanted attention to her and Brian’s breakup. She was now fodder for the gossip mill. Some of her coworkers had even inquired oh-so-sweetly how she’d managed to land a new man so soon.

  She stepped out of her car and began the arduous task of dragging the arrangement through her door, leaving it in a corner of the foyer. She grudgingly admitted it looked pretty good there. She shelved Spike on the hutch in the dining room, then stripped on the way up the stairs toward the shower. Tonight she planned to veg out on the couch, maybe read a book, and forget her worries.

  Unfortunately her worries decided to follow her home.

  Not a minute after she’d soaped up her hair, her doorbell rang. She prayed it wasn’t Brian, come to lecture her some more on the follies of dating a vampire.

  Squeezing the excess water out of her hair, she slipped into her terry cloth robe and cinched the waist tight on her way to the door. Through the peephole, she spied Lex.

  Her heart shimmied behind her ribs.

  When she opened the door, he took in her damp hair, robe, and bare feet. The corners of his lips curled up. “I can see my timing is impeccable.”

  “Indeed,” she replied derisively, and invited him in.

  He closed the door behind him. The arrangement caught his attention and his grin turned wide. “Do you like them?”

  “Yes,” she replied, adding, “but I’m a little mad at you for sending them.”

  One of his dark brows curved up at that, even as his expression grew mischievous. He moved toward her, tone dipping an octave. “Why ever so?”

  She stepped back, maintaining a few feet of distance between them. “Because I think you only sent them to irritate Brian.” He came closer. She backed away, the blood in her veins rushing with excitement.


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