The Crime: Billionaire Love At First Sight (All In Series Book 3)

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The Crime: Billionaire Love At First Sight (All In Series Book 3) Page 2

by Maggie Cole

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Don’t roll your eyes at me,” he flirtatiously teased. Then, he leaned in, with a serious expression, and lowered his voice. “Really dumb guy.”

  Heat flew into my face. I wasn’t sure how to respond, but I didn’t really have time. There was a massive commotion from the front of the bar and it made us both turn.

  The entrance of the bar started to flood with people. They sounded hostile and I looked back at Jack in question.

  His eyebrows drawn together, he jumped up. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

  He swiftly walked to the bar and talked to the bartender. The noise grew louder and the people’s voices were angrier. Within two minutes, Jack was back at the table.

  “Maddie, what wing is your room in?”

  “East, why?” A bad feeling flowed through me.

  “They put the East wing on lock down. The smoke and carbon monoxide alarms have malfunctioned and everyone is being evacuated from the entire wing. The hotel is sold out. They have nowhere to go. Grab your stuff.” He pointed to my laptop and bag.

  I didn’t move and tried to process what was happening.

  “Maddie, we don’t have a lot of time. Come on. That crowd is pissed off, more people are coming in. This isn’t going to be a safe place to hang out. Let’s go,” he instructed.

  “But where...” My head snapped as I realized the crowd had gotten larger and angrier. They pushed past the hostess and the bar became standing room only. Glass shattered and people started to push and shout.

  Jack grabbed my laptop and shoved it in my bag. He pulled me up. “Come on, Maddie.”

  Swiftly, he drew me into him, planted his arm firmly around my waist, and escorted me through the bar, as we stayed close against the wall. We moved through the lobby, which was louder than the bar. People were yelling at the staff, and security were trying to calm them down. Jack pulled me closer and into a crowded elevator for the west wing. He pushed his card in and hit the penthouse button.

  It dawned on me that he was taking me to his suite. I nervously glanced up at him. He brought his lips to my ear and whispered, “Don’t worry. It’s okay.”

  I wasn’t sure what to do. The logical part of my brain told me to get out of the elevator, but I wasn’t sure where I would go. The emotional part of me wanted to sink further into Jack’s muscular, warm body.

  People in the elevator discussed the chaos in the lobby. I stood quietly, and wracked my mind about what to do. Jack kept his arm tight around my waist, even in the safety of the elevator.

  I sank into his chest and inhaled his sexy scent, completely paralyzed except for my racing heart.

  People left, one by one. There slowly became room to spread out, but neither Jack nor I moved. Finally, there were only the two of us in the elevator, and we waited for the final stop.

  I fixated on my fidgeting hands. “Jack, I...” What the heck was I trying to say?

  His thumb stroked my waist. “Don’t worry, Maddie. It’s only a safe place to go. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, I promise.”

  I inhaled slowly and was pretty sure I knew what the deeper connotations of that meant. But, I felt completely safe and secure with Jack. I only just met him, but I didn’t want to be anywhere but with him.

  Lewd thoughts raced through my mind, along with how I didn’t know this guy, and that I was taking time off from guys right now. I tried to push the thoughts away, but my mind started spinning.

  The elevator stopped and opened into the penthouse hallway. We slowly stepped out of the elevator. Jack held the door open for me.

  I walked in and did a double take. The penthouse was huge. The skyline twinkled and there had been turn-down service already. Slow, sexy music played, and the lights were soft and dim.

  Jack turned toward me, then held my face in his hands; his thumbs caressed my cheeks. “Make yourself at home. You can stay as long as needed. There are several bedrooms. Don’t stress. I promise I’ll be a gentleman.” His eyes were worried, and I realized that he understood my thoughts. Well, not all of my thoughts...

  But what if I don’t want you to be a gentleman?

  I bit my lip. “Thank you.”

  He winked at me and gave me a dimpled grin. “No thanks needed. I get to spend more time with you now.”

  * * *


  I wanted her to know that she didn’t have to worry. I wouldn’t try anything. She was safe here.

  I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. “You hungry?”

  She gave me her million-dollar smile. “I’m starving actually.”

  “I would order room service but I have a feeling the hotel is going to be a little understaffed tonight.” I pulled out some chocolate-covered strawberries, nuts, cheese, and crackers.

  “Yum. That works!”

  “What can I get you to drink?”

  She thought for a brief minute. “Can I have a water?”

  I pulled out two waters. Probably better if we don’t drink, I thought.

  I opened one up and handed it to her, set the other bottle on the counter, and removed my suit jacket and tie. I really need to get out of these clothes. They’re suffocating me.

  When I unlatched my top three buttons, her eyes drifted over my body. I don’t think she realized it, she was that innocent, but she checked me out and slightly licked her lips, which sent my dick into overdrive.

  You promised her you would be a gentleman.

  The last thing I wanted to do was scare her. I saw her eyes in the elevator, and there was no way I wanted her to run out of here.

  As I watched her ogle me, I wondered what she would think if I sat around all night with an ice pack on my dick. I am definitely going to have blue balls.

  “I’m going to go get out of this suit. I’ve been in it since 5 a.m.. Help yourself to anything you want...but don’t disappear while I’m changing.” I wagged my finger at her.

  She threw her head back, laughing, and her beautiful black hair bounced all over her back. “Where would I go?”

  “I don’t know. I’m just saying.” I shrugged my shoulders. Then I turned and walked into my bedroom.

  I shut the door and leaned against it as I took deep breaths. I would not try anything. I would not put her in any uncomfortable position. I only want to get to know her better.

  I wasn’t sure how long she was in town for, but maybe I could take her out while she was here? Maybe when I was back in New York she would consider going out with me?

  I shut my eyes, and reminded myself that I wasn’t supposed to have pursued her. But now that I had, there was no way I couldn’t see where this could go.

  I’m not going to sleep with her tonight, I told myself, again. I’ll just get to know her more. I wondered if she was really over her ex.

  Please be over him.

  Don’t fuck this up, Jack.



  The chocolate-covered strawberries looked good, so I grabbed one, along with my water. I walked over to the skyline and realized there was a balcony, I opened the door and stepped out into the sharp, February, night air. The balcony was huge, with a hot tub off to the side.

  The water glowed pink from the light, and I put my hand in it to feel its warmth. I don’t know if it was all the champagne I drank, or my newfound independence, but without even thinking, I untied my dress. It fell to the floor, and I stepped out of my sandals.

  I heard a soft whistle and turned to see Jack in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. His eyes surveyed my body, as I stood in my neon pink bra and thong, which matched the water in the hot tub.

  Frozen, Jack continued to stare at me, as if wrestling with his mind, before he walked toward me. His eyes continued to scan my almost naked body, and I exhaled slowly as my insides pulsed with desire.

  Jack gulped, hard. “You’re making it a little difficult for me to stick to my promise to be a gentleman.”

  I don’t know where the coura
ge came from, but I gazed in his eyes, “Maybe I don’t want you to be a gentleman.”

  Way to send him mixed messages. So much for my elevator worries.

  I’m not sure how long we stood there, eyes locked. Jack struggled with whatever was going through his mind. Finally, he stepped forward, put his arms around me, and bent down to slowly kiss me. As if savoring me, his tongue rolled into mine, slowly at first, then faster, with urgency and heat.

  My entire body lit up in flames as I melted against him.

  Jack pulled back first, and disappointment surged through me, as I breathlessly tried to regain my composure.

  I must look like a panting dog.

  Jack Stevens was one hell of a kisser.

  With a small step back, he removed his shirt and shorts, so he only wore his boxers. I gazed at his chest and ab muscles, dying to touch them. My eyes trailed to his crotch, and caught a quick view of his semi, before I realized he knew I was gawking. He softly laughed, before he stepped into the hot tub.

  “You coming in? I mean, I have no problem staring at you all night if you prefer...” he teased and sat back with his arms stretched across the back of the tub.

  “Ha ha.” I twisted my long black hair, tied it up in a knot, and joined him in the hot tub. Without hesitation, I plopped down next to him. He casually put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me a bit closer.

  It was strange. I only met Jack about an hour earlier, but I was so comfortable with him. In fact, I was more comfortable with him, than Mike.

  How can that be?

  On one hand, nervous butterflies swarmed in my stomach. On the other hand was a calm sensation. Strange and surprising all at once.

  “Why are you here in Tampa?”

  I sat and thought for a moment, and wondered if I should make something up or tell him the truth? I must have paused too long, because Jack answered for me, “Ahh. The breakup. It’s super fresh, isn’t it?”

  Crap. I didn’t really want to get into this, or think about anyone but Jack. And definitely, not Mike.

  “Last weekend. But it’s been over for a long time.”

  I think he sensed I didn’t really want to talk about it. “So...why Tampa?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “Some deal popped up on my Instagram feed and I thought, why not.”

  Jack laughed. “So people actually do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “Go at the spur of the moment to random places?”

  I jerked my head back, “You’ve never done that?”

  He shook his head.

  “Why not?”

  Jack thought for a minute, “My businesses keep me pretty busy. Life can be...what should I say without sounding so boring you’ll get up and take your chances in the lobby…?”

  I raised my brow at him.

  Jack continued, “... scheduled.”

  “Well, that is boring!” I attempted to get up.

  “Oh no you don’t!” He pulled me back and sat me on his lap.

  I giggled and gazed at his face. I could see little wrinkles in the corner of his eye, but something told me it wasn’t from age, but maybe the stress of a demanding career. “How old are you, Jack?”

  “Thirty-six. You?”


  “You ever been married? Have kids?”

  “No, but if I had been, or had kids, what would you say?”

  “Dumb guy, lucky kids.”

  I rolled my eyes, smiling. “What about you?”

  “Almost married once, no kids.” Did I detect some sort of sadness in his eyes? Maybe it was the memory of his ex-fiance?

  He changed the subject, “Tell me, Maddie, what were you working on when I interrupted you in the bar?”

  “Honestly, nothing. My mind wasn’t really working after I ran into you.” I surprised myself at how openly my words flowed out of my mouth.

  Jeez, why don’t you tell him you want to jump his bones?

  He gave me a cocky smile and licked his lips. “If you hadn’t almost knocked me over, what would you have been doing?”

  “Ha ha!” I playfully punched his shoulder. “Writing ad copy. I work for a PR firm. My friend, Liv, convinced me to join her. I moved from California about six months ago.”

  “Liv Marko?”

  “Yes. You know her?” I straightened up a bit.

  Jack nodded. “New York is known as a big city, but in reality, it can be small. Her husband Tom, and I; we have a few companies together. Liv does the majority of my company’s marketing and PR.”

  I slid off Jack's lap.

  “What’s wrong? Did I say something to offend you?”

  “No, nothing offensive. But if you’re a client of the firm, I don’t think this is a good idea.” I tugged at my hair.

  Jack grabbed me and slid me back on his lap. He put his arms around my waist. “Maddie, I’ve known Tom for a long time. I know Liv really well, too. As long as we disclose this...whatever this is…” he took one hand and moved it back and forth between him and me, “...then it will be fine.”

  I sat in his lap and bit my lip, not sure what to do. My heart raced. My head told me this wasn’t a good idea, but my body screamed out to be part of his.

  His forehead pressed against mine, and our eyes locked. “Maddie, trust me, okay?”

  I bit my lower lip harder. I don’t know why, but this man, who I had only known a little over an hour, I trusted. "Okay,” I whispered. I leaned in and found his lips, then parted them with my tongue and explored every inch of his mouth.

  Jack moved his hands to my head and pulled the knot out, so my hair cascaded around my back. His fingers laced through it, and he gently pulled at my hair with one hand and pushed my head closer with the other, which caused me to slightly moan.

  I hadn’t been touched in forever.

  My womanhood pulsed. My knees parted and spread across both sides of his hips as I sat on his manhood and felt it bulge at my presence. His lips fluttered across my chin, then my neck, before he pulled my head back and lightly sucked on my collarbone.

  A louder moan escaped me. He bulged further at the sound.

  I ground my body on his and squeezed my arms around him. I tried to bring him closer to me and nibbled at his ear lobe. I felt his heartbeat thumping like mine. My hands moved over his chiseled chest and outlined his muscles while fondling his nipples between my fingers. I kissed his Adam’s apple as it throbbed at my touch.

  “Maddie, I want you in my bed,” he whispered in my ear. He gently bit it and caressed my back with his warm hands.

  “Then take me to your bed,” I whispered back, not knowing where my courage came from.

  He groaned. “I promised you I’d be a gentleman.”

  “That isn’t what I want or need.” It flew out of my mouth, while I kissed around his earlobe.

  Jesus, Maddie, when did you learn to be so forward?

  I couldn’t help it. I wanted nothing more. I’d never had a one night stand, but I wasn’t going to be a prude about this. I felt more alive with Jack than I had in the six years I was with Mike, or anyone else for that matter.

  Jack stopped, put his forehead against mine, and locked his eyes with me. “What do you need, Maddie?”

  My blood pumped through my veins, and my chest heaved with every breath. What do I need?

  I closed my eyes, and opened them to see Jack’s eyes scanning mine. “Tell me what you need, Maddie.”

  “Whatever you’re willing to give me.”

  How desperate do I sound?

  Jack didn’t make me feel bad or hesitate. In a swoop, he picked me up and set me on the ground, before he stepped out of the hot tub himself. He led me over to the outdoor shower and positioned me under the warm water. He slowly removed my thong and bra, then shimmied out of his boxers.

  He turned my back to his chest and massaged the soap into me. Jack kneaded my shoulders, then down my spine, and cupped my ass with his hands. He kissed the side of my neck before he turned me around
and took a step back.

  “You’re stunning, Maddie.”

  I glanced back at him in the moonlight. Water dripped off his chiseled body, and his chest and ab muscles rose with each breath.

  I was naked, wet, and didn’t feel an ounce of self-consciousness. Something about Jack made me feel sexy, confident, and fully wanted. Mike denied me so many times, and rejected me like trash. Jack’s eyes, on the other hand, seared through me with lust and desire.

  I wanted this man to make me orgasm, but the way his eyes fixated on me, made me want to please him, too. I wondered if I was capable.

  What am I doing? I don’t have the experience to be with this guy.

  It’s a little too late for backing out now.

  Past sexual encounters filled my brain, and I pushed the thoughts of all the disappointments out of my head. I stepped closer to him as I caressed soap onto his body, then rubbed my own against his, as my tits grew harder in the process. Fire blazed through every vein in my body as I gazed up at him and stood on my tiptoes to claim his mouth as my own.

  “You’re delicious,” he murmured to me, which sent volts through my nerves.

  “Just tell me what to do to please you,” I mumbled into his neck before I knew what I was saying.

  What is wrong with my mouth tonight?

  Jack’s head pulled back a bit. I bit my lip; heat rose to my face. I tried to focus on his nipples and felt him stare at me.

  He pulled my chin up to his face. “You’re perfect, Maddie. Just relax and tell me if you don’t like anything, or want me to stop at any time.”

  Don’t like anything? Want him to stop? Like that would be possible with this guy!

  I realized he wanted me to answer him. “Don’t stop,” I begged him as I stared into his eyes.

  Jack nodded, and put his lips once more on mine. His hard-on pressed against my stomach, and my vagina throbbed at the thought of him in me. He turned the water off, grabbed towels, and wrapped me up before himself.

  He guided me inside a door I hadn’t noticed, and into a room with a huge bed. He quickly threw his towel and mine to the floor. His mouth and tongue claimed mine, and my hand stroked his gigantic dick. A low groan cascaded out of him.


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