The One and Only (Fur, Fangs, and Felines Book 5)

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The One and Only (Fur, Fangs, and Felines Book 5) Page 3

by M. A. Church

  He couldn’t get out of that alley fast enough. He informed the restaurant manager that he was leaving, and after a quick check of the time, called Breanna. Since it was so late, he made plans to meet with her tomorrow morning for coffee.

  Chapter Three – Seth

  SETH SPRAWLED in a chair, drinking coffee he’d made over the fire and keeping an eye on the woods. When he’d awakened, Tyler was gone. Not unusual, but considering how he’d acted the night before, Seth was worried.

  Hell, who was he kidding, he always worried about his mate. He couldn’t help it, but he had his reasons. Tyler was an Omega werecat. Like Alphas, the color of their hair signified what they were, no matter what form they were in. Blond Omegas were uncommon, but redheads were the rarest, but that didn’t stop his kind from trying to kill Tyler.

  Tyler had resulted from a human and werecat pregnancy. As such, his abilities were diluted. He wasn’t as strong, his eyesight wasn’t as good, and he didn’t heal as fast as full-blooded werecats. They didn’t know if Tyler would live as long as other werecats either. He was as scarce as teeth on a hen. As far as they knew, Tyler was the only half-breed in existence.

  Seth glanced at the woods again. He assumed Tyler was hunting, but Seth still had food warming for him anyway. Tyler always needed to eat after a shift, and as much as he hated to push Tyler to shift sooner than normal, he would. Something happened last night, and he still didn’t know what.

  A twig snapped, catching Seth’s attention. He stared at the woods, taking note of the shadows of the day… just in case. Moments later, he dropped his guard and grinned.

  Tyler moseyed into camp like he owned it, making a beeline toward him. “Meow!”

  “And good morning to you too.” Seth discreetly checked Tyler over, even as he admired how the sun highlighted Tyler’s coat. He scratched Tyler behind his ear. “Are you able to shift yet? We need to talk.”

  Tyler struck Seth in the face with his tail, huffed, and stalked off.

  “I know, babe, but you need to. I’ve got food ready, so shift, please.”

  Seth cringed as the sounds of breaking bones filled the area. God, he hated that noise, even after all this time. Seeing the agony Tyler went through as he shifted was never easy. He’d take the pain from him if he could, but that was an impossible wish.

  Steeling himself, Seth watched, suffering silently in support as Tyler’s werecat form tore itself apart and his human body emerged. By all that was holy, if Tyler had to suffer through that, the least Seth could do was watch. But he hated it.

  Seth often wondered if other werecats went through this hell or if it was just Tyler.

  Tyler knelt on the ground, panting, waiting for the pain to pass.

  Several minutes passed before Seth approached, holding a pair of shorts. Tyler never wanted to be touched immediately after a shift. He said his skin was too sensitive.


  Tyler, head still bowed, nodded weakly.

  Seth helped Tyler stand, and between them, they managed to get the shorts on Tyler. Seth wrapped his arm around Tyler’s waist. No matter how much Tyler ate, he was forever slim. But in that reedy body was a never-ending well of strength and determination. Tyler survived things no one should have to.

  Seth walked Tyler to the nearby chair by the fire. “Just rest. I got you.”

  “Fuck,” Tyler whined, collapsing into it.

  Seth smoothed the sweaty red locks from Tyler’s face, slipped a hair tie off his wrist, and pulled Tyler’s long locks into a ponytail. Stepping out from behind him, he handed Tyler a thermos of cold, fresh water, and Tyler gulped it down.

  “Thanks.” Tyler handed the container to Seth. He leaned his head back, closing his eyes.

  Seth refilled it. After placing it on the ground next to Tyler, he fixed a plate. A few minutes later, Tyler opened his eyes, glanced at Seth, and smiled. Seth stared into tired golden-brown eyes that held pain beyond his years.

  At a hundred, Tyler only looked to be in his early twenties in human terms. So lovely. So innocent, even though life had done its damnedest to beat that out of him. There was a goodness to Tyler—something Tyler would vehemently deny, of course. That goodness was something Seth didn’t possess.

  “What’s going on?” Seth handed the plate to Tyler, then squeezed his naked shoulder. “I got the feeling you wanted to get out of here.”

  “You eat yet?”

  “I did earlier, babe. So spill.”

  “I had a visit from the goddess last night.”

  Seth flopped in the chair next to Tyler. “What did she have to say this time? And eat up.”

  Tyler grinned crookedly. “You know, it still amazes me that you didn’t freak out when I told you my goddess spoke to me.”

  “It takes more than that to freak me out, trust me.”

  Tyler snickered, but his amusement didn’t last. “She wants us to stay here.”

  “Okay, and that’s problematic… why?”

  “We’re in a clowder’s territory,” Tyler said, picking at his food. “A pretty big one, I think. I don’t have permission to be here, and I’m damn sure not going to approach the Alpha, since other werecats tend to want to kill me on sight, so that’s the first problem. The second is that there are other paranormals here too. I smelled a Vetala.”

  “Haven’t heard that one before. Why has it got you worried?”

  “Vetala are deadly. They’re a type of paranormal who hunt in pairs. Like you, they appear human. Well, until they attack—then shit gets freaky. They have fangs and blue snake-like eyes. Oh, and they paralyze their prey through a bite so they can feed. They need blood to survive.”

  “Fuck.” Seth wrinkled his nose. “Sounds like they’re a kind of vampire.”

  “Nope, they’re different species.” Tyler nibbled at the deer meat Seth had cooked. “Unlike a vampire, a Vetala isn’t restricted by the sun, can eat food, and is alive. About the only thing they really have in common is the need for blood. Like I said, I smelled one here. And if there’s one, then there’s another. But why they’re here baffles me. Werecats aren’t thrilled with other paranormals in their territory, as we know.”

  “And the third problem?”

  “Something significant is about to happen, but I have no clue what. Bast was going on about forks in the road, paths to take, and choices. Then there was some shit about me being responsible for werecats as a species, being the one and only, and how whatever choice I make will affect other weres.”

  Seth whistled. “No pressure there. I am surprised, though. She knows how you feel about your kind.”

  “They can all drop dead,” Tyler said. “There’s a threat that’ll have horrible consequences to some plans she has laid out, blah, blah, blah, and… shit.” Tyler finished eating and set his plate on the ground. He kicked a rock, watching it skip away. “She wants us to stay regardless of the danger. So, knowing all this, what do you think?”

  Seth studied Tyler for a moment. “Wherever you are, I will be. No matter what.” He nudged Tyler with his toe. “Besides, I never could say no to an adventure.”

  “That’s what I get for thinking you’d be the voice of reason. Fuck.” Tyler dropped his head against the chair’s headrest, glaring up at the pretty blue sky. “Fine, we stay. You’ll have to be the one to find a job. I can’t go into town too often without risking being discovered.” Tyler sat up and rubbed his forehead. “How the hell Bast will get around that little obstacle, I have no idea.”

  “I’m sure she has a plan.”

  “She’d better, or when they find me—and they will—shit’s gonna get real.”

  Seth bit his lip. “I wish I knew why your kind hates you so much.”

  Tyler exhaled. “We’ve been through this. I’m an abomination.”

  Pain pierced Seth. He hated to hear Tyler talk about himself like that. “Stop. You’re a miracle, not an abomination.”

  “The vast majority doesn’t agree with you.” Tyler shrugged carelessly. �
�Anyway, I’ll set up the roadside stand on one of the back roads. Maybe if I’m far enough away from West Falls and not on any main streets, I won’t run into any clowder members.” The money the wooden yard signs brought in was quick cash, and they needed that.

  “I’m fine with hunting for work in town. I’ll do the shopping too.”

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Tyler asked once more. “You’re the most important person in my life—hell, the only person in my life. This deal is going to get messy, I just know it.”

  “Okay, first off, your goddess is very much a part of your life and mine, so you do have more than just me. She needs us here, and she’s never led us wrong, right? Secondly, I trust her, and I’m not a werecat. You need to do the same. And lastly, if this gets messy, we’ll deal with it. If we can’t, then I will.”

  “I do trust her, but damn, man, she laid some heavy stuff on me. Things are about to change, and I hate change. It never turns out good for me.” Tyler stared off in the distance, then shook his head. “Okay, then, it’s settled. Let’s scout around. If we discover the right place for the stand, we’ll set up and then you go. Pick me up when you’re done looking for work in town.”

  “I’d rather you kept the truck. If shit blows up, you’ll have a way to run.” Running wasn’t something Seth worried about. Never would. Not as long as there was a shadow about.

  Tyler rolled his eyes. “That’s not going to work since you’re the one going into town. You have to have the truck. I’ll be fine.”

  Seth hoped so. There’d been some close calls through the years. More times than not, they’d run, but if they couldn’t, Seth took care of the problem. He’d only had to kill occasionally. It hadn’t bothered him. At all. He’d do whatever was needed to protect his little werecat.

  “Then I guess I better get cleaned up.”

  “By the way, I saw a waterfall not far from here.”

  “Really?” Standing, Seth held his hand out. “Join me?” He winked.

  “You just want to get me naked.” Laughing, Tyler stood, taking Seth’s hand.

  “Yup. Naked, wet, and moaning.” Seth pulled Tyler into his arms and hugged him. “What do you say?”

  “Best idea I’ve heard yet.” Tyler pressed his hardening cock against Seth. “I’ll get the soap, shampoo, and other stuff. You put out the fire.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Seth ran his hands up and down Tyler’s back, enjoying the feel of warm skin and toned muscles, then dropped them to Tyler’s ass and squeezed. He nipped Tyler’s bottom lip. “Hurry. I need you.”

  Tyler’s breath stuttered. “Won’t… won’t be but just a minute.” He adjusted his cock, and Seth groaned. Grinning, Tyler hurried to the camper, threw open the door, and stepped inside.

  Little imp. Seth put the fire out. He mentally hurried Tyler along. Desire rushed through him, the unrelenting need for his mate burning in his blood. Fuck, his shorts were strangling his hard-on.

  Minutes later, Tyler rushed out with what they needed, breathing heavily. He glided over the uneven ground, his catlike grace obvious even in human form. A breeze teased the long locks of Tyler’s hair, tossing a strand over his chest, almost as if it was trying to draw Seth’s attention to a perky nipple.

  Seth grasped Tyler’s hand. “Show me this place.”

  “Come on.” Birds took off into the sky, calling out warnings as Tyler tugged Seth along. The sun ducked behind a cloud. Trees cast shadows as they dashed past.

  Tyler raised his chin and sniffed. “Not long now.”

  It always amazed Seth how much better Tyler’s sense of smell was than his. Even though Seth was a paranormal, he didn’t have specialized senses. He didn’t hear, see, or smell any better than any other run-of-the-mill human.

  Tyler said he even smelled human—no paranormal scent to alert others, which was great since it effectively hid what a threat he really was. Although, thank the goddess there was something in his scent that let Tyler know Seth was his. Seth didn’t understand that, but he certainly wasn’t going to complain.

  An unusual humming was his first clue that they were close. Seth listened carefully, trying to place the sound. It’s like a swarm of bees. They rounded the corner, and the source revealed itself. Just then, the sun came out. Its rays caught the airy sparkling of its spray, creating a filmy mystique above the pool at the base of the fall, dazzling Seth with its beauty.

  The pool’s water was a beautiful clean blue, and Tyler pulled Seth toward it. He could easily see down to the rocky bottom. Fronds of forest-green plants waved gently in and around the rugged edge. So distracted by the sight, he jumped when Tyler’s arms snuck around his waist, his nimble fingers plucking at the zipper on Seth’s shorts. Seth moaned as Tyler’s long hair brushed against his skin, tickling. When did he take it down?

  Tyler snickered, then nipped Seth’s sun-warmed shoulder. “Caught you off guard, didn’t I?”

  A shiver ran down Seth’s spine at the small hurt, and he reached back to wrap his hand around Tyler’s head and yank him closer so he could taste those plump lips of Tyler’s. Tyler caught him off guard, but that was okay. Tyler was the only person he trusted.

  From the moment their mouths touched, the kiss was demanding. Hot. Needy. Seth’s tongue swept inside, claiming Tyler’s mouth. His shorts slid down his legs, the scrape of material adding to his arousal. The warm air and cool mist from the waterfall teased his shaft, making his balls tighten.

  Seth groaned when Tyler grasped the hard length of him and stroked slowly. He ended the kiss, his lips swollen and throbbing. Panting, he leaned his head against Tyler’s hairless chest. Everything… everything about Tyler was too much but not enough. He was as vital to Seth as the air he was currently sucking down.

  “So good, babe.”

  Tyler moaned. He released Seth’s hard shaft and stepped in front of Seth, then dropped to his knees and sucked Seth’s cock into his mouth.

  “Fuck. Fuck!” Seth shouted, twisting his hands in Tyler’s hair. Oh dear God, the heat. The wetness. The suction. This wouldn’t take long at all. “Get your hand around your cock too. I want…. Son of a…. Holy fucking hell, babe.” Seth shuddered when Tyler did that thing with his tongue. Body tensing, his orgasm moved closer. His toes curled, and his muscles shook. He glanced down to see Tyler staring at him, his red, swollen lips stretched over Seth’s cock.

  Tyler whimpered, stroking himself.

  “Come with me, dammit,” Seth demanded.

  Tyler cried out around Seth’s shaft, spurts of his come hitting Seth’s leg as Tyler milked him dry. Seth pulled out, dropped to his knees, and slammed his mouth over Tyler’s, his cock twitching when he tasted himself.

  “Damn, babe, that never gets old,” Seth wheezed.

  They sank to the ground, with Tyler resting against him. “I love you, Seth,” Tyler said, curling against Seth.

  “I love you too. You, babe, are my life. My everything.” Seth cuddled Tyler. Unfortunately, they couldn’t stay there forever. “Ready for that shower now?”

  Tyler glanced at Seth. “Hmmm. I think my legs will hold me.”

  Seth rubbed his thumb over Tyler’s lips, enjoying the bright, loving look in Tyler’s eyes. “If you fall, I’ll catch you. Always.” Seth pressed a kiss to Tyler’s temple. “And the last one in is a rotten egg!” Jumping up, Seth sprinted to the waterfall, with Tyler laughing and swearing behind him.

  AFTER THEY bathed, they left the campsite and drove around the back roads until they found the perfect spot. Once they set up the table and the awning, Seth arranged the wooden signs facing the road. Then he dragged the ice chest out of the camper, placed it next to Tyler’s chair, and filled it with water bottles and snacks.

  “Okay, I think you’re good to go.” Seth grabbed a bottle from the cooler and chugged half of it. “Whew. Getting warm already, and it’s barely eight in the morning. You got your phone on you?”

  They both had pay-as-you-go cell phones. Seth insisted upon them having a
way to get in touch with each other, just in case.

  Tyler patted his pocket. “Yup. You want to take some chips or something? You don’t know how long you’ll be job hunting.”

  “I already put some things in a plastic bag.”

  “Okay. Don’t forget to use that fancyass cologne you stole to hid the fact that you’re intimately acquainted with a werecat.” Tyler snickered.

  “I will.” The stuff smelled like oak, moss, and tobacco leaves mixed with nutmeg and cassis. It was a very earthy-sweet fragrance. Seth sprayed his shirt heavily. Plus, he’d smoke on the way there, just to make sure.

  He fished the keys out of his pocket as a few cars drove by. One was slowing down as if it was going to turn around. “Looks like we got a nibble already. If you need me, for anything, call. I mean it, Tyler.”

  “You know I will. Be careful, and I’ll see you soon.” Tyler glanced at the car parking close by. “Good luck.”

  Chapter Four – Brier

  BRIER’S COFFEE sloshed over the rim, scalding his fingers. Quickly he set it on the countertop. Of all the things he’d expected Breanna to talk about when she asked him over last night, that hadn’t made the list.

  “Did you just say you found your mate?”

  “Oh no!” Breanna grabbed Brier’s hand. “Here, let me….” She dragged him toward the sink. “I’m going to run cold water over—”

  “You don’t have to do that. It’s not like it won’t heal in a few minutes anyhow.” Still, Brier stood patiently, letting her tend to the already-fading burn. “Congratulations! Dammit, Bre, why didn’t you tell me that last night?”

  Breanna patted the skin dry with a hand towel, tossed it to the side, and then refilled Brier’s coffee. “Try not to spill it this time. Anyway, one more day wouldn’t change anything. I mean, yeah, I would’ve liked for you to come by then, but you sounded whipped. Everything okay?”

  “Nope, you’re not changing the subject on me.” He bopped her on the nose. “I’m fine. Now, back to you. A mate, huh?”


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