Andrea The Beginning (Holy Trinity, #1)

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Andrea The Beginning (Holy Trinity, #1) Page 13

by Adriana Brinne

  “Hold the dress up.”

  A shudder grips me at the authority in his tone. I do as he says and slide the dress up revealing my stomach. His fingers trail down my body, leaving goosebumps in their wake. Then he cups me through my underwear.

  I’m wet as fuck and he knows it too.

  Lucan drags a finger down my wet folds. The sensation sends electricity running through my body.

  God, his hands feel so good.

  He thrusts two fingers inside me in one go and I can't stop myself from moaning his name. The sound of his skin against my arousal is driving me insane with need.

  He leaves love bites on each of my thighs and kisses me everywhere except where I need him most.

  Oh, hell no.

  I grab a handful of his hair and make him look up at me. “Taste me, Lucan.” I bet he can tell how badly I need him with the flushed look on my face and my needy tone.

  He looks at me with a predatory grin on his handsome face and he does just that.

  The king fell to his knees for this queen.

  Checkmate, bitch.




  “If you need some love, get a hooker.” – Paris Geller


  Fuck me.

  This was a ruse to try and get some useful leverage on my enemy, not to have her stick her tongue down my throat and for me to stick my mouth on her perfect, sinful pussy.

  That's a lie.

  I have everything I need to run her out of the city, but ever since my meet-up with Arianna, I can't sleep. I now know what haunts her dreams and what makes her heart bleed. With that bit of information, I can prove she’s unfit to rule the Nicolasi family, let alone three crime families.

  Am I ready to do this though? To ruin this girl that in just a matter of weeks has turned my life upside down and for the better?

  She makes me feel and want things that I shouldn't.

  They’re not in the cards for me.

  It is too late.

  The things I wanted before I turned into my father’s son.

  Before I became a liar, a cheat…a murderer.

  Every moment with her makes me feel and that's something I can't afford to do. People want you until something better comes along and then they drop you like you meant nothing. My mother proved to me that nothing good comes from loving and needing someone other than yourself. They take a piece of you when they leave, and nothing fills that void. I tried to fix the hurt my mother’s abandonment did to my soul by drinking, smoking and fucking everything in sight but nothing ever really made me forget how it felt to have the one person in this world that should love and care for me unconditionally, leave without an ounce of regret and never look back.

  Andrea makes me forget. I feel at peace whenever she’s nearby.

  She’s my muse.

  She challenges me. Every time I push her, she pushes back ten times harder. It’s sick and twisted this thing that is growing between us. Now that I’ve had my first taste of her… there's no stopping it.

  I want all of her.

  I want to fucking own her.

  I look at her, truly look at her in this moment, with her skin flushed, her beautiful blonde hair sticking out in all directions, and that hot as fuck red dress. She looks like sex on legs.

  This little devil does things to me and I’m tired of fighting it because there’s no escaping her.

  And there’s no escaping me.

  I stare into her eyes. I'm not a guy of many words but what I feel for this girl, words can't express.

  I know it’s not love, it's something primal and’s obsession. She consumes my every thought, in a room filled with strangers I can sense her, feel her.

  Only ever her.

  I get off my knees and face her. “You’re fucking everything up principessa.” I can’t think with her this close to me.

  I need to gather my thoughts and I can’t do that while she’s giving me those hot as hell fuck-me- eyes. “Get the dress and let’s go.”, I turn my back on her and leave. It's almost painful to leave her at this point.

  I’m so fucked.

  I pass a few salesgirls and ignore their knowing eyes. I’m pretty sure everyone heard Andrea’s cries of pleasure, but I really don’t give a fuck.

  Let everyone know.

  She’s mine.

  I take a cigarette out and light it up. I breathe the smoke in and slowly inhale towards the sky. It’s almost nighttime, there's one more place we need to go to. I reach for my phone and dial the one person that can help me now. “Hey, big brother,” Gia answers cheerfully. “I need you to do something for me topolina, we’re on our way.” I tell her, while I watch Andrea through the store's window.

  “We? You and…?”, she asks with a curious tone, clearly wanting to know more.

  I tell her the truth. “Andrea and I.”

  Just like that I end the call.

  In the short amount of time, I have spent with this girl, she has silenced all my demons. Before her all I saw was black but somehow in the mist of all the chaos and darkness around me she managed to add color into my fucked-up life. In one day, everything changed and all my plans for her did as well.

  I don’t know how I will find a way to save my sisters and keep the girl too. Tommaso will have to find a way to deal with her presence in this city.

  Andrea’s role in my fucked-up game has changed. She is engraved in my brain and I can’t shake her. It’s like a sickness and I don’t want the fucking cure.

  She’s not the pawn…not anymore.

  She’s the motherfucking queen.




  “If she doesn’t scare you, no evil thing will.” – Cruella De Vil


  Cold hearted bitch.

  That’s what they all call me behind my back. They pretend to like me, follow me and some even admire me, but they don’t.

  I’m rotten.

  They know it.

  Most importantly, I know it.

  I am my mother’s daughter after all.

  I have never hidden who I am, never pretended to be anything but my fucking fabulous self. That is the reason I feel no guilt when I disappoint them. I never misled them, they just looked at my angelic appearance and decided that is who I am.

  A fallen angel, perhaps.

  When I was younger, I wanted to be “normal”. Whatever the hell that is nowadays. I wanted to not feel envy every time my little sisters did something to impress my mother. I wanted — no I needed— to not feel empty every time my baby sister told me she loved me and wanted snuggles. I wanted to show her that I cared, but it was difficult for me.

  It has always been difficult to be like everyone else.

  The matter of fact is, I just wanted to be like them. Well, maybe not exactly like them because Mila is too damn naive and Kadra is well… an unlikeable bitch.

  Someone hurt her and that was the final nail in my coffin. I might not care about much in life, but I care about them. If I had a heart which I do not, it would beat just for them.

  But that was before…before I was sold like a piece of filthy cattle to the highest bidder.

  Senator Kenton of Washington, DC.

  Fifty-four years old widow and father of three. That old sick fuck bought me, and my father did not even think twice before signing the contract.

  Gabriele is punishing me.

  He gave me my task and I refused. Out of all the days to be fucking selfish I went against my nature and fucked up.

  But I couldn’t do it.

  I couldn’t do that to my sister.

  So now I am paying the price.

  My new husband paid for a young hot and submissive wife.

  Those were his demands.


  I’ll show the old fuck, exactly who I am.

  I am no one’s fucking trophy wife.

  My thought
s are interrupted by Giana. — “What did you say? Sorry I wasn’t paying attention.”, I tell her.

  “I think Luc really likes Andrea.” Oh no. If the idiot falls for her then there’s no chance in hell, he’ll help me get out of this mess.


  “What makes you say that?” I need to know.

  How will this change things?

  “He’s just acting weird lately. For example, he just called and asked me to contact a sleazy gossip website and stop a story that they are running on Andrea. You don’t do shit like that unless you care about someone.”


  That was my only move.

  I feel it creeping in and corrupting my every thought. I never could control when I was young and now that I'm older… it's ten times worse.




  Another person that doesn’t put me first.

  I am his friend, and he chooses her?

  You chose wrong, Lucan.


  I make a move for her phone. — “If you want, I can do it for you. I know the chief editor and I’m sure she’ll definitely stop the story if I ask her to.”— I smile at my friend.

  My only friend and after tonight?

  My ex-friend for sure.

  Fuck, I’m scum.

  But if no one will save me.

  I’ll do it my fucking self.




  “It says here you’re a bitch.” - Salem


  That asshole.

  Now I understand why half the women population at Holy Trinity Academy is enamored with Lucan. Not only is he gorgeous, but he can charm the panties of anyone and if that's not enough his tongue can bring any woman to their knees.

  He made me come in a matter of seconds just with his tongue.

  Jesus, but that tongue of his almost made me profess my undying devotion to him. I’m no virgin. I’ve had boyfriends and meaningless hookups before, but nothing felt like this.

  Like him.

  It felt real.

  I fix myself, leaving no evidence of what just transpired between us before stepping out of the dressing room. Once I do, I see that Leah is waiting for me at the checkout counter. Something stops me in my tracks, a dress on the window’s mannequin. I can feel the dress calling out to me, crazy I know, but it's just that perfect.

  It's a short silver dress. The material is satin and a bit see-through. “It’s fabulous, isn't it?” I hear the sales lady whisper behind me. “It would look so good on you”, she’s paid to say whatever she needs to in order to make a sale, but I still appreciate the compliment. She’s not lying though; it would look great on me.

  I walk closer to the mannequin and asked what I wanted to know since the moment she directed a word at Lucan. “How do you know Lucan?” I turn around and face her. I can tell she finds me amusing because a soft laugh escapes her mouth. “Put your claws away darling, I know him through his father Tommaso.” I know there's more she's not telling me. “Now, are you taking both dresses?” I can't believe I got jealous over him.

  Fucking Lucan.

  “Yeah, charge it to his card.” I grab the bags and head out the door where Lucan is waiting for me. I have no explanation for why I bought the second dress, but I have a feeling I might get to use it against him later.

  We have just arrived at the last destination for the day.

  The Volpe mansion.

  This place is crazy. If I thought my grandfather's home was extra and ridiculously expensive, the Volpe mansion is out of this world. The decorations are all black and white, with classic paintings hanging on the walls. In the middle of the living room, there's a family portrait. I walk towards it to get a closer look. There's an older, handsome man that I'm assuming is Tommaso Volpe, Lucan’s father. He is holding Cara’s hand in the picture but not Giana’s.


  Lucan is also in the portrait standing behind his father looking like the devil himself before he fell from grace.

  Strong, powerful, and sinfully beautiful. There’s so much anger in his stare though. It’s clear to see and the artist captured it beautifully.

  The moment we arrived at his house, Lucan went off to find his sister Giana and gave me free rein to explore his home. So that's what I've been doing for the past couple of minutes.

  His home feels cold and if I'm honest, not very family oriented.

  My body completely stills when I hear someone clearing their throat to announce their arrival. “And who might you be?”, a man asks from behind me with an arrogant tone.

  Lucan’s dad.


  I turn around and face him. I’m not afraid of him, like I'm not afraid of his son. But he is an intimidating man, and he vibrates the same dark and powerful energy as Lucan.

  There’s no doubt this man created him.

  The Volpe boss is an immaculate man with the same light brown hair as his son. The only difference between them is their eyes. Lucan has clear blue eyes and Tommaso’s are a light shade of green.

  His intense gaze is trained on me. Maybe he thinks I'm about to bolt out of here like some scared little girl. Oh, how wrong he is. “I think we both know who I am, Mr. Volpe.” I look him dead in the eye. “Let’s not play games.”

  From the dark and furious look that crosses his face, I know he didn't like my disrespectful tone.

  Tough shit.

  “Very well, Miss Turner.”, his chilling tone makes me shiver. There's something cold and sinister about this man, not even his son gives out this kind of vibe. “What are you doing with my son?”, the way he says my son makes it seem like he thinks of Lucan as a piece of property and I’m a threat.

  “Well, isn't that the million-dollar question. I wish I could answer you Tommaso, but I don't know the answer.” Fuck, if I don’t want to be seeing mom anytime soon, I should really shut my mouth. “I’m his hostage today. He brought me here, so maybe when he comes down you can ask him yourself.”

  And there I go again with my big mouth.

  Oh well.

  Tommaso is studying my every movement with his beady, cold eyes, like he’s waiting for me to slip and confess all my sins. Hell will freeze over before I tell the grim reaper himself my deepest and darkest secret, the one that haunts me in my dreams and keeps me from dreaming of a better life. You see, the same evil that took my mother from me, will eventually come for me. I can’t fight it… it will win.

  Monsters always do.

  I can see his displeasure with my nonchalant response. Clearly, he expected a different reaction, but even when I am hurt, scared or fucking agitated, I will never give them the response they want. It shows weakness and cowardice and that's something I am not. Tommaso opens his mouth to say something back but before he does, something behind me catches his attention.

  I feel him before I see him. His powerful and commanding presence is hard to miss.

  Hmmm…what makes a father, a powerful one, fear his own son?

  I'm caught between two monsters but the one behind me seems like the one I should fear the most. Tommaso shows his ugly with no apologies or shame, you know what to expect from that monster but his son? Lucan only shows what he wants people to see. With his god-awful good looks and charming personality, he can fool anyone.

  But when you do meet the darkness within him…may God help your soul.

  “Stay away from her, I won’t warn you again.”, his words are filled with disdain.

  Lucan grabs my hand and rushes me out the door.

  “Wait, why did you bring me here?” I’m confused.

  He doesn’t stop until we’re out of his house.

  “I needed to ask my sister something, don’t worry about it. Let’s go, I’ll take you home.”

  “You couldn’t ask her over the phone? You really had to drive all of the way down here?” I don’t believe him for a second, he’s hiding something.

  He grabs my face and gently presses his forehead to mine. “Happy birthday, principessa.”, he winks before he steps back and goes to the driver’s side.

  “How did you know today’s my birthday?”

  “I know everything about you.”, he winks. “Now get your sexy ass in my car, you need to get ready.”


  “Ready for what?” I didn't want anyone to know today is my birthday, but who am I kidding? If Benedetto didn’t tell them, then every article and post online about my eighteenth birthday would’ve.


  I hate this damn day.




  “I am not crazy. My mother had me tested.” – Sheldon Lee Cooper



  Antisocial personality disorder. The nice doctor my father hired to “fix me” tries to explain. There’s no fixing me. Not this late in the game. I knew there was something different about me from a very young age. When I would use to sit for hours listening through the door while my father tortured grown men until they begged for mercy that never came.

  I don't feel like others do. Nothing holds my interest for too long and when it does, I obsess over it to the point it consumes my every thought.

  You see, my brother Val and I are identical twins. When we were first born nobody could tell us apart and our father was so lost in a bottle of Jack that it was a miracle whenever he noticed us at all.

  Val has always been quiet, always hiding in the shadows and never really caring about anything or anyone, except for me. I know my brother loves me and I would do anything for him. That's how I know I'm not all gone.


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