Andrea The Beginning (Holy Trinity, #1)

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Andrea The Beginning (Holy Trinity, #1) Page 15

by Adriana Brinne

  “Don’t fucking come. Not until I’m deep inside you.”

  My head falls back, and my knees start to shake but before I can reach sweet oblivion, he stops.

  “You are evil.” I groan and fall back on the bed, still high from the near orgasm.

  “Shut the fuck up and come here.” I feel Lucan lift my leg and wrap it around his waist. He starts rubbing his dick up and down my wet slit making my eyes roll to the back of my head.

  “Are you a virgin baby?”, he rasps.

  “Sorry to disappoint you handsome, but no.”

  He takes my bottom lip between his teeth. “Good,” he whispers before he thrust inside me without warning.

  I gasp from the sudden intrusion. My screams of pleasure are muffled by his hand covering my mouth all the while he starts to slam into me relentlessly.

  I like this side of him. When he loses control and lets his wild side roam free.

  I feel him everywhere as he pushes into me repeatedly and has me curling my toes and biting my lip until I taste blood.

  He notices it and slows his pace before sucking my bloody lip and moaning like he never tasted anything as good as me before.

  There's no noise in the room. Just the sound of our slick, wet skin slapping together so loudly that even the party going on outside couldn't drown the sound.

  I’m so lost in him that the world outside is lost to me.

  He does something that surprises me though. He grabs my face in the gentlest of ways and stares into my eyes. “Say you're mine.'', he grounds out.

  “You first.” I tease him. He didn’t stand me a couple of hours ago and now wants to claim me? The heat of the moment is making him say these things.

  “Yes, fucking yours.”, he hisses while trying to fuck the words out of me.

  “Come now, baby,” he grits through clenched teeth and moves one of his hands down until he finds my clit. He tortures me until I give in and give him what he wants.

  I cry out once he hits that spot that makes my eyes roll back and has me screaming that I'm his.

  “There’s no going back, principessa.”, his thrusts are wilder and more animalistic now.

  “You are fucking mine.”

  Shit, those final words shake me to my core.




  “Why are you so obsessed with me?” - Regina George


  I just got fucked within an inch of my life.

  Seriously, I can’t seem to find my breath and my legs are numb.

  Lucan is still on top of me and I can feel the erratic beating of his heart. He’s quiet and lost in thought while playing with a tendril of my hair. His mouth finds mine, and I sense his desperation.

  “I’m so sorry, principessa,” he says between kisses. “Let’s go away, just the two of us, somewhere we can be alone without distractions”, he sounds desperate, almost pleading with me.

  I laugh at the thought. Yeah, like we could just drop everything, and no one will question us.

  “Just yesterday you disliked me, now what? My pussy is so good that you’re willing to drop everything and leave?”

  He lifts his head from my chest and stares at me with this solemn look that makes me feel like I just made the worst mistake of my life.

  “What’s going on Lucan?” I have this dreadful feeling now that I can’t shake.

  “Look Andrea, there's something I need to tell you but please remember how you felt in my arms.”

  “What did you do?” I push him off the bed and grab my panties off the floor before hurrying to slip them back on. My hands are shaking now. What the hell is wrong with me?

  “You should know that I didn't—”, he’s interrupted by a loud knock on the pool house door.

  “Drea, you in there?”, I hear Fallon in the distance calling out for me.

  She shouts louder now. “They're ready to sing happy birthday and your grandfather is looking for you!”


  “I’ll be right there.” I fix my hair in the mirror as fast as I can, trying to hide the fact that I just got fucked within an inch of my life.

  I leave Lucan with his regrets and his secrets.

  I’m so fucking stupid.

  “Andrea, fucking wait!”, he reaches for my hand but I'm faster and I slip out of the room before he can spew more bullshit.

  The guests just finished singing me happy birthday and now everyone is eating cake while talking amongst themselves.

  I’m still confused about what went down with Lucan. He seemed so sincere when he declared he was mine and I was his.

  Now he's nowhere to be found and my annoying thoughts are clouding my judgement.

  “Look, isn't that you Andrea?”, Cassia shouts from the living room.

  I hear whispers in the background, but I can't make out anything they're saying.

  This can't be happening.

  “This is just in, the true cause of death of the late Valeria Turner, CEO of Valentina Co. and once one of the highest-paid supermodels in the world, was just revealed.” The newsman is about to reveal my greatest fear to the world.

  How did this happen?

  The room is eerily quiet. Everyone is waiting for that piece of gossip that gives them leverage against me.

  “Sources close to Andrea Turner, the eighteen-year-old daughter of Valeria say that the late supermodel turned fashion mogul suffered from a fatal infection due to dementia.” — This is not real. I tried so hard to hide it. — “In her last days on earth, she didn't remember her daughter, not even her own name.”

  My ears are ringing, my vision is blurry and all I can hear over and over again is the man on the TV — “she didn't remember her daughter.” —, there is a gasp behind me, and I feel a gentle hand on my shoulder.

  Fallon joined me in the middle of the room. I’m so numb I don’t even feel her gentle touch.

  I shake her hands off and turn around to face the room.

  They’re all here.

  They know my secret now.

  Benedetto has a knowing look. Valentino and Lorenzo share the same look of grief, and Cassius…he drops a glass of wine to the floor and the look of pain behind his stare is one that I will always remember.

  The sound of a door being opened and footsteps nearing me makes me look away from the room and look straight at the one person that had enough motives to do this.

  Lucan told the media about my mother, but how did he find out?

  Did Emilio…? No, he wouldn’t have. He loved mom dearly. I refuse to believe he sold us out.

  It must’ve been Lucan.

  I was too busy getting fucked by him while my entire world was crumbling.

  How could I be so naive?

  Not only does the world know about my mom, but now they’ll have everything they need to prove I’m not competent to run my mother’s company.

  What did I do…?



  I was an idiot for believing the gossip site Arianna sold the news to, wouldn’t run the piece and stop everyone from finding out what truly happened to Andrea’s mom. I fucking tried to stop this from happening, but it was too late. Arianna sold the news and now everything is ruined.

  Without us even really starting, I ended us.

  “Who told you?” I will never forget the look of complete devastation and betrayal on Andrea’s beautiful eyes.

  “Principessa, listen to me please. I tried to stop them from releasing the news, but I was too late.“ I try to reason but it's useless, I fucked up. “Baby, I…”

  “Who fucking told you!?”, she shouts sounding like a wounded animal.

  I feel like the biggest piece of shit alive and I wish I could go back in time and stop this shit show from happening.

  “Baby, I’m so sorry.” I try reaching for her, but she steps back as if my touch hurts her.

  Maybe it does.

g I touch I ruin.

  “You’re sorry for telling the world about my mother’s last days? For tainting her image?”, she lowers her voice so only I can hear. “Or are you sorry for fucking me after you conspired against me?” There’s so much hurt and venom in her voice.

  I won’t be able to fix this.

  “You need to understand…”


  She slapped me, she fucking slapped me.

  “Listen to me, Lucan.” The look in her eyes scares me more than whatever is about to come out of her mouth. — “We? Whatever this was. It ends here.” — With that said, she turns her back on me —on us—and leaves.

  She is fucking delusional if she thinks it’ll be that easy to get away from me. “You are mine!” I shout at her retreating back. “You said the fucking words principessa and there is no going back, I’ll get you back no matter the price. On that you have my word.”

  Why the fuck did I think that we could ever be more than rivals? I just proved that everything I touch…I fucking ruin.

  But she's wrong.

  This thing between us?

  It isn't over. It'll never end.

  I didn't lie to her when I said I was hers and that she was goddamn mine. No one will keep us apart.

  Not even her.

  I feel a slender, feminine arm around me. Arianna. “You did it, Luc. You got rid of her for good. There's no way she'll be head of any family now. If she's anything like her mother, she'll soon forget.”

  An evil grin takes over Arianna’s face, one I've never witnessed on her before. She was always cold and selfish but never cruel.

  I turn around and face the mess I have caused. Everyone is still whispering about Andrea and in the background the anchor lady is reporting the news, talking about what this will mean to the future of Andrea’s company.

  I keep staring at the tv, but I zone everyone out, focusing on Arianna’s words.

  What she said about Andrea, keeps playing in my head on a never-ending loop.

  “You got rid of her for good.”

  “If she’s anything like her mother she'll soon forget.”

  “She’ll soon forget.”






  “Listen, Sandy. Men are rats.” - Frenchy


  Knock Knock.

  “Andrea, please let me in!” I feel bad for ignoring Fallon, but I just want to be alone. Like I should've stayed all along and avoided the disappointment and betrayal.

  I brought this upon myself.

  I really did.

  I didn’t lie to Lucan when I told him I’ve had sex before, but I’ve never told anyone that I was theirs.

  For one night I gave him everything I had to give.

  I've never felt this used before and I should have expected this to happen, but for once I thought that I wouldn't be burned by love.

  Why does everyone leave me?

  After excusing myself from the party, I came up to my room and ripped the dress Lucan gifted me to pieces. I need to find a way to make him regret this humiliation and soon.

  I’m so ashamed.

  I let myself be played but this won’t break me.

  I had one mission and that was to find out what happened to my father and now I know. I can get the fuck out of this town now but there’s no way the family will let one of their own live a peaceful life without a price being paid. The only way for me to get back to New York and focus on my mom’s dream is to take down the three families or rule them. Now that they found out about my mother’s disease and that I might possibly carry the gene, there's no way they'll consider me fit to lead them.

  If I can't lead the families, then I guess their empire will have to crumble and burn until there's nothing left but their shame and broken egos.

  Benedetto tried to talk to me, but I don't want to see him either. He is guilty of something and his loyalty is not to me.

  There's a loud noise outside my door and someone pushes the door open. “I said I want to be alone.”

  “You know Andrea, you shouldn’t waste your tears on people that do not deserve them. Especially that Volpe scum.”, he says with obvious disdain.

  I never expected him to visit me tonight.

  How dare he approach me after what he's done to my family?

  “Mio sole, penso che dovresti ascoltarmi. Il tempo sta finendo.” Cassius says in Italian but I have a hard time understanding him.

  “My sunshine, I think you should hear me out.” I'm seconds away from throwing him out but the term of endearment catches me off guard and renders me speechless.

  “What...What did you just call me?” How does he know? The only person that called me sunshine is dead.

  He looks at me with so much love and pain mixed together. And then he tells me the one thing I never saw coming.

  “My sunshine.”, he sits in the bed facing me before he continues. “Andrea, you are my child, and your mother was my life.”


  This must be some sort of joke.

  “Why would I believe anything that comes out of the mouth of a drunk?”— I want to hurt him like he’s hurting me by making up lies. He visibly flinches and I feel guilty, but why should I believe him?

  “That’s fair,” he reaches for something on my nightstand. The gift Berta left earlier for me. “Maybe, you'll believe Valeria, huh?” He offers it to me, and I don't hesitate before ripping the paper off and opening the small box.

  Inside, there's a necklace fit for a small child identical to the one that Lucan stole from me, my mom’ necklace. This one has a locket and I know what's inside will change everything.

  My hands are shaking as Cassius opens the locket for me to see.

  Inside, there's a picture of a much younger him and…my mom.

  They look so happy and so in love with a chubby baby girl between them.

  I can’t hold back the tears that threatened to spill, because although I made my mom smile, it was never like that.

  Like she discovered the meaning of life and she didn't need anything else. Just Cassius and me.

  “How is this possible?” I look up at him and there's so much love in his gaze that I find it almost impossible to breathe.

  “I'll tell you everything, mia vita.” he pulls a small envelope out of his suit jacket and hands it to me. “But first your mother has something to say to you.”

  I don’t let a second longer pass before I'm ripping the letter off his hands and opening it.

  A letter from my only ally.

  My mom.




  “But to cry in front of you, that’s the worst thing I could do.” - Rizzo

  My dearest sunshine,

  I am sorry.

  You will never know how sorry I am that I couldn't fight for you, for us. I am sorry that if you are reading this that I am no longer with you. I am sorry that I might forget you but know this, mi amor: Even when my mind forgets, my heart will always remember you. I am sorry for a lot of things…

  I am not sorry that I lied to you, it kept you safe. It kept that beautiful little heart that gave my life so much meaning, beating.

  But I guess now I should tell you what I didn't have the chance to do in life. It was not the right time yet.

  It is now.

  You see my love; I fell in love with a man that couldn't keep me even when all he wanted to do was that. Your father comes from a very powerful family, a family that did not accept us, me. Before your father met me, he was promised to another woman, the daughter of the Volpe capo. The arrangement was done so the two families could become one, your father as the firstborn son was destined to be capo but he refused to do so, and as you can imagine that did not go well with your grandfather. He wouldn't allow it. Cassius did not care and ran away with me. We were blissfully happy until they found us.
  Benedetto disowned your father, and your uncle Demetrio was set to take his place until you happened. From the purest of love, you were born. You were everything we always wanted Andrea, what we always dreamed of.

  You and them.

  Our story is too complicated to explain over a letter. Your father will answer everything I can't. You must not trust anyone my love, just your father.

  He saved us once, let him do it again.

  I never wanted this life for you. I never wanted to leave you to deal with all of this on your own.

  Now, I know you are wondering why I lied about your father being Demetrio Nicolasi. I had no choice. He was a bad man Andrea, and not only is he the worst of them all, but he is also your grandfather’s pride and joy. He always wanted what your father had… and he wanted me. We had no choice but to agree to his demands because we couldn't risk your life.

  Now I need you to remember everything I taught you, — be ruthless, be brave, and most importantly, be you.

  There's no one quite like you.

  I loved you with everything that was left of my heart. I loved you then and I will love you forever…

  I am sorry.

  Forever yours,





  “I want more.” – Sharpay Evans


  The tears that I’ve been holding back fall onto my cheeks and I'm too tired to hold them back.

  I let Cassius see me break.

  My father.

  Looking back now at our brief interactions, he was always gentle and never rude.


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