Secrets of a Fake Fianc�e

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Secrets of a Fake Fianc�e Page 16

by Yahrah St. John

  Or at least he hadn’t been.

  Until Morgan.

  Jared walked aimlessly and found himself at the doors of the small hospital chapel. He didn’t know how he got there, but he pushed the doors open and walked inside. It was empty. There were several pews with a cross in the center of the room.

  Jared wasn’t a religious man, but he sat in one of the pews anyway. If he closed his eyes, he could feel Morgan’s lips on his. Picture her smile. She’d imprinted on his heart and he couldn’t imagine his life without her.

  Clasping his hands together, Jared lowered his head and prayed. He prayed that Morgan would pull through this. There was so much left unsaid between them. He loved her. He’d been afraid to see it. He’d tried to deny and ignore it, but he couldn’t deny the truth any longer. She was everything he’d ever wanted and hadn’t known he needed. And although he didn’t know Morgan’s exact feelings, Jared was certain she felt something. If not love, then genuine affection for him. They had a foundation to build on.

  He heard the doors of the chapel open, but he didn’t look up. He was too caught up in his own guilt. When he turned, it was his brother. Chris sat beside him and wrapped an arm around him. And for the first time in his life, Jared cried. Tears gushed out of his eyes and he let them. If anything happened to Morgan, he’d never forgive himself.

  “I’ve got you, bro,” Chris whispered. “I’ve got you.”

  Jared didn’t know how long they stayed that way, but eventually his tears subsided and he pulled himself together and rose to his feet. He had to get an update on Morgan’s condition.

  But first he turned to Chris and pointed at him. “If you tell anyone I cried, I’ll deny it.”

  “I would expect nothing less,” Chris said. “C’mon.” They walked out of the chapel together.

  When Jared arrived back at the waiting room he was shocked to see Henry and Nora Stewart there.

  “What the hell?”

  “Easy, Jared,” Chris whispered beside him.

  Jared pushed Chris’s warning aside. “I’m not going to stay calm. What are you doing here?” He looked at Henry. “You’ve consistently denied Morgan was your child and rebuffed her attempts to get to know you. If I recall correctly, you told her you would never accept her as your daughter, would never claim her. So I ask again, why are you here?”

  He saw Fallon stand up, but her husband, Gage, gently pushed her back in her chair. Jared didn’t care if Fallon was upset. Morgan couldn’t speak up for herself, so he would.

  Henry lowered his lashes for several moments. “You’re right, Jared. I may not have known of her existence before, but once I did, I treated Morgan horribly. I’ve been a terrible father to her and not just to her, but to my oldest son, Ayden.” Henry glanced at Ayden, who was sitting nearby with Maya, glaring at him. “I’ve never liked admitting I was wrong, that I could make a mistake, but I’m doing it now. I’m truly sorry, and if Morgan pulls through, I’ll be a better father.”

  “That’s a little too late,” Jared said. “What if…”

  “Jared Robinson.” His grandmother came up beside him and spun him around. “You will not say such a thing. My girl—” at his raised brow, she amended “—our girl will make it. All of us will accept nothing else.” She looked sternly at Henry as she said those last words.

  Jared nodded and took a seat beside her. Morgan had a lot of people praying for her recovery. Jared hoped it was enough.

  Morgan fought to open her eyes, but it was so hard. Her vision was hazy. She couldn’t hear, either, except for a low buzzing noise and her entire body throbbed with pain, especially her head. She felt lost and unsure of her surroundings.

  Slowly her sight became clear and she saw Dane sitting in a chair beside her with a blanket thrown over him. What was he doing here? Shouldn’t he be in Los Angeles with Iris and Jayden?

  She tried to speak, but realized something was in her mouth and she couldn’t talk. Panicking, Morgan tapped the bed to get his attention.

  Dane started when he heard the noise. “Morgan?” His brown eyes rested on hers and a large smile spread across his face. “Oh, thank God.” He rushed toward her and began kissing her furiously on the forehead. “I’m going to call the nurse to get that tube out of your throat.”

  There was a tube in her throat? Why?

  What happened to her?

  Dane ran out of the room and Morgan heard him calling for help. She tried to calm down. Soon nurses and a team of doctors flooded the room. First they removed the breathing tube, then checked her vitals and examined her. They explained she’d been in a coma for a few days. She suffered a brain injury when she’d been hit by a car.

  Hit by a car?

  Morgan vaguely remembered being in her apartment with Jared and then nothing. Despite her spotty memory, Morgan noticed one thing. Her family had come into the room.

  All of them.

  It wasn’t just Dane. Fallon and Ayden were present with their spouses, but most surprising of all, her father was here with Nora. Morgan stared as the medical team worked around her. Why was Henry here? He’d told her he’d never acknowledge her and she’d believed him. It was one of the reasons she’d finally decided to leave Austin. That much she remembered.

  And then there were the Robinsons. Ruth was beaming at her from the other side of the bed, while Jared’s parents, Chris and Kandi enthusiastically smiled at her.

  But one person was missing.

  The one person she wanted to see more than anyone else, even though she’d told him she was leaving Austin and never wanted to see him again. Even though he may have fathered another woman’s baby. Morgan still loved him and wanted to see him.


  Why were his parents here and not him?

  Where was he?

  Eventually the doctor turned to the large group assembled. “All right folks, I let you all come in so you could see for yourself Morgan is on the mend, but we’re going to need to limit visitors. Morgan’s been through quite an ordeal.”

  “Of course,” Ruth said with a small smile. “We’ll wait outside.” She walked over to Morgan and squeezed her hand. She could see Ruth trying to keep it together, but the old bird had a soft spot because a tear leaked from her eyelid. “We’re just so thankful to see you awake.”

  Morgan nodded because she too was overcome with emotion to speak. She watched as the Robinsons filed out of the room. Now only the Stewarts remained.

  Her father came toward her bed. “I’d like to speak to Morgan alone if I may?” He glanced back at his children and their spouses. Ayden, Dane and Fallon looked back and forth at each other, clearly uneasy with their father’s request.

  Fallon spoke up. “I don’t know, Dad. Perhaps this reunion can wait?”

  Henry shook his head. “I’m sorry. It can’t wait another minute.”

  Fallon looked at Morgan, asking an unspoken question.

  “It’s okay,” Morgan croaked. “I’ll hear him out.”

  “We’ll be right outside the door if you need us,” Dane said. Several moments later, her siblings and their spouses all exited the room, leaving Morgan alone with Henry and Nora.

  Surprisingly, Henry turned to his wife, who stood woodenly at his side. Nora looked no worse for wear in jeans and a white button-down shirt, though Morgan did notice she wasn’t as made up as she’d seen Nora in the past.

  “That includes you too, darling,” Henry stated softly. “I need to talk to my daughter alone.”


  He gave Nora a look that said the topic wasn’t up for discussion. Begrudgingly, Nora left the room. Henry pulled up the chair Dane had vacated to Morgan’s beside.

  Morgan didn’t know how to feel having Henry here. After all the years of wanting and dreaming of a father, when she’d finally revealed herself, he’d cast her aside. He’d made her feel
less than, as if she wasn’t good enough to have his blood running through her veins.

  “Morgan, I’m sorry.”

  “Exactly what are you sorry for?” A couple of instances came to mind such as his cold words when she’d confronted him at Stewart Manor and he’d told her, “I owe you nothing.” Or perhaps it was the angry glare he’d given her at the Alzheimer’s charity event. She may have forgotten some things, but not his hostility toward her.

  “For everything. I’ve treated you abominably.”

  Morgan’s hearted contracted and the machines hooked up to her began to beat erratically as her blood pressure spiked. “Yeah, you did.”

  Henry touched her hand and Morgan flinched, so he pulled away. “Please calm down. I don’t want you upset.”

  “Your being here is upsetting.”

  His features contracted and Morgan knew she’d hurt him. “I was hoping for the opposite effect. I know I was wrong. I pushed you away when I should have been pulling you closer.”

  Tears sprang to her eyes and she only had one thing to say. “Why?”

  Henry rubbed his hands together and she could see he was mulling over his words. He was silent for several beats and then he spoke. “Because I thought I was a better man with Nora. Or at least I was going to try to be after my marriage to Lillian ended badly. But one night in Vegas I messed up. Nora and I had been going through a rough patch in our marriage and I was feeling lonely. Neglected. There’s no excuse, but I met a beautiful showgirl and we became intimate. I regretted it soon after it happened and I went back to Nora more determined than ever to make our marriage work. And I did. We got through it.”

  Morgan stared back at Henry. She was finally getting an explanation for his behavior, but she suspected it wasn’t going to bring her the comfort she thought it would.

  “I’d put that evening with your mother behind me and never thought of it again,” Henry said. “It was as if it never happened. But then you showed up at Dane’s wedding and told me you were a result of that night when I was at my lowest. I wasn’t just angry. I was embarrassed at being faced with my greatest failure as a man, as a husband.”

  So Nora was right, Morgan thought. He thought of Morgan as a mistake. “Please stop. I don’t want to hear any more.” He was nailing the coffin shut on their ever having a relationship.

  “Morgan, please. Let me say this. You deserve an explanation.”

  Morgan shook her head. “It hurts too much.”

  “And I’m sorry for that,” Henry said. “I lashed out at you when the person I was angry at most with was myself because you were the next best target. It wasn’t your fault I cheated on Nora. I did that. You were an innocent child who deserved to have a father, but I swear to you, I had no idea you’d been conceived. Your mother never reached out to me after that night, but then again we hadn’t exchanged much info. Had I known…”

  “You would have acknowledged me?” Morgan snorted with derision. “Like you did Ayden? You were married to his mother, for Christ’s sake. Please don’t lie.”

  Henry rose to his feet and began to pace, then stopped and turned back to her. “You’re right. I’ve been a selfish bastard trying to hold on to my wealth and my young wife. I’ve treated you and Ayden horribly and I can’t take those moments back, Morgan. All I can tell you is that I want to try to make it right. I want to heal the divide between me and my children. I intend to embrace all of my heirs, including you. If you still want that.”

  Morgan was speechless. She’d waited a lifetime to hear a father say he wanted to be part of her life, but she was scared to reach for the brass ring. What if he pulled the rug out from under her because she didn’t measure up? Morgan wasn’t sure she could trust him with her heart.

  “I don’t know if I can believe you,” Morgan responded. “You talk a good game, but actions speak louder than words.”

  “I know I don’t deserve it and you have every right to tell me to take a hike after the way I’ve treated you, but I’m asking if you will give me a chance to be a father.” Henry’s eyes were watering. “I will work on making it up to you. I promise. I just need to know if you’ll give me another shot.”

  Tears slid down Morgan’s cheek. Out of spite, she wanted to tell him no. To be as mean and hateful as he’d been to her. But deep down all she’d ever wanted was to have a dad. To have someone save her from the awful life she’d endured with her mother and all those men. To have a father to kiss away the boo-boos and make it all better.

  Being angry with Henry wouldn’t hurt just him. It would hurt her too. If she didn’t forgive him, she’d never really heal and be able to move on with her life. Or have a good relationship with a man because didn’t a women’s first relationship start with her father?

  Morgan nodded. “All right.”

  Henry’s hazel-gray eyes became cloudy as he reached for Morgan and she reluctantly allowed him to hold her in his embrace. “Oh, thank God. I’m not too late.” He leaned back and kissed the top of her head. “I’m sorry, baby girl. I’m so sorry, but Daddy’s got you.”

  Henry held Morgan in his arms and it was wonderful knowing she was finally accepted. She belonged.


  Jared ran through the corridors of St. David’s Medical Center after Chris texted him Morgan was awake. Of course it happened when he’d left the hospital for an hour. He’d gotten a call from the lab that the results of the paternity test were in. While he’d waited for Morgan to wake up, he and Samantha’s daughter had had blood drawn. Jared had to know the truth, so he’d gone personally to get the results. When Morgan awoke—and he’d believed she would—he wanted to have the paternity results to show her the truth. To show her he wasn’t like Henry and would never abandon his child.

  And he was right.

  The results said with one hundred percent certainty that he couldn’t have fathered Samantha’s child. He’d already called Ally’s boss and threatened him with a lawsuit over slandering Jared’s name. The blog had a retraction being prepared, which would go live that afternoon. In time, the brouhaha would die down, but Jared was furious because he could have lost Morgan because of it.

  Jared was relieved as he’d driven back to the hospital. Then Chris had given him the good news Morgan was awake, but he wasn’t there. Jared felt terrible. He’d wanted to be the first person Morgan saw when she awoke. Hopefully, seeing the Stewarts there would help salve the wound. Because if he was honest, would she really want to see him?

  Would she remember she’d told him they were over and she never wanted to see him again?

  He hoped not, but even if she did, Jared planned on convincing Morgan he would never leave her side. He couldn’t wait to tell her just how much he loved her.

  On his way to Morgan’s room, he stopped by the waiting room. His family and the Stewarts were all assembled.

  “Jared! Thank heavens you’re here.” His grandmother smiled when she saw him. “Morgan is awake.”

  Jared grinned. “I know, and I’m headed to see her, but I wanted to share some news.” He held up the envelope in his hands. “Results of the paternity test showing I didn’t father a child.”

  He noticed Fallon raise her hands up to the sky in silent thanks.

  “I never doubted you,” Chris said, coming to Jared and giving him a hug.

  “We may have.” Ayden glanced at Fallon and Dane. “I’m glad that we were wrong.” He came forward and offered his hand. Jared shook it. He knew Morgan’s siblings only wanted the best for her. But he was that man and it was time their sister knew it.

  “Thank you,” Jared said. “Now, if you’ll excuse me. I need to see someone.”

  “Go get her, tiger!” Kandi yelled from the sidelines as Jared quickly walked down the corridor to Morgan’s room. When he arrived, the door was partially open and to his surprise, Henry had Morgan wrapped in his arms. He didn’t want to interrup
t the reunion, but Henry caught sight of him and motioned him forward.

  “Come in, Jared. I think someone might like to see you.” He pulled away and Jared’s eyes connected with Morgan’s. His heart expanded at finally seeing her awake after so many days of praying for her recovery.

  Henry glanced at Jared and back at Morgan. “I’m going to give you both some privacy.”

  Jared was speechless and merely nodded. Henry patted him on the shoulder as he left and whispered, “Don’t give up on her.”

  Jared stood by the doorway after he left, afraid to step forward.

  “Are you just going to stand there?” Morgan asked.

  At her words, Jared sprang into action, walking toward the bed and sitting in the chair beside her. “Morgan, I… I’m so thankful you’re okay,” he barely managed to get out.

  She nodded.

  “How much do you remember? Of the accident?”

  “Not much,” Morgan answered. “The doctors said, my memory could come back today, in pieces or not at all. And I don’t much care if it does. I don’t want to remember being hit by a car.” She gave a half laugh. “But I do recall telling you I was leaving Austin for good.”

  Her words hit Jared’s ears like the crash that had almost taken her from him and his heart sank. “I was hoping you’d forget that part.”

  Morgan sighed. “Not likely.” She stared at him. “I know we need to talk, but I have to say this first. Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For calling my family,” Morgan replied. “It’s because of you they’re all here. Henry—I mean, my father—told me you called Dane and he rallied everyone. And as you can see—” she motioned to the door and he could see tears glistening in her eyelids “—I’m going to have the family I always wanted. So thank you.”


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