The Crime: Billionaire Love At First Sight (All In Series Book 3)

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The Crime: Billionaire Love At First Sight (All In Series Book 3) Page 18

by Maggie Cole

  Jack's voice was very stern. “What are you not telling me?”

  “He’s an old friend of Mike’s. Just tell the FBI.”

  “Tom and I are heading out as soon as this storm is over and we can get in the air. It’s not supposed to let up until around four o’clock. I don’t want you going anywhere except with the bodyguards and Casey. Go right to my place.”

  “Okay.” I wouldn’t argue this one.

  Collin walked into Liv’s office.

  “Maddie, stay close to the bodyguards. I’ve already sent the photo to the FBI and will call them now.”


  “I have to go. I’ll call you as soon as I know we can leave. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Jack.” The screen went blank.

  “Maddie, did he approach you?” Collin sat down next to me.

  “No. Thanks for taking that picture.” I gave Collin a grateful smile.

  “I don’t want to scare you, but whatever you do, don’t get a false sense of security with the bodyguards. If you are out of the office or penthouse, make sure you keep your eyes open and wait for them to make the first move.”

  I nodded and remembered how Meg told me how Collin got shot by her ex-boyfriend.

  Liv walked in with six bodyguards. “Tom thinks all of us need bodyguards tonight.”

  “What else did Tom say?” I felt like there was more.

  “Nothing, but I know something has to be serious for Tom to take these precautions.”

  “Why do we need bodyguards?” Meg inquired.

  Collin put on his negotiator's face.

  “Collin, you better spill it now!” Meg stood right in front of his face and glared at him.

  “I’ve been negotiating, behind Jim and Mike’s back, with the other investors. We’re trying to get them to pull the morality clause, but they are worried about being sued without proof of anything. We don’t know that one or several haven’t talked with Michael or Jim.”

  Meg seethed at Collin. “Why didn’t you tell me this?”

  “You didn’t need to know. Now you need to know, so I’m telling you.” Collin didn’t show any emotion.

  Meg's face turned as red as the color of her hair. Collin stood up and put his arms around her. “Everything will be fine.” He kissed her.

  Within seconds, her face resumed its normal shade. When she pulled out of the kiss, she gave Collin a smirk and glare. I had a feeling they would be having some mad makeup sex.

  Liv turned to me. “Do you want to come over to my place till the guys get home?”

  “I better not, Liv. Jack told me to go to his place. I should follow the plan.”


  The rest of the day crawled by. It was 4:30 when Jack called. I was still in the office. “We should be able to take off soon. The lightning has cleared.”

  "I’m finishing up and about to leave.”

  Jack reminded me to go straight to his house.

  “I will.”

  “Maddie, when I get home, you need to tell me everything.”

  I sighed. “Jack, it’s a friend of Mike’s. About two years into our relationship, he tried to rape me. Bo had ripped my underwear off and had me bent over the kitchen sink. Then Mike walked in. That’s the story, now you know, can we not talk about it ever again?”

  “Oh my God, Maddie!”

  “Jack, stop. Please. Just like you don’t want to relive stuff, I don’t either. It could have been a lot worse.”

  Jack became silent. Then calmly, “I’m going to fucking kill him when I get my hands on him.”

  “Jack, no! Please,” I cried out, afraid he would do it. “We need to move forward, not backward, remember?”

  “Maddie, you told me nothing happened, this isn’t nothing.”

  “Nothing did happen! Mike came home.”

  “Did he beat the shit out of him?”

  Silence hung between us.

  “That fucking bastard. I’m going to kill Michael first, then Bo’s next,” Jack seethed through clenched teeth. He quickly became an angry ball of rage.

  A cold chill went through my body, and I started to cry. “Jack, don’t! I don’t need you in jail. Please, come home and be with me. You’re scaring me right now.”

  I heard Jack inhale and exhale slowly. “Maddie, go home, do not stop anywhere. I’ll see you after I take care of these assholes.” Before I could respond, he hung up the phone.

  Cold chills coursed through me. I ran to Liv’s office.

  Liv sat at her desk and looked up when I flew into the room. “Maddie, what’s wrong?”

  “I think Jack is going to do something stupid. You have to get Tom on the phone.”

  She picked up the phone and put it on speaker.

  “Hey, Gorgeous,” Tom answered the phone.

  “Tom, it’s Liv and Maddie. Is Jack with you?” Liv urgently asked.

  “He forgot something at the hotel. He will be back soon. Why?”

  “Tom, you have to go find him. He’s going to do something stupid and get hurt! Please stop him,” I cried out.

  "I’m already on my feet. Let me call security and have him stopped. Call you soon.” Tom hung up.

  Liv pointed to her chair. “Sit, Maddie. Tom will find him. Tell me what happened.”

  I told Liv that I told Jack about Bo and Mike. “Jack’s going after Mike. I shouldn’t have told him. This is my fault.”

  “It’s not your fault. Don’t worry. Tom will find him and talk some sense into him.”

  My stomach flipped with thoughts of Jack behind bars or possibly murdered.

  It felt like forever, but within five minutes, Tom texted Liv.

  “Security has Jack. I’ll get him on the plane and text you when we take off.”

  “See! Tom will talk sense into him. Everything will be fine, I promise.”

  “Liv, what if it’s not? What if this never ends?”

  Liv put her hand on mine. “Look, I know how you feel. When I found out about Tom’s secret, I had the same feeling. But this will end, I promise. You have to keep Jack’s head straight though.”

  I closed my eyes.

  “Maddie, you can’t do anything here. Go to Jack’s, take a warm bath, and have a glass of wine. Call me if you need to talk.”

  She was right. Unfortunately, I would have to wait.

  * * *


  My stress level was through the roof. It had been over a year since I began to work with the FBI, and they couldn't seem to take care of this. I felt like I would never be free, and now Maddie was involved and being threatened.

  The FBI couldn't seem to do their job, and Michael was rumored to be in Tampa, waiting for a new shipment. I wasn't getting back on that plane until he was in a body bag.

  I didn't know who Bo Crumo was, but once I finished with Michael, I would take care of him too.

  Security stopped me as I was about to walk out of the main doors. "Mr. Stevens, come with us, please."

  I jerked my head back. "Why?"

  "We need you to come with us," the officer repeated.

  Angrily, I shook my head. I didn't know what this was about, but how much more did I have to take?

  They led me back to Tom’s jet, which sat on the runway. “What is this about?”

  “Mr. Stevens, you need to get on the jet. This isn’t a choice.”

  I laughed. “Is this a joke?”

  The security officer shook his head. “No, sir, you must get on the jet now.”

  “And if I refuse?”

  “Then you will be detained.”

  Tom popped his head out of the jet’s front door. “Jack, get in.”

  “Tom, what’s this about?”

  “Get in, and I’ll tell you,” Tom sternly replied.

  “I have something I need to take care of first.”

  “No, you don’t. Get your ass in here, Jack.” He turned and went back into the jet.

  The security guard glared at me. “This is your
last warning, Mr. Stevens. If you don’t get on the jet, we will arrest you.”

  Not able to win, I threw my hands in the air and stormed to the back of Tom’s jet, where he was seated. “What the fuck is happening, Tom?”

  “Sit your ass down, Jack.” He pointed to the seat.

  The beep of the machinery from outside rang loudly, and I saw the stairs back away from the jet. I knew that the jet door was shut and locked. I scowled at Tom. He grabbed his phone and sent someone a text message.

  He pointed to the beer that sat in the cupholder. “Sit. Have a drink and relax, Jack.”

  “You had security come after me? That’s pretty low, Tom.” I snarled at him.

  Tom’s leg started to twitch, but his face went calm. “Listen, I get your pissed off, and you want to kill the guy, but you need to use your head. You do something stupid, and the investigation goes up in smoke. Maddie ends up what, visiting you in prison? Who will protect her then? Come on, be smarter than that.”

  Defeated, I put my head in my hands. I was so tired and stressed over this whole thing. It had been too long, and it just seemed to get worse.

  Frustrated, I looked up at Tom. “This is never going to be over, is it?”

  He sighed. “Listen, I can only imagine what this last year has been like for you, but we are close. You need to hang in there a bit longer. Maddie needs you. She doesn’t need you going all crazy and going off the deep end.”

  I swallowed a big swig of beer and closed my eyes. “I’m so tired.”

  “I know, but we get one chance to fry these guys. Let’s not screw it up.”

  “The FBI isn’t getting shit done. It’s been over a year. If they aren’t going to take him down, I will.”

  “Listen, if anyone knows what you’re going through, and how ready you are for this to be over, it’s me.”

  It was true, if anyone could understand how tired I was, it was him.

  He continued. “When Kylo assaulted Liv, I almost killed him. I wanted to kill him. I’m lucky D was there to pull me off. As pissed as I was at D, I’m grateful he did, because I’d be in jail right now, sharing a bunk with God knows who, instead of coming home to Liv every night. Just take a breather, have a beer, and use your head. You want to share a bunk, or go home to Maddie every night when this is over?”

  I leaned back in my seat. He was right. I knew he was.

  “Jack, trust me on this. They are going to get what’s coming to them.”

  I sighed. “You better be right.”



  Back at Jack’s, Casey came up with the bodyguards and stood with me in the hallway while they did a sweep of the place.

  “You aren’t just a driver, are you, Casey?”

  He hesitated. “No, ma’am.”

  “Do you have a gun?”

  He searched my eyes. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Do you know if Jack has a gun?”

  He wouldn’t answer the question. Once again, silence gave me answers.

  “Would I find this gun in the house, should I need it?”

  Casey peered at me. “Ma’am, have you ever shot a gun?”


  He pulled out his gun. My heart raced. I had never been in front of a gun before. “I’m going to show you one thing because, as I’m sure you are aware, guns are not to be taken lightly. However, should you be in a situation where you have to use one, you need to know this.”

  I leaned in and watched him handle the gun.

  “This is the safety. You cannot shoot without the safety off. Flip it like this if you need to shoot before you pull the trigger.”

  I nodded.

  “But I don’t recommend you start playing with guns, ma’am. Please leave that to us.” He gave me a serious but kind smile.

  I smiled back. “Thank you, Casey.”

  He put the gun away as the bodyguards came out. “Place is clear. You are all set to go in, Ms. Burns. We will be out here in the hallway should you need anything.”

  “Thank you.” I walked in.

  The penthouse was shining brightly with the light of the summer sky as if everything in the world was normal. Inside, I felt everything but normal.

  I was tempted to call Jack, but Tom assured Liv that they were in the air and I knew he couldn’t go anywhere. I prayed that Tom would talk some sense into him, and he wouldn’t do something stupid once he landed.

  But I couldn’t guarantee that. So, I started to search Jack’s house for his gun. I didn’t want to do anything with it, but I needed to know that he didn’t have it on him.

  I hunted everywhere. My former sentiments to not be a snoop never once came into my mind as my hands and eyes frantically tried to find for what I prayed was still there. I entered Jack’s office and found a safe inside the drawer of his desk. I wondered how I could open it.

  I don’t know how long I tried different combinations. It became dark. I continued to punch in codes, one after another, but none of the codes worked.

  I put my hands on my face and finally resorted to the fact I did not know the code.

  Then it came to me. There was one set of numbers I hadn’t tried yet. It was a long shot, but I hit zero-two-two-three: the day we met. The safe opened up.

  The gun was in the box, and I said a prayer of thanks that it wasn’t on Jack. I don’t know why I did it, but I picked it up. I found the safety like Casey showed me, and I flipped it back and forth. I was engrossed in it, and held it in my hand and imagined what I would do to Mike, Bo, or even Jim if I saw them again.

  “Maddie, what the fuck?” Jack stood in the doorway.

  I dropped the gun by accident. It made a massive clank as it hit the ground.

  I ran to Jack. I threw myself on him and showered him with kisses.

  He wrapped his arms around me, then carried me to the couch in his office. “Maddie, what are you doing with my gun?”

  “I needed to make sure you didn’t have it on you.” I started to cry. “I was so scared, Jack. I thought you were going to do something foolish.”

  Jack grabbed my face, pushed my hair away, and shushed me. “I’m sorry. I was so angry. I was on my way to find Michael. I know he’s in Tampa right now. Tom had the security stop me, and he talked some sense into me on the flight home.”

  “Jack, you can’t do anything to put our future in danger.”

  “I know, Maddie, I’m sorry I scared you. The thought of what they did to you...”

  I pulled his forehead to mine. “Jack, nothing happened. It’s why I made you leave when the FBI was here questioning me. Please, let’s forget about it?”

  He closed his eyes, then opened them. “Maddie, have you shot a gun before?”


  “You shouldn’t be messing around with a gun then.”

  “I know. Casey told me about the safety.”

  Jack’s head about spun off. “What!?”

  Oh shit, now I did it. “Jack, calm down. I asked him.”


  “Why do you have a gun?” I threw it back at him.

  Jack stared at me then stood up, grabbed my hand, and pulled me up. ”Come on.”

  “Where are we going?”

  He grabbed the gun off the ground, made sure the safety was on, and stuck it in the back of his pants.

  “Jack?” My hand shook as it grabbed his arm.

  He spun, then put his hands on my shoulders. “Maddie, if you’re going to play around with guns, then I’m going to teach you how to shoot them properly. Let’s go.”

  He pulled me down the hall and through the penthouse. At the end of the hall, there was a bookshelf. Jack pushed one of the books, and a number panel appeared. He pushed 0223, and the wall opened up. My mouth fell open as he pulled me into the room and pushed a button so the wall closed again.


  Jack flipped the light switch. An entire part of the penthouse I didn’t know existed was there.

  My mouth gaped open. “Wh
at is this place?” I finally mustered.

  “Sit, Maddie.” He pointed to the couch.

  I sat and surveyed the room. There was a kitchen, living area, bedroom, bathroom, and something else I couldn’t see further back.

  He sat down next to me, ran his hands through his hair, then took a deep breath. His tongue slowly licked his lips, and he fidgeted with his fingers. I sat and waited.

  “Kelly was five months pregnant when our house was broken into. The robbers smacked her around, and she fell, and that was how we lost the baby. I was there, tied up to a chair, and watched it all. I wasn’t able to protect her or our baby.” Jack closed his eyes in agony.

  Stunned and in shock, my heart broke in two for the pain Jack must have gone through and still carried with him today. I put my hand on his leg.

  He opened his eyes. “That is why I have a gun. It’s why I have this room. When the robbers broke in, we were asleep and heard a noise. I told Kelly to stay upstairs. When I went downstairs, they hit me in the head and tied me to the chair. We had no gun, no safe place for Kelly, or even for both of us to go.”

  The horror of the story slowly sank in. I heard and saw the guilt Jack carried with him.

  Jack put his hands on my shoulders. “I built this room so I would have a safe place for my family to go to if needed. I have a gun because if anyone tries to break into my house and hurt someone I love, I will not hesitate to shoot. Do you understand me?”

  His eyes bore into mine. “Yes.”

  “Good, come on.” He stood up again and grabbed my hand.

  He pulled me to the back of the room and turned on another light. It lit up a shooting range. There was a table with drawers, and he pulled two sets of ear protectors out. He put one around his neck and one around mine.

  “Step up to the wall, Maddie.”

  I stepped up. He stood next to me and snatched the gun out of his back pants and pointed it straight at the target.

  “This is unloaded right now, but you flip this switch and squeeze the trigger. Try it,” he ordered me, as he took one arm away from the gun then wrapped it around me. He pulled me tight to him, in front of his body. Then, he grabbed my hand and put it around the gun before he put his hands over mine and showed me how to release the safety and pull the trigger. After a few times, he put the safety back on and set the gun on the table.


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