Bride & Seek

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Bride & Seek Page 8

by Samantha Chase

“What about you?” he asked.

  “I was at work all weekend, remember?” she teased.

  “Family,” he said. “I know your parents are still here, but what about the rest of your family? Any siblings?”

  She shook her head. “Nope. Only child. And really, it’s not as bad as some people seem to think it is. I was a late-in-life baby.”

  “I know you said they lived with them when you moved back, but do you see them often?”

  “We have dinner together at least twice a week. My schedule at work has kept me fairly busy, but I think it’s going to get easier once I’m trained more.”

  “Are you liking the job?”

  “Honestly? I think I could love the job,” she began. “If this whole nonsense with Preston hadn’t started, I think I’d be much further along. It’s been such a distraction and I hate it.”

  “Did you tell your folks about it?”

  She shook her head. “They were so upset when the whole thing happened. They’re from such a different generation and don’t understand how people can be so deceitful. In some ways I think it was harder for them than it was for me.” She paused, sighed. “I see it as a good thing. Now. The breakup. But this whole Preston getting married at the resort? It’s bothering me more than it should.”

  Cade studied her for a long moment, his expression bordering on grim. “Are you still in love with him?”

  Cammie couldn’t help the bark of laughter that came out and couldn’t seem to reel it in for a minute either. “In love with him? You’re joking, right?”

  “Well…I mean…”

  Stepping in close to him, Cammie took Cade’s hands in hers–loving how rough they felt and how large they were. “Cade, the only feeling I have for Preston is pity. I believe he’s getting exactly what he deserves in Whitney. And as much as I really want to hate him–them–I realize they did me a huge favor. Marrying him would have been a mistake and I would have been miserable. I kind of already was with him.”

  He didn’t say a word but rested his forehead against hers.

  “And besides, I’m very happy where I am right now,” she said softly, her gaze lifting to meet his.

  “And where are you?” he asked gruffly.

  “Right here. With you.” With a quick lick of her lips, she took a steadying breath. “This is exactly where I want to be, Cade. From the moment I met you… I thought about this. You. Us.” She felt herself blush at the admission. “Crazy, right?”

  Shaking his head slowly, Cade reached up and tucked a finger under her chin. “Not crazy at all. It was the same for me. You walked into that storage shed and pretty much knocked me on my ass.”

  Her eyes went wide. “Really? Because… I figured you just thought I was… you know… crazy.”

  He chuckled softly. “No. Definitely not crazy. Beautiful, passionate, sexy? Yes. Crazy? No.”

  “Come on…”

  “Okay, a little crazy,” he said with a grin. “But so damn beautiful that I didn’t want you to leave.”

  Her heart was racing. If there was one thing Cammie had learned over the last several months, it was how tomorrow held no guarantees, and sitting around waiting for what you wanted was highly overrated.



  “How hungry are you?”

  When she heard her own words, she almost groaned with embarrassment. That question could be taken a few different ways.

  “For dinner?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Uh-huh.”

  A slow, sexy grin was his first response. “I think I could wait. What do you have in mind?”

  Rather than answer, Cammie reached over to the stove, turned off the burner, and then led Cade back to her bedroom.

  Dinner could definitely wait.

  A million things were racing through Cade’s mind, and yet he couldn’t form a word if his life depended on it. Ever since Cammie had invited him to dinner, he figured the night would end like this. Them. Together. In bed. But to have it be the way they started the evening?

  Never saw it coming.

  They walked into her bedroom, and Cade saw it was all pastels and white bedding. She had framed photos around the room and it smelled of her perfume. Cammie turned and looked at him and there wasn’t an ounce of shyness–no coy or timid looks. Standing before him was a woman who wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  And it was arousing as hell.

  They’d been building up to this for weeks, and as much as he had planned on a slow seduction, he had a feeling that wasn’t the way this was going to play out. No. This was going to be fast, frantic, and repeated several times.

  As if of one mind, they reached for each other and then it became a blur of senses. There was no finesse–there was no time for it. Cammie’s hands raked under his shirt and he quickly whipped it over his head right before reaching and doing the same to her top.

  After that initial glimpse of white lace covering her breasts, he was lost. Beyond lost. This time the kiss was carnal–hot, deep, and wet. His hands trembled slightly as they cupped her breasts–the feel of the delicate lace against the rough skin of his hands had him worrying he was going to ruin it, but Cammie sighed and pushed herself further into his hands.

  “Cammie,” he growled low, his mouth traveling along the slender column of her throat. “You feel so damn good.”

  In a move he never saw coming, she tugged him down on the bed with her. They gently bounced on the mattress but it did nothing to slow them down. Her denim-clad legs wrapped around him and he cursed how he’d only gotten them stripped from the waist up. Stopping to do that now meant he’d have to move away from her and that was the very last thing he wanted to do.


  With one hand on the button of her jeans, he couldn’t help but chuckle when Cammie shoved his hand away and took over.

  “You,” she said breathlessly. “Your jeans. I’ve got this.”

  This woman, he mused to himself. She was his every damn fantasy come to life and he couldn’t believe his incredible luck meeting her. And being able to touch her. Kiss her.

  Have her?

  Within minutes they were both sighing with the sheer pleasure of full-on skin-to-skin contact. Cade looked down at her and saw the sweet smile on her face–the joy, the pleasure–and knew it mirrored his own.

  Sighing his name, Cammie reached up and raked a hand through his hair and then slowly guided him back down for another kiss.

  And it was a long time before he came up for air.

  “Cheesecake for dinner,” Cammie said much later. “This should always be a thing.”

  Cade laughed and kissed the top of her head. They were naked in her bed and sharing a slice of the decadent dessert. “I agree.”

  “The risotto would have been delicious too–had we eaten it when it was done. It just looked too… dry and unappealing.”

  “I’m not complaining.”

  “Still…I feel bad. I invited you for dinner and then I end up only feeding you cake.”

  He laughed again. “And again, I’m not complaining. This is perfect. You’re perfect. This entire night has been…”

  “Perfect?” she teased.

  “Beyond perfect. You completely blew me away, Cammie. I was hoping this would be how our night ended.”

  “Eating cheesecake in bed?”

  As much as he was enjoying the silly banter, Cade felt like he needed–wanted–to tell her just how much she meant to him. Finishing his last bite of cake, he placed the plate on the nightstand and sighed with contentment.

  He took a minute to collect his thoughts. Then he wrapped an arm around her and tucked her in close beside him. “Thank you,” he said softly.

  “That should be my line.” Cammie placed a small kiss on his chest as she snuggled up against him. “I want you to know…well…this is how I was hoping the night would end too.”

  “You did?”

  She nodded. “Although, I didn’t plan on attacking you before di
nner. That was completely unplanned.”

  “That’s good. I mean, I didn’t mind at all. I don’t know if I would have been able to sit through dinner when all I could think about was having you to myself finally.”

  “We went out to dinner last week. You had me to yourself then,” she reminded him.

  “That was different. It was our first date. I wasn’t going to try to take you to bed the first time we went out.”

  “I would have,” she murmured.

  “You would have…what? Tried to take me to bed?” he teased.

  She let out a soft laugh. “I would have gone to bed with you if you tried.”


  Shaking her head, she replied, “Really.”



  “I really want to stay tonight.”

  Then she sat up and straddled his lap, a sexy smile on her face. “Not to be unoriginal, but…that’s good.”

  His eyes widened along with his grin. “Is that right?”

  She nodded. “Uh-huh. Because I really want you to stay tonight.”

  Wrapping his arm around her waist, Cade pulled her close.

  They were done talking.


  Walking around with her clipboard and doing her best to blend into the crowd, Cammie scanned the ballroom. She had left instructions at the door that no one was allowed in unless they were vendors of the expo or staff of Emerald Grove.

  She didn’t think it would be too much of an issue today.

  Tomorrow, when it was open to the public, was another story altogether.

  And prayed Preston and Whitney hadn’t booked yet another trip for the weekend.

  “Excuse me!” someone called out, and she turned to see a trio of women waving her over. They were standing in the booth marked Meet Me at the Altar, and she was already a little in love with their display.

  “Hey,” she said, smiling at them. “I’m so happy to finally meet all of you!” When the three of them looked at her oddly, Cammie laughed. “Sorry! I’m Cammie Parker! We spoke on the phone…”

  The woman in the black pencil skirt, white blouse, and killer heels stepped forward with a smile of her own. “Yes! Hi! I’m Josie Sullivan, and I’m one of the owners of Meet Me at the Altar.”

  “Cammie Parker,” she repeated, before shaking her head. “Right. I already introduced myself.” She groaned. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “You look very official–like you’re the one in charge–and we just had a few questions.”

  “Absolutely! Lay them on me!”

  A second woman stepped forward. Her dark blonde hair was up in a messy bun and she was dressed a little more casually than Josie. She also had on an apron with the company logo. “Hi, I’m Leanna Baker, another one of the owners.”

  Cammie shook her hand too.

  “We have a ton of cake pops, cupcakes, and a wedding cake that we’re going to display. When we spoke on the phone, you mentioned we could use one of the on-site refrigerators. But so far, no one knows what we’re talking about, and we’re too far from home to transport them back and forth.”

  “I totally understand,” she said apologetically. “And don’t worry. I’ll get it all straightened out.”

  “Thank you! I really appreciate it!”

  “Not as much as I appreciate how you guys came all the way here from Raleigh! Hailey’s told me so much about you and your business that I knew I wanted to have you be a part of the expo!” Smiling, she added, “I lived in Raleigh up until a few months ago! I used to work for Enchanted Bridal.”

  “We love the girls at Enchanted!” the third one chimed in before introducing herself. “And I’m Skylar Jennings. Owner number three. So you left Enchanted to come here?”

  “Wait, you were Hailey’s assistant, right?” Josie asked.

  “I was, and I hope she’s impressed with what I was able to put together here this weekend. I miss her and the girls like crazy already, but…”

  “What brought you all the way here?” Skylar asked.

  “I lived here for a while back in high school and my parents are still close by. Let’s just say…” Her words died off when she spotted a familiar couple peeking through the door. “Dammit!” Quickly turning around, she kept her back to the door. “Um…refrigeration, right? That’s what you need?”

  “Are you okay?” Leanna asked, concern written all over her face.

  The thought of re-telling this story was almost more than she could bear, but…

  “My ex and his new fiancé are getting married here, and I swear they’ve made it their life’s ambition to be here all the time. No one is supposed to be in the ballroom unless they’re vendors or employees, and now they’re at the door trying to get in. I’ve been avoiding them for the better part of two months now, but it seems like every time I turn around, there they are!”

  “Well…here,” Skylar said, taking Cammie by the hand and leading her into their booth. She gave her a gentle shove, putting her behind their standup banner. “Just…wait here.”

  “Is it the guy in the blue polo shirt and the chick with resting bitch face?” Josie asked.

  “That would be them.”

  Leanna moved to stand beside the banner to block her even more, and then Skylar stood beside her.

  “Ooo…it looks like someone is escorting them out. Some big guy,” Josie explained. “A very hot looking big guy who must work here because he’s wearing an Emerald Grove shirt.”


  She felt herself blush as she immediately thought of how she’d peeled that shirt off of him this morning and made them both a little late for work

  Setting up for the expo had been keeping her so busy today that she hadn’t had any time to go and talk to him–even to just say hello–and she wished she could see him right now.

  Just a glimpse to keep her happy.

  “What’s happening?” Leanna whispered. “Did they leave? Are they arguing with him?”

  “She looked like she wasn’t going to leave, but he towered over her,” Josie said with a laugh. “Her eyes went wide and then your ex dragged her out. It was kind of awesome.”

  A small smile crossed her face, and she seriously hoped he scared them off.

  “Are you sure they’re gone?” Skylar asked.

  Josie nodded and gave them a thumb’s up. Both Skylar and Leanna moved aside so Cammie could step out from behind the banner. With a sigh of relief, she thanked them all.

  “I’m so embarrassed,” she murmured. “But thanks for your help. Eventually I’m going to have to face them, but…”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Josie said. “No one wants to run into their ex. And if he shows up for the expo and you’re walking around, know you can always hide here at our booth if you need to.”

  Sadly, she had a feeling she was going to need it. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

  “Are Hailey and the Enchanted Bridal girls going to be here this weekend?” Leanna asked.

  “Yes! They’ve got the booth on the other side of the ballroom and I waved to them earlier while they were setting up. It’s Hailey and Angie and the models. We’re getting together for a little girls' night out tonight if you’d like to join us!” Then she laughed. “It’s really just wine and room service in Hailey’s suite, but I’m sure she wouldn’t mind!”

  “That would be awesome!” Josie said excitedly. “Thanks!”

  Glancing at her watch and then around the room, Cammie knew if she was going to make it to girls’ night, she still had a lot to get done. Smiling at them, she said, “Okay, refrigeration for the cakes. Is your baker with you or…?”

  Skylar answered. “Leanna is our baker extraordinaire. She does all our cakes and desserts, and people even come to us just for her services and nothing else from us.”

  “Wait…so you’re a baker and your last name is…?”

  Nodding, Leanna said, “Baker. Yup. I get the irony.” Then she turned and opened up a box, pulling
out a cake pop and handing it to Cammie. “It’s devil’s food cake dipped in white chocolate.”

  She willingly accepted. “Oh, my goodness! Thank you! I think I deserve a treat after another close call with Preston. I swear, I’ve spent more time finding places to hide around here than I care to admit.”

  “Just remember, if you need to hide tomorrow, we’ve got you covered.”

  “Thank you. I’m so glad you called me over,” Cammie said with genuine gratitude. “Plus, I haven’t eaten at all today so…” She waved the cake pop around. “You’re saving me again.”

  “It’s our pleasure,” Skylar told her.

  “Do you have any business cards? I’d love to have some on-hand to give out to people. Plus, I still have a lot of friends back in Raleigh. A few of them will possibly be engaged by the end of the year and I’d love to send them your way.

  Josie handed her a small stack of cards. “Here you go, and thanks! Referrals are always welcome!”

  “I will definitely be sharing these!” Looking around the room again, she knew she definitely needed to get moving. “Leanna, why don’t you come with me and we’ll go back to the kitchens and find you the space you need?”

  “That would be awesome. Thanks!”

  “I’ll see you girls tonight! I’ll be sure to send Hailey or Angie over!” Cammie called out as she and Leanna walked away.

  Off in the distance, she spotted Cade by the door looking more like a bouncer or bodyguard than a man in charge of the groundskeeping. She caught his eye and felt herself blush before she smiled and gave a small wave. He did the same, and as much as she wanted to go over and say hello, she had a job to do.

  As if sensing her thoughts, he winked and gave her a nod before resuming his position in front of the door.

  “He’s cute,” Leanna said. “And clearly, he was protecting you.”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that. Cade just knows how no one was supposed to be in here who wasn’t supposed to be. And he’s heard about my ex and how annoying that whole situation has been.”


  “What? It’s true! Everyone’s just really nice around here. He’s just being helpful,” she protested, although she wasn’t sure why.


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