The De-Coding of Jo

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The De-Coding of Jo Page 2

by Lali A. Love

  After all, she was a celestial delegate of the higher intelligence quantum Source energy—a cosmic survivor, a Warrior of Light, a Custodian of the Galaxy, and the defender of StarSeeds.

  In captivity, Roma commenced the light code activation, a beacon, that would reach the Lyran High Council. Without her Blade of Truth, she had no choice but to surrender to her destiny and began channeling her location telepathically to the StarSeeds, Indigo Children, and Celestial Earth Angels.

  Roma prayed to all that was pure and holy that the high-pitched sound waves were undetected by the demonic, callous Lizzies and their evil leader, Ciakar, the Wizard of Bondage.

  This will not be the end, so help me Ka-ha-lee!


  The Rise

  “Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.”

  —Carl Jung


  I gazed in shock and utter bewilderment. The Council of Creation spoke to me in light codes as my ethereal form transformed with iridescent light wings. I couldn’t believe I graduated from the Hall of Ignorance during my first stage of the Ascending Angel Academy.

  It had been a tough battle, but it was worth every ounce of nervous energy. With the help of my friends, I had succeeded in my mission of rescuing my classmates by vanquishing the Lord of Darkness into another dimension. The struggle between Light and Dark was unnerving.

  Thank goodness the pressure of the terrifying experience had lifted when my classmates were saved from enslavement as sleepwalkers within the elusive matrix.

  “Your journey has just begun, dear beloved. If you choose to continue into the Hall of Truth and Learning, your cosmic powers will accelerate at higher octaves on the Earth plane. You must go through each of the initiation processes to fully accept your own mastery, Jo. You have successfully completed the activation stage with grace. The next two levels of integration and embodiment will challenge your ability to tap into the healing energy of Angelic forces.”

  The Council paused as I diligently observed their every move. “It is time for you to recognize that we are agents of Divine authority stepping back in time to visit ourselves, and we commend you for saving humanity from the Lord of Darkness.”

  The illustrious Council embodied the celestial representations of many star systems that exemplified the Galactic Light. They were Ascending Masters, Spirit Guides, Galactic Shamans, and the Custodians of the Great Cosmos.

  They were responsible for transmitting plasma light infusions through their energetic portals, advocating unity and love-based consciousness for our Solar System, including Earth.

  I was so excited to discover these higher-dimensional beings during my Galactic initiation. Their prime objective was to help humanity and planet Earth evolve from the duality, trauma-based physical existence, into higher states of conscious perception.

  They offered guidance for all sentient beings on planet Earth to anchor, receive, and emit heart-based frequencies of love in the zero-point neutral state, into the quantum magnetic field of oneness.

  The Council was upgrading humanity with light codes, empowering our collective awakenings and Soul-based remembrance. They provided introspective modalities for daily meditative practices to help connect our spirits back to Source, revealing magical spiritual realms.

  Some of the information of existence were seeded in my awareness through downloads, to assist with specific cosmic missions. I regarded them as precious gifts of revered knowledge, which were released slowly within my DNA, contingent on my elevated state of heart coherence.

  It was the connection to Spirit that I had always craved on a deeper level. This allowed me to become more mindful of the negative thought patterns and survival hormones that didn’t serve my higher truth and purpose in my daily life.

  My celestial lesson on Earth was to help me remember this aspect of my essence by healing my traumatized human ego, which operated from conditioned beliefs and external attachments through self-centered desires.

  As they concluded their communications, I marveled at their beauty and elegance. Their auras radiated loving energy of pure wholeness that surrounded me like a warm, cozy blanket. They faced me directly and removed their illuminating masks. I gasped in astonishment and disbelief.

  They all looked like me!

  The Council mirrored my physical resemblance since they were a representation of my higher self, an eternal, unified omnipotent intelligence that transformed all my physical lives in every timeline.

  The shock of this knowledge woke me instantly in the safety of my bed, my heart thudding out of my chest. It was another night filled with lucid dreams. I was only recalling the incident of the time travel when I visited the Council over six weeks ago.

  I hadn’t experienced any downloads since that occasion. I felt relieved for the time out—winter break could not have come fast enough.

  I needed some time to process the events of our first semester. I never imagined my experiences from grade ten would be so ethereal and psychologically charged. I had to quickly learn to manage my emotional reactions with contemplative tools and practices after the devastating loss of my friend, Rey.

  The emotive triggers were an opportunity for me to elevate and connect with my inner power, which enabled me to transform my human Light Body into an ethereal form to travel beyond the physical planes—using my Galactic Compass.

  Who knew that the basement in my high school’s library harbored a holographic portal with access to a black hole? The event led me to this incredible discovery of my celestial powers and the rich history of the Ascending Masters.

  In my first phase of Ascension, I embraced my galactic mission. I had to obtain the light codes needed to secure the Akashic Records and decode the artificial matrix where the Lord of Darkness had enslaved the minds of my classmates—the sleepwalkers. It had been quite a feat to forgive the actions, the horrific assault of the bullies and the mean girls.

  Thank goodness for my best friends, Nisha, Daphne, Zax, and Flynn. I could not have survived the encounters without their tenacity and assistance. They were instrumental in my mission’s success, and I cherished their unconditional love and unyielding support with my entire heart.

  The intensity of my headaches had been unbearable as I continued to process my human upgrades. The pain had enabled me to clearly examine the matrix grid of toxic programming, karmic debris, and all limitation scripts running our world.

  The absorption of my higher Soul expression and increased sensory perception allowed me to merge the cellular template of my physical, emotional Light Body with the innate wisdom held within my higher-dimensional master field.

  My mind wandered back to the moment I found the courage to divulge my celestial experiences to my best friend Nisha.

  “What in the world are you talking about?” Nisha remarked, staring at me as if I had two heads.

  “It was incredible, Nish!” I responded. “I have discovered extraordinary powers of intuition, astral projection, and time travel through the twelve cosmic dimensions! They were like these amazing, holographic spheres, these orbs of light. I can’t even explain its magnificence!” I shouted in excitement as she backed away from me in confusion.

  “Okay…so does that mean that you have magical powers?” she asked with curiosity and disbelief.

  “Yup, I learned how to teleport from one location to another. As long as I have my galactic compass on me, I can travel through time and space!” I closed my eyes and within a millisecond, I appeared behind her out of thin air.

  I tapped Nisha on the shoulder. She jumped in bafflement. “Oh my gosh…how did you do that, Jo? This is so freaking cool!” she squealed with delight.

  It was such an extraordinary feeling to find the courage to share my mysterious secrets with the rest of my friends. Having their assistance on my quest meant the world to me, especially knowing that I was not alone on this peculiar, ethereal mission.

  My celestial powers grew throughout my initiation phase. I
obtained and used the cosmic plasma source of the Akashic Records as my friends helped me battle the sleepwalkers to prevent the Lord of Darkness from demolishing the Light. Otherwise, all of humanity would have been enslaved into a third dimensional matrix of darkness and oppression.

  Thinking back to that fateful day during the school’s Winter Formal Dance, it all felt so surreal. The fire instigated by the sleepwalkers had severely damaged our gymnasium, but thankfully, no one else had been hurt. During the epic battle of good versus evil, I developed a deep appreciation and gratitude for my gift of music. Using harmonic healing frequencies and my sound system at the formal dance, brought peace and concord to the chaotic environment.

  I had to admit, it was the best DJ gig of my life!

  My entire focus over the past few weeks had been on my music. I tried to hang out with Nisha and Daphne as much as possible, keeping Zax company while Flynn rehabilitated for six weeks. For once, I was hopeful that he would overcome his addictions and reckless behavior.

  Unfortunately, past experiences didn’t miraculously heal my friends from their anxiety and depression. The truth was that Daphne continued to struggle with her eating disorder, but she was more aware of the triggers. I couldn’t be prouder of her. Daphne took back her power and worked tirelessly on her worth with self-love and emotional healing.

  Nisha was my anchor, my strength, and my guiding light. Facing her truth liberated her from feelings of anger, guilt, shame, and sabotage. She felt empowered to be her authentic self and had since become an incredible role model among her peers.

  I loved my friends and felt a deep sense of gratitude every morning for their soulful connections.

  “Excuse me, some of us have lives, you know!” Liz yelled, banging boisterously on the bathroom door.

  “Calm down! Give me a few minutes, Liz. You don’t even live here anymore.” I replied as my older sister giggled under her breath—she knew exactly how to push my buttons.

  Liz was staying at home to prepare for her upcoming university exams. It seemed like campus life got a little too chaotic at times.

  “You’re acting like this is your first time in this house. You know damn well there’s another bathroom on the other side of the floor. Why aren’t you using that one?” I teased her.

  “I couldn’t haul everything from campus, could I? Besides, we use the same type of shampoo.” Liz maintained a half-smirk as she nudged me out of the way and rushed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

  Despite being four years younger, I felt more mature than my sister. After what I had been through, I gained decades of wisdom and incredible discernment. I went through a magnificent quantum leap in my ascension journey, bending the very fabric of time and space.

  Over the past few months, I discovered something crucial. For most of my life, I had operated from a space of unconsciousness, where I identified with my egoistic narratives, my mindset, and limiting perceptions perpetuated by society. This rigid and fixed belief system drove my thoughts, emotional intelligence, and behaviors, stemming from an overactive and fragile survival-based ego and identity.

  When I finally developed an awareness of this perceived reality, I began to practice self-observation and realized that my thoughts or mindset did not define my true essence. This fundamental understanding was incredibly profound when I discovered that I was more than just physical matter. All material creations that I could see, hear, taste, smell, and touch came from the same source of energy.

  Enlightenment taught me that consciousness was the infinite life force within the unified field that was beyond the familiarity of the five senses of the physical world.

  With this knowledge, I unearthed the power of boundless originality through my creativity, the conditions to manifest different experiences according to varying sensory perception.

  I learned that all reality was governed by masculine and feminine energy consciousness within every human. The balance of the brain on both sides triggered the opening of the pineal gland. Since I had always been a pragmatist, I required a logical and scientific understanding of my metamorphosis.

  From a biological perspective, this tiny gland located between my brows produced melatonin, a neurotransmitter hormone responsible for regulating sleep and wakening phases.

  This intelligence further demonstrated the interconnectedness with all things within the cosmos, providing a correlation between my body and spirit.

  With this insight, my neurons were completely re-wired, decrypting my DNA through enlightenment, initiation, and harmony. Upon graduation from the first stage of the Ascending Angel Academy, I was equipped with the full potentiality to temper and balance the edges of the collective human life force emissions.

  I realized that life in the third dimension was measured by experiences that were set into motion by time. This elusive observed phenomenon was merely a construct since time was linear, calculated by day and night cycles. We based it on the period planet Earth required to circle the sun in a flowing continuum, moving along in its trajectory. This was how we recorded environmental changes on our planet.

  I was always diligent in my practice to ensure that I didn’t get caught in the daily grind and conflict of the physical realm, routinely stopping to appreciate the present moments consistently aligning my heart, mind, and Soul in stillness.

  I understood the Universal Law of Vibration quite well. This energy encompassed all fundamental forces, gravity, strong and weak nuclear forces, and electromagnetism, which was predominately light.

  The infinite mandala-creating Universe was a magnetic hologram, formed by geometric laws of light. And light particles could be converted into motions, cycles, vibrations, and electricity. My feelings and emotional reactions were the conscious awareness of these specific pulsations within the present moment of experience.

  I also grasped that time could be perceived as a movement of thought and memory continuity, using the ego as the eternal reference point. Once I broke through the barrier of the personality, I began to experience the unseen spiritual time.

  This was the stillness I maintained daily, attempting to remain impartial, regardless of how much linear time had passed. Every morning, I acknowledged the likelihood that I could be activated at any moment for the next phase of my ascension mission.

  A nervous flutter thumped in my chest as I compelled myself to drink some water. The coolness eased the dryness in the back of my throat. I preserved my true self, without any masks—pure, vulnerable, everlasting, and constantly flowing. I was an immortal being.


  I would have never used that word six months ago, let alone understood its significance. Every choice I made as a human—breathing the fresh, crisp air of vitality—determined my ascension path. At least I had the freedom to choose, and for that, I was extremely grateful.

  Although my mind wandered to recollect my knowledge and downloads provided by the Council, I pulled over to text Nisha that I was parked outside her house.

  “Yo! What’s up with you?” she yelled. “Took you long enough to get here.” Nisha broke my concentration as she sat in the front seat of my beamer. “I suck at physics, and you know that, Jo. I can’t afford to get a late slip—I’m not smart like you.” Nisha said, reprimanding my tardiness.

  “Girl, please! You’re a freaking genius and I guarantee that we’re not going to be late,” I replied as we set off.

  “How was your night with your special friend?” I asked with a grin. My excitement over Nisha’s date was written all over my face. “Come on, give me the tea!”

  “Oh, please! It was hardly a date. We just studied, that’s all… It was good, though,” Nisha replied, turning her head toward the window. I witnessed the look on her face, as her smile reflected on the side-view mirror. She couldn’t help but blush with exhilaration.

  Nisha became quite fond of a band member, Alicia, a talented musician who played the violin. Her twin brother, Theo, also in our band, was a master on the
electric bass. I briefly recalled that Rey was never comfortable with Theo, but I never did understand their reason. Perhaps it had something to do with how confident Theo was in his sexuality as a transgender male.

  I sensed Alicia had romantic feelings for Nisha as well, and the thought of my best friend finding her first love melted my heart.

  “Changing topics,” Nisha said, “What about you and Conrad, Jo? When are you going to sleep with the poor guy? It’s been months. You’re blue-balling the life out of him.”

  “There’s no rush, Nish. I’m just taking my time.” I replied. “When I’m ready, it will happen.” As much as I adored Conrad, I was not certain if I wanted an intimate relationship. After all, we were only sixteen and had all the time in the world. Ever since I was young, my mother had coaxed me to treat my body as a sacred temple for my spirit.

  As we drove up to Daphne’s house, I heard a faint whisper calling my name. The rustling in my ear puzzled me, so I parked my car on the side of the road.

  “Did you say something, Nish?” I asked in confusion.

  “About Conrad?” Nisha asked.

  “No, I heard someone whisper my name…wait! There it is again!” I turned off the music and focused my attention on my third eye.

  All that practice on sharpening my pineal gland to strengthen the power of my telekinesis seemed to be taking effect. The hair on my arms tingled as the goosebumps grew in anticipation. The faint voice spoke again.

  “Can you hear me? I need your help!”

  I took deep breaths to calm my nerves. “Okay, so, remember I told you that it’s been like six weeks since I had a download?” I asked. “Well, I think I just got the call, Nish.”

  Nisha’s face lit up in astonishment, “What do you mean the call? The Council has downloaded your next mission?” She seemed nervous and excited at the prospect of another unknown event that was about to occur in our teenage lives.


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