Bitter Queen: A Dark Mafia Romance (Advantage Play Book 4)

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Bitter Queen: A Dark Mafia Romance (Advantage Play Book 4) Page 16

by Kelsie Rae

  Searching for the last of my restraint, I pull away and take her in. Her once pale cheeks are flushed with anticipation, and her eyes are practically glowing with lust as she stares up at me, waiting for me to lift her onto the bar and screw her right here. She’s completely oblivious that the asshole who was bothering her is only a few feet away. Watching. Waiting to see if I’ll leave her alone again.

  Not a chance in Hell.

  Jaw tightening, I turn around and face the asshole who can’t take a hint. “There a problem here?”

  “Possibly,” he replies with a noncommittal shrug.

  “Were you bothering her?”

  “We were just chatting.”

  “Is that what you were doing? Because it looked like she didn’t appreciate your presence.”

  “I think she appreciated it just fine. We were actually about to leave, isn’t that right, babe?”

  I laugh before tonguing my cheek as I flex my hands at my side.

  “I think you’re mistaken.”

  “And I think you don’t know what part of town you stumbled into,” the asshole counters.

  My mouth twitches with a smirk. If only he knew who he was dealing with. “I think it’s time we get out of here,” I tell Q, offering my hand for her to take.

  “She’s not going anywhere.”

  “Trust me, buddy, you don’t want to push me anymore,” I warn him.

  His chest puffs up like a little peacock looking for a fight. “What? Like this?” He shoves me into the bar top behind me, begging me to take this to the next level, and it’d be impolite not to oblige.

  My phone is ringing in my jeans, but I ignore it and cock my arm back. Then it’s game on. His head swings to the side as my fist connects with his jaw before a squeal of surprise greets my ears, and he drops to the ground like a bag of potatoes.

  “D!” Queena shrieks.

  Well, that was anticlimactic.

  Tangling our fingers together, I toss a few bills onto the bar then tug her to the exit. “Let’s get out of here.”



  The next few days go by at a snail’s pace of waiting. After Diece’s freak out, they decided to stop using me as bait, and Diece definitely didn’t complain about the decision, either.

  Will is slowly getting more comfortable around everyone, and I’ve found myself venturing out of my room more often too, especially to sneak in some more training with Diece in the gym. Will’s like a community kid, though I guess that makes sense. After all, they say it takes a village to raise a child, and we’ve been doing exactly that.

  It’s…nice. But it doesn’t erase the heavy gray cloud from hanging over us. Every muscle in my body begs me to get some rest, but I can’t sleep.

  Because Diece isn’t here. And even though I hate how much I rely on him, I can’t sleep without him next to me. Whenever I try, the nightmares consume me, and I wake up in a cold sweat.

  Nope. No, thank you. Instead, I trudged down to the theater room in Kingston’s house and turned on the Hallmark Channel. It’s the only other thing that can keep the memories at bay, and I’m tired of reliving them.

  “Hey,” Ace greets me from the doorway. Reaching for the remote, I push pause and smile at my unexpected guest.

  “Hey. Sorry. Did I have the sound up too loud or something?”

  “Not at all.” She moseys into the small theater room and plops onto the couch next to me. “I couldn’t sleep.”

  “Same,” I admit with a frown. “Are the guys always gone this much?”

  “Not usually. They have a lot on their plate. At least you didn’t have to tag along this time, right?”

  “I guess. Apparently, I’m not as good of bait as they might’ve hoped.”

  With her elbow on the back of the couch and her legs tucked beneath her, Ace argues, “That’s not true. Diece’s just too much of a worrywart to let you out of his sight, and they’d prefer not to put anyone in a body bag if they don’t have to. Kingston said you’ve been a trooper, though.”

  “He’s being too generous.”

  “Kingston is never too generous,” she quips with a crooked smirk. “Well, unless you count in bed.”

  My face scrunches in amusement. “Ew.”

  “Says the girl who’s been getting it on every night,” she teases before having the decency to change the subject. “So, whatcha watching?”

  “Hallmark Channel.”

  She grabs the remote from my hand and toys with the play button but doesn’t press it yet. “What’s the Hallmark Channel? Wait. Is that the one with all the corny shows?”


  “Yes?” It comes out as more of a question than an answer.

  “How do you not know what the Hallmark Channel is?”

  She shrugs. “I’ve never owned a TV, so sue me.”

  “So you’ve never seen a Hallmark movie? Nothing?”


  “Dude,” I tell her, “You’re in for a treat. They’re corny, and awkward, and awesome.”

  Her eyes light up with mirth before she motions to the screen. “Well, when you put it that way, let’s dive right in. Shall we?”

  Pressing play, she settles back into the couch, and we lose ourselves in the movie. And just like I’d predicted, it’s corny, and awkward, and awesome.

  When it ends a little while later, I turn down the sound and ask, “So…what do ya think?”

  “Definitely corny,” she admits with a wry grin. “But super cute too.”


  “I gotta be honest, though. I kinda like my sexy mafia boss more than good ol’ Henry in the movie.”

  Clutching my chest, I pretend to be wounded. “Seriously? He’s so swoony, though.”

  She laughs. “He is pretty swoony, but now that I’ve had a taste of the darker anti-hero, I think I’ve found my preference.”

  Anti-hero. Mafia man. Bad guy with a heart of gold.

  An image of Diece flutters through my mind and makes my chest tighten.

  “I get that,” I concede in a quiet voice as I catch the end credits rolling down on the screen.

  “And how ‘bout you?”

  Chewing my lower lip, I admit, “I always wanted a Henry with a small town, a cute, fluffy dog, the whole shebang.”

  I can feel her stare. Watching me. Studying me. Then she points out, “Yet, here you are.”

  Tearing my gaze away from the show, I lift one shoulder and return her stare. “Here I am.”

  “Have you found your preference?”

  “What do you mean?” I hedge before tucking a few strands of hair behind my ear.

  “You said that Hallmark guys were your jam, but you’re kinda, sorta dating a Romano now. Aren’t you?”

  I bite my lip. “I don’t know if that’s what you’d call it.”

  With a wave of her hand, she mutters, “Toe-may-toe, toe-mah-toe. My point is, you’re currently on a path that leads you to the exact opposite of your small town and fluffy dog. What do you think about that?”

  “I don’t know,” I hedge. “Diece’s a good guy. I really care about him.”

  “But he isn’t who you expected to end up with,” she concludes.

  I don’t answer her right away. Because she’s right. He’s the exact opposite of who I expected I’d end up with. Hell, I was saving myself for the white knight with shining armor and a small mechanic shop on the edge of town. I scoff at my naivety before admitting, “Life kind of threw a curveball at me, didn’t it?”

  “It seems to throw curveballs at all of us.”

  “Touché,” I concede, slumping further into the cushions. “I really care about Diece.”

  “I think he really cares about you too.”

  “You think?” I hate the butterflies that are currently assaulting my stomach at the mention of Diece and his potential feelings for me. We’ve never talked about it. Ever.

  “I do. Diece is the sweetest of the bunch, but he’s still a made man. Are yo
u okay with his…job requirements?” she offers with a grimace.

  Picking at the non-existent lint on my T-shirt, I give another shrug. “We haven’t really discussed it.”

  “Well, what happens when they catch Sei? Regina told me that Dex has been listening for any whisperings regarding you, but there haven’t been any in a long time. That’s a good thing. But it also means that you’ll likely be in the clear once Sei is taken out of the picture. Diece won’t need to protect you anymore. You’ll be able to ride off into the sunset if you want. What then?”

  I gulp and pick at the cuticle on my thumb. “I-I guess I don’t know.”

  “You should probably think about it. And you should probably really think about if you’re willing to give up your dream Hallmark guy and that particular fairy-tale for a much more badass version who wears a suit, drinks whiskey, and gets his hands dirty.”

  My breath hitches. She’s right. What if I had a choice? When Burlone took me, my options for my future were ripped away from me. Even after I was saved and brought to Kingston’s estate, then taken to Matteo’s, I still didn’t have a choice. Well, not without catastrophic repercussions anyway. But what if I did? What if I could choose to leave? To build my life into what I’d always wanted? Would I take that opportunity? Or would I stay with D? Would he even want me to stay?

  “Q?” Ace prods.

  “I’ll think about it,” I promise.

  “Good. Because I think he has a right to know.”

  “Who says he even cares?” I challenge while hating how bitchy I sound. But I can’t help it. All this hypothetical chitchat is going to drive me insane.

  “I’m not blind, Q.” She smiles, unoffended by my outburst. “And neither are you. Diece looks at you like you hung the moon.”

  “I don’t know about that,” I hedge.

  “He does, but that’s beside the point. Do you want to know a secret?”

  “What’s that?” I peek over at her.

  Her smile softens. “You look at him like he hung the moon too.” Then she pushes herself up. “I’m going to get some rest. Thanks for letting me crash your party.”

  “Don’t mention it. I’m going to go take a shower, then try to get some sleep too. But thank you for your insight. I really appreciate it.”

  “Anytime,” she returns. Stopping near the exit, she faces me then adds, “And Q?”


  “For what it’s worth, I didn’t expect to fall for a made man either, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Goodnight.”




  What. The. Fuck?

  A knife feels like it’s been plunged into my chest as I overhear Q and Ace’s conversation. I’d already checked Q’s room, but she wasn’t there. Every muscle in my body aches from the long ass day of searching for her stalker while extracting information from a few assholes who might have information regarding Sei’s whereabouts. But there’s nothing. The bastard is a ghost.

  And having her walk around aimlessly through shitty parts of town while watching her from a distance hasn’t exactly been good for my blood pressure, either.

  I just wanted to bury myself inside of Q then fall asleep with her in my arms. Instead, I got front row seats to more than I can handle.

  Hearing enough of their shitty conversation, I slip out the back door and pace in the yard.

  Hallmark guy? She wants a fucking Hallmark guy? I never thought I’d be jealous of a fictional character. But she doesn’t get it. They aren’t real. They don’t exist. They can’t give her what I can. What I’ve been trying to give her.


  Tangling my fingers into my hair, I tug at the roots and pull until the bite of pain spreads across my scalp.

  What have I been to her? A fun way to pass the time until Kingston gives the okay for her to leave?

  I just…can’t deal with this shit right now.

  “She doesn’t need your anger,” a gentle voice calls.

  My hackles rise as I turn to the culprit. “You shouldn’t have stuck your nose where it doesn’t belong, Ace.”

  “You have a right to know if she’s sticking around, D.”

  “I don’t care what she does. She’s just a fuck.”

  “Bull crap,” she calls me out as calm as a damn cucumber. “You know that’s not true, and so do I.”

  Dropping my hand to my side, I scan the distance and try to get my emotions in check. I just can’t stop hearing the silence. The hesitation in her voice when Ace asked how she felt about me. If she would want to stay.

  Shaking my head, I turn back to Ace. “How did you know I was out here?”

  “Because I saw you eavesdropping,” she answers with a knowing smile. “You’re sneaky, but you’re not that sneaky.”

  Sometimes I forget this girl wasn’t born into our world. She accepted it so seamlessly. Why can’t Q be the same?

  “Why did you stay with King?”

  “Because I love him.” Her voice is soft and sweet. Just like her.

  “He doesn’t deserve it.”

  She calls me out. “Lie. He deserves my love just as much as you deserve Q’s.”

  I scoff and start pacing again like a caged beast.

  “Try to be patient with her. She’ll get there.”

  “And if she doesn’t?” I grit out with my gaze on the stamped concrete patio.

  “She will.”

  My heels dig into the ground as I turn and face her again. I’d give anything to have Kingston’s knack for spotting a lie right now. “But what if she doesn’t?” I reiterate. The pain in my chest is excruciating.

  “Then, you get rid of Sei and let her go.”

  “And if I can’t do that?”

  “Then you’re just as bad as Sei.”


  She’s telling the truth.



  “What is it, Jack?” Kingston demands as I lean against his office door.

  “Can we talk?”

  With a wave of his arm, he invites me inside.

  It’s still weird being here. Like I’ve entered an alternate universe where up is down and down is up, leaving my entire world turned on its axis. And now, I’m working with the fucking mob. But they don’t seem to stab their men in the back like Reed did, so who am I to judge them?

  “Spit it out, Jack. I’ve had a long-ass day and want to sleep.”

  Scratching my jaw, I sit down in one of the cushioned chairs across from Kingston’s desk. “What are my options here?”

  He pauses and looks up from the papers scattered along his desk. “What options are you looking for?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Then let’s look at the facts. Your superior threw you under the bus.”


  “And your face is still all over the news.”

  “I know.”

  “And the one witness who can clear your name is under the Romano family’s protection.”

  “That’s the thing….”

  He tilts his head and steeples his fingers in front of him. “Go on,” he dares me.

  “What if she isn’t the only witness?”

  “Are you asking permission to talk to a certain rat who tried to convince Dex to betray the Romano family?”

  I clear my throat but hold his gaze. Except I can’t tell what the hell he’s thinking. And I have no freaking clue if I’m about to sign my death certificate as I utter, “Yeah.”

  “And what do you think Dominic can do for you?” he challenges. That same controlled facade is firmly in place. “He’s a rat. And as of right now, he belongs to me.”

  “I know. But if we could just convince him to testify against Reed—”

  “And how would you convince him, Jack? He’s a greedy bastard who only wants money. I doubt an honest Fed has enough to sway him.”

  Keeping my expression indifferent, I argue, “If he stays in your custody, he’s going to win
d up dead. Am I right?” Kingston’s mouth quirks, but he doesn’t bother to confirm my theory, so I press forward. “If he testifies, he’ll get to keep his life.”

  “Possibly. But a rat doesn’t do well in prison either, and he doesn’t have many friends to watch his back while he’s behind bars. Even if you can cut him a deal with a lighter sentence, he’ll still end up serving time. He could wind up dead there too.”

  “I think it’d be worth the risk. If he stays here, his death is guaranteed.”

  Again, Kingston doesn’t deny it. “And what do I get out of this?”

  My jaw ticks as I mutter a sentence that I never thought I’d have to. “You get a man on the inside.”

  “Or I could have another Romano soldier.”

  My eyes widen as I register his offer. Work for Kingston? Become a soldier for the Romano family? My mouth opens before closing just as quickly. Pretty sure I look like a fish out of water as I actually consider his proposition. But if I accepted, I’d still be wanted by the Feds. I’d still be hiding in the shadows. And I can’t live like that.

  “I’m not sure I could accept the repercussions of that decision,” I answer carefully.

  “It would be easier to just use Dominic’s phone to convince Reed to meet him. With a bullet to the back of his head, your problems would be over.”

  “But they wouldn’t. I’d still be labeled as a dirty Fed.”

  He leans back in his chair. “So, you’d be willing to be my inside man, but you’re not willing to let the Romano family get rid of Reed for you? You’d rather involve Dominic and risk having your plan backfire?” His amusement is palpable, but I don’t blame him.

  It does seem ludicrous.

  With a sigh, I explain, “If I choose to stay and become a Romano, I’d be on the run constantly. I’d always be looking over my shoulder, waiting to get arrested for shit I didn’t do. But if I take the chance to clear my name, I could be free.”

  “Could,” Kingston emphasizes. “There’s no guarantee.”

  “No. There’s not.”

  “But you want my permission,” Kingston concludes. His chair creaks slightly as he shifts his weight to get more comfortable. Like this conversation isn’t eating a hole in his gut the way it’s eating at mine.


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