The De-Coding of Jo

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The De-Coding of Jo Page 8

by Lali A. Love

  However, Nisha loved her father, but she bitterly felt his absence from her childhood. By the time she turned thirteen, her parents could no longer tolerate each other’s company. Neither of them realized the distress they had caused their daughter, and when their marriage fell apart, the pressure of the divorce had devastating impacts on Nisha.

  Her anxiety and panic attacks worsened through puberty as she developed a rebellious nature of a pre-teen. Nisha’s mother dismissed her mood swings and erratic behavior, expecting it would dissipate. Her father avoided her emotional outbursts, hoping to bypass the uncomfortable stages of adolescence.

  Unfortunately, Nisha’s panic attacks were legendary at school. During the summer, her chest pain, shortness of breath, and heart palpitations sent her to the hospital.

  With Jo’s guidance, the shocking experience of loss when Rey passed away, snapped her out of her victimhood mentality. Nisha realized how precious life was, and she vowed to cherish each day on the planet. She began to educate herself on ecological issues and championed the significance of climate control.

  During band class, Nisha bonded with Alicia discussing environmental reform with enthusiasm. They were bandmates, but the subject of planetary action brought them closer, as they shared similar passions.

  For Nisha, Alicia had been a gift from the Universe, and she clung to that lifejacket for dear life with a grateful heart. She brought her a sense of belonging and inner peace.

  Alicia embraced Nisha’s intelligence, her shadows, listened to her conspiracy theories, and cherished her exuberance without any conditions or expectations.

  However, Nisha didn’t connect as easily with Alicia’s brother, Theo. He was a totally different mood.

  “Thanks a lot, Nisha. I probably failed that damn history quiz!” Theo complained as he passed his sister and Nisha in the dining hall during lunch.

  “That’s not my problem, dude,” Nisha snickered back.

  “Don’t pay any attention to my brother. He can be a jerk sometimes,” Alicia stated, sending Theo death glares.

  “Sorry to say this, but Theo can be quite intense. He’s giving off real asshole vibes right now,” Nisha replied.

  “He’s harmless, really. Do you want to eat our lunch in the park?” Alicia quickly changed the subject.

  “Sure, that would be great actually.” Nisha smiled bashfully.

  “So, how the heck are you two so different? Isn’t Theo your twin?” Nisha asked, still unable to shake off his negativity.

  “Yes, fraternal. However, I take no responsibility for his actions.” Alicia laughed nervously. Her brother didn’t leave a good impression on any of her friends.

  “Did something happen to make him so miserable?” Nisha asked.

  “Theo was never the same after our boating accident when we were kids. Our biological father passed away,” Alicia explained, taking deep breaths to guide her through the painful experience.

  “I’m so sorry, Alicia. That’s horrible. I had no idea.” Nisha was stunned by this revelation. She reached out and gently clutched Alicia’s hand in comfort. “It’s very difficult growing up without a father figure.”

  Nisha understood this feeling too well. She was in awe of Alicia’s positive and uplifting outlook on life despite her traumatic loss.

  The connection she felt for Alicia was sacred and motivated Nisha to purify herself from the prescribed medical toxins that she had been voluntarily ingesting to numb herself from feeling pain and anxiety.

  After all, she had touched evil, came face to face with the Lord of Darkness, and survived. Since then, Nisha vowed to protect her loved ones, and her best friends from anyone that intended to cause them harm.

  Meeting Pierre triggered her, instigating her defensive nature to bubble to the surface. There was something dangerous about him that Nisha couldn’t articulate. She just knew in her gut that he felt like death.

  “Every time I’ve tried to be what someone else thought of me. So caught up, I wasn’t able to achieve.” —The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill by Lauryn Hill


  Arcturus Stars

  “The Way is not in the sky; the Way is in the heart.”



  My friends and I hung out in my parent’s family room after school, doing our homework. Everyone seemed uptight, juggling our grades, extracurricular activities, and unrealistic expectations. Life seemed hectic as we continued to perpetuate the cycle of perceived perfection.

  “Guys, I’m so stressed. I have hives in some of the weirdest places! It’s not much fun, I tell ya!” Daphne complained, scratching her lower back. “The thought of volunteering for more after-class programs on top of homework, band, school, and rehearsals makes me want to scream.”

  “I feel you, Daph,” Zax responded. “Between football practices, championship games, and getting tutored so I don’t flunk tenth-grade algebra, I’m feeling burned out.”

  “Stop complaining, guys. We are lucky to be going to this school,” Nisha interjected, annoyed at the whining. “This extra crap that we have to do for university prep, is pointless anyway. A psychology degree will be totally useless when the planet finally implodes in twenty years.”

  I agreed with my best friend, however, I wanted to provide Daphne with a sympathetic ear and a safe space to unload her feelings. “What are the pre-requisites for your program, Daph?”

  “I have to volunteer in Machu Picchu and win a mock science competition!” she exclaimed in frustration.

  “Yo, we only have two more years left before graduating, guys. That’s just craziness. I don’t think I’m ready to adult,” Flynn added, exasperated by the prospect of mundane responsibilities of life.

  “I’m not sure we need to rush the process, Flynn,” I replied, hoping to soothe everyone’s nerves.

  “And perhaps, we should re-examine our future paths, guys. Why do we need to follow in our parent’s footsteps if that’s not what we want to do? We have the right and the freedom to choose our authentic experiences and to follow our passions, don’t you agree?” I planted an interesting alternative for my friends.

  All of us had been conditioned by society and our parents to follow a prescribed path that fed into the broken and unreasonable systems, prioritizing the value of money over basic human needs and our planet’s welfare.

  “My parents will freak out and cut me off if I don’t get into university!” Flynn laughed. “Maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad thing.”

  “Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m pretty certain that I want to go to med school. For that, I need top-notch grades,” Nisha replied, while simultaneously texting Alicia.

  “You would make an incredible doctor, Nish!” Daphne giggled. “I can just picture you in your white overcoat with a stethoscope around your neck, bossing all the male attendees.”

  “Ya, you can treat my head injuries from my pro football games,” Zax said, looking solemn.

  I could feel the tension rising in the room. The expectations of this distorted reality to strive for perfection was an increasingly difficult measure for our generation. The angst and anxiety emanating from my friends sucked the oxygen from the room as we silently sat around the warm fireplace, contemplating the rest of our lives. We were barely seventeen.

  How many of us had compromised our mental health or conceded our integrity to enhance our qualifications to get into the perfect school? How much did a university degree prepare us for a balanced and successful life in today’s environment anyway, when our planet was weakening?

  It all seemed very archaic, rooted in competition and division as we continued to fight each other for the esteemed honors. This whole notion insulted my soul. The quest for perfection was unhealthy and stemmed from external sources of limitations and scarcity.

  There was nothing wrong with high-achieving people who excelled at challenges, but the difference was that they didn’t harbor the delusion that they had to be good at everything.
/>   My sister Liz was a perfect example of a high achiever. She valued constructive criticism as an opportunity for self-improvement and growth. Liz didn’t crumble with the prospect of failure; she simply overcame the setbacks with a healthy attitude, which motivated her to work harder.

  However, my friends and I continued to strive for reinforced perfection in every aspect of our lives, thinking that it would guarantee success in obtaining the constricted opportunities. This lack-based belief further propagated our level of worthiness and value unless we met the impossibly high self-imposed standards.

  We continued to discuss how our perceived imposter syndrome stifled our creativity for innovation, music, and arts in general. What we needed most from our educational system was to equip us with emotional intelligence and tenacity. This would be incredibly helpful to prepare us for the realities facing our generation, coupled with tangible, shared skill sets, and leadership qualities.

  Most of us craved the challenge and strong work ethic to contribute with solutions that evolved our future for the betterment of humanity and our planet.

  My heart stirred with empathy and compassion at this profound understanding of these disputes facing my peers. Collectively, we all desired to belong to a culture that accepted and celebrated originality, diversity, and creativity, not suppressed it.

  Life as we knew it was about to change. Even as I submerged myself in the warm, healing embrace of my bubble bath, there was a deep resonance of inner knowing. I closed my eyes, deepening my breath as I focused on the rhythmic thumping of my heart. It pounded into my ears; almost immediately, a sense of serenity overcame me.

  As I entered my transcendental meditative state, I saw the white plasma light pulsating in changing forms. The colors began to reflect my mind’s eye in hues of blue and soft purple. I could feel every fiber of my body activated by the transmission. The etheric blueprint light codes released my fourth-dimensional structure and caused geometric spins within my emotional, mental, and physical forms.

  My body absorbed the plasma light like a sponge. The changes began to manifest rapidly as I started to feel the heaviness of the fatigue in every aspect of my being.

  The blueprint enabled my emotional Light body to act as a transducer; a decoder of higher frequencies, connected to the pulsing rhythm of Mother Earth, Gaia. We were now one, bonded, with our hearts aligned, our breath in symphony. I could feel her angst, her pain, her burning rage.

  We, humans, had ravaged our planet, its resources, leaving truly little for the rest of the ecosystem. It was so sad to realize that we had infested the wild natural habitats with our greed, pestilence, and disregarded our environment, leaving Gaia vulnerable to pollution, disease, and exploitation.

  How did we allow this to happen? I wished people could feel and sense her desperation. Perhaps then, humans would put aside personal desires to seek fortune, fame, and power from external stimulation. We all carried the collective responsibility for our children’s future. It was not too late to save our planet.

  Gaia was undergoing a mass extinction, including the threat of survival of mankind. Unfortunately for our race, we were not as important as we believed. Mother Earth would recalibrate and renew herself as needed in her evolution. She would endure, outgrow us, and new life would eventually arise.

  “It’s not too late, Jo. There is still hope.”

  The exotic voice in my head jolted me out of my meditative state. I sat up in the lukewarm tub, my heart racing. Could it be, have I tapped into the secure telepathic channel?


  “Sorry to disturb your reflections, Jo. You were having quite a conversation with yourself.”

  Was she taunting me? I couldn’t tell, but I was liking her sense of humor.

  “Oh my God, I have been trying to reach out to you for days. Are you okay?”

  “Listen Jo, I am using a protected bandwidth frequency that the Lizzies are not aware of. We must be careful and keep this pathway safe from the insidious Wizard. They are hijacking humanity’s thought patterns to poison and enslave the race. Can you hear me clearly?”

  “I’m trying to focus on your energetic wave, Roma. This whole telepathy in real time is a new experience for me. Who is this Wizard? Is he the Lizzie that has captured you?” I inquired, heart racing.

  “Yes, but they have no idea that I’m transmitting above the veil of density that encapsulates the Earth’s atmosphere.”

  “So, you’re here, on planet Earth? How can I help you? Do you have a location of where you’re being held? Maybe I can ask the Council for assistance. It sounds like we may need some celestial muscle to defeat this Wizard if he’s anything like the Lord of Darkness,” I replied with optimism.

  “No, Jo. It’s against the galactic law for the Council to intervene on the physical plane. Consider me your teacher for this stage of the Angel Academy. I’m here to guide you through the Hall of Learning toward your mastery. By conversing with me, you will strengthen your psychic powers and discernment. But we don’t have much time.”

  “Why, Roma?” Before she could answer me, I felt the ominous flares in my gut. I quickly dried myself and got dressed. I continued to focus on her sound wave, as though I was tuning an old radio station for the less static channel.

  “You are right to worry about this planet. We must help Gaia. She has called all the StarSeeds to awaken to their mission in this dimension. We are here to sound the alarm. A wake-up call to help humankind toward urgent action to save Earth from imminent destruction. I am here with the Blade of Truth to unchain humanity from the density.”

  I took a deep breath, grounding myself while I sat back in bed and listened to this incredibly wise soul. I didn’t know much about Roma, but there was a familiarity about her. A kinship from another lifetime perhaps. I was so curious to hear her story.

  “Gaia is trying to transmute this heaviness and smog of putrid waste. The Lizzie forces have poisoned the air, water, and food sources to dumb down humans. They have been dictating the future of mankind through mind control and brainwash,” Roma said.

  “You have graduated from the Hall of Ignorance within the Angel Academy. That is the only reason you can hear me, Jo. Congrats by the way!”

  As she spoke, I closed my eyes, taking deep, cleansing breaths. My pineal gland burst with explosive light as her transmissions were received without unwanted static.

  “I don’t understand, Roma. We extradited the Lord of Darkness into another dimension, away from our star system. How did the Lizzies succeed so quickly?” I asked.

  “The Dark Forces have many agents enlisted to perpetuate their sinister agenda. They have the technology to time-travel and have quantum leaped into this timeline through portals to seize Gaia’s plush resources,” Roma answered.

  “Are they behind all the environmental conspiracies?” The revelation about how chemtrails accelerated global warming and caused pandemics deepened my resolve further.

  “This galactic war began with the great experiment millions of years ago, Jo. The descent into physicality was placed right next to a much bigger constellation, called Draco. It contained ancient dark, service-to-self Lizzie entities, known as the Draconians. This began the great conflict between the Light and Dark Forces, commencing within the Lyrian timeline.”

  “I thought humans were a free-willed race?” I questioned with naivety.

  “As sentient beings, we gave away our inherent freedom through patriarchal, disempowering belief systems. There was a loophole within the galactic agreements where these low-density entities have taken advantage of humans to dominate and control the masses. They feed off the collective thought patterns of every Soul that has existed within the Akashic Records. This allows them to enslave beings that have been zombified and have forgotten their truth, Jo,” Roma explained.

  “You see, humans have been conditioned with limiting programs installed into their DNA emotional Light Bodies. This presented an opportunity for the Lizzies to become more insatiable
and driven to defeat all light beings that represent the Prime Creator, the Source of love energy, once and for all.”

  “So, this is much more severe than the sleepwalkers that acted as hosts for the Lord of Darkness?” I asked. The Council had imparted some of the historic teachings in my first stage of ascension, but at the time, I was not ready for the entire truth behind creation.

  “Are you sure you can handle this history lesson, Jo? Once you peek through the elusive shroud of existence, there’s no going back,” Roma warned.

  “I am ready, Roma. Bring it.” I chuckled nervously telepathically while my mouth went dry in anticipation.

  “Well, for the sake of time, I’ll have to give you the SparkNotes version. So, the Prime Creator, the Source, split itself into two aspects of duality consciousness. There is the Alpha Mother galaxy, known as Andromeda, and the Omega Father galaxy, the Milky Way. This is also known as the Antares Stargate, where the Galactic Center exists around the Grand Central Sun. This Center is managed by the OverSoul Groups, called the Founders.”

  “Are the Founders responsible for the great experiment?” I couldn’t get the information fast enough. Suddenly, I had this unquenchable thirst for the truth, for the narrative that had eluded humans since the beginning of time.

  “Yes, the Founders created two races on the tiny constellation of Lyra, a star system close to the Galactic Center. They discovered it had optimal conditions for physical life. Here, they created the Feline and Avian races. Their new blue planet, Avyon, was a beautiful paradise, lavished with mountains, lakes, streams, and oceans. It resembled planet Earth with a variety of vegetation and several life forms,” Roma explained, helping me visualize the enchanting utopia.

  “Did they incarnate into the human race on Avyon Planet?” I asked, ensuring that our connection was still tethered.

  “Well, the Felines experimented with a genetic program that crossed their DNA with mammals, giving them Souls. After millions of years and genomic upgrades, they formed the Nordic race, which represented the Omega male consciousness, and the blue Vegan race, inhabiting the divine Alpha female consciousness. The Nordic race created the Adamic humanoid. The Lyrans played an important role in seeding the first Nordic Souls onto Atlantis,” she explained.


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